Great Sui God of War, great strength at the beginning!

Chapter 249 The Battle of Chang'an

Chapter 248 The Battle of Chang'an
Chang'an City

On the Golden Luan Hall of the Chang'an Imperial Palace, Li Shimin lives high on the dragon chair. Below the side of the dragon chair is a grand master's chair, and Master Jieyuan sits on this grand master's chair.

There are many powerful civil servants and military generals in the Jinluan Hall, including Liu Renjing, Pei Ji, Li Jiancheng, Li Mi and so on.

On martial arts, there are Li Yuanba, Luo Shixin, Qin Shubao, Qin Yong, Wang Bodang, Xiong Kuohai, Wu Yunzhao and so on.

Moreover, there were several mysterious and unpredictable old Taoist priests from the Guidance Gate in the field. The most striking ones were the two solemn monks. Although they were monks, they had evil faces.

"Everyone, Wang Chen is already approaching the city, what should we do next?"

Li Shimin asked first, tapping his fingers on the dragon chair he was sitting on.

"His Royal Highness King Qin, although Wang Chen is like a cloud, Xue Rengui, Yu Chigong, Luo Cheng, Pei Yuanqing and many other powerful generals have been scattered to various places, and at the moment under Wang Chen's command are Yuwen Chengdu, Cheng Yaojin, There are only three people in Zhang Wen, so there is nothing to worry about."

Liu Renjing stood up with a sign and said respectfully to Li Shimin.

"Of course this guy knows it, but Wang Chen's personal force is indeed too strong!"

Li Shimin frowned tightly.

"Second brother, you, don't worry, this time I must use my big hammer, here, give that five monkeys a good look!"

Li Yuanba held his head up and stammered.

Luo Shixin rolled his eyes at the back, although he was not smart, but he also knew that he couldn't beat Wang Chen at all, that was courting death, he was not stupid.

"Okay, fourth brother, next time I will let you fight that Wang Chen again, now you should rest and recuperate!"

Li Shimin also looked at Li Yuanba with a smile, this was his strongest combat power, so he had to be coaxed.

"Hehe, Your Highness King Qin, we don't need to worry too much, Wang Chen is just a mortal, and you are the real man of destiny, King Qin, and the final outcome must be that you rule the country!"

Master Jie Yuan chuckled, clasped his palms together in a very pious manner, and His Highness's two monks clasped their palms together in a dignified manner.

"Guo Shi said this, I have heard the same from an old Taoist priest, but now the situation in the world, I don't have the advantage!"

Li Shimin sighed slightly.

Qin Qiong, Wang Bodang, Xiong Kuohai and others were helpless for a while. Who knew that after the end of the Great Sui Dynasty, another Wang Chen popped up, killing Wang Shichong, Dou Jiande, Meng Haigong, destroying the overlord Xue Ju and his son, destroying the southern big clan, and conquering They defeated Goguryeo and defeated the invincible Western Turks. It was really terrifying!
"How many troops do we have in Chang'an City?"

Li Shimin asked lightly.

"I tell His Highness the King of Qin that there are now 20 infantry, 20 cavalry, and 43 supply troops in Chang'an City, a total of [-] troops!"

Minister of the Ministry of War stood up and said in detail.

"Okay! His Royal Highness Qin, we have four 10,000+ troops, and Wang Chen has only three to four million troops. The art of war has a saying, five times the attack, ten times the encirclement, Wang Chen wants to capture my Chang'an with an army of less than 40 City, that is idiot talking in sleep!"

Kong Deyang stood up and cupped his hands, very confident.

After listening to this data, Li Shimin let go of the big stone in his heart. Li Shimin didn't believe that his hundreds of thousands of troops could not defend a city of Chang'an anymore! ?

"Then everyone, be prepared to defend the city, and even if we find an opportunity, we can still counterattack!"

A gleam flashed in Li Shimin's eyes.

"Yes, His Royal Highness King Qin!"

...The Great Martial Camp outside Chang'an City...

"Your Majesty, there is news from Pei Yuanqing!"

Lu Bing walked into the tent, holding a battle report in his hand.

Everyone looked over curiously. Pei Yuanqing led an army of [-] to defend Liu Heita, and there should be no major problems.

After all, Pei Yuanqing is also a peerless general, and in order to prevent Pei Yuanqing from being stupid, Wang Chenhao specially found two counselors for him to give advice.

Wang Chen took the letter, and immediately opened it and read it carefully. Wang Chen frowned slightly when he saw Pei Yuanqing's news.

"What's the matter, Your Majesty, could it be that Pei Yuanqing lost?!"

Seeing Wang Chen's brows furrowed, Xu Maogong was also surprised, logically speaking it shouldn't be.

"That boy Pei Yuanqing was ambushed in Lujiazui, he lost 5000 troops, and he was slightly injured!"

Wang Chen put down the letter and said lightly.

"This? My brother-in-law is so brave, yet he was injured?!"

