Great Sui God of War, great strength at the beginning!

Chapter 103 Surround Goguryeo to break through!

Chapter 103 Surround Goguryeo to break through!
Liaodong city
Wang Chen looked at the Liaodong defenders who finally started to move around, and knew that there was not enough food in Liaodong City.

Unexpectedly, within three months, the food in Liaodong City was almost consumed. It seems that I still overestimated them.

At this time, Yuan Gai Suwen and a group of generals gathered together again in Liaodong City Commander's Mansion.

"Marshal! We really don't have much food. If we eat less a day, we can only last for about a month. The soldiers haven't had enough to eat these days, and they are starting to complain!"

The general who manages the logistics is very helpless.

"No, didn't you say that our food is enough to last for half a year? Why is it going to be gone in only three months?"

Yuan Gai Suwen was in a hurry. The problem of food has been a big deal since ancient times. Without food, no matter how fierce the team is, they will all be scattered!

"Marshal, it seems that the original guard of Liaodong City embezzled food, and then falsely reported the food!"

The logistics general said it very embarrassingly.

"Ahh! Thief, miss me!"

Yuan Gai Suwen fell directly on the chair, beating his chest and stamping his feet, completely losing the confidence and calmness of the God of War in Goguryeo.

"Master, what should we do now?"

"There must be no shortage of food. Now our soldiers are very dissatisfied. If we deduct food, the commander is really afraid that he will directly bomb the camp!"

Yuan Gai Suwen thought for a while and said.

"Marshal, but in this case, we can only last about fifteen days!"

"There is no other way, we can't wait for the Turkic side, we must break out!"

Yuan Gai Suwen thought for a while, and his expression was very ugly.

Everyone was silent for a while. They thought that the Turkic army could easily break through Yuyang City and Liucheng County, but what everyone didn't expect was that Xue Rengui not only restrained a part of the Turkic army in Yuyang City, but also defeated them!
"Send an order to the generals at all levels. After seven days, we will break out!"



"Master Hou, it's already autumn! It is said that the emperor still decided to go to Yangzhou."

A Jin Yiwei wearing a flying fish suit stood behind Wang Chen, it was Lu Bing, the Commander of the Jin Yiwei.

Wang Chen looked at the sky and shook his head. Now that it's late autumn, it's not suitable to go to Yangzhou, so Yang Guang should stay in Bingzhou for a while.

"What happened in the Central Plains in the past few months? This Marquis wants detailed information!"

Although Wang Chen was far away from the land of the Central Plains, but Wang Chen's eyes and ears Jin Yiwei was not a vegetarian, and would send someone to Liaodong City to give Wang Chen a brief report every month.

"Reporting to Lord Hou, for the past three months or so, all the anti-kings in the Central Plains have been quiet, there is no movement, no crowds are gathered to rebel, and I don't know what they are doing."

Lu Bing also frowned slightly when he mentioned the dozen or so anti-kings. It was indeed too quiet, but if things go wrong, there must be demons.

Wang Chen smiled disdainfully and calmed down?
This is nothing more than the calm before the storm, after all, it is always sunny before the storm.

"I don't need to worry about those anti-kings, they should jump out in a short time, Benhou has to hurry up, and hurry up to deal with Goguryeo and return to the Central Plains!"

Wang Chen knew that the battle at Siming Mountain was about to begin. According to the romance, the battle at Siming Mountain was where Li Yuanba took off, but he didn't want to miss this one.

Thinking of Li Yuanba, Wang Chen suddenly wondered if Yu Wencheng was about to be hammered?

"Anything else?"

Wang Chen is not interested in these anti-kings. To be honest, among those anti-kings, none of them are capable. Basically, they are all selling in Seoul.

"Oh, by the way, Lord Hou, Miss Li Xiuning of Bingzhou was forced by Li Yuan to marry Chai Shao!"

When Lu Bing said this, he raised his head carefully to look at Wang Chen. After all, Jin Yiwei's news was that Wang Chen stayed alone with Li Xiuning for a few days, maybe this is the second mistress in the future.

