Chapter 258
...Below Chang'an City...

"Although the tower of Chang'an City is not high enough, the military force is really strong. We have been attacking for eleven days in a row, but we still got nothing!"

Wang Chen was riding a war horse on a small slope, while Changsun Wuji and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing how to answer the words of their own emperor.

"Your Majesty, there are no less than 20 troops in the city of Chang'an, and then there are those cunning sects, the cults of the Ninth Five-Year Sect, it is indeed not so easy to capture!"

Changsun Wuji was the first to speak, after all, he was still Wang Chen's uncle, so it wouldn't be a big deal.

"After I rule the world, I will definitely abolish all these cults and messy sects!

"By the way, is the gunpowder ready?"

Wang Chen smiled slightly, but sighed helplessly in his heart, it can be said that everyone is afraid of me now.

"Returning to Your Majesty, someone from Shenjiying and Tiemusi came to report that the gunpowder is more than two thousand catties, enough to blow up the entire wall of Chang'an City!"

"Two thousand catties is indeed a lot. Chang'an City is a place where dragon veins gather. It can be said to be a good place. Unless it is absolutely necessary, I really don't want to blow up this ancient city into ruins."

Wang Chen looked away, looked at the Chang'an city wall covered with swords, lights and swords, and half-jokingly said.

"Hahaha, Your Majesty was too worried, it was blown up, so we can fix it for him!? The repair is newer, bigger and brighter!"

Cheng Yaojin yelled loudly, making everyone laugh.

"Cheng Yaojin's words are right!"

Wang Chen was also told by this idiot and laughed.

"Counting the time, it's almost time. Xue Rengui, Yu Chigong, and sister Mu Guiying should have arrived in Wuyang County, so we should start to take action. Since we can't break into the gate of Chang'an City, then we will directly give He just exploded!"

Wang Chen's face suddenly turned cold, and his eyes were full of madness.

His footsteps of unifying the world do not allow anyone to resist, and his process of unifying the world is close at hand. Li Shimin, since he wants to resist stubbornly, he can only give him a ruthless plan!

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Everyone was overjoyed that His Majesty the Emperor was finally going to use gunpowder. The power of this thing was quite terrifying. All the soldiers who had seen it were not afraid of its powerful lethality.

As long as the walls of Chang'an City are blown away with gunpowder, Chang'an City will be like a sheep without any protection. Under Wang Chen's wolf rider, it can only be eaten, and there is no room for escape!

After Wang Chen nodded, he brought a group of people back to the tent of the Chinese army camp, and they started a discussion.

"Your Majesty, I think the south city can be broken, but the east city is still the main siege, and there is also the north city. We can ambush an ambush from there. In this case..."

"It's absurd to say that Beicheng, Beicheng is already deep into Li Tang's territory. If they are discovered, even a heavily armored tiger cavalry will have no return. Luo Shilang is betting on my name as a great military sergeant! "

"Changsun Shilang! You are the fallacy. The battle on the battlefield is to win by taking risks. If this step is done well, then we can capture Li Tang's high-ranking officials in one fell swoop, basically establishing the overall situation!"

"War can't be taken for granted, there is a saying in the art of war..."

"Don't leave an art of war, there is a art of war, we have to look at the actual situation..."

"Your Majesty, I think that..."

"Your Majesty, the general thought..."

More than a dozen people gathered around the sand table during the battle, fiddling with the iron figure in the sand table, arguing endlessly.

Wang Chen helped his forehead helplessly, there are more talents, the advantage is that there are more ways, but the disadvantage is that there are too many ways, everyone expresses their own opinions, and the big account cannot be unified.

"Forget it, let's make a plan. Tomorrow, I will lead an army of [-] to attack the city with all my strength. Zhang Wen, you will lead a thousand selected gunpowder troops to the area of ​​Chang'an South City with explosives. The most vulnerable area of ​​Chang'an City, and don't run out of explosives, remember quickly, it only takes [-] jin to blow it up, and there is an inner city behind the outer city, we still need to save some A rainy day!"

"Cheng Yaojin, lead the rest of the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd battalions to cover Zhang Wen's attack. Remember, they are more important, and you have to use your life to cover them!"

"Then Li Yan, you lead the four battalions, from the north..."


Wang Chen said to the available generals beside him.

"Understood Your Majesty!"

Everyone took orders one after another, and everyone knew that tomorrow would be a big battle.

"Report! Report to Your Majesty, what a disaster!"

Just as Wang Chen arranged the battle plan, an attendant hurriedly rushed into the big tent, and fell into the tent with a dog gnawing shit.

"what happened?!"

The people in the big tent who were still blushing at first also looked at the attendant.

"Your Majesty, the first batch of grain and grass sent by Luoyang was 20 shi, which was personally escorted by General Shang Shitu with an army of 20. As a result, the grain and grass were attacked during the transportation, and the [-] shi grain and grass were wiped out overnight. General Shang Shitu He, he, died on the battlefield!"


Wang Chen stood up suddenly, his eyes were full of disbelief and anger.

Changsun Wuji and the others also widened their eyes and widened their mouths.

"General Master Shang and his disciples have superb martial arts skills, and there are still three thousand elites, how could they be defeated?!"

