Great Sui God of War, great strength at the beginning!

Chapter 162 One Halberd Turned into Meat Sauce

Chapter 162

"The rebels in the city! I'm here to challenge your grandfather Zhao Peng again!"

Holding the Mo knife in his hand, Zhao Peng pointed directly at the tower, and shouted extremely arrogantly.

Wang Shichong and others also came to the tower again.

"Hmph! Could it be that he deceived no one in my account?"

Wang Shichong raised his palm and patted the city wall, very displeased.

"Father, my son, please fight!"

Shan Xiongxin cupped his fists at Wang Shichong.

"You are my king's son-in-law, there is no need for you to fight in person now!" Wang Shichong waved his hands.

Seeing Wang Shichong's refusal, Shan Xiongxin did not continue to ask to play, but stood quietly behind Wang Shichong's side.

"Hmph! Go to the general!"

At this time, a general wearing black armor stood up, and he was quite burly.

"This is!?" Wang Shichong looked at the visitor, his eyes brightened.

"This is my general Liu Heita!" Dou Jiande responded with a smile.

Shan Xiongxin and Qin Qiong also knew about Liu Heitai, after all, they besieged Wang Chen together, even though dozens of generals swarmed up, they never beat Wang Chen.

"Good! General Liu is brave!" Wang Shichong laughed.

Xue Ju, on the other hand, looked at Wang Chen who was leading the fifty heavy armored tiger riders with a gloomy face, his fingers creaking.

Wang Chen watched Liu Heitai go into battle, checked the data, and found that the comprehensive force value of 83 is not the same as the current Zhao Peng, so there is nothing to say.

Sure enough, after dozens of rounds of fighting, there was no winner.

"Ding, ding, ding!" Naturally, Ming Jin withdrew his troops upstairs in Luoyang City.

And Zhao Peng also returned to Sui Ying.

"I didn't expect this person to be so good, even my king's General Liu Heizhen can't do anything to him!" Dou Jiande said helplessly, patting the bricks and stones on the city.

"Hmph! Three-legged cat's kung fu! Let me do it!"

At this time, a young man with a height of more than eight feet and a slightly fierce appearance came out. It was Xue Ju's eldest son Xue Rengao!

"This is Xue Rengao, the eldest son of Brother Xue Ju? Seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation!" Wang Shichong and others looked at Xue Rengao, their eyes brightened. As long as they are not fools, they can naturally see Xue Rengao's extraordinary martial arts skills.

The reason why Xue Rengao didn't go to the Luoyang Palace yesterday was that he went to the Land of Willows in Firework Lane, where he accidentally killed two Firework Girls.

"My son, be careful!" Xue Ju said to Xue Rengao.

Xue Rengao looked at the bandages on his father's chest, and his face changed slightly, "Father, don't worry, wait for your son to go down, and take those things that don't know how to live or die, and take them back to make wine for you, Father?"

After Xue Rengao finished speaking, he walked down with a big knife in his hand.

Wang Chen looked at Xue Rengao, who was extremely imposing, and became interested, so he directly investigated it. Sure enough, the comprehensive force value has reached 91!

This Xue Rengao's comprehensive force value is a little higher than the current Qin Qiong's. The current Qin Qiong's comprehensive force value is only 85, and Shan Xiongxin is only [-]. (acquired improvement)
Wang Chen smacked his lips. Unexpectedly, a person with a force value of [-] appeared, which is very good!

"My lord, I will kill him at the end!"

At this time, a ten-man team leader in heavy armor and tiger cavalry rushed out and said loudly.

"Five more!" Wang Chen thought for a while, then said to the captains of the heavy armored tiger cavalry.

"Yes, my lord!"

The five of them raised their swords and moved towards Xue Rengao.

"Well done! Today, my son will have a good drink of blood!" Xue Rengao yelled abnormally, and raised his 150-jin machete to meet the five of them.


The five heavy armored cavalry took Xue Rengao's move together, but they were still slightly disadvantaged.

"Okay!" Wang Shichong slapped the bricks on the wall and praised without hesitation.

"Haha, this king's son has great strength and excellent martial arts skills. These soldiers of the Sui Dynasty are sheep!" Seeing his son's bravery, Xue Ju was very satisfied in his heart, and he was unabashedly proud .

Xue Rengao fought more and more bravely, and within a dozen or so rounds, the five of them were completely at a disadvantage.

Suddenly, Xue Rengao seemed to have become stronger. He knocked a heavy armored captain to the ground with one knife, and was about to strike at him when a sharp arrow headed towards Xue Rengao with the sound of piercing through the air.


Xue Rengao slashed out with a knife, and cut it on the body of the sharp arrow, and chopped the sharp arrow out.

After Wang Chen directly put down the Sun Shooting Bow, he didn't waste any time. He lifted the Dragon-Breaking Dragon Halberd that was planted on the ground beside him and walked towards Xue Rengao.

