Great Sui God of War, great strength at the beginning!

Chapter 45 Go!The sword points to the Turkic royal court!

Chapter 45 Go!The sword points to the Turkic royal court!
The wind is slack and the water is cold, and the strong men will never return once they go!
Three days later, the Zhenbei Army was filled with a murderous spirit.

Five thousand cavalry armed to the teeth are ready to go.

"This Marquis wants [-] cavalry, and the remaining [-] will be given to you two!"

Wang Chen was sitting on Wanli Chasing the Moon, Luo Cheng's crotch was also a lightning white dragon horse, and He Meng's mount was the Turkic war horse that was snatched by the Turkic brother Shu Han back then.

"Master Hou, why don't you bring more troops?"

He Meng stepped forward and said.

"No, the Marquis only needs 2000 troops!"

At this time Cao Yu came over, holding a letter in his hand.

"Lord Hou, a letter has just come in. The king of the mountain has gone to Hulao Pass to conquer Dou Jiande and other anti-kings, but the court has recruited a new general to conquer Wagang!"

Wang Chen raised his brows slightly, he probably already knew who was going to conquer Wagang.

"Shanmaguan is the commander-in-chief, then his youngest son Pei Yuanqing is the vanguard, and finally there is Yuwen Jackie Chan as the supervisor!"

"It is said that this Pei Yuanqing is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he is extremely powerful. His arms are full of ten thousand catties of divine power, and he can lift a thousand catties of cauldron above the court. Lord Hou, I am afraid that this person's martial arts skills are not as bad as Lord Hou's." Already!"

Wang Chen nodded, if he was indeed a few months ago, he could only be said to be barely suppressing Pei Yuanqing!
But now, Pei Yuanqing will no longer be his opponent. Of course, according to the description in the letter, Pei Yuanqing is still sixteen or seventeen years old, and he still has the opportunity to grow up.

"So strong? I think I have never seen so many monsters in the past few years. Why are all these monsters running out now!"

"Cough, cough, cough! Of course, I'm not saying that Lord Hou is a monster, our Lord Hou is a god descending from the earth!"

He Meng looked at Wang Chen with black lines on his face, and immediately corrected him with a dry cough.

"It seems that Wagang is about to be broken?"

Cao Yu shook his head, in this case, the world's number one anti-king would be over!
"Hmph! It's not that easy. If Wagang is so easy to break, it won't be the world's number one anti-king force, especially that Yuwen Jackie Chan, and his big brother Yuwen Chengdu are two extremes, just a fool!"

"Look, Pei Renji and the others are doomed to lose, and it is very likely that Pei Renji and his son will defect to the enemy! Sigh!"

Wang Chen shook his head. He had read the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Basically, there was a plot where Pei Yuanqing took refuge in Wagang, and then received a box lunch after staying in Wagang. Of course, there are different opinions.

They also said that they were killed by Nie Shixiong's hidden weapon, some said they died after being hit by a fire and thunder formation, etc. Generally speaking, they were dead anyway.

If you can insist on returning from the crusade against the Turks, see if you can save this Pei Yuanqing's life. After all, if the third hero leaves the field so quickly, it would be too boring.

Wang Chen looked at the gray sky above his head, and the cold northern Xiaofeng blew on his face, it hurt like a knife cut!

Man Jianghong!
"Burning with anger, leaning on the railing to rest in the rain.

Lift our sight, the sky and shouts, grand, vehement.

Thirty fame, dust and soil, eight thousand miles, clouds and moon.

Mo waited blankly for the young man's head, empty and sad.

The shame of the north gate is still not snowed;
When the courtier hates it!
Drive a long car to break through the gaps in Helan Mountain.

Aspirations hungry for the Hulu meat, and laughed and thirst for the blood of the Huns.

Be from scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, overturned Que. "

Wang Chen directly read the poems of Marshal Yue aloud, which made all the soldiers present feel excited!

And Jingkang shame was directly changed to Beimen shame.

