Chapter 87 Return to Taiyuan!

"The whole army is on the move!"

Early in the morning of the second day, Wang Chen was already fully dressed, and he was sitting straddling Wanli Chasing the Moon. Upon closer inspection, the Chasing Moon at this time was completely different, with a hint of silvery white in his hair, and a faint tinge of color on his skin. texture.

Under the leadership of Wang Chen, a [-]-strong army marched out of Luoyang City, and the people of Luoyang City all stopped to watch.

In the crowd, Wang Shichong was wearing Jing Zhaoyin's official uniform, squinting his eyes slightly, and looked at Wang Chen who was walking in the front. Suddenly, Wang Chen turned his head and stared at Wang Shichong.

Wang Shichong was shocked, his back was instantly soaked with sweat, he immediately lowered his head, his eyes were terrified, and his fists were clenched tightly.

Wang Chen looked at Wang Shichong who lowered his head, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he turned his head back, and led the troops out of Luoyang City.

Wang Shichong didn't dare to raise his head until Wang Chen completely disappeared in Luoyang City.

"Why? Didn't the Taoist say that I am the real son? Why am I so afraid of him in my heart! Why!"

With anger and panic in his eyes, Wang Shichong swallowed his saliva and roared in a low voice.

After Wang Chen turned his head, he didn't care at all, and led an army of [-] to Taiyuan, Shanxi. Wang Chen was going to pass through Li Yuan's territory.

Wang Chen planned to go straight north from Luoyang to Taiyuan City, then through Zhuojun, to Beiping Wangfu, and finally to Yanjun, which was the junction of Goguryeo and the northeast border of the Great Sui Dynasty.

"Lord Hou, just received the news that Uncle Cao Yu has returned to the Central Plains, and the 16 infantry from Zhenbei City have transferred 8000 to join us, plus the words of [-] Zhenbei Cavalry and [-] White Horse Yicong, We have a total of [-] people this time!"

Xue Rengui looked at the battle report in his hand, and reported to Wang Chen one by one.

Wang Chen's brain was spinning rapidly. There were 16 people, and there were 8000 cavalry in Zhenbei. Then Yang Guang allocated [-] cavalry to the [-] army, and there were [-] cavalry in total. .

Enough, completely enough, in fact, this crusade mainly depends on the northern soldiers in Wang Chen's hands, because these soldiers have slightly adapted to the severe cold and harsh climate in the north.

"Rengui, you continue to advance with your troops, Benhou will go to Taiyuan first!"

Wang Chen thought for a while and said to Xue Rengui beside him.

"Master Hou, why is this?"

"That old boy Li Yuan, the Emperor's will is to let the Guanlong nobles support the food and logistics of our expeditionary army. This time, the Marquis is going to his Taiyuan mansion to say hello to him, and check Li Yuan by the way!"

A gleam flashed in Wang Chen's eyes.

Li Yuan has been on the move for a long time. Wang Chen's Jinyiwei has entered the interior of Taiyuan City a month ago, and two of the hundreds of households in charge of Taiyuan have successfully mixed into Li Yuan's middle class. Wang Chen's trip can be regarded as another trip. Find out.

After all, Li Yuan's family is really blessed by great luck, Wang Chen doesn't want to stumble.

Little did they know that Wang Mang, the son of crossing, fell on Liu Xiu, the great magister and the son of destiny?

be careful and live long!
"Then Hou Ye, be careful yourself!"

"Well, the troops will continue to go to Taiyuan at this speed. According to this speed, it should take seven or eight days. In addition, let the Zhenbei cavalry lead the way. If there are thieves and rebels along the way, they will be eradicated immediately!"

Wang Chen said with a slight killing intent, but Wang Chen also dared to say that along the way, he was afraid that there would be no anti-kings who would desperately intercept his team.


Wang Chen took the lead and rushed out of the expedition team.

In fact, there is another big reason why Wang Chen didn't mention it, that is, Wang Chen really can't stand the feeling of walking slowly, he might as well go to Taiyuan to make some arrangements, as for the Marshal, he might as well let Xue Rengui.

