Wuxia: I know a lot of martial arts

Chapter 126 The visitor is not kind, whoever blocks and kills whomever

Chapter 126 The visitor is not kind, whoever blocks and kills whomever

Even a little girl like Su Qingyue could see that the robbery was unusual, so Chu Tang naturally had no reason to be confused.

This is also the reason why he ordered to stop in the first place.

Zhou Xiang didn't come back, but sent one of the policemen to report and ask Chu Tang how to deal with it.

Chu Tang also hesitated for a while, unable to make a decision.

He once again felt the inconvenience of having too many people on his side.

If he ordered to move on, he was afraid of falling into danger.

Let the others stay here, and he goes to observe alone, and he is afraid that he will fall into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain.

There are too few talents in Guijun's squad. Except for Chu Tang, there is not a single warrior from the four realms.

Without high-end combat power, you will be tied up when things happen, and you will have a lot of scruples.

After pondering for a while, under the apprehensive eyes of everyone, Chu Tang called Wu Yi and Xu Feng to him, and ordered, "Go ahead and meet Zhou Xiang to see what's going on. If something happens, Not much, then, in broad daylight, the world is bright, and we are robbed by strong men, we, as Gui County police officers, naturally cannot stand by. Do you understand?"

Wu Yi and Xu Feng looked at each other, wanting to say that they didn't understand.

What is it that is not a big deal...

It is very clear that you can fight if you can.

So if you can't beat it, what should you do?
"Boss, what do you mean..." Wu Yi bit the bullet and asked for advice.

"You guys just... oh! Forget it!" Chu Tang sighed, "Go and meet Zhou Xiang first, and listen to his orders!"

Wu Yi and Xu Feng nodded silently, seeing that Chu Tang really had nothing to say, they galloped forward.

Seeing their disappearing backs, Chu Tang slowly withdrew his gaze, once again feeling sad that there was no one in his hands.

There are only four warriors of the three realms under him, and they can't do anything well.

If, like Fang Kai's Class A, there are nearly ten three-level fighters, if this happens, just let them rush forward, so there is no need to look forward and backward!

As for Wu Yi and Xu Feng, although they are also Three Realm warriors, they have just entered the Three Realm not long ago, and have been living in the county before, with little knowledge, little experience, and not very high combat power.

Chu Tang used them, no one could use them, so he had to use them.

Especially Xu Feng, Chu Tang has always had a bad impression of him, thinking that this person is too selfish, and he is not suitable for a profession that values ​​collective honor like a police officer.

As for Wu Yi, he is quite loyal and trustworthy.

Chu Tang was chopped off by the enemy that day. In a critical moment, Wu Yi threw the long knife in his hand to him regardless of his own safety, while Xu Feng who was standing by was indifferent, which shows the two people's hearts.

Perhaps because he knew he was wrong, Xu Feng didn't dare to breathe when he met Chu Tang, his immediate boss, for fear of being angered by the other party.

Of course, he wasn't the kind of dull person, Chu Tang had heard that this person had inquired about how to transfer to another class.

It's a pity that Zhuo Li'en ordered the two of them to join their own class. Without his permission, no one dared to transfer them.

Xu Feng could only silently obey Chu Tang's orders.

Chu Tang sat on the horse and was silent for a while, when suddenly he heard a coquettish shout: "Boss Chu, have we been waiting here all this time? My lady said that the car is a bit stuffy, can you get out of the car to get some air?"

Chu Tang turned his head to see that the servant girl Xiaoyou poked her head out of the carriage window, asking questions coquettishly.

On her chubby face, bright eyes showed a bit of anticipation and longing.

However, Chu Tang could only disappoint her and flatly refused: "No! Now that the past is unknown and the danger is unknown, it's better to stay in the carriage for safety!"

"Really?" Xiaoyou pouted unhappy.

Chu Tang shook his head and said, "Please tell Ms. Su, Miss Xiaoyou, just wait patiently."

Xiao You stared at Chu Tang from afar, snorted coldly, retracted her head, angrily lowered the curtains, turned her head to Su Qingyue in the car and said, "Miss, he won't let go!"

Su Qingyue smiled faintly, and said, "Is it possible that I didn't hear his loud voice? He told me on purpose!"

Xiaoyou rolled her eyes and said, "Miss, why don't we go straight down? He was sent by the county magistrate to protect you, and he should be at your command. How can we bluff him?"

Although Su Qingyue had a gloomy look on her pretty face, she shook her head lightly, and said softly, "Forget it, let's not cause trouble for everyone! What the head of the Chu team said is also reasonable, the danger is unknown, and the best thing to do is be careful. He asked us to stay in the carriage, probably because he wanted to run into danger so that we could drive quickly."

Xiao You didn't believe it: "I don't even know what's going on, so I just wanted to run away? Isn't he a warrior of the four realms, so afraid of death?"