In this era, the Sui Dynasty had an imposing pass in the north called Beimen Pass, but unfortunately it was breached by the Turks, and then a dozen cities in the rear were trampled by Turkic war horses, and hundreds of thousands of people of the Sui Dynasty died under the iron hooves of the Turks!

"it is good!"

"Master Hou! This poem of yours should be the first word at the border!"

"Master Hou! You must be a god!"

Cao Yu knelt down on the ground with tears in his eyes.

"Hahaha! Da Sui sons, Turkic savages invade our Da Sui border every year! What do you think we should do!"



"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Okay! Soldiers, although the cold wind is howling in the north now, it is time for us to make contributions!"

"The whole army has it! The horse stepped on the Turkic royal court! Captured the Turkic Khan alive!"

"The first army and the second army, go to war with the Marquis!"

"The third, fourth and fifth armies, follow General Luo Cheng!"

Afterwards, Wang Chen rushed out of Zhenbei City with two thousand cavalry!

And Luo Cheng and He Meng immediately led the remaining 3000 people towards the other half.

Although it was difficult to tell the direction in ancient times, Luo Cheng not only had a map, but also a guide, and Wang Chen himself didn't have to worry, he was a systematic person!
"Everyone, let's meet at the Turkic royal court!!!"

Wang Chen headed due west with two thousand cavalry.

My current location is roughly located in East Turkic, and the Turkic royal court is in Western Turkic, but it is not too far from the border of the Sui Dynasty.

To be honest, it is far from Chang'an to Luoyang Dengzhou!

At this time, there are densely packed tents stationed in front of Wagang Village.

"Unexpectedly, the army of the Sui Dynasty came so quickly!"

On the Wagang city wall, Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin, Xu Maogong and others all gathered together.

Standing among the crowd was Li Mi, and Li Mi was wearing a black boa robe, but it felt a little nondescript.

"Actually, Wagang's terrain is not very good, and it is easy to be directly killed by the enemy to the gate of the city!"

Holding a goose feather fan in his hand, Xu Maogong said helplessly.

"What does the military division think?"

Li Mi asked, and Li Mi was quite convinced of Xu Maogong's wisdom.

"From ancient times to the present, Guanzhong has been a battleground for military strategists, but obviously we can't compete for that place now, so we can only settle for the next best thing. The Hulao Pass that Dou Jiande and the others want is also a very important pass. Of course, In fact, we can fight for Jiangdong, after all, relying on the natural danger of the Yangtze River, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack! However, if we fight for the Central Plains later, we will be easily passive!"

Li Mi nodded, looked at the Sui army under the city again, and sighed slightly.

"The luck of the Sui Dynasty is still there! Looking at the Sui army, they are majestic and disciplined, and they seem to be the masters of tigers and wolves!"

Xu Maogong also frowned slightly.

"I want to tell you, my lord, I've watched the sky at night for the past few days. Although the Ziwei star in Luoyang has not continued to dim, but there is no sign of returning to light. Therefore, according to the minister, the appearance of Wang Chen only slightly delayed the demise of the Sui Dynasty. , the demise of the Sui Dynasty is a matter of days, and no one can change it!"

Li Mi smiled and nodded when he heard this.

"But among the anti-kings in the world, our Western Wei Kingdom is the leader, hahaha!"

Xu Maogong did not continue to respond, but fell silent instead.

Although Xu Mao was not as good as those gods in his conduct, he could tell that his great king, Li Mi, was only worthy of being a king, and he was also an anti-king!
Where was the Ming Lord that day?
"Wagang rebels, listen up, I am the pioneer of the Sui Dynasty, Pei Yuanqing! If you wait for the rebels to open the door and accept surrender, maybe this pioneer will keep you alive! Hahaha!"

In the eyes of everyone, Pei Yuanqing came to Wagang City on his ground tiger, and taunted him directly.

"This little baby, I'm afraid the hair hasn't even grown yet, yet he speaks so loudly. Huh, my lord, Shan Xiongxin asks to fight this lunatic!"

"Hey, Brother Shan, since this Pei Yuanqing can become the vanguard of the Sui Army, I'm afraid he is not a simple person, so it's better to be more cautious!"

