Great Sui God of War, great strength at the beginning!

Chapter 314 The system comes from? ? ?

Chapter 314 The system comes from? ? ?

After the coming of all nations and the banquet, many countries still remained in the Great Wu Empire.

"His Majesty."

Lu Bing suddenly walked into the Xuanzheng Hall with a letter, and Wang Chen was in the Xuanzheng Hall to deal with the memorial after the banquet.

"What's the matter?"

Wang Chen asked without raising his head, and Wang Chen was holding a memorial in his hand.

The memorial was written by Yu Shinan, hoping that Wang Chen could make more efforts in running schools in the world, because according to Yu Shinan's knowledge, there are many slightly remote places that don't even have schools in the county mansion, let alone in the county town.

"Your Majesty, after these three days, many foreign envoys, even their kings, did not leave Luoyang City, but walked around with many court officials in Luoyang City."

Lu Bing said respectfully.

Jin Yiwei's inspection of all the civil and military officials in the world is not just talking. Many officials even turned over several times at night, and they knew exactly how many times they had sex with their mother-in-law.

"Hehe, those people are nothing more than seeing that Princess Diana of the Kingdom of Hundred Worlds has received a lot of benefits after marrying Xue Rengui, and now they want to follow suit!"

After Wang Chen put a quasi-character on the memorial, he put the memorial aside and stood up with a smile.

"Then, Your Majesty, should we supervise them? To prevent them from messing around in Luoyang City."

Lu Bing raised his head slightly.

"No, they want to follow the example of Eternal Times, so let them follow suit. As long as they don't mess around in Luoyang City, of course, this is a city of Han people. Naturally, it is impossible to tolerate a large number of foreigners staying for a long time. So after you go down, issue an order on behalf of me, that is, foreigners can only stay in Luoyang City for three months. After three months, all of them will be sent back."

Wang Chen thought about it, and decided to make a certain strategy. These foreigners should not stay in Dawu for too long, otherwise it would easily cause dissatisfaction among his family.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I understand!"

Lu Bing nodded, and then he was about to go out, when Wang Chen suddenly continued:
"Also, there is one more thing you need to deal with."

"Just let me count how many great military officials want to marry them."

"Your Majesty, if we marry...?" Lu Bing asked tentatively.

"Marriage is marriage. As long as our civil and military senses can accept it, we can marry. However, if you beat them, marriage is fine, but everything is based on the interests of the great martial arts. If you let me know that they eat inside and outside, then my Tianwu sword is not vegetarian."

Wang Chen said with a smile, his tone was very indifferent, with a hint of joke.

Lu Bing didn't dare to take Wang Chen's words as a joke, so he immediately responded and went down.

After Lu Bing retreated, Wang Chen sat alone on the main hall, his mind sinking into the system.

Investigation object: Wang Chen

Luck: [-] (Human Emperor luck)

Status: Emperor of the Human Race, Great Emperor of the Wu Dynasty
Class: Unknown...

Weapons: Tianwu Sword (Human Emperor Sword), Jiugong Mie Shen Halberd (Holy Weapon)...

Supernatural powers and immortal techniques: Eighty-Nine Profound Art, Human Emperor's Eyes, Human Emperor's Realm, Good Fortune Life and Death Art, One Hundred and Eight Transformations of Heavenly Gang and Earth Sha, Destruction of the World...

Merit: eight-star human race merit
Faith: ten thousand beliefs

Site: half human world


Wang Chen looked at the information in his system and couldn't stop nodding. With this information, he was already able to hang and beat that Tota Li Tianwang at will.

And although Wang Chen's specific strength is unknown, but Wang Chen can guarantee that the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva at the peak of Daluo Jinxian is not his opponent, so there is a high probability that he will be Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, that is, quasi-sage.

There is also a difference in strength between quasi-sages. For example, if a quasi-sage wants to behead three corpses to become a saint, the Jade Emperor must have at least two corpses beheaded, while the Zhongtian North Pole Emperor Ziwei and the Underworld Emperor Fengdu probably only beheaded one corpse.

As for the Tathagata Buddha on Lingshan, it should be slightly stronger than Emperor Ziwei in Zhongtian North Pole.

"System, what on earth are you?"

Wang Chen asked suddenly, this was what Wang Chen always wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, but today, Wang Chen didn't need to hide it anymore.

