Chapter 389 She Lost One The Night Before

Today is a special day for the Tianfen Qi Refining Pagoda, where you can catch fish.

Because it finally does not have to work for a large number of students, but only for 11 elite students.

Outside the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, there was already a sea of ​​people at this time, and many gangs gathered here, "escorting" the top ten gang leaders in their own rankings into the tower, and the most eye-catching one was the Pan with the largest number of members and the best treatment. door, two black-clothed sect masters walked in the front, one of them was holding the frightening little girl in purple clothes, and there were always eight alchemy students standing beside him, including a fourth-rank alchemist. It scares others.

"Teacher, be careful." Su Jue wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes. For some reason, he just entered the pagoda to temper his heart fire, but he always felt as if he would not see Tutor Tong Ran for a long time.

"Zi Yan, you have to be careful." Wen Li stood next to Zi Yan and warned in a warm voice. Just when Zi Yan wanted to say that she was a strong fighter, be careful what she was doing, so she heard Wen Li babbled, " I heard that the success rate of tempering the heart fire is less than half. Once it succeeds, it is equivalent to getting the passport of the Douwang. Teacher Tong Ran has not yet reached the Douwang. This tempering is very important to her. Can you Don't bother her."

Zi Yan: ...

Stupid Wen Li, why would he feel that Tong Ran, who is stronger than her and possesses two different fires, will be disturbed by her!It would be nice if Tong Ran didn't quench her heart fire ahead of time and then bother herself!
Not far away, Lin Xiuya's Spike forces slowly approached. There are more than 20 members with fighting spirit strength. It's no wonder that the elite can become the first-rate power in the inner court. After all, other forces can be called second-rate forces if they can have one or two fighting spirits.

"Sister." Lin Xiuya walked towards Nalan Yanran, and the members of Spike Fang also stood beside the Panmen. Suddenly, a strange atmosphere surged between the two teams, and even Zi Yan People who are generally nervous feel a little strange.

The members of Langya secretly looked at Nalan Yanran. As Lin Xiuya's subordinates, they paid attention to his emotional problems. Everyone could see that the gang leader was interested in that girl, but because she had a boyfriend, they kept going. I don't want to make a move.

If they think about it, they should just grab it directly, not only from Xiao Yan, but also from Panmen. As for the group of freshmen from Panmen, they can beat ten of them!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the Langya people looking at the people of Panmen were like a pack of wolves staring at a flock of sheep, full of scrutiny and calculation.

Everyone in Panmen was also looking at Lin Xiuya, they were not fools, they naturally saw that Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran had an awkward relationship, and that Lin was taking advantage of the situation, so looking at Lin Xiuya was particularly unpleasant, and they even had a quarrel with the wolf. Tooth people are not pleasing to the eye.

Everyone in Panmen: What are you looking at!Look again is three!

Wolf Fang: Let's see!Those who have the ability live there, those who have no ability get out!
"This Lin Xiuya, why does he always appear beside Na...that Tong Ran?" Xiao Yu realized later, and couldn't help asking Xiao Mei next to her, "When did she meet Lin Xiuya?"

Xiao Mei: "We've known each other for a long time. We drank together before. He seems to be interested in the goddess."

Xiao Yu: "Damn, really?"

Xiao Mei: "Otherwise, why invite someone to paint at night."

Xiao Yu: "??? Why do you know everything?"

Xiao Mei spread her hands innocently: "Why don't you know anything?"

Xiao Yu:? ? ?
Xiao Yu scratched his head, then whispered, "Then what's going on with Xiao Yan, something has been wrong since yesterday, and he's not clinging to Tong Ran anymore."

Xiao Mei thought for a while, and finally shook her head, "Instead of worrying about Xiao Yan, it's better to worry about whether Brother Xiao Ning can beat Lin Xiuya after Xiao Yan is eliminated."

"That's right!" Xiao Yu had an epiphany, and quickly turned to look at her younger brother, who was going to teach her some seductive skills, but found that his expression was relaxed, showing no trace of vigilance or nervousness, so he couldn't help kicking him, "Pull it down!" No, no hope."

Xiao Ning:? ? ?

Lin Xiuya glanced at Xiao Yan calmly.

The black-clothed boy stood beside Nalan Yanran, stroking the black heavy ruler in his hand with his eyes downcast. He didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end, but occasionally his eyes fell on the girl, watching her smiling and chatting with him. At that time, he withdrew his gaze slightly, but didn't dare to disturb him in the slightest.

Lin Xiuya lightly pursed the line of his lower lip, and looked away at Xiao Yan. He thought that the girl refused the late date because she wanted to get closer to Xiao Yan, but it seemed... the two of them made no real progress at all last night.

Last night, the feeling of disappointment subsided a little. With the arrival of Great Elder Su Qian, the Sky Burning Qi Refining Pagoda was finally opened in front of all living beings. Lin Xiuya lowered his head slightly and said with a smile, "Let's go, junior."

Nalan Yanran nodded, and walked towards the tower with Lin Xiuya. The two walked at the same speed, and continued to chat in a low voice, discussing the secrets of wind cultivation.

Behind him, Xiao Yan, who was slightly distracted and took a step behind, saw that the two had gone far away, and was slightly startled. He raised his foot and wanted to keep up with the two, but he was afraid of her indifference and did not dare to approach them. His footsteps were getting more and more slow, he looked at the girl in black and the noble young man who were getting farther and farther away, bit his lips tightly and endured the feeling of deprivation in his heart.

Can't... pester her.

Nalan Yanran turned her head to talk to Lin Xiuya, she caught a glimpse of Xiao Yan who was much behind from the corner of her eye, she obviously slowed down her pace, although she didn't turn her head to wait for the boy, but Lin Xiuya still felt that she cared about him.

He smiled bitterly. He didn't know what Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan had experienced, but she was special to Xiao Yan, which made people a little jealous. He was jealous of how he could get her. care.

Perhaps Xiao Yan didn't know, but in Lin Xiuya's view, the boy had already won, but he had lost completely.


After entering the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower, the bright light instantly dimmed a lot, and the noisy sounds were blocked outside the tower. At this moment, there were only 12 people on the scene including Su Qian. Nalan Yanran glanced at the other students, and suddenly realized that The boys Yan Hao and Lin Yan even changed out of their usual clothes, and now they are dressed very neatly.

Not only the strong wheat-colored biceps were exposed, but also the strong calf flesh was exposed. Yan Hao and Lin Yan were already tall, nearly two meters high. The style of the clothes shows the strong and strong muscle lines to the fullest.

But I don't know if it's because I'm too tall, I didn't buy a suitable size in the college, the loose ice silk inner shirt fluttered slightly, revealing the tight and smooth lower waistline faintly, leading to a mysterious and unsightly area, which provoked The girl looked sideways frequently, and her jaw dropped in shock.

"Why are they dressed like this?" Her expression seemed to be that of a feudal old lady seeing a young man wearing only a tube top and shorts, her eyes were full of irrationality.

"I don't know where they heard the gossip that the place where the heart fire is tempered is very hot, so they bought ice silk underwear to protect against heat." Lin Xiuya glanced at Yan Hao and the others, and explained helplessly, "It's probably another In order to sell clothes, which tailor shop deliberately released the news, and cheated a few simple students out of their pockets."

Nalan Yanran looked at their small waistlines, and shook her head very maturely. She personally does not recommend boys to wear them like this. Although it looks good and attractive, it is easy to attract perverts to follow. She lost one of them the night before yesterday. , Ah bah, she wanted to catch up with that coquettishly dressed man the night before and give him a good education, but unfortunately he ran too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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