Chapter 274

The Hou Junji that Pei Yuanqing was talking about was rushing towards Xiangguo County in a panic with only a dozen or so remaining attendants.

Hou Junji's hair was disheveled, his eyes were red, and he kept yelling "Drive". In just half a cup of tea, Hou Junji rushed to Xiangguo County.

"Quick! Open the city gate quickly! This general is Hou Junji, the chariot and cavalry general personally appointed by His Royal Highness King Qin, open the city gate quickly!"

Hou Junji came to the city of Xiangguo County, hurriedly took out a sign from his arms, and shouted at the guard on the tower.

Seeing that there were only a dozen or so people in the city, the general guarding the city felt relieved, questioned him casually, and found out that this was really Hou Junji, the chariot and cavalry general under King Qin's tent, so he ordered the soldiers below to open the city gate. .

"General Hou, what's wrong with you? Why are you in such a mess?"

The general guarding the city was very puzzled. Wasn't Hou Junji sent by His Royal Highness King Qin to support Liu Heita?Why did you come back in such a mess.

"Hurry up, send someone to Taiyuan to inform His Royal Highness the King of Qin that Liu Heitai is finished. We were ambushed by the Wu army. Liu Heitai's tens of thousands of elites were all buried under Xiangshan Mountain. Liu Heitai also went with this general. They are gone, but in the face of Xue Rengui's siege, I think it's more ominous!"

"Also, Xue Rengui brought heavy troops to Xiangguo County, not only to ambush Liu Heitai, but also to attack Xiangguo County, so His Royal Highness King Qin immediately send reinforcements to rescue!"

After Hou Junji returned to the city, he could finally relax for a while, but immediately stood up again, and grabbed the collar of the general who defended the city.

"What? Liu Heita's army was wiped out!? How is this possible!?"

The guard was terrified, and his heart was full of turmoil. Liu Heita had 10,000+ soldiers, and now he is dead! ?

10,000+ pigs are not so easy to kill, are they?Not to mention 10,000+ combatable men.

"Don't worry about this, you should send people to Taiyuan City right now, just say that Liu Heita's army was wiped out, and then Xue Rengui has led the army to the city of Xiangguo County, Wang Chen may also lead the army Come here, I hope His Highness will immediately send troops to support Xiangguo County! Hurry up, this is an urgent matter!"

Hou Junji swallowed, and said anxiously to the guard.

The guards are naturally aware of the seriousness of the situation at this moment, Xiangguo County is the last big barrier before Taiyuan County, if Xiangguo County is broken, then Taiyuan will face Wang Chen directly.

"Come here, help General Hou go down to rest!" The city guard first ordered two attendants to help Hou Junji, who was relieved, and then said firmly:
"General Hou, don't worry, I'll send someone eight hundred miles to send the information to Taiyuan immediately!"

After the guard finished speaking, he immediately went down to find the scouts to deliver the letter.

Hou Junji also ordered more guards on the city, and asked the soldiers patrolling the building to guard and investigate closely. After everything was properly arranged, Hou Junji dared to be helped down.

As for Wang Chen at this moment, he has brought Mu Guiying and Xue Rengui together.

"My minister, Xue Rengui, the Great General of the Great Wu, see Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"The last general... See Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Okay, all the generals, all the lords, get up, since it's the time of the war, there's no need to perform these grand salutes!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

That's what they said, but everyone still saluted in a dignified manner before getting up.

"Your Majesty, the last general has brought [-] light cavalry here, and [-] white horse righteous servants are also here, but the cavalry is not suitable for attacking the city. We still need to wait for the follow-up infantry."

As a general, Xue Rengui naturally had to speak first.

Wang Chen nodded.

"I only have [-] light cavalry here. Just like you, the pawns are still on their way, but they should be able to reach Xiangguo County in seven days at most. If you hurry up, it will only take five days. How long will it take you there?"

Facing Wang Chen's inquiry, Xue Rengui made a rough calculation.

"My Majesty, the pawns here will arrive in about three days, and there will be a group of elite troops led by Yu Wencheng."

"It's so good. Today, you, Xue Rengui, led the Dawu army to wipe out the entire army of Liu Heita. It's really a great achievement. It's really good. I must reward you heavily!"

The siege still needs to wait for a few days, so the people don't talk about this time, Wang Chen is also walking in the front of the generals, and Xue Rengui and Mu Guiying are following behind.