Su Qingyue couldn't laugh or cry: "Xiaoyou, he is only in the fourth realm, not the ninth realm! There are too many people he can't beat!"

"Ah?" Xiaoyou was a little disappointed, "Where's the young genius that was agreed upon?"

Su Qingyue shook her head and laughed, and said nothing more.

Chu Tang didn't know that there was a girl in the carriage who had been praising him before, so he became very disappointed with him.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, the hooves of the horses sounded in front of them, and one person and one horse rushed over.

Chu Tang reacted at the first moment, tense and on guard. Seeing from a distance that the person who was sitting immediately was Zhou Xiang who was going to explore the road, he was relieved and went to meet him.

"Leader!" Zhou Xiang stopped his horse in front of Chu Tang.

"What's going on ahead? What about Wu Yi and the others?" Chu Tang asked without giving Zhou Xiang a chance to breathe.

Zhou Xiang replied: "Wu Yi and the others are still observing. The team leader, the Changfeng Escort Bureau of Meng County escorted the darts to Qingcheng. When they passed by here, they were stopped by a group of five people and asked them to hand over the darts. Changfeng Of course the Escorts refused, so they moved their hands. I watched for a while, and found that there were no Gang Qi warriors among them. There are many, but they are evenly matched with those people."

After listening, Chu Tang asked, "Are you sure you didn't come here for us?"

Zhou Xiang said: "Probably not, they are all bleeding to death, and acting doesn't have to be so hard, right?"

"How's the surrounding area?" Chu Tang asked again.

"I've searched for two or three miles around, and no one is in ambush."

Chu Tang groaned, pondered for a while, and asked after a while: "Brother Zhou, how do you think we should arrange this?"

Zhou Xiang hesitated for a moment, and said: "We can't delay for too long, or we will miss the time to check in at the post station at nightfall. If we go more than 20 miles north, the population will gradually become scarce."

Although the other party didn't clearly say what to do, Chu Tang understood his attitude——

Their horse chews are a lot of consumption. If they can't go to the town station to rest and replenish as planned, they may have to spend the night in the wilderness.

That would be even more dangerous.

No one knows what to expect in the wild.

Chu Tang suddenly made a decision: "Then let's go straight there! People block and kill people, and Buddhas should kill Buddhas!"

Zhou Xiang cheered up immediately, and asked again: "What if the Changfeng Bodyguard Bureau asks us for help? After all, we are police officers from the imperial court. If we encounter a robbery on the way and refuse to save him, I'm afraid...it won't be easy to deal with the aftermath!"

A light flashed in Chu Tang's eyes, and he asked, "None of the four realms exists?"

Zhou Xiang said cautiously: "No?"

Chu Tang was very displeased: "If you have it, you have it, if you don't, you don't have it, what does it mean?"

Zhou Xiang said with a sad face: "Leader, I am only at the second level, and my eyesight is only average."

Chu Tang said angrily: "Okay, let the brothers get ready, let's go over and talk about it! Save people or something, don't act rashly without my order!"

"Obey!" Zhou Xiang listened to the order, rode his horse to each of the arresters, and explained them one by one.

Then, the carriage continued to set off!
As soon as the carriage moved, Xiaoyou in the carriage immediately shouted excitedly: "Miss, let's go, let's go again!"

Su Qingyue rubbed her crescent-like eyebrows, smiled wryly and said, "I don't know if the matter has been resolved."

"Let me ask!" Xiaoyou poked her head out of the car window again with a curious face, and saw Chu Tang who was less than a foot ahead, and immediately shouted, "Team Chu! Boss Chu!"

Hearing the shout, Chu Tang slowed down the horse, walked alongside the carriage, looked at the maid who was a little angry with him just now, and said, "Miss Xiaoyou, what's the matter?"

"Team Chu, is the fight over?" Xiaoyou asked curiously with her eyes wide open.

"Fight?" Chu Tang couldn't laugh or cry, the people in front were desperate, okay!
In the eyes of this girl, is it just a fight?

"Didn't you say someone was robbing in front? There must be a fight in the robbery!" Xiaoyou said normally.

Chu Tang thought about it, good guy, there is nothing wrong with him!
"They hit theirs, we'll go with ours." Chu Tang vaguely replied.

"What!" Xiaoyou was disappointed, "You don't care?"

Chu Tang said solemnly: "The task assigned to Chu by the county governor is to escort Miss Su to Qingcheng safely. This is the top priority, and it is Chu's responsibility!"

"What do you mean?" Xiaoyou was dazed by Chu Tang.

Chu Tang said: "In any case, Miss Xiaoyou, just follow Chu's arrangement. The two of you stay quietly in the carriage, and don't show up unless Chu speaks. Remember! Remember!"

With that said, Chu Tang rode forward again, reminding all brothers to be vigilant and take precautions.

