Great Sui God of War, great strength at the beginning!

Chapter 168 Breaking through Luoyang City!

Chapter 168 Breaking through Luoyang City!
After more than a month.

Mu Guiying sent an attendant to deliver the letter.

Sitting in the handsome tent, Wang Chen took the battle report and smiled after reading it for a while.

Mu Guiying, Luo Cheng, Xinyue'e, and Cheng Yaojin have almost taken over half of Xue Ju's territory.

"My lord, Du Fuwei and the others have sent a battle report. They have captured Xuhui, Shanglin and other cities, and they are almost pushing to the west of Luoyang City!"

Xu Maogong walked into the handsome tent, holding the battle report in his hand, he was very happy and authentic.

"Oh?" Wang Chen Yixi immediately took the battle report, and gave Xu Maogong the battle report of Mu Guiying in his hand.

"Hahaha! My lord, it can be said that God is helping us now, Wang Shichong is really hard to fly now!"

"And I thought that as long as Xue Ju's land is taken, Dou Jiande and Meng Haigong's land can be taken directly!"

Xu Maogong said excitedly after reading it.

Wang Chen also nodded, "Our side is going to speed up the offensive. It's been two months since I came to Luoyang, so it's a bit late!"

When Wang Chen said this, he frowned slightly.

"My lord, the city of Luoyang is tall and strong. The continuous attack for more than half a month has put great pressure on Wang Shichong and the others, but our soldiers are also exhausted. Now all the troops are tired of fighting!"

Xu Maogong sighed slightly, and said to Wang Chen.

Naturally, Wang Chen also understood that in the past month or so, he had attacked the city no less than twenty times, but he still couldn't make it.

The defense equipment in Luoyang City is too rich.

After Wang Chen thought for a while, he said to Xu Mao: "Temporarily transfer Luo Cheng and Xin Yue'e back, and bring back [-] troops!"

Xu Maogong thought for a while, and immediately understood what Wang Chen meant.

"My lord, do you mean to directly attack the city from all sides!?"

"That's right, Ximian, go from Xin Wenli, and attack with Du Fuwei!"

"There is Luo Cheng in the north, Xinyue'e and the others lead troops to attack the city!"

"As for the south, it's up to Pei Yuanqing and the military division to go!"

"We have delayed for too long, we can't delay any longer!"

Wang Chen stood up and said to Xu Maogong.

Xu Maogong also nodded, expressing that he understood, and immediately went down to make arrangements.

After Xu Maogong walked out of the tent, Lu Bing walked in.

"My lord, I have already contacted the two brothers in the city. They said that the west side is the weakest, and Meng Haigong will guard the city. They have already won from Wang Shichong to go to the west side to defend the city. At that time, they will directly control Meng Haigong first. Then help our army enter the city!"

Lu Bing said respectfully.

"But my lord, I won't be able to contact you anymore. Wang Shichong is very strict now. Both of them have been gradually suspected by Wang Shichong!"

Wang Chen nodded slightly, but this was enough.

Fortunately, when Wang Shichong was just rising, Wang Chen kept Wang Shichong by his side. Perhaps Wang Shichong really didn't expect that the two confidants who took refuge in him for a long time were actually Wang Chen's people.

"By the way, has Li Yuan in Taiyuan made any movement these days?" Wang Chen immediately asked about Li Yuan.

"My lord, my subordinates are also very puzzled. In the past few months, the Duke of Tang's mansion has basically remained silent. The Jin Yiwei under his command have all followed their orders, but they haven't found anything wrong with Li's mansion!"

Lu Bing also seemed a little puzzled, and said to Wang Chen.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Wang Chen leaned on the chair, his brain spinning rapidly, what is Li Yuan thinking about now?
Wang Chen believed that Li Yuan and Li Shimin, who possessed the fate of emperors, would never resign themselves to being inferior to others, especially in this troubled world.

But the movement in Li's house was too weird.

"It's better to keep an eye on the Li family first, and report it immediately if there is any movement!" Wang Chen said lightly.

"Understood, my lord!" Lu Bingyi responded with a bow.

"What about Yangzhou? I've been away for a few months, and I don't know what's going on with Yangzhou City?"

Wang Chen immediately asked again.

Lu Bing continued to reply: "My lord, Yangzhou City is also very peaceful these days, but I found out that the emperor's physical condition seems to be declining in the past few months, and sometimes he will not go to court for half a month!"

"Even, there is news from the underworld in the palace that the emperor seems to cough occasionally, and the cough is quite severe, as if he is coughing up blood!"

Wang Chen immediately sensed that something was wrong. Logically speaking, Yang Guang should still be healthy at this time, and he was killed by Yu Wenhuaji in the end. Why did he cough up blood?
"Did the emperor ask Mr. Li Shizhen to give him a diagnosis and treatment?" Wang Chen asked with a frown.