"His Majesty, the contribution to this plan is not due to Rengui, it was mainly proposed by the military adviser Xu Maogong, and then Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, and Zhao Ju all participated in it. Pei Yuanqing has made great contributions to killing the enemy, and a large battalion leader... , the chief generals of the Second Battalion...and...all of them have contributed a lot, but the contribution of the humble minister is the most insignificant among them."

Xue Rengui did not take credit for it, but distributed all the credit to the counselors and soldiers who participated in the operation.

Wang Chen nodded slightly.

"I know all of these. After beating Li Shimin, I will naturally reward them one by one. You must first record their contributions in the credit book."

"I understand, I will first thank Your Majesty for the grace of the soldiers."

Xue Rengui bowed his hands again and saluted.

Wang Chen laughed dumbly, and then led everyone to a field twenty miles away from Xiangguo County in front of Xiangshan Mountain.

"This place is really good. You can set up camp. Let the soldiers set up camp here. Tomorrow, we will go to Xiangguo County to see, and first go to defeat their spirit of Li Tang's soldiers!"

Wang Chen rides on the chasing moon, even in the dark night, he can still look into the distance.

"Your Majesty, Pei Yuanqing has applied for a battle against the city!"

When Pei Yuanqing heard that he was going to kill Li Tang Ruiqi, he immediately sent it out, cupping his fists at Wang Chen, with extreme longing in his eyes.

Xue Rengui and Wang Chen both smiled, this Pei Yuanqing is really interesting.

"This is the first chapter, I want to go in person." As soon as Wang Chen said this, Pei Yuanqing's bright eyes immediately dimmed. His Majesty went to battle in person, how can this be robbed?
"Hahaha, forget it, you go with me, if they dare to fight, then you go and show my great martial arts and national prestige!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Pei Yuanqing!"

Pei Yuanqing was overjoyed, and immediately knelt down on one knee to pay respects.

The camp was set up very quickly, and many cooks had already started to set up supper. This was also made by Wang Chen. The soldiers killed the enemy for more than half an hour in the middle of the night. This consumption is not insignificant. Wang Chen can You can't suffer your own soldiers, so naturally you have to reward the armed forces.

As for Liu Heikai, who was captured by Wang Chen, the treatment was not so good. It was enough for a soldier to send a steamed bun. As for the delicious and hot meat, they could only watch Wu Jun and eat it with a smile.

"Let the scouts work harder, scouting in a radius of [-] miles, divide three groups of scouts, and exchange them according to two hours. Remember, the food for the scouts must be the best, and there must be no neglect!"

Xue Rengui came to the Huotou barracks and said seriously to the barracks commander.

The camp leader of the Huotou army naturally promised again and again that he would not treat the scout sergeants badly, so Xue Rengui left the Huotou barracks satisfied.

Wu Jun Commander
At this time, there were more than a dozen people in the tent, and the counselors and generals stood on both sides.

The one sitting in the top position is naturally Wang Chen, the military commander No.1 is naturally Xue Rengui, and the counselor No.1, because Xu Maogong has not yet arrived, so Fang Xuanling will sit for the time being.

"According to the time, after three days, Rengui's army will arrive. Of course, you can't fight immediately when you arrive. Let the soldiers rest first."

"How long will it take to send people from Bingzhou to Xiangguo County?"

Wang Chen's last sentence is the key point.

It was Fang Xuanling who stood up, after all, he was more familiar with Bingzhou.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Xiangguo County is not close to Taiyuan County. It's probably not less than a thousand miles away. Even if they rush to send the emergency report for eight hundred miles now, it will have to be delivered early in the morning. For those who dispatch troops, their reinforcements will arrive at Xiangguo County in five days at most!"

"Moreover, this is the fastest reinforcement by calculation."

Fang Xuanling was afraid that everyone would not understand, so he hastily added the last sentence after speaking.

"That's a mother, our army will arrive in three days, and we will rest for a day. We only need to capture Xiangguo County in one day, and then the solution will be solved!"

Pei Yuanqing smiled disdainfully, and said this sentence with great arrogance.

Everyone was stunned, how could it be so easy to fight and attack a city?

Besides, the city walls of Xiangguo County are very tall and strong. Even without reinforcements, they still have more than 7 defenders and countless defensive equipment. Xue Rengui's army is only [-] to [-] people. Wrong, but it cannot be said that it will be won in one day.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the tent was getting abnormal, Pei Yuanqing was also puzzled and felt a little embarrassed. Just when Pei Yuanqing was about to return, Wang Chen spoke.