Wang Chen frowned. Unexpectedly, Li Yuan still did not give up on marrying Li Xiuning to Chai Shao, but Chai Shao accepted it happily!
"Master Hou? Do you need Jin Yiwei to send someone to sneak into Tang Guogong's mansion and rescue Miss Xiuning?"

Lu Bing asked again.

"No! Back then, Benhou not only gave her Marquis Wu's token, but also Benhou's dagger. He also told her that if you have any difficulties, you can use these tokens to find Benhou!"

"If she really comes to ask me to help her, then Benhou will naturally help! But since she is not willing to come to Benhou for help, Benhou does not have that obligation and title!"

Wang Chen shook his head and said, he really didn't have any reason to help, if he said that he and Li Xiuning had made a private decision for life, but Li Xiuning bit him back because of Li Yuan, wouldn't he be Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror?

Although I don't care about that little reputation, it's always uncomfortable.

"But Lord Hou, according to our Jin Yiwei's investigation, Miss Li Xiuning was imprisoned by that Li Yuan. It seems that there is no way to ask for your help with tokens!"

Wang Chen looked at Lu Bing with majesty in his eyes, and Lu Bing fell to his knees in fright.

"Lu Bing, are you stupid? With Li Xiuning's intelligence, if she wants to, there are at least ten ways to send the token to Benhou!"

"Yes! Damn the lowly position! I beg Lord Hou to come down!"

"Forget it, you get up first!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

Lu Bing was sweating profusely, and stood up tremblingly. Even if his master Hou stared at him, he was so terrified.

"You should also go to Bingzhou. In the next half a year, you should keep an eye on Bingzhou. You can give Li Xiuning some news. Benhou can give her one last chance. If she accepts her fate and wants to marry Chai Shao, then It's her life, and this Marquis is not willing to save a person whose heart is dying!"

"Humble job understands!"

Lu Bing bowed respectfully and walked out.

Sitting in the handsome tent, Wang Chen squinted his eyes slightly, his slender but rough fingers tapped rhythmically on the armchair.

Li Xiuning, Wang Chen really admires it, it depends on whether she is willing to resist Li Yuan this time.

Wang Chen also understands ancient thinking, such as the orders of parents, the words of matchmakers, and the heaven and earth, monarchs, relatives and teachers.

But in Wang Chen's view, Li Xiuning has made great contributions to the Li family in his life. He built two large racecourses for the Li family and attracted many capable people and strangers. At the age of 16, he lived in the Jiangnan area He managed a lot of properties for the Li family, and now nearly half of the Li family's income from outsiders is created by Li Xiuning.

And Li Xiuning's martial arts skills are quite strong, and she dared to go to the north to snipe the Turkic squad that was alone with hundreds of women's soldiers!

"The Li family? Li Yuan, an old fox, and Li Shimin, a little fox, are such capable daughters who force their daughters. You are really out of your minds!"

The corner of Wang Chen's mouth raised slightly. For some reason, Wang Chen always believed that Li Xiuning would not accept his fate, because what he yearned for was not a husband and a child.

In the historical novel, she accepted her fate, but now it happens that she can help her and is willing to help her.


three days later

Wang Chen summoned everyone to the commander's tent.

"Within ten days, Goguryeo will definitely choose to break through!"

Wang Chen's words made everyone puzzled, they all looked at Wang Chen suspiciously.

"Master Hou, why did they break through within ten days? Their food should last for a while!"

A Zhenbei captain said.

"If you observe carefully, you will know that they are running out of food."

Wang Chen looked at everyone very puzzled, so he could only continue to explain:

"In the past few days, their defenders looked listless, and they were in a state of not eating enough, but in the past few days, they suddenly felt full again. Why do you think this is?"

Wang Chen was very helpless, he was not only a marshal, he had to be a military adviser, and fortunately his attributes were relatively high now, otherwise he would have his head blown.

"Oh, the general understands. What the marshal means is that they are already short of food, so they can only deduct the soldiers' food, but it is easy to blow up the camp, especially if it is a defeated army, but they can eat enough these days It means that their coach has decided to give it a go!"

A Zhenbei captain suddenly realized and quickly explained.