The nine-star horse is different. According to legend, Li Yuanba's Wanli Yanyunzhao can carry thousands of catties, travel [-] a day, and travel [-] nights!

Of course it's still a little exaggerated, but it's terrifyingly fast. In just one day, Wang Chen came to Taiyuan City.

Wang Chen stood under the city of Taiyuan, wearing plain clothes. The armor he took off was slightly wrapped and placed on Zhuiyue's body, while Fang Tianhualongji was also holding a piece of cloth and tied it directly to Zhuiyue's body. After all, the three-meter How long Fang Tianhua's dragon halberd was so conspicuous, Wang Chen also wore a saber with him.

Chasing the moon: ...

Wang Chen entered the city relatively smoothly. The defenders at the city gate wanted to check the burden on Wang Chen's horse, because the burden on Wang Chen's horse was too exaggerated, not only big, but also long!

But Wang Chen directly showed the gold medal bestowed by the emperor, and entered the city with a respectful attitude from the generals defending the city.

"Shop er, open me a good room, and bring some good wine and food to my room!"

"Also, look after my horse!"

"Dele, Lord! Please come inside!"

(ps: The name Shidian Xiaoer probably appeared in the Yuan Dynasty)

Wang Chen directly handed Chayue to a waiter who came to pull the horse. As for worrying about being stolen?

Don't worry about that, with Chayue's strength, no one with a force value in the [-]s can't be tamed at all, and there are only a few with a force value of over [-].

Under Xiao Er's leadership, Wang Chen entered an upper room. The decoration of the room was very good, and Wang Chen was also slightly satisfied.

Afterwards, Wang Chen ate the peanuts brought in by the waiter in the shop, quietly waiting for someone to come.

"Master Hou!"

In less than two cups of tea time, two men in coarse linen clothes walked into Wang Chen's room. Looking carefully, they seemed to be two authentic farmers.

Wang Chen looked at Jin Yiwei in front of him, and nodded secretly, this is called professionalism.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful. It seems that it has only been two or three incense sticks since I entered Taiyuan City. Not bad!"

"Thank you Marquis for your compliment!"

The two knelt on one knee, and said to Wang Chen in a low voice excitedly.

"What positions do you hold in Jinyiwei?"

"The two of us are just a ten-man captain in Jinyiwei!"

"Well, well, have you checked out some things that the Marquis wants?"

Wang Chen signaled the two to get up, and gave each of them a glass of fine wine and a plate of peanuts. The two were so moved.

"Reporting to Lord Hou, our Jin Yiwei has been investigating Duke Tang's mansion for more than a month, and indeed found many clues!"

Only then did Wang Chen finally get excited, and cheered up a little bit.

"Master Hou, Tang Guogong Li Yuan has basically been fishing every day for a month, and there is nothing superfluous at all!"

"However, Tang Guogong's eldest son, Li Jiancheng, often travels back and forth between Jiangnan and Taiyuan. Moreover, we also found out that every time Li Jiancheng went to Jiangnan, he was nostalgic for the place of fireworks. Every time he brought back tens of hundreds of The Jiangnan beauty has been going on for about half a year, and there is also Chai Shao, the son-in-law of Tang Gongfu, to assist!"

Wang Chen frowned slightly when he heard this, it seems that Li Yuan really traded a beautiful woman for a war horse with a Turk.

Those who achieved great things in ancient times didn't care about small things, but Wang Chen really couldn't accept that he would trade his daughters from the land of China as goods to that Turkic barbarian!
"Li Jiancheng? Chai Shao? Humph!"

Wang Chen smiled disdainfully, these two should learn a lesson!
"This Li Yuan is worthy of being an emperor! Hmph, Tang Guogong's mansion, why does this Marquis have the idea of ​​uprooting you all!"

"Go on!"