Cheng Yaojin couldn't believe it, and Yuwen Chengdu, who had fought against Pei Yuanqing, was also unbelievable. Pei Yuanqing actually lost?
"It's not a big defeat, it's just a slight loss!"

"Then Liu Heita still has such a talent?"

Xu Maogong is confused, when did Liu Heita become so talented?
"Because Liu Heitai has a talent named Su Dingfang, who is a powerful general. Not only that, but Su Dingfang is also very good in military strategy. It is not shameful for Pei Yuanqing to lose to him!"

Wang Chen continued to explain to everyone.

Everyone is puzzled, who is this Su Dingfang?
Wang Chen's memory, in the world of Romance, Luo Cheng would still die in the hands of Su Dingfang, and Su Dingfang is not a very powerful character, but the real Su Dingfang is a super ruthless person, even in the ruthless Tang Dynasty Top of the list!

And looking at the description in this letter, this Su Dingfang is extremely impressive!

Wang Chen sighed slightly, looked at Xu Maogong beside him and said:

"Military Master, it seems that you have to go there yourself. If Su Dingfang on the opposite side is really what I imagined, then that kid Pei Yuanqing is really a bit dangerous. Go and help Pei Yuanqing. I am here enough!"

You must know that Luo Chengcheng in the later stage is the God of War, no one is his enemy, but Su Dingfang used a small plan to trick Luo Cheng, and Luo Cheng was also killed by thousands of arrows, so Pei Yuanqing, who can only use brute force The idiot is also likely to be tricked by Su Dingfang.

Xu Maogong thought for a while, and understood the importance of this matter. If Pei Yuanqing loses, Wang Chen will face the attack of two armies, and Dawu will fall into a very passive situation.

"Wei Chen takes orders!"

After Xu Maogong cupped his hands, he immediately walked out of the big tent, not daring to delay a single cent.

"Everyone don't need to be so downcast. Xue Rengui's side will be over in two months at most, and then he can lead troops to our place immediately. When our two armies meet, we are bound to take down Chang'an City!"

"Take Chang'an City!"

"Take Chang'an City!"

All the generals raised their hands and shouted.

"Let the soldiers open their stomachs to eat today. The most important thing for us in Dawu is food. If we are full, tomorrow will be the official start of our battle with Li Tang!"

Wang Chen stood up, and all the generals in the tent said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

A group of generals put their right hands in front of their left chests, and after bowing to Wang Chen, they walked out of the tent one after another, and began to arrange for the soldiers of their own battalion to go.

Wang Chen looked at the simulated sand table placed in the center of the big tent, and stared straight at Chang'an City.

"Chang'an City, I'm going to decide!"

Early the next morning, Wang Chen brought Yuwen Chengdu, Cheng Yaojin, Zhang Wen and other generals to the city of Chang'an.

"I am Yuwen Chengdu, Duke of the Great Wuyu Kingdom, who dares to fight me!"

Yuwen Chengdu has a red charcoal fire dragon horse under his crotch, with gold-plated phoenix wings in his hands, and a golden battle armor. He is majestic and majestic, just like a god in the world.

"Yuwen Chengdu, do you still remember your grandfather Xiong Kuohai?!"

"Hey! Yuwen Chengdu, I, Wu Yunzhao, have come to kill you!"

Xiong Kuohai and Wu Yunzhao came forward immediately, and the person who should have died a long time ago is also alive because of Wang Chen.

"It's just two defeated generals, so why should I keep it in my heart!"

Yu Wencheng dismissed the smile, and also slapped on the horse. The [-]-jin gilt phoenix wing was like a divine soldier descending from heaven, and hit Xiong Kuohai's cooked copper stick and Wu Yunzhao's zhangbaliang silver snake spear with powerful force. Dao almost let the weapons of the two come out.

"This Yuwen Chengdu's strength seems to have become stronger again!?"

Wu Yunzhao said in disbelief.

"Brother, who cares, I have to take Yuwen Chengdu to pay for brother Wu Yunxi's life today!"

Xiong Kuohai slapped his horse and rushed towards Yuwen Chengdu without fear of death.

If Yu Wencheng knew that Xiong Kuohai blamed Wu Tianxi's death on himself, he would feel speechless. Then Wu Tianxi died under the attack of the army to cover the retreat of the anti-king.

Of course, Yuwen Chengdu wouldn't care about it either. In Yuwen Chengdu's eyes, all the people in the world, except for Wang Chen and a few other people, were all native chickens and dog ears!

Yuwen Chengdu's horse's front hooves were raised high, Yuwen Chengdu was condescending, and the gold-plated phoenix wings pierced Xiong Kuohai's chest.

Xiong Kuohai was shocked, with the copper rod in front of him, but Yuwen Chengdu's powerful force pushed Xiong Kuohai and the horse under his crotch to the ground together.


Xiong Kuohai's crotch horse was directly shattered by Yuwen Chengdu's attack. He was dying and unable to fight again!


