Great Sui God of War, great strength at the beginning!

Chapter 25 New Fang Tian Painting Halberd!

Chapter 25 New Fang Tian Painting Halberd!

"Hahaha! It is my honor to trouble King Yan to come here in person!"

Wang Chen stood in front of the army for less than half an hour, Luo Yi came in person as expected, followed by a dozen generals, all veterans who followed Luo Yi in the South and North, it can be said that Luo Yi moved all his family wealth here!
"Where is there? General Wang's young Yingjie, and now he is ordered by the emperor to support me, Luo Yi. Is there any reason why I, Luo Yi, should not come to greet him in person?"

Luo Yi wrinkled his old face, and immediately grinned, as if Wang Chen was a friend he hadn't seen for many years.

"That's very good! Very good! This general said that the prince is the minister of Sui's humerus! How could he neglect me! It's a joke in the world! Come here, give this general the details of today's intrusion Drag it down and cut it down, today the army will take him to sacrifice the flag!"

Luo Yi was a little puzzled by Wang Chen's praise at first, but was surprised when he heard what Wang Chen said later.

"General Wang, this is absolutely unacceptable!"

Luo Yi hurriedly stepped forward and said in a slightly hasty manner.

"Oh? Is it possible that the prince knows the details of the secret work?"

"No, no, no! This person is Xiao Wang's staff member! It's not a secret job!"

Luo Yi cut straight to the point, there was no other way, originally he wanted to take his time, but this yellow-mouthed kid didn't follow the routine.

"This? My lord? How do you make me believe..."

"No, no! Mr. Zhou is the king's most trusted staff member, and he was sent here to explain to General Wang that Xiao Wang has prepared the marshal's mansion! There is absolutely no way to underestimate General Wang!"

Luo Yi immediately arched his hand.

"Let me just say it! It seems that the staff under the lord's hands are a little ignorant! The lord has to go back and take care of it! Otherwise, it would be bad if they were chopped off by others!"

Wang Chen said with a skinny smile.

"That's nature! That's nature!"

Luo Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

Wang Chen walked to the door and slapped it out.


The two gates were directly smashed by Wang Chen!
"The general still wonders how the lord could prepare such a place for me. It seems that the general is thinking too much! The general is here to thank the lord in advance!"

Wang Chen waved his hands, pretending to bow his hands towards Luo Yi.

"Hahaha, General Wang, please move!"

"My lord please first!"


Wang Chen didn't have anything to clean up, so he just followed Luo Yi, walking side by side with Luo Yi!
Two horses walk side by side, one old and one young, each with their own thoughts.

"This king has heard of General Wang's name from far away in Youzhou! General Wang kills one king and captures two kings. The capital is against Yuwen Chengdu. It can be said that he is a hero in the world!"

Luo Yi looked at Wang Chen and smiled.

"Where is it, the prince is the real pillar of the Sui Dynasty!"

"I heard that General Wang recognized the backer king as his adoptive father, right?"

"That's right, foster father, the old man often mentioned you, my lord, to me, saying that your lord is highly skilled in martial arts, and your Luo family's marksmanship is superb! Wang Chen worships you!"

Wang Chen leaned sideways and cupped his hands, Luo Yi said that his heart was full of joy.

"Hahaha! Where is it, the king of the mountain praised it!"

The corner of Wang Chen's mouth raised slightly, it seemed that Luo Yi was quite convinced of his adoptive father.

"Oh, it's here!"

The two chatted along the way, mostly talking about private matters, but the Turkic issue, both of them tacitly did not mention a word.

Looking at the mansion in front of him, Wang Chen was taken aback, isn't this the city lord's mansion?
"Hahaha! I would like to thank the lord for giving us the city lord's mansion to recruit the Northern Army! The lord still has a plan!"

"As long as the general likes it, Xiao Wang will prepare some thin wine in the evening. I hope General Wang will show his face and have a drink together!"

"Definitely! Definitely! This general will definitely come tonight as promised!"

"The king is waiting for the general! Farewell!"

After Luo Yi finished speaking, he took the reins and left with a dozen generals without waiting for Wang Chen to speak.

Looking at the backs of Luo Yi and others leaving, Wang Chen didn't say much.

"Come on, enter the mansion!"

Everyone followed Wang Chen into the City Lord's Mansion in Beiyuan City.

Beiyuan City is definitely far inferior to Dengzhou City, and even slightly inferior to Dingjiang City. Many places are slightly dilapidated because they have not been repaired.

"Marshal, as far as the general knows, the original defender of Beiyuan City has already died in battle, by the sword of the Turkic people, and then the mansion is empty."

He Meng first explained.

"Turkic people, wolves and beasts too! The only way to deal with beasts is to fight! Kill!"

When Wang Chen said this, his eyes suddenly became fierce.

"The Marshal is right!"

"Let's go in and discuss the matter!"


A group of people walked into the hall of the city mansion and sat down in order according to their positions.

"General He Meng, come and tell us about the current situation!"


He Meng stood up and took out an envelope from his pocket.

"According to the combination of these three days of inquiry and the news from our spies in Youzhou, the Turkic invasion is unreasonable, but most likely it is for food and population!"

"This is inevitable. Now that the weather is getting colder, the Turkic people are in great need of food, but the general feels that this may not be the case!"