"Hahaha! Good! Zhao Peng, it's really good!"

Wang Chen was very happy. This Zhao Peng was considered the strongest captain in the Zhenbei Iron Cavalry, and his four-dimensional attributes were very good, so he could focus on training.

Seeing Wang Chen praise himself, Zhao Peng touched the back of his head excitedly and embarrassedly.

And the other dozens of Zhenbei captains also looked at Zhao Peng enviously, but there was no jealousy in their eyes, because the dozen or so captains present were all the life-and-death robes of the Turkic royal court!
In Zhenbei Cavalry, it is a very high honor to be praised by Wang Chen.

"Zhang Wen, go and make arrangements. Notify the defenders in the other three directions, and the Yalu River must also be notified. Cheng Fang must step up his guard!"

"I will understand at the end!"

four days later

"Mr. Park! Shall we pounce backwards? Why not to the right?"

Seeing everyone's doubts, Mr. Park shook his head helplessly.

"What if we make a surprise attack from the right?"

"There are mostly mountain roads on the right side of Liaodong City, and they also lead directly to Liaodong County in the Great Sui Dynasty! I think their Sui army may also have Sui troops from Liaodong County!"

When everyone heard this, they all nodded in agreement. Yuan Gai Suwen also agreed with Mr. Park this time.

"Besides, if we break out from the rear, we can go straight back to our royal city, Pyongyang!"

"Only by returning to Pyongyang will we have a chance to turn defeat into victory again!"

Yuan Gai Su Wen tightly held the sharp weapon in his hand, feeling very annoyed. He was a dignified God of War in Goguryeo, but now he looked like a bereaved dog!
"At midnight tonight, just break out with all your strength!"

Yuan Gai Suwen finally decided.

"But Marshal, what should the people in Liaodong City do? Most of the people in Liaodong City are from Goguryeo!"

Some soldiers said helplessly, but they already knew their fate in their hearts.

"I have no choice but to give up on them, but you don't have to worry at all. Although you can't take them this time, the Central Plains people have always been known as teachers of benevolence and righteousness. It is impossible to do anything to them!"

Mr. Park said very firmly.

Yuan Gai Suwen nodded in agreement again, this is indeed the case, and in Yuan Gai Suwen's cognition, this is also the most unreasonable and cowardly point of the Central Plains people! ! !
At this time, Wang Chen was no longer on the left side, and led two thousand Zhenbei cavalry to ambush to the rear of Goguryeo.


A cry of killing came from the rear of Liaodong City, and Yuan Gai Suwen led the [-] army to kill the [-] expeditionary army.

"It's coming! It's coming! The fish is hooked! It's time for us to catch the fish!"

The leading general of the expeditionary force shouted fearlessly.

"It's just a bunch of rabble!"

The leaders of the expeditionary army were very disdainful. I didn't spend these three months in vain, and there were all kinds of traps!

Sure enough, many of the cavalry who rushed out first fell into the trap.

"Go all out and kill!"

How could Yuan Gai Suwen not know that there is a trap, but there is no way, if there is a trap, he can only bite the bullet!
Wang Chen was wearing battle armor, riding on Wanli Chasing the Moon, holding the Potianhualonghalberd in his hand, followed by two thousand cavalry in black battle armor.

Seeing Goguryeo soldiers rushing towards the trap without fear of death, they actually thought of paving the way with corpses.

Wang Chen smiled disdainfully, "Brothers, it's our turn! Shoot with all our strength! Don't let a single soldier go!"


The two thousand Zhenbei cavalry headed towards the Goguryeo army like hungry wolves.


Yuan Gai Suwen watched Wang Chen leading two thousand Zhenbei iron cavalry charge forward, he was so frightened that he almost couldn't sit still.

"Separate and break through!"

Yuan Gai Su Wen let out a loud cry, and directly drove his horse towards the other side.

And Mr. Park also had an ugly face, even with a hint of panic, he grabbed his horse and followed Yuan Gai Suwen closely.

Wang Chen took a fancy to a figure at a glance.

Wang Chen narrowed his eyes, this wretched figure is really conspicuous!

"Did you run away?"

(End of this chapter)

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