Chapter 384 Please clarify your status

The girl just did it at will, steamed the moisture in the young man's hair, and she condensed her fighting wings as usual, and flew into the air, full of fighting spirit, "You have just become a fighting king for a few days. You must have not flown enough during the competition, how about a competition?"

Lin Xiuya was slightly taken aback, and the remaining warmth in his hair gently touched his cheeks, which was three points warmer than the night wind. He looked up at the night sky, where the silvery white stars shone slightly, and the girl's thin and light fighting wings fluttered. The faint light green energy light is like the fireworks that suddenly bloomed in the dark room that day, bright and dazzling, like the most beautiful scene in the world.

But after all, he is not the real owner of this scenery.

He was just a passerby passing by by chance, looking up at the beautiful and bright fireworks, and when the fireworks were all over, he had no choice but to take advantage of the excitement...

The feeling of regret in his heart became more and more intense. Lin Xiuya looked up at the girl's eyes wondering why he didn't fly up, and felt the hollowness in his heart spread more and more, and the blue fighting wings behind him slightly waved, and he stopped at the girl's side, Opened his mouth, "Then... Bibi."

Nalan smiled sweetly, "Three numbers, three, two, one!"

When the word fell, the girl instantly turned into a green shadow, passing by like a shooting star in the sky, the noble young man tried hard to catch up behind her, raised his eyes to look at her slender back in front, clearly within reach, but seemed far away It's too late, but no matter what, he touched a trace of her clothes.

In the end, he could only watch her getting further and further away...

Powerlessness was the only emotion he could feel strongly at the moment.

The system looked at the emotion in the noble young man's eyes, and couldn't help sighing, 【How did you do it, straight and provocative? 】

"Huh? What?" The girl, who was concentrating on using her fighting spirit and fighting to see who was faster, took the time to answer.

[...It's okay, you fly well, and I'll tell you if you win, a little trick for small object space transfer~] The small system stretched out its thumb and scratched the tip of its nose, proudly and bewitchingly said.

Um?And such a good thing?

The girl flew forward even harder.

After returning to Panmen and accepting the system's trick, Nalan Yanran was slightly stunned, then raised her hand and threw it into the air in anger, "One-star Douzong's strength can only be used, now give me a fart!"

The system spread out its small hands, [It doesn't matter, you promised yourself~]

Behind him, Lin Xiuya folded his wings and landed on the ground, striding towards her, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Nalan Yanran rubbed her little nose, "Senior, let's go back early, there's a competition tomorrow, I think we'll have a match."

"I dare not compare with you." Lin Xiuya laughed helplessly, he couldn't even beat Zi Yan, how could he compare with her?He didn't want to look for frustration anymore, "It is estimated that tomorrow your opponents will automatically admit defeat."

"Hey, I'm not that strong anymore, it's all opportunistic." Nalan Yanran said modestly with a smile, the evening wind blew over her cheeks, a few strands of hair were blown to her eyes, Nalan Yanran was about to push them away, Then the noble young man in front of her raised his hand to block the wind for her.

The faint cyan energy changed the direction of the wind, and he said softly, "Let's sort it out."

Lin Xiuya originally wanted to help her tidy up, just like she steamed his hair dry, but when his fingertips were about to touch the lock of hair, he knew that he was not as pure-minded as the girl, so he retracted slightly. The fingertips were changed to block the wind.

He wanted to be gentle with her, but stopped in a reserved manner.

Nalan Yanran brushed her hair twice, and was about to say thank you, when the black-clothed boy on the second floor of the pavilion jumped down, his eyes fell on the hand next to her face, and he raised his hand against Lin Xiuya's hand with a dissatisfied expression. hand.

"Didn't you go to the Alchemy Department?" Xiao Yan stood beside the girl, asked in a low voice with downcast eyes, his eyes slightly swept across Lin Xiuya on one side, and the darkness in his eyes flashed past.

Nalan Yanran frowned slightly.

The young man's behavior just now was too hostile and impolite. She glanced at Lin Xiuya's red wrist, she gave Xiao Yan a slight look, and then handed Lin Xiuya a pill, "Don't be angry with him."

"No problem." Lin Xiuya shook his head, declined the pill, and then looked at Xiao Yan with a gentle gaze, "He is your boyfriend, it's inevitable that he will be a little jealous."

It was he who overstepped the bounds.