Because the system can't give Wang Chen any help now, but it can provide some help to Dawu.

"Ding, back to the host, you are now the emperor, and you already have the authority to know."

"This system is an acquired merit and virtue holy weapon created by the joint efforts of the three emperors and five emperors and eight human ancestors. It includes all the items of the three emperors and five emperors, and also contains half of the luck of the human race. The purpose is to select the last human emperor for the human race. This is also the end of the three emperors and five emperors."

Wang Chen was taken aback for a moment, it was as expected as he thought.

There is a basis for this, this system has always led Wang Chen to climb upwards.

From the beginning as a small soldier, he became Zhongwuhou, Wuhou, Wujungong, Wuguogong, Shenwujunwang, Wuwang, Sui Guoshi, until the establishment of the Dawu Empire and became the founding emperor of a generation, and then became the king of people, and finally became the emperor of today.

And everything about this system is human-related.

At the very beginning, what is needed is the reputation and merit points, which are harvested from the common people, and then credit, luck, and merit, which are also from human beings, and they are closely related to the human race.

Then contact the strongest people in the clan, such as Emperor Fuxi, Emperor Xuanyuan, and Suiren clan. They are the top representatives of the human race. Apart from them, who else can create such a terrifying system, step by step, promote Wang Chen from a mortal to a human emperor.

Obviously, the six great sages would not do this.


Wang Chen exhaled lightly. Although he expected it, it was naturally different when he said it from the system.

"Then why are you so modern? You brought me back here from modern times?" Wang Chen continued to ask in puzzlement.

"Ding, this system is an acquired super-human merit sacred weapon, with a strong learning ability. This system knows a lot of interesting things in your era, so it is natural to go along with the host's ideas."

"Besides, your era is just a branch world of this place. If the human beings in this world are completely finished, your world will also be finished!"

This system has already been explained very clearly, and Wang Chen basically understands it. Although he doesn't know why there is Journey to the West in his original technological world, Wang Chen wants to ask another question.

"So, why me? I mean, why was I chosen?"

Wang Chen raised his eyebrows, smiled and continued to ask.

"Because you are a Chinese, and the Chinese in your world are actually the direct descendants of Emperor Xuanyuan and Emperor Shennong in our world! Then you must choose among you. Furthermore, luck is very important. The system can select you from more than a billion people at once, so the fate is destined to be you as the host!"

It's a far-fetched reason, but Wang Chen has no reason not to believe it.

"Host, what this system can do has already been done. The three emperors and five emperors have all become a thing of the past, but the fate of the human race has not changed at all."

"So, if you are chosen, then the fate of the human race will be yours to bear."

After the system finished speaking, it stopped talking.

As for Wang Chen, he was sitting in the hall, feeling complicated, too complicated, all of this was too complicated.

Especially now that the situation of the human race is getting worse and worse.

Don't look at the countless countries and tribes of human races, the number of human races is trillions, but human races are often used as pawns, and are treated as snacks by those monsters and "beasts" raised by the heavens...

Kyushu is protected by dragon energy, which is fine, but humans outside of Kyushu are not so lucky.

The princess of Baoxiang Kingdom was arbitrarily captured by the yellow-robed monster;
The real king of the Wuji Kingdom was replaced by a fake king transformed by a monster for more than ten years;

The Nine-Headed Insect, son-in-law of the Wansheng Dragon King in the rocky mountain Bibotan in the Jisai Kingdom, stole the national treasure of the Jisai Kingdom, resulting in no peace in the Jisai Kingdom;


Especially the lion camel ridge, blue lion, white elephant, and roc, the highest mounts of the three major Buddhist sects, have eaten millions of human beings!
So what if he ate it, Sun Wukong could only watch Tathagata Buddha, Manjusri, and Samantabhadra take them away, and then he lived happily ever after.

Those human beings who were eaten could only consider themselves unlucky.

It can be seen from this that, except for Kyushu, which is a bit peaceful and quiet, the other places are really fateful, and the fate is manipulated by monsters at will.

Otherwise, the original king of the Hundred Worlds Kingdom would not have been forced away by monsters and went to Dawu for help.

After Wang Chen quit the system, his mood temporarily calmed down with every breath.

It's just that the system is no longer a system. The system has become a chaotic bead, which contains the treasures of the three emperors and five emperors for a lifetime, and even many treasures of luck and merit treasures unique to human beings.

