Chapter 6 Morgana's Wrath!
Accompanying Ye Yang to leave.

A Tuo also relieved the pain, and collapsed in the field with limbs weak.

As if collapsed.

His helpless eyes looked at the sky.

"My heart is so empty."

Somewhere high above the earth.

The command room of the invisible Devil One battleship.

A group of demon communication fighters witnessed the whole process of the sword demon Atuo being defeated by the wolf.

Everyone was shocked.

One of the warriors quickly reported the news to Queen Morgana.

At this time, Morgana was wearing a tight black cheongsam.

The heavy makeup has faded away, and the long black hair is attached to the huge evil along the shoulders.

With long white legs crossed, she sat on the sofa.

in front of her.

It's a black man in a business suit.

"Are you the total ruler of this world?"

"I want to have a long talk with you all night about the understanding of theocracy."

Morgana said with her drawn eyes and sexy Yujie voice.

The black president at work hears voices.

Only then did I realize that someone was still in the office.

Immediately put down the pen in his hand and looked at this person.

"How did you get in? Do you have an appointment?"

"Sorry, I'm loyal to my family, what else do you want?"

"That would allow your family to come over and talk all night long."

Morgana said calmly, as if she was the master.

"You! Please get out."

The black president was outraged.

Morgana didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so intense.

Somewhat confused.


Morgana's mind received a message from Devil One:

"Queen, Sergeant Major Atuo's heart was taken away by an unknown super soldier in Huaxia Huang Village, please go and help as soon as possible."

"How's Ato?"

Morgana calmed down almost instantly.

Shen Sheng asked.

Ye Yang's appearance appeared involuntarily in his mind.

Unexpectedly, in a small Huangcun village, there actually exists a super soldier who can defeat the most powerful sword demon under his command, Atuo.

The Super Seminary has been developing well on Earth these years.

"Reporting to the Queen, Sergeant Major Atuo is still alive. That person brought Sergeant Major Atuo's devil heart back to Huang Village, and asked you and Sergeant Major Atuo to go to the local police to surrender."

The correspondent sent a message.

"Cao! So arrogant!"

In the black president's office, Morgana stood up directly from the sofa and cursed.

The pen in the hands of the black president was so frightened that it rolled off the table.

Under the watchful eye of a black president.

Morgana walked directly into the micro wormhole and left.

I saw the big living person suddenly disappear.

The three views of the black president have been greatly impacted.

Immediately pressed the emergency call button on the inside of the desk, and shouted:

"Go and invite the Hate Alliance to station here!!!"

"Aliens are invading!!!"

Huaxia, the outskirts of Tianhe City, a certain farmland.

Morgana walks out of the micro-wormhole.

As soon as he came out, he stepped into the mud pit.

The strong earthy smell made her feel very uncomfortable, she hurriedly levitated in the air, and flew off her heels, exposing a pair of pink and white jade feet in the air.

"Fuck, what the hell is this place?"

"A Tuo, stand up for me if you are not dead."

Morgana saw Atuo lying on his back in the mud below.

His sluggish eyes looked at the sky, like an old man on the verge of death.

"I'm sorry Queen, my heart has been taken away, I can't move it." A Tuo Shen said.

Morgana glanced at his empty heart.

It seems to be secretly calculating something.

With a sullen face, he said:

"Although I don't know what technique the other party is using, you won't die. Go back to Devil One and stay there. The queen will help you get your heart back."

Ato heard the words.

Stand up.

Feeling the situation of the body, it seems that there is nothing wrong.

Immediately report some of Ye Yang's situation to Morgana.

After he left.

Morgana looked towards Huangcun with her eyes, and cursed in a low voice:
"Stinky boy, even the devil dares to provoke him."

at the same time.

Because Huangcun is next to Tianhe City.

At this moment, a large number of urban special police and anti-terrorism troops from nearby military regions rushed to the scene.

Surrounded the entire Huangcun.


A black car is being inspected at a military checkpoint.

"Which unit do you belong to? This place has been listed as a military restricted zone. No one is allowed to enter without an order from the superior."

A young soldier in camouflage uniform and holding a submachine gun stood by the window of the vehicle.

"We are from the National Security Bureau. This is Corporal Du Qiangwei. Here is your ID."

The windows are lowered.

The image of a middle-aged man in a black suit is revealed.

The man handed over the two documents to the soldier, waiting for verification.

After verification.

The vehicle is allowed to enter Huangcun.

On the co-pilot, the red-haired Du Qiangwei looked indifferent.

Like a wild rose on a high mountain, it has a high and cold temperament.

She was holding a tablet on the co-pilot.

It played Ye Yang's personal information and the scenes of the battle in Huangcun taken by the villagers.

"This Ye Yang just kicked an alien in the urban area, and then fought with the alien in his hometown of Huangcun. The time difference between before and after was an hour. These aliens seem to want to retaliate against him."

"We have to protect him as soon as possible."

Du Qiangwei said.

"By comparison, Ye Yang's performance is much better than the other hanging hairs that have activated the super gene. By the way, what kind of personality does his profile show?"

Ajie asked while driving.

Rose calmly concluded:
"A native of Tianhe City, his parents worked at a nearby construction site when he was eight years old. Because of some illegal operations on the construction site, they died one after another on the construction site. The elders are all in other provinces, but they have almost no contact. Simply put, they are orphans."

"Relying on national policies and the help of Huangcun folks, he completed nine years of compulsory education with mediocre grades, and went to an e-commerce technical secondary school. After that, he spent six years looking for a job and being fired. "

"The evaluation of him by these companies is very consistent. He has no sense of responsibility, no self-motivation, and is lazy in his work. Generally speaking, he is a Xianyu personality. If such a person joins us, just reshaping his personality will be a big task. project."

at this time.

In Huangcun, Yu Baosheng's home.

A fenced yard made of wood.

An army major rushed into the courtyard with a special force of 12 people from outside the door.

Ye Yang in a white T-shirt.

Turn your back on them.

Holding a huge beating heart in his hand.

Standing in front of a peasant couple with terrified expressions and dry tears.

Said calmly:
"Parents of Baosheng, Baosheng is gone.

Assimilated by those two aliens as a carrier,
This is the heart of the big alien,
It can also be regarded as a part of Baosheng's body.

I snatched it,

You are buried. "

 Please recommend tickets and monthly tickets, masters understand!

(End of this chapter)

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