Great Sui God of War, great strength at the beginning!

Chapter 194 Brother Chapter 192: Peking Wang Xie, Luo Cheng went crazy

Chapter 194 Brother 190 Chapter [-]: The King of Peking, Luo Cheng is crazy

Hangzhou City

After three consecutive days of war, the walls of the current Hangzhou City are truly devastated.

And in the Sui camp outside Hangzhou, Wang Chen and others sat together again.

"This Hangzhou city is no worse than that Yangzhou city, it really is like a turtle shell!"

Zhang Wen grinned and yelled.

Wang Chen also nodded. He really underestimated this Hangzhou city. He thought that among the southern cities, only Yangzhou city could bear the title of the world's grand pass, but he didn't expect that there is another Hangzhou city that is not bad at all.

Moreover, this Sun Xingmin also had Kong Deyang and Master Jieyuan as assistants in his hands, and he also trained many dead men and generals, who were indeed much stronger than Nayu Wenhuaji.

"My lord, we may not be able to afford it. We must take the south as soon as possible, otherwise there may be problems in the north!"

Xu Mao said openly.

Xin Wenli and others also agreed.

In the south, the cities north of Hangzhou City are now in the hands of Wang Chen, but the north is different. Li Yuan's power is in the middle of Wang Chen's Luoyang City, Zhenbei, and Northeast, and there is a feeling of being cut off. And there is also Turkic aggression outside the pass.

Wang Chen sat quietly on the chair, tapping his fingers on the armchair.

"Now, if you want to take this Hangzhou city in a short period of time, you must use a surprise army!"

"Cavalry? My lord, how can cavalry attack the city!?" Zhang Wen and Zhao Peng were stunned and asked in confusion.

Xu Maogong patted his forehead and explained to everyone with a smile:
"What the lord is talking about is strange soldiers, not cavalry, it is strange! What the lord means is that we need to use a strange soldier to attack the city!"

Everyone suddenly realized, and Zhang Wen and Zhao Peng immediately thought that when they attacked the Turkic royal court, they also used a surprise soldier, and that surprise soldier all died in the Turkic royal court in the end, and there was no survivor!

My immediate boss at the time, that is, Wu Wenyi, also died in that war.

"Since it is a surprise soldier, then this surprise soldier must face great danger. Zhang Wen and Zhao Peng both know it, just like the time when the king raided the Turkic court, Wu Wenyi, he also sacrificed there!"

Every time Wang Chen thinks of Wu Wenyi, he is heartbroken.

Everyone also nodded. The strange soldiers are not only strange, but also fierce, and they have to face death, because they bear the greatest responsibility and face the most dangerous thing.

"My lord, the final general is willing to go!"

Zhang Wen took a step forward, folded his fists and knelt in front of Wang Chen, with firm eyes.

"My lord, the last general hasn't married yet, and General Zhang Wen's wife has been found out to be pregnant a while ago. General Zhang Wen can't take any risks, so let the last general go!" Zhao Peng watched Zhang Wen come out, and immediately Following closely behind, he also knelt down in front of Wang Chen and said.

Everyone admired the two of them. None of the generals present were covetous and fearful of death, but they all had their own concerns. They wanted to think about it, and then they also wanted to ask Wang Chen for orders.

But Zhang Wen and Zhao Peng didn't care about anything at all. In their hearts, they could only win the war for Wang Chen and contribute their own strength to the progress of the Sui war.

"Okay! It's indeed the soldier Wu Wenyi recommended to me at the beginning. It's really extraordinary!"

Wang Chen was also very moved in his heart, he deserved to be the veteran who followed him in the first place.

Zhang Wen and Zhao Peng were not in good shape many times, and they used to like to go to flower houses for the night. Of course, Zhang Wen didn’t dare to go because he married Liu Ruyan, and Zhao Peng didn’t want to go because he didn’t have a companion. up.

"However, Zhang Wen, your wife Liu Ruyan is pregnant, you should not go this time!" Wang Chen looked at Zhang Wen after thinking for a while and said.

When Zhang Wen heard this, he was in a hurry, and immediately knelt down in front of Wang Chen.

"My lord please allow me! The life of the last general is life, but the life of the soldiers of the last general is also life. They also have children and wives, but they can all die for the war. Why should I be afraid of it!?"

Zhang Wen's tone is very sonorous and powerful, and there is fighting spirit and firmness in his eyes.

"Besides, my lord, the last general also wants to be able to contribute to the Sui Dynasty like General Wu back then, and I ask my lord to make it happen!"

Zhang Wen knocked his head to the ground.

Everyone was speechless, indeed, Zhang Wen and Zhao Peng were the best candidates for this surprise soldier.