"Yuan Qing said very well. Regarding the matter of Li Tang's reinforcements, we can easily solve it. We know that Xiangguo County will be captured within a day, and then we will be done!"

Everyone was taken aback by Wang Chen's words, but when they came out of Wang Chen's mouth, it looked very different. This is something that is sure to succeed.

Seeing that his emperor approved of him, Pei Yuanqing raised his head slightly, very proud and proud.

"Your Majesty, within a day, I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult. Our siege equipment is still a bit weak."

Xue Rengui frowned slightly, it was not wrong to think about it.

Wang Chen smiled slightly.

"There is no siege equipment, so we can use local materials. Don't we have four days to prepare? Then we can make some climbing ladders with local materials. What's more, Wu'an County is less than a hundred miles away from Xiangguo County. , although it is the territory of the Li family in name, but in fact there are less than [-] defenders, and if they are wiped out, then the siege equipment in Wu'an County is ours?"

"Your Majesty's order!"

Pei Yuanqing's butt that had just sat down immediately lifted up, stepped into the tent with a few strides, and saluted Wang Chen.

"Your Majesty, my humble minister Pei Yuanqing only needs three thousand school swordsmen to take down Wu'an County and move all the weapons in Wu'an County to attack the city!"

All the generals were surrounded, and before he could react, the third son Pei had already started to apply for the battle.

Not to mention that these generals were surrounded, even those counselors were dumbfounded by Pei Yuanqing.

Wang Chen also didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he could only helplessly wave his hand.

"I really can't help you, you and Cheng Yaojin are worthy of being a family, and they play a good job, that's all, then you will go to this battle, but I'm ugly to say before, if the time is set Inside, if you can't take Wu'an County, then I will punish you with military orders! Of course, if you take down Wu'an County, it will be a credit!"

"The last general Pei Yuanqing received the order to thank you, my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

Pei Yuanqing accepted Wang Chen's order with great joy, and stepped out of the barracks without saying a word. After all, soldiers are precious and fast!
"Hahaha, Xuanling, this Pei Yuanqing was taught pretty well by you!"

After watching Pei Yuanqing leave, Wang Chen looked at Fang Xuanling and laughed.

Fang Xuanling also smiled, then immediately stood up and bowed to Wang Chen.

"I hope Your Majesty will forgive me. Because there is a reason for the incident, I made a fake plaque and told Pei Yuanqing that it was a gold medal from His Majesty. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be able to control Pei Yuanqing."

Fang Xuanling's language is sincere and sincere.

Xue Rengui also stood up immediately, after all, this is what he meant.

"Your Majesty, this idea was proposed by the last general. If you want to punish him, punish the last general!"

Xue Rengui knelt on one knee in front of Wang Chen, and said very sincerely.

"I hope His Majesty will forgive General Xue and Fang Shilang, they are helpless!"

"I hope His Majesty bypasses..."

A group of generals and counselors hurriedly stood up to intercede for the two.

After all, this is a fake gold medal, or a gold medal bestowed by the emperor, which is a felony!
There was no expression on Wang Chen's face, nor any other movements.

"That's all, it happened for a reason. I naturally know that you are helpless, and you are also doing it for the sake of great martial arts. Of course, it is also a crime to pretend to be a gold medal. If I don't punish you, if someone does it in the future, the world will not be chaotic?"

Just when everyone thought that Xue Rengui and Fang Xuanling would be punished severely, Wang Chen stood up and said:
"How about this, you Fang Xuanling and Xue Rengui have contributed a lot to this battle, Xue Rengui is the mastermind of fake gold medals, if the merits and demerits equalize, then this battle is worthless, as for Fang Xuanling, the credits can be equaled by half!"

Wang Chen's punishment seemed very intentional.

Xue Rengui, who followed Wang Chen in the southern and northern wars, marched through the Turkic royal court, entered Goguryeo, and led the army alone to conquer several rebel kings, quelled the Tubo rebellion, and now he has made continuous contributions!
Xue Rengui has now become a general from the second rank of Dawu, and he is also the founder of Dawu, the Duke of Yue. This is basically an extremely human minister!
But how old is Xue Rengui?
Xue Rengui is only in his early twenties this year, two or three years younger than Wang Chen.

However, now this has reached the point where there is nothing to seal!
If you continue to seal it, you will be crowned king!
Wang Chen started as a king and became the founding emperor of a generation, this is not a joke.

Therefore, at this moment, Xue Rengui's merits and demerits can be offset, which is a kind of protection for Xue Rengui!
(End of this chapter)

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