Seeing that Chu Tang ignored her, Xiao You shrank back into the car full of depression, and asked doubtfully, "Miss, what exactly does Team Leader Chu mean?"

Su Qingyue chuckled.

Her smile was full of charm, like a flower fairy leading all flowers to bloom.

"Miss, what are you laughing at?" Xiao You was puzzled.

The smile on Su Qingyue's pretty and charming face remained undiminished, and she said, "What he means is that the mission he was given is to protect us, not save other people."

"Ah? Is it really hopeless?" Xiaoyou couldn't help but be disappointed.

"Then I don't know." Su Qingyue lightly shook her head, "We don't have martial arts, so we just follow other people's arrangements. As for the others, they will be dealt with by the head of the Chu team."

Having said that, she was also curious, wanting to see how Chu Tang handled this unexpected situation.

The carriage moved forward slowly.

After about a stick of incense, there was a chorus of voices ahead, and the sound of swords and soldiers clashing.

Chu Tang, who was walking in front, saw the fierce battle between the two parties more than 30 feet away.

There were more than ten or 20 people in one party, all in uniform gray costumes, with the word "Changfeng" embroidered on them.

They fought fiercely around a small carriage.

There is also a large flag on the carriage, with a big word "Dart" on it.

And they fought fiercely with six people, with different clothes and different weapons.

They are really blatant, they are clearly engaged in robbery, in broad daylight, they are not easy to change, they don't even cover their faces, showing their true colors.

These six people are all men, some in their twenties and some in their 40s and [-]s.

One of them used a set of palms, very fierce, knocked down several guards who were resisting in front of him in a few strokes, and looked invincible.

The closer he got, the more clearly Chu Tang could see, and found that some of the opponent's palms were familiar.

This is not important, the most important thing is that the opponent's palm pierces more than a foot, and under the protection of the body, the bodyguard is hard to beat.

Chu Tang's face changed, and he turned to ask Zhou Xiang who was next to him: "Didn't you say that there are no people from the four realms?"

Zhou Xiang also had an ugly expression on his face. After seeing it clearly, he pointed to the front and said, "Squad leader, there were only five strong men who robbed just now, but now there are six. This strong man should have come after I left."

"Boss, that person has just arrived!" Seeing Chu Tang and his party arrive, Wu Yi, who came to report, supported Zhou Xiang, "This person should be hiding aside. Seeing that his own people have been unable to take down the escort agency for a long time, That's how it showed up."

Zhou Xiang gave Wu Yi a grateful look.

Chu Tang snorted coldly and said, "These people are too presumptuous!"

This is the official road. Although there are mountains and forests appearing next to it, they are not considered barren mountains.

No, Chu Tang and his party just passed by.

They are officials!

Isn't this giving eye drops to these catchers?

To care or not to?
"Are their darts expensive?" Chu Tang asked suddenly.

Wu Yi quickly responded: "I have inquired closer, and their darts are not objects, but people, and they are inside that carriage!"

"People?" Chu Tang was surprised. He glanced back at his carriage, and his heart jumped, "Could it be that they came for us? We are also carriages! Did they recognize the wrong person?"

Zhou Xiang and Wu Yi were also taken aback when they heard the words, and then panicked.

Not so unlucky?
"Boss, what are we going to do next?" Wu Yi asked in a shy voice.

Chu Tang looked at the front of both eyes, gritted his teeth, and said: "Let the brothers show their weapons and rush over, whoever blocks and kills whoever!"


Wu Yi and Zhou Xiang suddenly agreed.

Afterwards, Chu Tang was guarding beside the carriage, and more than a dozen arresters walked forward unhurriedly.

Thirty feet, twenty feet, fifteen feet, about ten feet...

A group of people approached step by step the two parties fighting fiercely in the center of the official road.

Such a big battle of theirs approached aggressively, and the two sides in the fierce battle naturally noticed it, and their movements slowed down.

"It's the policeman!" Someone in the escort agency exclaimed in surprise, "We are saved! My lord, help me! Come and save us!"

"My lord, please help us!"

"My lord, they are all thieves who committed crimes, and I ask you to help them out!"

Several escorts shouted one after another.

All of them were asking for help, when Chu Tang and his party came to rescue soldiers.

It stands to reason that in the face of so many court arrests, a robber with a guilty conscience should panic.

However, they didn't panic at all. Instead, they watched more than a dozen arresters approaching at a leisurely pace.

One of them even scolded the escort in front of him: "What the hell is your name! So what if the arresters come soon, we will deal with you as well!"

Good guy, this composure is like fulfilling a promise to kill your whole family when you come out to hang out.

As for robbery, they are serious, and they will never give up halfway!

Chu Tang, who has profound skills, heard the thief's words from the noise, and his previous judgment became more and more firm in his heart——

The visitor is not good!

(End of this chapter)

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