Let's talk about the overall force value first. Among the people present, apart from Wang Chen, only Xin Wenli could defeat the two of them, but Xin Wenli is obviously not suitable, and the strength of the other generals is not as good as the two.

"Okay! You two must come back safely. If you come back safely, this king will reward you personally. If, if you are unfortunately sacrificed, this king promises that this king will take good care of your family, and you will be prosperous and rich for a lifetime. Your unborn child, Zhang Wen, will be brought up by this king himself!"

Wang Chen stepped down from his seat, came to the two of them, helped them up, and said excitedly.

"The last general Zhang Wen (Zhao Peng) thank you for your kindness!"

As soon as the two worshiped, they stood up.

All the generals in the tent admired him extremely.

...Northeast Land, Yuyang County...

After three days, Luo Cheng and Xin Yue'e finally arrived at Yuyang County.

But what both of them didn't expect was that Yuyang County seemed to be making a mess of porridge at this time.

"Old man, what's going on? Why is Yuyang City making a mess of porridge?"

Luo Cheng was pulling a commoner on the street, he was very puzzled.

"This young man doesn't know something. The Turkic barbarians attacked us in the Sui Dynasty, and Yuyang City was the main place for their attack. Fortunately, the old prince Luo Yi from the Beiping Palace led an army to defend the city desperately. Otherwise, we ordinary people I'm afraid he has become the ghost of that Turkic barbarian!"

The old man in his fifties stooped a little. When he mentioned Turkic, his face was full of horror, but when he mentioned Beiping Wang Luoyi, he was also grateful and admirable.

Luo Cheng was delighted to hear that the people of Yuyang love his father so much, after all, his father is also loved by the people.

"Oh, it's a pity. Two days ago, when the old prince counterattacked the Turks, he was ambushed suddenly and was seriously injured. If it wasn't for a general with a silver gun to rescue the old prince, the old prince might have died, but even In this way, the old prince may still be dead! How unfair the heavens are!"

The old man looked at the sky indignantly and yelled.

When Luo Cheng and Xinyue'e heard that Luo Yi was seriously injured, they were all shocked. Luo Chengma took Xinyue'e and ran towards the Fucheng of Yuyang City.


Luo Cheng rode his war horse, galloping all the way, and came directly to the gate of the Fucheng. The defenders outside the Fucheng are all Luo Yi's personal guards. Naturally, he knows Luo Cheng, the son of the Peking Palace. After all, Luo Cheng is not just Luo Yi's son now. , and even Duke Yan of the Sui Dynasty!
"I have seen His Royal Highness!"

Compared with Duke Yan of Sui Dynasty, people in Luo Yi's mansion are more willing to call Luo Cheng the eldest son.

"What happened to my father?!"

Luo Cheng got off the horse immediately, pulled the guard by the shoulder and said anxiously.

The two personal guards both showed embarrassment, glanced at each other, and then said to Luo Cheng in a low voice:
"His Royal Highness, the doctor left just now. The doctor said that the old prince was hit by three arrows and injured his vitals. In addition, the old prince is old, so maybe he won't last long!"

Luo Cheng staggered as if he had received a thunderbolt from the blue sky. If Xinyue hadn't immediately gone to support Luo Cheng, Luo Cheng might have fallen to the ground.

"Luo Cheng, now, we should go in and have a look at the old prince!" Xin Yue'e also cried as she looked at the ashen-faced Luo Cheng with red eyes.

"Yes! Yes, let's go, I'm going to meet my father!"

The two walked into the city mansion under the leadership of their personal guards.

"younger brother!"

A deep and deep voice came, and Luo Cheng and the two turned their heads to look. It was Jiang Song who disappeared after the Siming Mountain battle, but now he has changed his name to Luo Song.

"Brother, father?" Luo Cheng asked with red eyes after looking at Luo Song.

"Oh, it's my brother's fault. I fell into the enemy's tricks. Before I realized it, my father had already been ambushed!"

Luo Song clenched his fists tightly, his voice slightly hoarse.

"Brother, go in and see your father, your father may not be able to do it anymore, but your father is calling your name every day now!"

Luo Song walked up to Luo Cheng, patted Luo Cheng's shoulder and said.

"Okay!" Luo Cheng nodded, and walked into the room with Xin Yue'e.

Luo Song looked at the back of Luo Cheng walking in, and sighed again.

Luo Song doesn't want the position of official title, just to find Luo Yi in the Peking Palace and ask him why he abandoned his family.

In the end, after knowing the reasons and consequences of Luo Yi's helplessness, Luo Song finally chose to forgive.

After all, before Luo Song's mother died, she also held Luo Song's hand Qian Ding Ling, and Wan asked Luo Song not to hate his father, because his father had some difficulties.

