Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 86 Exile from Different Dimensions!Taste the eternal silence!

Chapter 86 Exile from Different Dimensions!Taste the eternal silence!

"It's a wonderful state, isn't it?"

Ye Yang's voice directly reached the howling soul at this moment.

Howl, who was maintaining a slow and inverted posture, looked at Ye Yang in front of him in horror.

I saw Ye Yang carrying his hands on his back at the moment.

Calmly looking at howl.

Followed by.

The howling of the soul body can only feel a majestic force acting on itself.

Pull the soul body back into the body of the mecha.

"I didn't expect you to have the means to directly attack the soul."

Howl, hovering at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, once again felt the sense of solidity brought by the mechanical body.

Subconsciously clenched his fists.

Now it's tricky.

The various abilities that Ye Yang showed.

Can completely crush myself.

The power of the void engine can also be ignored by him.

The most frightening thing is that he has the means to attack the soul and destroy himself directly.

"Why don't you do it? A strong man like you still wants to play tricks on the prey."

Howl asked.

The moment after Yan Howl finished saying this sentence to Ye Yang.

"King of Howls, the speed of light cannon has been fully charged, and the target has been locked. Do you want to start firing?"

"But once it is launched, it is likely to violate the demon code formulated by Morgana, and we will face the counterattack of demon civilization."

A dark communication from the command room of the gluttonous battleship on the Huaxia battlefield was transmitted to the brain of Howl.

Lightspeed Cannon.

Although it is not a planet-destroying weapon.

But the power far exceeds that of nuclear weapons.

It is one of the main weapons of the gluttonous fleet to conquer the universe.

It has the terrifying power to destroy the continent in an instant, and has an indelible and terrible impact on the ecology of a planet.

As for Morgana's Demon Codex.

There is only one content in the full text: it is forbidden to launch wars above the level of nuclear weapons on the surface of the earth.

"What are you afraid of? This is an air strike, and it won't harm the surface. I'm not afraid even if Morgana hits the door. Launch it immediately!"

Xi Howl stared at Ye Yang in front of him, and quickly gave the launch command in his heart.

at the same time.

Huaxia Battlefield, the pan-space layer above Juxia City.

A huge 5000-meter-long sci-fi whale warship in pure black protrudes from the belly of a [-]-meter-long, [-]-meter-diameter thick gun barrel, aiming at the western continent of the earth.

Thick white terrifying energy rays gathered in the barrel.

Even looking at it from a distance, the space at the muzzle is distorting and collapsing, exuding a frighteningly terrifying magnetic field.

next second.

call out!
The energy beam spurts out and extends away infinitely.

The atmosphere was turbulent, the sky was torn apart, and a ring of space ripples visible to the naked eye exploded.

The so-called loud voice.

At this moment, only the sound frequency that is almost tinnitus produced at the muzzle can be heard.

at the same time.

A silver ray of light in the sky stretched away infinitely.

The speed of light cannon directly hit the sky above the city of Jerusalem, opening up an infinite atmospheric space.

Howl saw the thick light-speed cannon attacking from the far air on the left at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Yang, who was directly in front of him, was still staring at him, not noticing that he was about to be bombed at all.

Howl immediately set up a void barrier outside his body with the powerful void engine.

He looked happily at Ye Yang who was about to be bombarded by the speed of light cannon. (This all happened in a fraction of a second.)
But the next moment.

He howled and saw that the incoming light speed energy cannon suddenly broke like a shattered mirror.

Howl was dumbfounded.

Followed by.

He saw only the surrounding space, the sky was reconstructed as if a mirror was shattered, and the clouds were constantly reorganizing, similar to some kind of Rubik's cube space.

Ye Yang disappeared in a thick cloud that suddenly struck.

"This? Why didn't the speed of light gun work? What's going on here?"

"Calculate for me what happened?"

Even hiding in the void barrier set by the void engine.

The howling at this time was also full of anxiety.

To be able to escape the attack of the speed of light, is this Ye Yang really just an aborigine on the earth!
"You are currently in a high-dimensional space, where the void engine fails, and the void barrier you built has collapsed."

At this moment, the Void Engine within Howler issued a reminder.

Howl was completely dumbfounded!

How did it increase the dimension! ?
This is impossible!
Although addicted to howl shocking.

But after all, he was a warrior transformed by Karl, and he lost most of his emotions, which also made him calm down quickly.

Looking at the ever-changing almost magical space around him, he said in a deep voice:

"" All civilizations, creatures, and power systems in the universe are all in one dimension. Even the void theory advocated by my god Karl is fundamentally to open up channels of higher dimensions, so that we in low dimensions can achieve soaring. "

"Ye Yang, you can actually take people across dimensions. No wonder my god Karl is so interested in the earth."

At this time.

Ye Yang appeared.

Still stepping on the golden mana rune disc.

There are more than a dozen golden rune round shields around the body, which are extremely handsome.

Ye Yang was not in a hurry to kill Ji Howl.

Instead, he is very interested in the many abilities of the Supreme Mage.

Just like just now.

The reason why he was able to avoid the attack of the speed of light cannon all depended on the ability to predict the future, and Ye Yang also found that this ability seemed to be the passive skill of the supreme mage.

Always predict the future and stand in an invincible position.

As for the so-called dimension-enhancement that Yan Howl said.

Ye Yang smiled.

It's just stripping the original space from the original dimensional space.

It's not a real upgrade.

Of course, this is not the most expensive space magic of the Supreme Mage in memory.

Because casting space magic requires a mysterious ring.

Ye Yang can only simulate the state of the powerful in the heavens and the world, and he cannot do some abilities that require props to display.

"I don't care what you aliens are doing on this earth at all. Today you sabotaged my younger brother Thornton's enthronement ceremony for no reason. You still have an arrogant attitude. If you don't kill you, how can I be a big brother." Ye Yang said.

"Don't kill me, I can give you benefits." Ji Howl responded.

Ye Yang: "Benefits? Karl, the god of death, promised me countless planets of life and made me the overlord of a civilization. What can you give me?"

Howling silence.

Ye Yang sighed: "The universe is too big, and I just want to live a carefree life as a fish with the people around me in a familiar place. It is said that you have destroyed the peace of many civilizations in the universe, then I will not kill you, but I will exile you in this different space forever, and taste the eternal silence."


Ye Yang's figure disappeared.

Howl panicked.

Flying around in this Rubik's Cube world, there is nothing but the blue sky and white clouds that are constantly switching.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break it.

The void engine in the body cannot be awakened either.

Even Howl and even the self-destruction of the soul can't do it.

Because this is a different-dimensional space, the law of the original dimension also fails here.

"Do not!!!"

"let me out!"

He was addicted to howling and roaring, but there was no response from the surroundings.

What awaited him was a long, long, extremely long silence.

Ye Yang returns to the real world.

Fly back from the broken hole in the mansion stage.

In the banquet hall at this time.

Everyone also recovered from the static state.

"Brother, where's that guy? Damn you dare to pretend to be aggressive on my territory, let's go together and destroy you!"

Thornton leaped to Ye Yang in the middle of the stage and said aggressively.

(End of this chapter)

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