One of them clasped his fist, nodded and continued:

"Li Shimin, the second son of Tang Guogong's mansion, is in charge of the entire military affairs of Taiyuan. Tang Guogong Li Yuan could not manage Taiyuan's military affairs, but his subordinates found that the entire military strength of Taiyuan was actually secretly controlled by Li Yuan. It is firmly in my hands, and I am still secretly recruiting troops!"

Sure enough, Wang Chen also guessed about these things, but some details may not be very clear.

"Any more?"

"Master Hou, Tang Guogong also has a third son, Li Yuanji, but Jin Yiwei searched him for a month but found nothing. Then Li Yuanji is either in the brothel or hunting outside!"

"And it is said that Li Yuan also has a fourth son named Li Yuanba. According to the legend of some people in Taiyuan, the second son is ugly, short in stature, and slightly demented, but he is extremely powerful, but his subordinates have never seen it before!"

Li Yuanba?
A gleam of light flashed in Wang Chen's eyes, this is the pinnacle of force value in this era, not counting those gods of course.

Now that I have the power of dual images, I am far worse than Li Yuanba!

Wang Chen was about to wave his hands at the two to signal them to go down, but another person stood up.

"Any more news?"

Seeing that the two of them didn't move, Wang Chen was slightly puzzled.

"Master Hou, Li Yuan seems to have a daughter. Everyone in the Duke Tang's mansion seems to call him Second Miss. His subordinates have been searching for half a month, and they found out that she is called Li Xiuning! I don't know the news, Master Hou, are you interested?"


Wang Chen became interested again. Li Xiuning, there are very few records of this woman in romance and official history, basically only unofficial history, and it is unknown whether there is even this person. It is said that if Li Xiuning is a man, Li Shimin can't hold her down. Emperor Tang may have to change!

Moreover, although Li Xiuning is a woman, she doesn't like red makeup and prefers armed forces. She made great contributions to the Li Tang Dynasty's siege and establishment of the Li Tang Dynasty.

"Tell me about Li Xiuning!"

"Yes, Lord Hou, according to the investigation of my subordinates these days, it seems that Li Xiuning and Chai Shao of the Chai family were engaged two years ago, but I don't know why they never got married, and they were away all the year round, and the subordinates investigated Li Xiuning probably recruited more than half of the capable people and strangers that Tang Guogong's mansion has recruited over the years."

Wang Chen nodded, and then the two walked out of the room.

Li Xiuning?This Li Yuan is really lucky. Apart from Li Yuanji, they are all outstanding people in the family, and they are so capable in giving birth to a daughter.

"It seems that in this Taiyuan, I, Wang Chen, have to stay for a while. Counting the time, there are still seven days left. Li Yuan, let Benhou play with you!"


"Miss, the master has ordered you to go home today!"

Outside Taiyuan City, a carriage was slowly advancing, a few hundred steps away from Taiyuan City.

There were two women on the carriage, one of them was dressed as a maid, and she looked beautiful, while the other woman was wearing an orange man's robe made of silk, with her hair tied in a ponytail.

"Hmph, does father still want me to marry that Chai Shao?"

Li Xiuning looked downcast, and a trace of loneliness flashed in her eyes.

"Miss, in fact, Mr. Chai Shao is quite good, and he is also good to you, and he is talented. Miss, why don't you like it?"

The maid at the side really didn't understand my young lady. It was obvious that Mr. Chai Shao was handsome and talented, but my young lady didn't catch a cold.

"He is indeed okay, but he is too cowardly and has no power to restrain the chicken. This lady doesn't like it. This lady prefers to be outside instead of marrying to be a good wife and mother!"

A flash of determination flashed in Li Xiuning's eyes. In her life, Li Xiuning didn't want to marry a man she didn't like like most women and live a comfortable and boring life.

She, Li Xiuning, wanted a wonderful life, and she also wanted to justify the name of the girl. For this reason, Li Xiuning also formed a women's team, and the fighting power was quite good.

"Miss, Taiyuan is here!"

"Oh, let's go, I have to go home and see my mother."

(End of this chapter)

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