However, it was less than a year since Luo Song recognized his father, yet his father was about to be separated from him forever!

Luo Song hated, hated the injustice, even hated that damned Turkic barbarian, and even hated that mysterious man who plotted against him!

In the room, Luo Yi was lying on the bed, his face was pale without a trace of blood, the corners of his mouth had been cracked, and he had lost more than two circles of weight.

Luo Yi sensed someone coming in, opened his eyes with difficulty, saw the longing Luo Cheng, and whispered happily.

"Father! The child is late!"

Luo Cheng knelt down on the ground, and Xin Yue'e knelt down on the ground following Luo Cheng.

"Cheng'er, who is this?" Luo Yi asked with a smile when he saw the beautiful woman behind Luo Cheng.

"Father, I'm here to introduce you to this person, who is my favorite, Xin Yue'e, the younger sister of the Eighth Horse General Xin Wenli!"

Luo Chengma pulled Xinyue'e to his side, and happily introduced to Luo Yi.

Luo Cheng smiled, but it was forced. Luo Cheng just wanted to make his father happy for him.

"Hahaha, my son is good. I also know the new Wenli. She is a tiger general in the world, and Miss Yue'e has a good-looking appearance and outstanding temperament. If my family's Cheng'er marries you, it will be my Luo family's honor! Cough Cough cough!"

Luo Yi lay on the bed, looked at the two excitedly and said, and coughed violently twice in the excitement.

The two were startled and immediately came to the bed.

"Cheng'er, my father is very regretful. I won't be able to see you get married in this life, but my father can still see his future daughter-in-law. My father is also satisfied. Go quickly and call your elder brother!"

Luo Yi looked even weaker and more authentic.

"Father, don't say stupid things, you will be fine!" Luo Cheng said with tears, his voice very hoarse.

"Ahem! Go, call your elder brother in! There is not much time to be a father! Go!"

Luo Yi said slightly excitedly.

"Yes! My child will go right away!"

Luo Cheng immediately stood up, went out and pulled Luo Song in.

"Song'er, I'm sorry for your father, and I'm even more sorry for your mother. At the beginning, I was really inspired by my father's name. I came to northern Xinjiang hoping to make contributions, but when I made contributions to my father and wanted to go back to you, you But he is no longer in the Jiangjia Village, and I can't find my father no matter how hard I look for it! Cough cough cough!"

Luo Yi said with tears.

"Father, mother never blamed you. When mother found out that you married a new princess, she was overjoyed that you were still alive. She wanted to come to you, but mother got a cold and was seriously ill, so she left. But before mother left, she told Song'er not to blame you!" Luo Song also cried tears.

"That's good. This king's life is worth it. I'm sorry for Nian'er. It's my regret in this life. I can only make it up to her in my next life!"

Luo Yi seemed relieved, and turned to look at Luo Cheng.

"You are brothers, you must get along well. From now on, you two brothers will share everything that this king owns equally. Then, this Yuyang City will be handed over to you two brothers!"

"Finally, Cheng'er, protect, protect you, mother!"

After Luo Yi said the last sentence with great difficulty, his hands rolled limply on the side of the bed, and he took his last breath with a smile.


Both Luo Song and Luo Cheng fell to their knees, shouting with pain in their backs.

And Xinyue'e also covered her mouth and shed tears.

King of Peking, dead!
In the early morning of the next day, everyone sent the body of Peiping Wang Luoyi to the Peking Palace, and Luo Song personally escorted it.

As for Luo Cheng, Luo Cheng now only has hatred and anger towards Turks in his heart.

Early this morning, tens of thousands of soldiers from the Beiping Prince's Mansion had already gathered under the general's stage.

At this time, Luo Cheng was riding a lightning white dragon horse, holding a five-hooked silver spear in his hand, wearing a sky-plated silver armor, a white robe, and a fistful of white cloth tied to his arm.

"This general is Luo Cheng, Duke of Yan of the Sui Dynasty, and also the third-rank general of the Sui Dynasty!"

"Furthermore, this general is Luo Cheng, the son of Luo Yi, the King of Beiping. The King of Peiping has fallen victim to the tricks of the Turks and has already passed away. However, this general will inherit the last wish of the King of Peiping and fight against the Turks!"

Luo Cheng raised his spear and shouted loudly.

Everyone was shocked, it turned out that the eldest son of his family had returned.

You know, the current Luo Cheng has a very famous name, who knows the name of Luo Cheng who is cold-faced and handsome?
This is the person who followed the Sui God of War into the Turkic royal court!
He is also the one who followed King Wu of the Sui Dynasty to fight in all directions. This is King Wu's capable general!
"Kill! Avenge the prince!"

"Kill! Avenge the prince!"

"Kill kill kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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