Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 11 is fully simulated!Runaway Saiyan Gorilla!

Chapter 11 is fully simulated!Runaway Saiyan Gorilla!

Huangcun, eight o'clock in the evening.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the cicadas are singing and the frogs are singing.

Evenings in the country are boring.

It was only eight o'clock, and the residents of the village had already fallen asleep.

The door of the Ye family's self-built house.

Reina got a snub at the door.

"Hey, Goddess, I'm here for your own good. Morgana is one of the oldest gods in the known universe, and her methods are extraordinary. You must move within my sight."

Reina shouted from inside the closed doorway.

"Don't bother me, I don't need your protection, I'm going to rest now."

inside the door.

Ye Yang was wearing gray pajamas, yawning and walking slowly up the stairs to the bedroom.

Reina outside the door was furious.

Why doesn't this kid eat oil and salt?

Isn't this goddess attractive?

at the same time.

Ye Yang lay on the bed, stuck his phone on the lazy phone holder on the bedside.

I was about to catch up with an episode of Selling Yuqiang's Upgrade Notes and fell asleep.


I don't know why I'm so sleepy today.

Ye Yang suspects that it may be caused by using the system ability many times during the day and expending a lot of energy.


Eyelids heavy, closed, falling asleep.

In a dark corner of the room.

A mass of black special energy is quietly surging.

And turned into a wisp of thin smoke, which penetrated into Ye Yang's nasal cavity.

The guardrail on the roof of the Ye family's self-built house.

Di Lena stood on the concrete railing that was only the width of a palm.

Looking up at the moon.

A figure the size of a flea continued to enlarge from the white moon.

When he arrived at extreme speed and was suspended in front of Reina.

It was only then that Reina saw the person's appearance clearly.

He was wearing ancient battle armor, dark skin, youthful appearance.

Obviously a brave general.

"God Mao? Did Pan Zhen call you here?"

Lena asked.

Mao Shen: "You were summoned away from Lieyang Star by the Super Seminary using a technological circle. General Pan Zhen was worried about your safety and sent a little god to protect you."

Rena: "So you just arrived on Earth?"

Mao Shen: "Yes, this is indeed the livable place that Lord God favored back then. The four seasons are distinct, and the energy of the stars is abundant. Even at night, I can get a lot of energy supplemented by relying on the light energy of the star reflected by the companion star. .”

Mao Shen: "Goddess, what are you doing here?"

Lena: "Guard a warrior who has just awakened a super gene. In addition, you sent a message to Pan Zhen that there is still Morgana, a demon civilization, lurking on the earth. The earth has become a gathering place for gods."

Mao Shen: "Demon civilization? Morgana? The one who has been hunted down by the angel civilization for tens of thousands of years? This subordinate understands."

As the vanguard God of War under Pan Zhen's command, other than the four guardians.

God Mao also has a lot of fame and achievements among many civilizations in the universe.

But also because of that.

Only then did he fully understand the power and terror of Morgana, the veteran god.

at the same time.

Devil No. [-] Palace.

Morgana sat on the throne with one hand resting on one cheek.

under the throne.

Nightmare stood on one side, manipulating the real-time dream image formed by two clouds of black mist.

in the left screen.

Du Qiangwei was wearing a swimsuit, and was played in the swimming pool by a group of handsome guys with double doors.

But Qiangwei Du was very reserved during the whole process.

Covering the murder with one hand, and pulling the short skirt to cover it with the other.

And in the dream, he constantly used the micro-wormhole transportation technology to avoid the crazy pursuit of the group of men.

"Hahahahaha~ Give Qiangwei a bit of a twist, let her experience the extreme freedom and happiness of the devil."

Morgana watched with relish.

I saw Nightmare casting spells.

Qiangwei, who was running away in the dream, was suddenly immobilized.


The scene changes to a big bed room with ambiguous lighting.

The portal is opened.

A group of naked muscular male models came from it.

The one at the head actually has Ye Yang's face.

"You guys, don't come here, ah, don't come in!"

Qiangwei in the dream was restricted by the nightmare.

She could only passively accept the injection from the man in the dream.

"Oh? Isn't this Ye Yang?" Morgana asked.

"Reporting to the Queen, the handsome guy that appeared in the dream is the image of a handsome guy stored in the subconscious of the host. These details are automatically generated by the host's brain." Nightmare said.

"Well, continue to stir up Qiangwei's desire for letters."

Morgana finished.

Look at the dream screen on the right side of the void.

This is Ye Yang's dream.

It's the exact opposite of Rose.

Ye Yang's dream is his bedroom at home.

In the room, there are a large number of beauties with hot bodies and slender eyes clinging to Ye Yang like octopuses.

And Ye Yang.

Actually holding the mobile phone and beating the king in a dream!
Facing the welfare scene created for him by the nightmare, he was extremely annoyed.

"I've had enough! Can you dead women get out!"

Ye Yang stood up furiously.


"I'm here for the promotion competition! Go up to gold!"

All the beauties in the room were taken aback.

It seems to be down, stuck in place.

Seeing this scene, Morgana on the throne couldn't help but order in embarrassment:

"Add a little bit of excitement to his dreams."

"Yes, Queen."


In Ye Yang's dream, the phone in his hand suddenly disappeared.

The scene also changes from the bedroom to the open-air bath.

In the whole bath, the water vapor, white pink and the sound of Yingying and Yanyan impacted Ye Yang's vision and senses.

Although it is a dream.

But the ability of the nightmare can make the dream owner feel a real stimulation.

"This time, he probably couldn't bear it anymore. In the dream, no one could resist this primitive impulse. From now on, I will give him and Qiangwei more information step by step. As long as their thoughts start to degenerate, I will be able to relax easily." It’s best to put the two of them into the demon camp.”

Morgana said confidently.

"Queen, there seems to be something wrong with this guy."


Nightmare's words shattered Morgana's illusions.

Only seen on the screen.

Ye Yang was frantically looking for something in the soup pool surrounded by girls.

He struggled to peel off one woman after another.

The soup pool was splashed and muddy by him.

"Damn it! I'm in the promotion competition, where's my phone! Which one of you has hidden my phone!"

"Get it out!"

Ye Yang is like an angry bird, wishing to kill all these women who are in the way.

"Queen, is this guy brainless?"

Nightmare couldn't help complaining.

"Continue to add more information. It is impossible for him to be abstinent. Could it be that in his heart, playing games is more important than women?"

Morgana was a little annoyed.


Nightmare casts spells.

In Ye Yang's dream, more beauties appeared.

And these beauties rushed towards Ye Yang enthusiastically.

Ye Yang only felt that he was overwhelmed by countless nephrite tofu, even suffocated.

"Damn, give me back the phone!"

"Don't push me, you women who are in the way!"


The extreme anger made Ye Yang break free from the dream created by the nightmare.

Lying on the bed, he opened his eyes suddenly.

Drenched in sweat, he shouted angrily:
"Complete simulation! Runaway Saiyan gorilla!"

(End of this chapter)

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