Li Shimin was stunned, why did Xiong Kuohai lose in three rounds under Yu Wencheng's hands?Is this Yuwen Chengdu so amazing? !
"Quick! Your Highness King Qin, we have to save people quickly!"

Pei Ji said anxiously, this Xiong Kuohai is Li Tang's high-end combat power, and losing one of them is a huge loss.


Several generals on the city wall immediately went down the tower with their weapons in hand.

On the other hand, on the battlefield of Yuwen Chengdu, Xiong Kuohai looked at the gold-plated phoenix wings piercing towards him, and lamented that my life is over.

Wu Yunzhao came over immediately, blocked Yuwen Chengdu's gold-plated boring, and rescued Xiong Kuohai in a dangerous way.

"Zhang Wen, Cheng Yaojin, go to battle! Support General Yuwen!"

Wang Chen looked at several generals rushing out of Chang'an City, and said calmly.


After Zhang Wen and Cheng Yaojin clasped their fists together, they immediately slapped their horses and walked forward.

"Look at me chopping my head!"

Cheng Yaojin grinned and killed a Li Tang general on the spot with an axe.

"Come again, kid picking his teeth!"

A horizontal chop, and then kill another.

"The third trick is to pick out your ears!"

Cheng Yaojin turned the ax upside down and wounded another general.

"Good! This Cheng Yaojin is brave!"

Changsun Wuji looked at it and called Niupi.

Wang Chen also nodded. Under his own training, Cheng Yaojin's force value is the same as Zhang Wen's. After all, Cheng Yaojin's background is very good. He is poor in martial arts. Tiangang 36 axes let him He has learned three and a half tricks. If he has learned all of them, Cheng Yaojin's strength may not be weaker than that of the ninth hero, Wei Wentong, and even comparable to the seventh hero, Luo Cheng.

"This Cheng Yaojin is amazing!"

Li Shimin on the tower looked at Cheng Yaojin's bravery and diligence, killing two of his generals and seriously injuring one of his generals in three moves, and couldn't help admiring.

Qin Qiong was also slightly curious. His younger brother's martial arts seemed to have improved a lot, basically the same as his own.

"Not enough to kill, come again!"

Cheng Yaojin laughed loudly, and taunted him while carrying the Bagua Xuanhua axe.

Zhang Wen's side was also extremely brave, killing two generals, Li and Tang, in more than a dozen rounds.


Xiong Kuohai flew out again.

Yuwen Chengdu is not afraid of one enemy and three, not to mention that Wu Tianxi is dead, and the remaining two cannot be Yuwen Chengdu's opponents at all.

Cheng Yaojin looked at the two Xiong Kuohai and Xiong Kuohai who were beaten and ran away, and sighed slightly. After all, these were teammates who rebelled against the Sui Dynasty together, and Cheng Yaojin also admired the three of Xiong Kuohai very much.


Zhang Wen didn't care about this, after killing the general who came to support Li Tang, he directly killed Wu Yunzhao from the rear, and Wu Yunzhao was caught off guard.

Wu Yunzhao was originally injured internally by Yuwen Chengdu, but Zhang Wen attacked from behind again, Wu Yunzhao couldn't dodge in time, was slashed, and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

Yuwen Chengdu took advantage of the situation and wanted Wu Yunzhao's life. At the beginning when Wu's family was ransacked by the whole family, Yuwen Chengdu let Wu Yunzhao go, but now, everyone is fighting, everyone, Yuwen Chengdu must kill such a powerful general as Wu Yunzhao for Dawu .

"Yuwen Chengdu, stop!"

Suddenly, there was a loud roar, and everyone looked over, a Lei Gong cub who was almost six feet tall rode Wanli Yanyunzhao, and ran out with a drum beating urn and a golden hammer in his hand. This person was Li Yuanba.

Li Yuanba came to kill Yuwen Chengdu, but Yuwen Chengdu showed no fear.

"This general wants to kill!"

Yu Wencheng's eyes are full of murderous intent. The friendship between himself and Wu Yunzhao has long since ended when he rescued him. Now that they are fighting on the battlefield, it depends on good fortune and hard power!


Wu Yunzhao, the fifth hero in the late Sui Dynasty, died!

Xiong Kuohai held his chest and hissed loudly, as if the world was spinning.

Li Shimin and Kong Deyang on the city wall, and even Master Jieyuan all had a slightly ugly expression on their faces. They didn't expect this Yuwen Chengdu to be so powerful.

"you wanna die!"

Li Yuanba was very upset, this was what his second brother called him to protect, but he was killed by Yuwen Chengdu in the end, how embarrassing did this make him?

"Hmph! Li Xiaosi, come as soon as you come, the general is afraid that you will fail!"

All of Yuwen Chengdu's skills were instantly activated, and his force value soared a few points in an instant.


After the two made a move, Yu Wencheng's arms trembled and he almost fell off the horse.

"Come again, bump!"

(End of this chapter)

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