Chapter 28 Angel Yan's Shock!

NS Badge that grants the wearer a powerful Polarity.
Strictly follow the principle of "same sex repels, opposite sex attracts".

And it can only be torn off by the person who put it on.

"Okay brother! You can rest assured and leave it to me!"

Thornton didn't care what Ye Yang gave him.

Just put a stack of ns badges in your hand.

He picked up the crescent ax on the ground and smiled excitedly:
"Hey, hey, female angel, do you see that, my elder brother gave me another baby, you just wait to die!"

Thornton showed off the stack of NS badges in Wu Wu's hand.

Angel Yan didn't dare to be careless.

The eyes of insight quickly lock and scan.

Ye Yang was annoyed by Thornton's stupidity.

Picking up a rolling pin in the cart, he beat Thornton's head directly with a stick.

Donglong made a sound, which was extremely crisp.

Although it didn't hurt, Thornton showed a humane expression of grievance and pain.

"I'll tell you to be quiet, what are you doing talking about, you idiot!"

"Brother, I... I remember."

"Female angel, you didn't hear anything, come! Eat me with an axe!"

As soon as the words fell, Thorton jumped up with both legs, and went straight to kill Angel Yan in the sky.

"What kind of black technology do I consider, it's just a small ornament containing magnetic poles."

"I've solved you, I'm here to interrogate your elder brother."

Angel Yan said lightly.

Immediately, he swooped down with his sword and confronted Thornton in the air.

The two stood still in the air, and metal sparks splashed out as the sword and ax counterbalanced.

Angel Yan was still crushed in terms of strength, and his expression management was a little out of control.


Yan saw the crocodile on the opposite side holding an ax with one hand.

Another crocodile holding a large number of ns badges suddenly threw it towards her face.


Many badges are scattered like a butterfly pavement.

Although Yan himself has scanned these badges with his eyes of insight.

It simply contains magnetic force and does not have lethality.

So there is nothing to be afraid of.

But her fighting instinct still made her strike Thornton's great axe with her sword.

After shaking Thornton away, he spread his wings behind his back.

The gust of wind shook many ns badges away.

And Angel Yan quickly distanced himself from Thornton
Yet even so.

A [Red N Pole Badge] follows the strong wind.

It precisely landed on the backlight of Angel Yan's pure white right wing.

This delicate position made Yan slightly frown.

His face was sullen.

This dead crocodile is definitely trying to humiliate me on purpose!

Angel wings must never be stained with anything else.

At this time.

Thornton, who was knocked back to the ground by her, rushed to Ye Yang excitedly.

"Brother! I posted it! Hahahaha, hurry up and kill this female angel!"

"well done."

Ye Yang smiled and put away the rolling pin in his hand.


"What color badge did you put on?"

"Yes. Brother, I'm not educated. What's the color?" Thornton scratched his head and replied.

Ye Yang immediately took out a large handful of ns badges from his four-dimensional pocket.

"There are only two colors in total, and N and S are written on them respectively. Which one did you stick on her?"

Ye Yang asked.

Just know the type of badge this female alien is wearing.

If you paste the opposite, you don't have to be afraid of this female alien attacking you.

Magnetism will keep her from getting close to him.

"It looks like this is posted."

Thornton pointed to the blue S badge and said.


Ye Yang frowned slightly.

so uncertain?
With your intelligence, I doubt it is the blue S badge.

"At that time, I threw it hard, so many badges flew around, and I didn't know which one was pasted on it, brother." Thornton said in an aggrieved tone.

"It's okay, just try it and you'll know."


Ye Yang follows the principle that same-sex repels each other.

Stick the [Blue S Badge] on Thornton's chest armor.

"Go, she shouldn't be able to hit you now." Ye Yang said.

"Okay brother!"

Get Ye Yang's encouragement and props blessing.

Thornton's excited batch.

Angel Yan, who was hovering high in the sky, also saw this scene.

Although I don't know what role this red and blue badge will play.

But it's always a stain on the wings.


Angel Yan stretched his hands behind the wings.

Touch the badge with your fingertips.

Want to rip it off.

But found it very tight.

Use your fingers.

Hiko sucked in a painful breath.


ground below.

Thornton jumped to kill.

Yan withdrew his arm and raised his sword to fight.


A mysterious force pushes his body, uncontrollably rushing towards the ascending Thornton.

Angel Yan's heart panicked at this moment.

"What's the situation! Why is my body out of control!"

"It's the badge on the back, which contains the energy of the magnetic pole!"

"He put another badge of magnetic pole energy on the crocodile, and the two energies attract each other!"

"I want to limit my actions and let the crocodile take advantage of its melee!"

Angel Yan quickly analyzed in his heart.

While adjusting the falling posture.

"Eat my axe!"

Thornton came hacking.

In the nick of time.

Angel Yan used the micro wormhole again and disappeared.


Ye Yang, who witnessed the whole process, knew it well.

Silently sticking the red N pole badge on the back of his hand.

"Sure enough, Thornton's IQ is still too low, and he will remember such things wrong."


Angel Yan walked out of the wormhole again.

She appeared at the gate of the supermarket on the ground.

It is only ten meters away from Ye Yang.

"Not bad, I thought it was some kind of magnetic pole decoration, but I was quite surprised for a moment just now."

Yan said proudly.

Take a step forward.

And just when her right foot just landed.

An invisible repulsive force instantly acted on Angel Yan's body.

Directly kick her legs off the ground.

Fly backward more than ten meters.


After Yan landed, he made an action similar to Spiderman's landing.

He stared at Ye Yang in the supermarket with vicious eyes.

At the same time, he also saw the red magnetic pole badge on the back of Ye Yang's hand.

"Just now, opposite poles attract each other, but now like poles repel each other. Damn it, such a black technology can be created with such a simple principle. In the known universe, only Karl of the Styx civilization can make it."

Angel Yan has already determined 100% in his heart that Ye Yang is from Styx.

"Hey, Angela, for the last time, don't bother me."

Ye Yang's voice sounded.

Angel Yan saw the man at the door of the supermarket walking towards him.

An invisible magnetic force acted on Angel Yan's body again.

Yan's whole body flew out again.

Yan is also afraid of this black technology.

It flapped its wings and hid in the sky.

However this time.

Yan suddenly looked up.

Thornton, who fell from a high altitude, was also due to the magnetic force.

was guided to fly towards her.

"Asshole, why can't you tear off this badge."

Yan complained in his heart.


Another micro wormhole escaped Thornton.

Thorton flew towards Ye Yang because of the magnetic force on Ye Yang's body.

Ye Yang saw this.

The badge on the back of the hand was torn off.

Thornton's huge body fell heavily on the messy ground at the entrance of the supermarket.

After the dust.

Ye Yang tore off the badge on Thornton's chest armor and put it back in the dimensional bag.

Then put the original blue S pole badge back on the back of the hand.


Only myself and the female angel maintain same-sex repulsion.

"Brother, you lied to me, didn't you say she couldn't beat me?"

Thornton stood up from a large pit of cement and rubble.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to be so weak. Okay, let's go home."

Ye Yang dropped two hundred cash.

Take out any door, push the cart, take Thornton.

He left leisurely under the gaze of Angel Yan in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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