Cao Yu stood up abruptly.

"General Cao Yu, listen to He Meng first before talking about anything else."

Wang Chen waved his hands at Cao Yu.


"General He Meng, continue."

"Yes, according to the intelligence, Luo Yi only resisted the Turks' invasion on a small scale, and sometimes even fled without fighting. It took only a few days for the Turks to conquer seven cities!"

"But these seven cities are not considered important border cities. Although they are lost, they are not fatal to our Sui border. The most important thing is this Beiyuan city. If Beiyuan city is broken, then the Turks can drive straight in! Destroy My mountains and rivers!"

Wang Chen interrupted when he heard this.

"Where are the other important cities?"

"It's mainly Yanmen Pass, Juyong Pass and other checkpoints, but these checkpoints are heavily guarded. Originally, there were two checkpoints in front of Beiyuan City, but they were breached by the Turks, so now we must defend Beiyuan City!"

"That's fine, as long as there are no problems in the rest of the place!"

Wang Chen supported the end with his hands while talking.

"Marshal, what do you mean by Luo Yi? He didn't resist the Turkic people at all, and he waited until the Turkic people arrived at the door to start resisting? Could it be that Luo Yi is afraid of the Turkic people?"

Some will start to express their opinions.

"General Wu, although this Luo Yi basically abandoned the city and fled, most of the people were removed by Luo Yi, and Luo Yi only lost a few insignificant city checkpoints. From this point of view, Luo Yi should not be afraid of the Turks, but looking for an opportunity!"

Cao Yu started his own explanation again.

Wang Chen pinched the bridge of his nose, his head was a little big, there was no one under him, and the people assigned to him felt unwilling to use their brains. As for those civil servants, they were all far behind, and the only powerful Cao Yu was Yu Wenhua And people.

"This Luo Yi, either wants to bring in the Turks and wipe them all out, but he doesn't have enough troops, so he needs our support, or he uses us as gunmen, letting us use up our troops to fight the Turks, so that he can reap the benefits! "

"As for what's more, hehe, Luo Yi underestimated Da Sui!"

"What do you mean, General?"

"It's nothing, let us settle down for the Northern Army first, and there is enough food now, and all the brothers have marched for nearly [-] days, eating and sleeping in the open. Let the brothers eat well for these two days. After tomorrow, they should eat a lot. There is a war coming!"

"The last general takes orders!"

The general in charge of the catering walked out of the hall holding his fists together.

"Okay, let's leave first, and I will inform you later when there is something to do. Everyone, please perform your duties. If you dare to violate military regulations in the Northern Army, you will be dealt with directly by military law! No mercy!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, Wang Chen's eyes shone with light.

During my journey, not a single general refused to accept me, and I didn't even have the chance to make an example of others. This is too peaceful, sometimes too calm is not a good thing!
"I have to train a group of my own team as soon as possible!"

Wang Chen clenched his fists, it is really difficult to carry out work without his own team.

"Report to Marshal, two people came outside, claiming they are your subordinates!"

At this moment, a servant ran in and reported.

When Wang Chen heard it, he smiled and finally came.

"Let them in!"


After a while, two people walked into the lobby, a man and a woman, both were about sixteen or seventeen years old, the man had an arrogant face, and the woman had a delicate face

The two looked at Wang Chen and shouted with a smile, their tone full of joy.

Wang Chen looked at the two and smiled.

These two people were Wang Yan and Wang Li who followed Wang Chen from Anping County to Dengzhou City.

"I've been looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally I'm looking forward to the two of you."

"Brother, we brought you a present today!"

Wang Li was a little more cheerful than Wang Yan, and came to Wang Chen's side bouncing around.

"Oh? What is it?"

Wang Chen was actually interested.

"The king of the mountain asked us to send it to you, but the thing is too heavy, and it is still outside! Brother, please go and see for yourself!"

Wang Chen thought for a while, and he could probably guess what it was.

Walking out of the city mansion, they followed Wang Yan and the two to a yard. There was a horse tied to a stable in the yard, and behind the horse was dragging a wooden cart covered with a piece of red cloth.

Wang Chen came to the side of the horse and tore off the red cloth.

A bright red Fang Tian painted halberd appeared in front of Wang Chen.

This Fangtian painted halberd is nine feet five inches long. There is a dragon embroidered on the body of the halberd. The body of the dragon is wrapped around the body of the halberd.

Wang Chen directly held Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand, his first feeling was:


About 350 pounds of weight!Fang Tianji's whole body was icy cold!

Holding Fang Tianji in his hand, Wang Chen felt the blood all over his body, and immediately started to move.

Fang Tianji brought gusts of wind and was so majestic that it would be difficult for an ordinary general to get closer to ten meters!


As soon as the halberd fell, it hit the ground heavily, the floor split open, and even a lot of stones flew up!
"Okay! It's a sharp weapon!"

"Brother, as long as you like it, the backer king said that this Fangtian painted halberd was obtained by his old man himself from a fairy!"


Wang Chen was taken aback when he heard this word.

According to the world of Romance, it seems that there are indeed those kind of hidden masters, such as the master of Yuwen Chengdu and Li Yuanba, that kind of masters!

It seems that there is a real person named Ziyang!

The world is getting more and more interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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