Wang Chen couldn't believe it, even if it was a trick, but Master Shang and his disciples were not simple characters, and the [-] soldiers under his command were not ordinary military soldiers.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there were only less than 300 people in that group, but they all had extraordinary martial arts skills. They attacked our camp at night and set fire to our food and grass. General Shang Master and Apprentice died on the spot in order to protect [-] soldiers!"

Wang Chen didn't have the slightest expression on his face, but his fingers turned red and made a "cracking" sound.

Anyone who is familiar with Wang Chen knows that this is a manifestation of Wang Chen's anger.

"What a Li Shimin, actually sent someone to touch the rear of our army, very good!"

Wang Chen grinned, his tone was very cold.

"Collect the body of General Shang, Master and Disciple, bury him generously, and posthumously designate Master Shang and Disciple as Duke Zhongyong, and bury him with the ceremony of a Duke of the State!"


After the attendant was helped down, Changsun Wuji immediately stood up.

"Your Majesty, our army's rations can only last half a month at most."

Wang Chen let out a long sigh of relief, he never imagined that one day he would also be taken care of in logistics, he was really careless.

"The distance from Luoyang to Chang'an City is not far. If the luggage is transported properly, it can be arrived in ten days. I hope it doesn't snow!"

Wang Chen looked at the gray sky, and sighed slightly, it was already November, and the weather was getting worse and worse.

"Your Majesty, if you want to transport food again, who will be the food transport officer?"

A general clasped his fists and asked.

Everyone was stunned, even the generals such as Master Shang and his disciples died in battle while transporting food, let alone them.

"Huh, I'm the one who's sorry for General Shang, a man who can fight..."

Wang Chen was a little troubled, from this point of view, his own manpower is not enough, and those who have the ability to transport food, I am afraid that at least Luo Cheng's strength is required.

"Well, I'll go there myself!"

"Your Majesty, this is inappropriate."

"Think twice, Your Majesty!"

Wang Chen smiled slightly, raised his hand slightly, and stopped everyone.

"Tomorrow, the gunpowder team will continue to operate as usual. I will personally lead the troops to attack the city and completely defeat Nancheng. Remember, you only need to defeat Nancheng, and then I will ride back to Luoyang alone. You can find someone who is similar to me to play me. It's enough for Li Shimin's eyes to flicker, don't show your face."

"This time, I will catch the thief myself!"

Wang Chen's tone was extremely cold, everyone understood instantly, they didn't say any more, after they cupped their hands, they all got out of the big tent and went down to prepare to go.

...In Chang'an City...

Above the Golden Palace

"Hahaha! As expected of a master of the Ninth Five-Year Sect, 300 people burned 20 shi of Wang Chen's grain, and Wang Chen's hundreds of thousands of troops will beat us hungry?! Hahaha!"

"I heard that Hua Shilang also killed their general, Master Shang, and his disciples. He really killed their spirit for us!"

"Yes, yes, the servant of Huajiu is really amazing, I admire you so much!"

It turned out that it was Hua Jiu of the Ninth Five Sect who led the people to attack the food and grass this time. There were three hundred experts of the Ninth Five Sect. In addition, Hua Jiu used some unorthodox formations to completely set Shang and his disciples together. Living.

Hua Jiu also greeted her with a smile, and now Hua Jiu has felt the pleasure of being admired by thousands of people, which is much more refreshing than being a Zuo teacher who doesn't know anyone in the Jiuwu Sect.

"Ahem, but everyone, don't forget that Chang'an City is not too far from Luoyang City. If the transportation is done properly, Wang Chen can collect another 20 shi of grain after ten days!"

Master Jie Yuan said lightly.

Li Shimin was not very happy either. The 20 shi of grain was just a drop in the bucket for today's Dawu. He was just a master and apprentice. Among the generals who are good at fighting in Dawu, master and apprentice are not ranked. This is a loss. For Wang Chen, it is not worth mentioning.

Everyone also reacted immediately, and stood in their positions one after another.

"Then Wang Chen lost 20 shi of grain, and now their army's grain can last up to 20 days, so they will definitely mobilize more grain, why not repeat the same trick and give him a slash!"

Liu Renjing said grinningly.

"Lord Liu's words are also reasonable, but what we need to know is that Wang Chen is not a person who knows how to fight, otherwise he would not be a teacher and apprentice after transporting food. It's just that he didn't think of the terrifying methods of our attackers. However, Wang Chen has suffered a loss, and his defenses must be deepened!"

Pei Ji stepped forward and said.

"Why not, let's repeat the old tricks, but don't go out and destroy Wang Chen's food and grass immediately, but first find out the truth. People of the Ninth Five Sect are good at hiding. Even if the sneak attack is unsuccessful, they can sneak back." Hua Jiu After thinking about it, he said with a smile.

"Oh? What's the best trick for the Flower Master?"

Li Shimin asked lightly.

"His Royal Highness King Qin, in their big camp now, only Wang Chen can threaten me, but if that Wang Chen stays here, then I can cut off his food and grass again. If Wang Chen really goes to guard the food and grass in person, I will retreat, but Your Highness Qin Wang, you can immediately lead troops to counterattack his camp, and first capture a group of their powerful generals and civil servants!"

What Hua Jiu said was very passionate, but everyone felt that it was feasible, because now the most powerful generals under Wang Chen are all leaders, and the rest are nothing to be afraid of!

"Okay! When the time comes, we'll see how you guys do it!"

The corner of Li Shimin's mouth raised slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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