Chapter 25 The Violated Thornton!

"Full simulation! Doraemon!"

Accompanied by Ye Yang's order.

He was wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans. (I bought a set on the way back to China from the North Pole).

Not much has changed in appearance.

Ye Yang looked down at the ten fingers on his palm.

Fortunately, it didn't turn into a chubby look.


Out of the corner of Ye Yang's eyes, there was a white semi-circular pocket on the belly of his T-shirt.

Just big enough to fit one hand into it.

"Dimensional pocket, let me look for that thing."

I saw Ye Yang put his hand into his pocket.

Seemingly shallow pockets.

Ye Yang actually stretched out his big arm directly, digging and digging with great effort.

Call ~
The big arm was pulled out of the dimension pocket violently.

I saw an emerald green leaf pinched on his finger.

The size is the same as ordinary leaves.

The vein pattern on the top is also the same as that of ordinary leaves.

"Deng dong, civet cat's transformation into leaves."

Ye Yang blurted out.

Immediately, he shut up again, with a puzzled expression on his face.

How could I say this myself?

Could it be after I completely simulated it.

Some subconscious speaking habits, behaviors, etc. will be affected by the settings of the simulated characters?

But it doesn't matter, it's all small details, don't care.

"Brother, what is this thing, a leaf?" Thornton moved closer to Ye Yang and sniffed it with his long and thick crocodile nose.

"This is not food. This is the transformed leaf of civet cats. Canids and felines can achieve the purpose of transformation by putting this technological leaf on their heads and releasing their thoughts." Ye Yang introduced.

"But brother, I'm a crocodile." Thornton said naively.

"It doesn't matter to you. Cats and dogs are just animals with the highest mental power compared to other animals. Your own mental power is strong enough."

"Come on, think about the appearance of a human being."

After speaking, Ye Yang placed the leaf on Thornton's crocodile head.

The leaves cling tightly to the crocodile's armor-like skin.

next second.

A thick white smoke rose from Thornton's feet, completely covering his huge body.

Followed by.

The smoke dissipated.

Ye Yang saw a pair of slender legs wearing silver-white metal boots gradually revealed.

The legs are white and long.

Look up.

The red skirt armor, the slender waist is wrapped by the waist armor, the arms are also wrapped by the platinum gauntlets, and above it is a pair of mixed metal breastplates.

When Ye Yang saw this, he was already a little confused.


This color embryo crocodile is quite good at playing.

Tell it to become a human, and it turns into a woman.


Suddenly a gust of wind hit.

The white smoke on Thornton's body was completely dispelled.

Ye Yang saw Thornton's transformed woman suddenly spread a pair of pure white strong wings from her back.


A beautiful and delicate face came into Ye Yang's eyes.

The bridge of the nose is straight and three-dimensional, with no nostrils visible.

The upper lip is slightly raised from the middle of the person, and the red lips are delicate.

The pale golden eyebrows are slender and connected to a pair of deep eye sockets.

The face shape is an oval face with clean lines.

Hairstyle is blonde with shoulder length back.

But the next second.

The image of the beautiful Goddess of War was directly disillusioned by Thornton's rough voice.

"Brother! Hey hey hey! It's really changed! It's amazing!"

Thornton looked up and down at his new body.

"I'll go, you better keep your mouth shut."

It's hard to imagine a beautiful female angel warrior with a rough and beastly voice.

Simply disillusioned.

"What's wrong, brother, did I become ugly? I haven't seen anyone before. The person who has changed now is the female angel who sealed me many years ago. What is her name? Seriously, if you don't like it, there's nothing I can do about it."

Thornton spread his hands, expressing that there was no way.

Ye Yang shook his head speechlessly.

A little troubled said:
"You'd better shut up and change your wings. Now follow me to the urban area to buy some daily necessities and food. Now that the folks in Huangcun have moved away, you can sleep in whichever house you want in the future, and the rent will be saved. .”


Thornton is not hypocritical.

With a thought, the wings on the back were removed.

Followed by.

Ye Yang stretched out his hand into the dimension bag again.

Take out a pink portal and place it in front of yourself.

"Deng Deng ~ any door."

Ye Yang introduced.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to grab the prototype's doorknob and twisted it while saying:
"Take me to the center of Tianhe City."


The moment the door opened.

The picture inside the door is a sidewalk along the street in Tianhe City.

The horns of the busy traffic and the symphony of store advertisements continuously spread to Ye Yang and Thornton outside the door.

"Wow~ so many people."

Thornton gasped.

Ye Yang glanced, and she immediately covered her mouth.


Ye Yang stepped into any door, and Thornton followed closely behind.

Although the passers-by along the street saw the weird scene at any door.

It's just weird, not too much of a sensation.

In addition, Ye Yang backhanded the portal back into the dimension pocket.

The passers-by who saw it felt as if they had seen a ghost and accelerated their steps away.

"Look, I don't know what crashed into the Angel International Building just now!"

"Broken glass from high altitude exploded all over the ground, injuring more than a dozen people, and one was blown apart!"

"I'll go, won't it be another alien?"

"Let's go, let's not mind your own business these days, don't join in the fun, okay? The blonde beauty is still wearing an ancient battle armor. Is this playing cosplay?"

A lecherous middle-aged uncle saw Thornton beside him.

Eyes glowing lewd light approached.

When passing by.

The middle-aged uncle subconsciously picked up the salty pig's hand.

It penetrated into the red metal skirt armor.

Pinch it hard!
A lewd smile appeared on the face of the middle-aged uncle.

This kind of thing is too common in the streets of Tianhe City and many developed cities.

And now most women wear less.

And the bad guys are getting old again.

So this kind of street mopping is extremely common.


The tender little p's touch that the middle-aged uncle imagined did not come.

in contrast.

It felt like he had grabbed a lump of hard leather.

"I am Cao! Brother, this guy touches my ass!"

Thornton felt movement behind him.

Look back.

Scared him into a rage!
The ferocious eyes seemed to say, you dare to touch Grandpa Thornton's ass!Looking for shit? !

"I rely on? Shemale?!"

And the middle-aged uncle heard Thornton's voice.

Also shivering with fright.

With a pale complexion, he quickly retracted his palm from the bottom of the skirt.

"Ah, just don't kill people, deal with it yourself, I'm going to buy supplies."

Ye Yang was also speechless.

Someone actually molested a crocodile in the street.

Really drunk.

Anyway, as long as Thornton didn't kill anyone.

"Good bro."

Thornton was under the shocked gaze of the passers-by around him.

In the image of a thin woman, she lifted the middle-aged wretched man with one arm and walked into a dark alley beside her.

at the same time.

In the Angel International Building not far away.

Angel Yan is sitting in the main position of the conference room.

There was a large hole in the floor-to-ceiling windows of the building.

Very striking.

A large number of onlookers below took pictures with their mobile phones.

(End of this chapter)

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