And with the power of Chasing the Moon, the distance of [-] steps is really too short!
"Quick, quick! Ming Jin withdraws troops! Let little general Xue come back!" Seeing Wang Chen rushing, Wang Shichong was in a hurry, even more anxious than his own father.

And Xue Ju, his own father, was still watching with relish.

"Archers cover, cover General Xue's return to the city!" Wang Shichong continued to shout.

As soon as Wang Shichong finished speaking, hundreds of archers came to the wall and took their positions, and began to shoot arrows at Wang Chen.

At this time, Wang Chen had rushed to 25 feet in front of Xue Rengao.

"Li Yue, the three of you stand down!"

Wang Chen shouted loudly, and a burst of arrows rained down on the city wall, heading towards Wang Chen.

The three heavy armored tiger cavalry warriors did not continue to show off their strength, and immediately ran back on their horses.

"Hey! Are you that shitty Martial King!?" Xue Rengao yelled.

The Potianhualonghalberd in Wang Chen's hand swung away the rain of arrows all over the sky. The Potianhualonghalberd danced so fast that there were only afterimages left, and the sound of piercing the sky was almost there.

Although Xue Rengao was cruel by nature and extremely conceited, he was not a fool. Seeing Wang Chen's two actions, he knew that Wang Chen's force value was definitely higher than his own.

He was about to turn his horse's head back to the city, but Wang Chen was already less than ten meters away from Xue Rengao.

"Where else can you run to!?"

"This king wants your life today, can you still escape!?"

Wang Chen raised the Potian Hualong halberd, and the words he spit out were like the post written by Hades!
Xue Rengao looked at Wang Chen behind him and turned pale with shock.

Looking at the Potianhualonghalberd falling from the sky, his scalp felt numb again, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Xue Rengao hissed loudly, then raised his saber and went up to it.

"It's over!" Wang Shichong, Shan Xiongxin, Qin Qiong and others watched this scene, and two words immediately appeared in their hearts.

Only those who have really come into contact with Wang Chen will know how perverted and terrifying Wang Chen is!

The [-]-jin Potianhualonghalberd is like a [-]-jin boulder rolling down from a high mountain, unstoppable!

With Xue Rengao's saber, his own body, the horse under his crotch, and the armor on him and the horse.

Together, they were beaten into a mixture of meat sauce and scrap metal by Wang Chen's Heaven-breaking Painting Dragon Halberd!
Wang Chen took back the Potian Hualong halberd that was still stained with flesh and blood, and after indifferently forgetting to glance at the city wall, he directly rode his horse back.

"The rebels in the city, it's time for you to come down and collect the corpse!"

After Wang Chen grinned and joked, he rode his horse and disappeared in front of Luoyang City with fifty heavily armored tiger riders.

"No! Gao'er, my king!"

Xue Ju stared wide-eyed, looking at the lump of his own son under the city, hissing in grief, hissing loudly.

"Ahhh! Wang Chen! This king will definitely smash your corpse into thousands of pieces!" Xue Ju raised his hands and shouted to the sky.

While the rest of the anti-kings had a bit of gloating in their hearts, but more of them were the fear and helplessness towards that Wang Chen.

Even if it was as strong as Xue Rengao, in Wang Chen's hands, he could only take the next move, and even with one move, he was photographed as meat sauce.

"Hurry up, go down and collect this pile... Gather Xue Shizi's body and bring it back to Luoyang City for a proper burial!" Wang Shichong could only say helplessly to the attendants beside him.

And Xue Ju was still yelling, after all, Xue Rengao was not only the eldest son, but also the strongest general in Xue Ju's hands.

As for Wang Chen, he didn't take this matter seriously at all.

The main reason is that Xue Rengao is ugly and extremely arrogant. Naturally, Wang Chen made a full-strength move, with more than 5 catties of divine power, no matter what you are, except for Li Yuanba and others, the rest are as strong as Yuwen Chengdu. Yes, I'm afraid it will be a serious injury.

At this time, Xin Wenli and others had already intercepted the three anti-kings who were supporting them on the way.

"Wu Kexuan, this general has been waiting for you here for a long time!"

Xin Wenli led 3 cavalry to surround Wu Kexuan's [-]-strong army.

Among them, [-] cavalrymen directly took arrows and bowed their bows.

"Bang!" Dozens of huge stones were thrown down, and Wu Kexuan under the small hill was in a panic.

"Not good! Withdraw quickly, there is an ambush!"

"Why didn't the scouts come to report!?"

Wu Kexuan shouted angrily.

No one responded to Wu Kexuan, only the rain of arrows came towards Wu Kexuan's army.

"Behead!" Xin Wenli raised his iron lance and yelled, and then three thousand cavalry followed behind Xin Wenli, charging straight towards Wu Kexuan's troops, and the three thousand archery cavalry also threw down their bows and arrows directly. , Mounted a horse and surrounded the outside, beheading the single soldiers one by one.

