Chapter 399

Although Yuan Yi is one of the top fighting emperors in the Heijiao region, he is also a businessman. The eight sects are flourishing in the Heijiao region, and no one dares to provoke them. The battle is based on their understanding of the power of the mainland And a heart with exquisite seven apertures.

He knew quite a lot about the forces in Zhongzhou, so he naturally knew which families should not be provoked in the open. Now that he heard the word Gu family, he didn't want to do anything.

After all, the main purpose of coming this time is Yihuo and Han Feng's disciples. As long as he restrains Lin Xiuya and Gu Daxun, he can get paid for paddling, so why not do it?

"Okay! The old man will play with you!" Thinking of this, Yuan Yi also restrained some of his momentum, planning to fish in troubled waters to sell his teammates, and have a good "battle" with these two children.

Was he fighting?
No, it's sophistication!
Nalan Yanran and Yuan Yi gestured twice, and they knew that this person was paddling. Yuan Yi's moves looked gorgeous and exaggerated, but their power was much different, and the more he hit him, the farther away he was from Han Feng, like a meeting As for the employees who grab the back seats, as long as I sit far enough away, the boss can't see me deserting.

Nalan Yanran stopped immediately, patted Lin Xiuya, and motioned to Yuan Yi, "My father's godson, I'll be my elder brother, thieves, understand?"

She stretched out two fingers, pointed to her own eyes, and then pointed to Yuan Yi's eyes, which meant clearly: I'm staring at you, don't hurt him, understand?
After speaking, she turned into a figure and left here.

Yuan Yi:! ! !
save!Miss!don't go!

Now that you're gone, isn't my paddling too obvious! ! !

The moment the bloody spear pierced through the blood net, a strong blue light suddenly flashed in the boy's black eyes.

If you want to use Yaochen's soul power, it is likely to expose his existence. If you want to completely hide it, you need time to prepare, but it seems too late now.

Can only take a chance.

Just when Yao Chen was about to possess Xiao Yan, suddenly a pitch-black heavy spear came through the air, colliding with the blood-colored spear with extremely strong force!

Amidst the low explosion sound, a powerful air wave spread rapidly, shaking the entire space slightly, and just behind the air wave, a mellow and mature deep male voice resounded faintly.

"If you want to kill him, have you asked us?"

In the sky, at some point, two figures flashed across the sky, and the jet-black heavy gun that had just crashed out was turned back into the hands of the man who made the sound. The tall and oppressive figure like a lion exuded bursts of strong and domineering momentum.

"Fortunately, Xiao Ning saw the people from the Black Corner Region coming and asked me to come back to help, otherwise you would be dead!" The little girl in a lavender dress tugged at her braids and muttered, "You guys People are really annoying, why are you robbing things from the inner courtyard!"

"Tsk, fighting in the sky is really embarrassing me, Lin Yan!" On a tall tree, Yan Hao and Lin Yan raised their hands and looked at several people, cursing, "If you want to participate in a battle, you can't get involved! Brother Xiao Yan, But don’t say we don’t want to help you, it’s really intentional but powerless!”

"You guys..." Xiao Yan was slightly startled, a strange warm current passed through his heart, that feeling was different from when he was facing Nalan Yanran, Xiao Yan had felt it before, and he knew the name of that feeling.

is moved.

It is similar to Xiao Xun'er's three years of encouragement and companionship, the silent support and trust from his father, the maintenance and protection of his two elder brothers, and other feelings that he has forgotten for a long time.

In the past three years, he has been used to being a lone ranger. When chasing the girl's footsteps, he seems to have long forgotten that a person should not only pursue that kind of emotion in this world, and he should not miss those things when he blindly chases. cherished people.

He seemed to suddenly understand why Nalan Yanran likes to make friends and doesn't want to devote all her time to herself.

Because they are friends who can give you a hand in times of crisis, and are worthy of their lives and trust.

Not relatives, better than relatives.

"Teacher, you still have two friends." Yao Chen comforted with a light smile, slowly drawing his own strength and injecting it into the young man's body.

Eye sockets were slightly red, Xiao Yan took a deep breath, and said hoarsely, "Give me a little time, it will be fine soon."

Hearing this, Ziyan and Liu Qing were startled, then nodded slightly, "Okay, leave it to us!"

The two quickly confronted Fan Lao, which made Nalan Yanran who was rushing here heaved a sigh of relief. She almost threw the colorful sky-swallowing python out just now to block the bloody spear, but she was still there. Wait, wait for Liu Qing, Ziyan and the others to make a move.

Some things require Xiao Yan to comprehend by himself in order to fully understand.

He is Xiao Yan, not "Xiao Yan".

He is the 19-year-old boy who was born and raised in the city of Wutan on the Douqi Continent, not the smooth traveler with modern memories. Those who hold on to their possession are like unpolished jade that has not been polished by the world, with large blemishes on the surface, but the rough shell will always fade away one day and become a real good jade.

Many perceptions of life still need to be comprehended and experienced by himself in order to achieve real growth.

Life is long.

And she is willing to accompany him.


It is actually very difficult for Zi Yan and Liu Qing to hold Fan Lao back.

The grudge in their bodies must be brought to the extreme. Fan Lao is powerful, much stronger than the Snow Demon Sky Ape in that valley. They are very clear that if one is not careful, serious injury or even death on the spot is very likely.

"Zi Yan! Liu Qing! Hold on! Force him to our side!"

On the tall tree, Yan Hao yelled, and the strong fighting spirit in his hand frantically moved towards Fan Lao like money, interfering with the opponent's movements, and slapped him on Fan Lao's fighting wings, beating Fan Lao to the ground. The body shape is unstable, it can be said that it is extremely sinister.

Lin Yan followed suit in a dignified manner, but this little trick only lasted for a few seconds before Fan Lao saw through it. The pale and withered palm trembled suddenly, and immediately, two streams of blood-colored vindictiveness surged out and froze. It turned into two blood snakes with thick arms, and they opened their bloody mouths ferociously and headed towards Yan Hao and Lin Yan!

"Slip away!" Yan Hao grabbed Lin Yan and hurriedly escaped from the big tree. Immediately, the tree hit by the blood snake exploded into pieces, hitting Yan Hao's fighting spirit armor like a blade.

"It's really annoying, but the thing under the Fana tower broke through the seal two days later, maybe I will break through the bottleneck of the fighting spirit like Lin Xiuya and become the king of fighting!"

Yan Hao was knocked into a mouthful of blood by the aftermath of the energy. He looked up at Liu Qing who had been severely injured by the blood-stained palm in the sky, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, "Can we last until Xiao Yan melts the bloodshot cage?"

Just when he was worried about Zi Yan, the only remaining combat power, he suddenly heard a gust of wind, and then dense voices sounded, approaching this way like an army crossing a river, shouting, "We are coming!!!"

 Ah~ After writing this chapter and the next chapter, I feel that my whole body has been sublimated~
  Of course, the Supplement 2 of the next chapter has not been finished yet, and I am working hard~
(End of this chapter)

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