Chapter 418 Who is the real prey

Alfred also activated the magic shield. Although he was very strong, he still couldn't stand being hit by the giants. After all, the giants were known for their strength, and they were the ceiling of the melee profession.

Jiang Chen quickly flashed away and told them to bite the dog, and let them bite for a while before talking.

"Master Alfred, that boy has escaped."

"This kid is really fast!"

"Otherwise, we will act separately and find this kid. Whoever kills him will be the first to do it."

"This method is good, the mere brave men can't harm us at all."

Alfred was also interested: "Okay, then it's decided, and our hunting time begins."

A dozen people got excited.

Alfred is a prosecutor, and the brave man behind him is also a prosecutor. His status is not as high as Alfred's, but Jiang Chen can't cause any harm to them, and his skills are invalid.

Several people regarded Jiang Chen as prey and prepared to hunt and kill.

But Jiang Chen hid aside, and when he heard what they said, he sneered.

hunt me?
I don't know who hunted whom!

This is the best way to hunt and kill the prosecutor silently, who is the real hunter.

The city of the giants is very large and stretches for thousands of miles. In addition to the giants, there are also some strange beasts raised by the giants, and even flying mounts.

When Jiang Chen and the others broke in, they alarmed the giant clan in the entire city.

The giant race is 100 meters tall, which is equivalent to the height of a 33-story building, while the human race is as weak as an ant among them, Jiang Chen is very fast, and quickly found a place to hide.

When Alfred's group dispersed, it was time to hunt.

Alfred's dozen or so people quickly dispersed, looking for Jiang Chen's traces everywhere. They didn't have to worry about Jiang Chen at all, because Jiang Chen was a brave man and couldn't cause them any harm. The only thing they worried about was the powerful power of the giant race.

A magician squatted on a magic shield, searching for Jiang Chen's traces.

Jiang Chen felt that within a thousand meters, only he existed.

Then this is his hunting time.

When the magician was looking around, Jiang Chen appeared 80 meters in front of him, and the magician sneered: "I found you."

A teleport appeared ten meters away from Jiang Chen.

And Jiang Chen also felt the change in the cracks in the space, and looked back at the magician in front of him. At this time, several Cyclops appeared around, and they also found Jiang Chen and the magician.

He rushed over here with an ax in hand.

Jiang Chen activated the mode of returning ten thousand swords to the sect, and ten thousand sword qi rushed towards the magician.

The magician said lightly: "Idiot, any of your attacks are ineffective against me, don't you know that I am a prosecutor."

"Although I am ineffective, the giants will not be ineffective against you."

"You naively think that these Cyclops can kill me?"

"You are a magician, and your defense is very weak."

"Joke, do you think I'm an ordinary magician?"

At this time, the magician grabbed the scepter with his right hand and cast a spell on the giants rushing over. The scepter transformed into an ice wall, like a mirror, and countless ice pendants were aroused from the mirror.

These ice pendants shot at the Cyclops crazily. The ice pendant pierced through the body of the giants and quickly thawed the Cyclops into ice. More than a dozen Cyclops died under the magician.

Instantly kill the Cyclops.

Just when the magician made a move against the giants, Jiang Chen also moved.

The body flashed in the air and appeared behind the magician.

Pointing the index finger of the right hand to the head of the magician is a move, the Xuantian finger...

A burst of true energy was sent out from Jiang Chen's hand, instantly shattering the magic shield and piercing through the magician's head. This skill does not belong to the Continent of Gods, but the true energy of a free person, a completely different power.

The magician stood, eyes looking straight ahead.

I don't believe it even if I beat him to death, I just died like this.

With the magician fell.

Jiang Chen took a look: "Even if you are a prosecutor, you have to die by my hands."

Jiang Chen flashed quickly, looking for the next target.

Partridge is an elf archer with a high speed. He shuttled among the giants and killed the surrounding giants. At this moment, Partridge felt the danger.

Danger from behind, when Partridge turned around, he saw a familiar figure standing behind him, and that familiar figure raised his right hand.

Partridge breathed a sigh of relief, he is a prosecutor, and any skills are useless against him.

In the next second, a beam of light passed through his head.

Partridge looked at Jiang Chen with both eyes.

The eyes are unbelievable.

Another one died...

continue searching.

At this time, Jiang Chen was wandering in the giant city, looking for those who were alone, and found the so-called prosecutors. Jiang Chen did not hesitate to kill them one by one. Jiang Chen's speed was very fast. When they found out, they were already dead. .

Even when the prosecutor died, he didn't even know how he died.

And these dead prosecutors were eaten by giants one after another.


Jiang Chen quickly reaped the lives, relying on the power of Xuan Tian Zhi, one by one died in Jiang Chen's hands, this is the power of a free man, ignoring any defense.

an hour later...

Alfred frowned. Up to now, they hadn't found Jiang Chen at all, so they immediately took out the address book and looked at the eight people who disappeared.

Alfred: What's going on?Why did eight people die?

: I don’t know, was it killed by the giants?
: Impossible, each of us can face more than a dozen giants, and it is impossible to be killed.

: Could it be that he was killed by Jiang Chen?
: Even more impossible, don't forget, Jiang Chen is a brave man, skills are invalid.

Thirteen people from Alfred came to hunt and kill Jiang Chen. Originally, relying on his own status, he could easily kill Jiang Chen, but now eight people died.

Just when Alfred was puzzled, another prosecutor in the group disappeared.

Alfred was completely stunned at this moment.

How could this be?
With their sixth-rank strength, legendary suits, and the attributes brought by the prosecutor, they can easily kill giants in seconds, but now these people are all dead.

If one person died, it might be a coincidence, but now nine people died, it would be very problematic.

Could it be that Jiang Chen was able to kill the prosecutor?

Isn't his skill invalid?
Alfred replied quickly: gather at the gate of the city immediately.

Alfred was no longer in love with fighting, nor was he looking for Jiang Chen's whereabouts anymore, but rushed towards the gate of the city quickly.

city ​​gate.

Now that the entire gate is closed, it is impossible to rush out. Alfred looked at the three people who came back.

Alfred asked, "Is everyone else dead?"

The remaining three looked at Alfred and remained silent.


The 13-member team now has four members left, and nine prosecutors have died.

(End of this chapter)

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