Yang Guang is not a fool, last time Li Shizhen missed a trick, no matter how Yang Guang should have thought of Li Shizhen! ?
"My lord, the emperor has not summoned Mr. Li Shizhen to treat him, and no doctor has been seen!" Lu Bing continued to respond.

Wang Chen sighed, what on earth is this Yang Guang thinking about?
"Forget it, the most important thing at this moment is to conquer Luoyang City first!"

"Hmph! As long as this king is still here, Da Sui will not be able to fall, and those anti-kings and families will not be able to turn the world over!"

Wang Chen stood up.

"Your Highness, Chitose!"

"After you go down, don't go to Yangzhou. Let Li Shan be in charge of Yangzhou. Now you rush to Bingzhou immediately, and let me keep an eye on Li Yuan in Taiyuan. I have always believed that this cheap father-in-law is not easy to save money. lights!"

As Wang Chen spoke, his eyes became deeper and deeper, and there was an oppressive killing intent all over his body.

Lu Bing swallowed slightly, agreed immediately, and then walked out of the big tent.

Wang Chen also walked out of the big tent, looking from a distance, the outline of Luoyang City appeared in front of him.

"This king must want Luoyang City!"

After seven days,

With the help of Xin Wenli, Du Fuwei attacked the city forcefully. After directly conquering three cities, he came to the west of Luoyang City.

And Luo Cheng also came to the north of Luoyang with an army of [-]. He was dressed in white armor and was very majestic. The [-] army behind him experienced a big battle not long ago, and the morale is still high at this moment.

After that, Pei Yuanqing came to the south of Luoyang with an army of [-], and Xu Maogong also followed.

After all, Pei Yuanqing's temperament still needs to be polished, so Wang Chen asked Xu Maogong to go with him, and Xu Maogong was the leader.

As for the last one, it was Wang Chen, with a hundred thousand soldiers behind him, with high morale, looking at Luoyang Capital, gearing up.

At this moment, Wang Chen is also wearing a chain mail of ten thousand scale dragons, dragon boots on his feet, a big python belt around his waist, a big red robe of dragon Yutian on his body, a three-pronged purple gold crown on his head, and a golden crown in his hand. Breaking the sky to draw the dragon halberd, chasing the moon god horse under the crotch!

"My sons of the Sui Dynasty, this will be our last battle! To win Luoyang, this king will reward you one by one! The greater the merit, the more rewards, the more enemies you kill, the more rewards you will receive!"

The Dragon Halberd was held high by Wang Chen. At this moment, the flag of the [-] Sui Army was no longer the ordinary military flag with Sui characters printed on it, but the bright red Dragon Halberd in Wang Chen's hand!

Right now!

What Wang Chen painted with the dragon halberd was pointing at the direction of one hundred thousand lion soldiers!

The forward troops carried the ladders and headed down the city like crazy, and the follow-up troops also followed immediately, all of them were full of energy!

Wang Chen was also standing about [-] steps away from the city wall of Luoyang. Looking at Wang Shichong and Xue Ju, the two anti-kings, holding the sun-shooting bow in their hands, they shot arrow after arrow at the city wall. Many city guards were killed. Wang Chen shot and killed them one by one.

"Resist this king!" Wang Shichong was startled by Wang Chen's crazy continuous shooting, and shouted at the guards.

And Xue Ju also put on the battle armor, and actually started defending the city himself. After all, Xue Ju was also a school lieutenant, and his martial arts skills are quite impressive.

For a while, Wang Chen's army really couldn't attack, after all, there were [-] to [-] defenders on this city wall.

Of course, Wang Chen never thought about going to Luoyang City by force. After all, this battle still had Xin Wenli and the others as their key link.

For a while, the east wall fell into a stalemate.

Wang Chen wanted to climb the wall twice, but there were too many giant crossbow beds in Luoyang City, and there was really nothing he could do for a while.

An hour later, a dusty attendant hurriedly came to Wang Shichong's East City, knelt down in front of Wang Shichong, and cried loudly:
"It's not good! Your Majesty, the West City is broken! Song Yi Wang Meng Haigong has disappeared!"

"What!?" Wang Shichong was horrified, the [-] defenders in the west city couldn't hold it! ?

"What's going on!?" Wang Shichong raised his attendant's collar and shouted with his eyes wide open, his voice full of fear!

"It's General Luo and General Ma. They surrendered to the enemy. When we were fighting, they opened the gate of the west city and let Du Fuwei's army in!" After the attendant was thrown to the ground by Wang Shichong, the attendant Kneeling on the ground again, he said to Wang Shichong.

"What!? Ahhh~!"

"Luo Mi, Ma Yan, you two eat your own food! How dare you rebel against this king! This king treats you well!" Wang Shichong's eyes were bloodshot instantly, and he almost didn't bring it up.