Qin Qiong saw that his second brother Shan was so impulsive, and immediately raised his hand to stop him.

"Hey, let General Shan try him out, if he can't win the battle, then retreat!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Shan Xiongxin bowed his hands to Li Mi and rushed out of Wagang Village with his golden-topped horse.

"Little baby, the hair is not fully grown, but the breath is not good, eat your grandpa!"

"Hahaha, well done, come and pick up my master!"


It was three days after Wang Chen left Turkic.

"Wu Wenyi!"


"How many miles have we traveled?"

"Back to Lord Hou, today we have been running for almost 400 miles!"

Wang Chen looked at the people behind who were a little tired, so he said to Wu Wenyi:

"Send the order down, rest for half an hour again, and then set off immediately!"


"The whole army rests! Continue to advance in half an hour!"

Wang Chen got off his horse, looked at the terrain, and said to Wu Wenyi: "Lieutenant Wu, let twenty good men go ahead and find out. Our current position has reached the grassland, and we can see the Turkic tribes one after another." , we still have to pay attention!"

"Yes! Lord Marquis!"

Wang Chen's main focus this time is being caught off guard, so the marching speed must be fast, otherwise it is impossible to raid more than 150 kilometers a day! !
Of course, the main thing was to avoid the main Turkic troops, so they detoured the original route. Even though they had walked four hundred miles, they still looked like they were on the periphery of the Turks, but they were already close to the interior.

And in order to go into battle lightly, there is no one cavalry with two horses. Fortunately, the horses of Wang Chen's 2000 people are all three or four star horses, otherwise I'm afraid I can't help doing this!
As for the food, it is all dry food, and Wang Chen's goal is to stop the war with war!Support war with war!
Use Turkic horses to raise your own horses, and use Turkic food to feed your troops!
"Report—! Report to Lord Hou, our scouts encountered a small tribe ten miles ahead!"

After resting for almost half an hour, Wang Chen wanted to move on, but he didn't want to live anymore!

The corner of Wang Chen's mouth raised slightly, he was tired from running on the grassland, except for the endless grassland, there was no hair at all.

Now that there is finally a Turkic tribe, why don't you replenish it?
"Okay! The whole army is assembled, let's go immediately!"

Wang Chen stepped directly onto Chasing the Moon, raised the Fang Tian Painting Halberd in his hand, which was more than two meters long and nearly three meters high, and shouted.

"whole team!"

"Get dressed!"

"Army attack!"

In this way, two thousand cavalrymen headed aggressively towards the Turkic tribe.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Wang Chen and his party arrived at this Turkic tribe.

Wang Chen looked at the tribe in front of him and was taken aback for a moment.

"This? This tribe seems a bit small?"

The tribe in front of him is not as huge as Wang Chen imagined, but a very small tribe, and there are some Turkic people coming and going around the tribe.


Wang Chen saw a group of hundreds of Turkic cavalry coming towards him.

Wang Chen frowned, because what the Turkic leader said was to kill the sheep in front!
A stern look flashed in Wang Chen's eyes.

"The whole army has them, kill them!"

System, activate skills - the three armies are invigorated!

Wang Chen took the lead, and when Fang Tian's painting halberd, which was close to three meters long, fell down, five or six Turkic soldiers fell off their horses and died on the spot of vomiting blood!

"The Overlord opens the mountain!"

When Wang Chen jumped, he was directly two feet high!


The halberd struck among the Turkic soldiers, dozens of Turkic soldiers flew seven or eight meters away, and even the war horses were directly blown to death!

"I am indeed a devil! And a devil who destroys the Turks!"

 It's another day of thousands of words!I accept the opinions of all readers, and I will read all the comments. I will change the bad ones, but to be honest, the author can’t satisfy everyone, so please forgive me. Many times I will write according to my own ideas. Also, the part of Chen Yuanyuan , this book is positioned as a hero, and those who make big things don't care about small details, let alone a prostitute. The last point, the author has checked a lot of official positions in the Sui Dynasty, there may be errors, I feel a little sorry

(End of this chapter)

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