For example - Kyushu tripod!

Another example——Human Emperor's Seal!

These are the two most powerful meritorious artifacts of the human race to suppress luck!
Why are they handed over to Wang Chen now? That's because the former human race couldn't keep these two holy artifacts of merit. If they were forcibly taken away by the immortal or Buddhist sect, then the human race would be completely ashamed.

Wang Chen felt the terrifying air oppression of the Kyushu tripod, as well as the terrifying meritorious power contained in the seal of the Human Emperor. Non-human beings want to touch them, unless a saint comes in person!
Otherwise, even if the Tathagata Buddha and the Jade Emperor come, don't even think about touching them.

After knowing everything about the system and getting the coveted Kyushu Ding and Renhuang Seal, Wang Chen now only feels a lot of pressure on his body, but he also feels refreshed.

Fight with the sky!
Fight with the ground!
That is really a lot of fun!

Wang Chen said that this feeling is actually not bad.

After walking out of the Xuanzheng Hall, Master Ziyang has been waiting for a long time.

"Your Majesty, Li Yuanba's golden-winged roc bird's animal nature has been completely suppressed by this humble official. Now he has the strength of the Taiyi Golden Immortal and can fight for His Majesty!"

Master Ziyang really added joy to himself.

This Li Yuanba has been fighting with him for several years, and he has always been right with him, and now he can finally do things for him.

"By the way, if he meets Emperor Ziwei Zhongtian North Pole, will he think he is his second brother?"

Wang Chen suddenly asked.

This must be asked clearly, otherwise it will be too uncomfortable if it is betrayed in the future.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Li Yuanba is not really stupid, he's just short-sighted. The Emperor Ziwei is now oppressed by the emperor, and he no longer has the aura of Li Shimin. He just has the face of Li Shimin. Yuanba, who has become the Taiyi Golden Immortal, must be able to distinguish enemies based on his aura."

Master Ziyang smiled and stroked his beard, and said very confidently.

Wang Chen nodded slightly, it seems to be the same reason.

Since this is the case, Wang Chen naturally doesn't have to worry about it.

"Okay, let's announce that boy Yuanba as soon as possible. We should have a tough battle with Heavenly Court in a short time. For this tough battle, I think we need to find a few more helpers!"

Wang Chen smiled slightly.


Master Ziyang was taken aback for a moment, but then he couldn't figure it out.

"Your Majesty, what help can we have, unless we go to the demon world to find someone, but cooperating with those demons is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger."

Master Ziyang thought that Wang Chen wanted to go to the two worlds of demons to find allies, so he said with a little worry.

"Hahaha, National Teacher, you are overthinking this. I don't want to make peace with demons. Of course, what I am looking for is actually a demon. Hahaha, you will know when the time comes."

Wang Chen sold a pass to Master Ziyang first, and then walked out of the palace compound with his feet on the void.

Although Master Ziyang didn't understand, the Human Sovereign must have someone's Sovereign's idea.

...Five Fingers Mountain...

Wuzhi Mountain, also known as Wuxing Mountain, is located in an extremely remote place, fifty miles around Wuzhi Mountain, there is only one farmer's family.

At the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, there is a monkey being pressed down. It is said that this monkey is Monkey King, the Monkey King who once made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace.

But no one would believe that the crushed monkey head would be the Monkey King...

At the foot of Wuzhi Mountain at this time, Sun Wukong only showed a small monkey head. The golden monkey hair has become yellowed and split due to hundreds of years of wind and sun.

And there are two exposed hands that can just touch his head.

"Hey, old man, you're here again."

Monkey King saw an old man approaching with a few peaches, and smiled very happily.

"Well, this is for, this is the peach I brought you, eat it quickly."

The old man carefully handed Sun Wukong two peaches, with a doting smile on his face.

It seems that Monkey King is no longer the Monkey King who made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace. Instead, he is like an ordinary monkey who picked up a peach and gnawed it quietly.

The monkey bit the peach with crackling noises, while the old man sat aside and watched the monkey eat the peach.

After half an hour, the old gentleman stood up.

"You, don't be used as a pawn, your own life is best in your own hands!"

After the old man touched Monkey King's hair, he disappeared.

"As a teacher, I must find a way out for you!"

At the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, there was only a tearful monkey left.

"Master, master... father..."

(End of this chapter)

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