"Rebel! Rebel against me, Great Sui Jiangshan, today is your death day!"

When Wu Kexuan was in a panic, Xin Wenli had already brought up Tie Fangqiang and came towards Wu Kexuan.


On the other side, Yu Chigong did not ambush in advance like Xin Wenli did. Yu Chigong directly hit a straight ball, and when he saw that Ma Delai led the troops to his encirclement area, he rushed out directly.

"Give this general a hard hit!"

Holding two silver whips in his hands, Yuchigong yelled, and immediately took the lead and rushed towards Ma Delai. Ma Delai saw Yuchigong, who was long and fierce and as black as coal, smiling towards him. Goosebumps all over my body.

"Protect the king!" Several hundred guards of Ma Delai rushed forward and surrounded Ma Delai.

"Looking for death!" Yu Chigong whipped out and hit a bodyguard directly on the head, smashing the helmet to the head.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Ma Delai's follow-up troops dared to come, and directly shot arrows and bows indiscriminately towards Yu Chigong's side.

Yu Chigong's eyes were hardened, he pulled the reins and rushed forward, whip after whip, beating more than 100 guards to death, and forced him directly in front of Ma Delai.

"Ma Delai, die to me!" Yu Chigong raised his silver whip, his eyes widened, and he shouted angrily.

Ma Delai watched a flash of silver light, his eyes widened, "No!"

Besides, Pei Yuanqing at the end had only [-] cavalry behind him, but there were still [-] heavily armored tiger cavalry, who directly stopped Jingzhou King Liu Haizhou.

"You little brat, you dare to intercept this king with such a small number of people. You really don't know the heights of heaven and earth!" Liu Haizhou looked at the hundreds of people in front of him, and then at the [-] to [-] troops behind him, with a disdainful smile.

Pei Yuanqing smiled disdainfully, tilted his mouth slightly, and tilted his head slightly.

The silver hammer in his hand was raised flat, pointing directly at Liu Haizhou.

"Come on together!"

"You dare to underestimate me so much, this general will meet you!"

"I'm coming too!"

Beside Liu Haizhou, four burly men rushed out with swords and spears, and rushed towards Pei Yuanqing.

"Well done!" Pei Yuanqing yelled excitedly, rushed out, smashed down with a hammer, and a general's head was smashed on the spot!

"What!?" Liu Haizhou's eyeballs almost burst.

"You still dare to be distracted, let the young master give you a ride today!"

As soon as Liu Haizhou reacted, he suddenly found that all of his four great generals had been beaten to death by Pei Yuanqing, and they had rushed in front of him now.

"Hurry up, stop him!" Liu Haizhou hurriedly fell off his horse, retreated wildly, and shouted in his mouth.

"Rush over!" After the heavily armored tiger cavalry roared, hundreds of cavalry directly faced the tens of thousands of troops.

It seems to be hitting a stone with an egg, but in fact it is a unilateral massacre and pursuit!
With a hammer, Pei Yuanqing was a few children, and directly rushed into the army formation, his eyes lit up, and he saw Liu Haizhou's figure.

"Hahaha! Where else do you want to go!?"

Pei Yuanqing laughed out loud, as if he was impermanent. Hearing this laughter, Liu Haizhou turned his head in despair, and a sledgehammer appeared in front of him, and it grew bigger and bigger. In the end, everything in front of him was silver.

On Wuming Mountain, Master Shang and his disciples were waiting on the mountain with [-] cavalry, and they watched tens of thousands of troops pass by the trail below the mountain in the dark.

"General, the last general looks at this army. It is in good order and the morale is high. I am afraid it is Wang Shichong's elite army!"

Master and apprentice Shang also nodded.

And this troop is very cautious, walking while checking.

Fortunately, all the soldiers here, Master Shang and his disciples, lay in ambush quietly, and blended into the forest with the method Wang Chen gave them.

On the other hand, Luo Cheng was on the other side of the mountain, waiting for Master Shang and his disciples to kill him, and then followed up the mountain to continue the second round of ambush.

Master Shang waited for the 3000 troops to pass by for two sticks of incense, and immediately led [-] people to surround the troops.

As soon as Master Shang and his disciples walked for less than two quarters of an hour, thousands of cavalry appeared on the trail.

"Sure enough, the Sui Dynasty really had an ambush! Hahaha, it has to be the national teacher, so there is no way left!" The leader general laughed and led the cavalry behind him to chase towards Master Shang and his disciples.

After another quarter of an hour or so, Luo Cheng appeared on the path.

"Why does it feel so weird! But it's interesting!"

Luo Cheng smiled.

"It's still the military adviser and the prince, count them to death!" Zhang Wen said with a smile.

"Kill the past, this time, we will wipe out Wang Shichong's troops!" Luo Cheng raised his silver gun and shouted.


(End of this chapter)

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