The soldiers beside Wang Shichong also heard that the west city had been breached. For a while, the morale of the soldiers defending the east city dropped sharply.

"Rush up!"

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen also guessed that Xin Wenli and the others should have succeeded, so he raised the Dragon Halberd and let out a loud roar.

Thousands of troops recklessly rushed towards the city.

Wang Chen saw a good opportunity, jumped up immediately, and with the help of a ladder, directly climbed up the tower in three or two steps. For a while, the offensive on Luoyang City also dropped a lot.

Wang Chen stepped onto the city wall of Luoyang, and swept forward with the Potianhualonghalberd in his hand, directly killing a large number of archers!

Looking at the heavy crossbow beds in front of him, Wang Chen blocked a few giant crossbow arrows that were shot, and then took a few big strides, and instantly came to the heavy crossbow bed, and shot the dragon halberd!


The terrifying ten thousand catties of divine power directly sent the giant crossbow bed flying, knocking down a large group of rebels.

"call out!"

A sharp arrow came towards the back of Wang Chen's head, Wang Chen tilted his head, and accurately caught the sharp arrow with his left hand.

It was Xue Ju who shot the arrow in the back.

Seeing that Wang Chen was able to catch his own arrows with his bare hands while he was sneaking up, Xue Ju was shocked, and immediately dropped the bow and arrow and ran into the city.

Wang Chen watched Xue Ju run away, bent his bow and shot Xue Ju in the eye with an arrow.

Hearing the sound of arrows, Xue Ju turned around, screamed, covered his eyes and continued to run wildly.

"It's pretty bearable!" Wang Chen also admired it.

But where can you escape?

Wang Chen directly killed all the way through the Luoyang city tower, and immediately went down from the city tower, and slaughtered all the soldiers guarding behind the gate!

After Wang Chen picked up the wooden stake that locked the city gate with a halberd, he kicked it out, directly kicking Luoyang's huge gate weighing nearly ten thousand catties away!

"Kill it!"

The Sui cavalry outside the city were already waiting so hungry and thirsty, they saw Wang Chen break open the gate, and immediately rushed towards the city.

Wang Chen also whistled, and Zhuiyue immediately understood and ran towards Wang Chen.

Wang Chen jumped all over his body, onto the back of Zhuiyue, and rode Zhuyue towards the city.

At this moment in Luoyang city, there is silence, all the people are shutting their doors, and most of them are hiding in the city trembling. After all, massacring the city and capturing the city for three days is something that many troops will do.

But after the army led by Wang Chen rushed into Luoyang, every general at the school lieutenant level and above shouted.

"After entering the city, don't kill or rob people. Violators will be dealt with by military law!"

Wang Chen is not like those, he has enough money to reward meritorious soldiers, there is no need to use the way of robbing the city to reward soldiers, after all, these are the people of the Sui Dynasty.

Of course, if he was in the foreign capital city, Wang Chen would fight for three days and three nights. If he was on that day island, Wang Chen would fight for seven days and nights without rest!

Wang Chen took the heavy armored tiger rider one step ahead and rushed directly to the Luoyang Palace.

At this moment, the Luoyang Palace is completely in chaos.

Luoyang City was destroyed, and everyone knew that Wang Shichong must be finished. They were all robbing the rare treasures in the palace, as well as gold, silver and jade.

After Wang Chen arrived at the Luoyang Palace, he slapped it down with a halberd, causing the bricks to shatter.

There was a roar.

"Notice, cross this gravel, kill without mercy, and those who dare to escape over the wall will be punished by the Nine Clans!"

There was no emotion in Wang Chen's eyes, and he said to Zhang Wen and the two beside him.

"Understood, my lord!"

The two immediately understood, and led five thousand cavalrymen to surround Luoyang's imperial palace.

At this time, Luo Cheng and Pei Yuanqing on the other side also entered Luoyang Palace one after another.

At this moment, the four walls of Luoyang are all the generals under Wang Chen.

The anti-kings from all walks of life disappeared without a trace, only Meng Haigong was really unlucky and was caught by Xin Wenli.

Wang Chen was going to play "close the door and beat the dog" next.

After the four city gates of Luoyang were broken open by Wang Chen and others, they were closed tightly by Wang Chen. Afterwards, Wang Chen sent thousands of troops to guard the soldiers who surrendered, and among the others, Luo Cheng and others were in the city. search.

And just in case, Wang Chen also sent Jin Yiwei to go up, and he was bound to wipe out those anti-kings.

"My lord, I'm afraid it's not that simple, and the Iron Crown Taoist is not that simple either. Those anti-kings may have backhands!" Xu Maohao said a little worriedly.

"It's just a lost dog. Even if they escape to the ends of the earth, this king will catch them all back!"

(End of this chapter)

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