Nalan Yanran twitched the corners of her mouth and didn't say anything. She waited for Lin Xiuya to leave before she turned and looked at Xiao Yan calmly, "What were you doing just now?"

"He's too close to you." The boy lowered his head, like a child who has done something wrong, and muffled, "I don't like it."

"Near?" Nalan Yanran sneered, Lin Xiuya's slap was half a foot away from him, how could it be close?

"Why, in the future, when I talk to friends of the opposite sex, I have to stay three feet away, right? Or maybe I can't talk to the opposite sex at all?" She took a deep look at Xiao Yan, turned around and walked upstairs, "Xiao Yan, don't Say you are not my boyfriend yet, even if you are, you cannot interfere with my right to make friends with the opposite sex."

She didn't deny Lin Xiuya's words to her face just now, although she hinted that the other party should not waste her affection on her, but it was more to save some face for Xiao Yan and make his behavior appear less malicious.

But Nalan Yanran couldn't compromise on his desire to restrain her.

"Xiao Yan, don't worry about it too much, it doesn't matter to me whether you like it or not."

The girl's tone was too indifferent, which made Xiao Yan panic, and followed her with slightly red eyes, "But he likes you..."

"So what? Is it related to you?" Nalan Yanran glanced at him coldly, "Xiao Yan, I'll give you pills, give you different fires, accompany you to practice and allow you to cling to me and kiss me, that's not enough. Do you know that I don't like you, what else do you want?"

If he can't stand it, he can leave. Did she beg him to stay by her side?

Has he figured out his own status, is she the one who cannot live without him, who must love him?

"I..." Xiao Yan's throat choked up, and his eyes instantly became moist. Looking at the girl's cold face, he knew that she was really angry, so he grabbed her wrist in fear, "I was wrong, don't be angry, okay?" ?”

"Think about it for yourself." Nalan Yanran frowned and shook off his hand, slamming the door, "I figured it out, either leave, or follow me like this!"

She was so pissed off!I thought this kid had turned his back on his ways, and his feelings were all feigned before!
It's okay to pretend, it won't be long before Lin Xiuya just stretched out his hand to block the wind, but he couldn't help but exposed his true nature, he was really useless.

"Look at your hero! Ah! You can't even pretend for a few days!" Nalan Yanran unbuttoned her robe, threw it on the bed angrily, and said cursingly, "If he can bear it for a month, I will All respect him as a man, try to be with him and give him all favors!"

But what about him?
I can't hold back my temper, I'm not mature at all!

The system scratched its head, [but he was originally...] just that temperament, back then he didn't care about friendship at all, and Lin Xiuya...

In fact, Xiao Yan wouldn't be able to hold back any other person, but perhaps because of the "awakening" problem, when he met Lin Xiuya, he subconsciously couldn't bear the jealousy and vigilance in his heart, thus revealing his true nature.

[Don't be angry, we don't have to be with him. 】The system emerged from the mid-air and landed on the girl's shoulder, hugged her neck slightly, and comforted her, 【Tomorrow I will secretly change the stick for you so that you can meet Xiao Yan and beat him to vent your anger~ 】

Nalan Yanran smiled suddenly, and the restlessness in her heart disappeared immediately, "Really?"

[Really! 】The system patted the small chest and assured, 【As long as you don't kill or maim~】

"Hmm~" The girl climbed onto the bed, put the small system by the pillow, and kissed it lightly on the forehead, "Thank you, you have been with me all this time."

"Good night, all~"

The little system shyly covered its forehead, watched the girl close its eyes and fell asleep, it lay on the side of her face, stared at her peaceful sleeping face and said softly, "Good night, Yanran."

Yanran, no matter what happens, it will always be the one who is most toward her.

Because, it was born because of her.

Thousands of reincarnations finally gave her a trace of pity, which is redemption and the evolution of all things in the world, and there is no longer the predicament of predetermined fate.

 The old rules, more than 500 words instead of small theater.


  Two small abuse~ la la la ~
  You may not believe me if I say it, but I used to be a good at abusing literature [specifically referring to the abusive hero, I am my own mother]~
  Many people are wondering, why is Xiao Yan sick and paranoid, every male supporting role is better than him, but he is the leading male lead?

  I don’t know if you remember that Nalan Yanran once asked the system a question: Who is the heroine of the world?

  The system asked her what the definition of a heroine is, and she replied: Someone who has an emotional line and has had a relationship.

  So why is Xiao Yan the hero! the main text, only he and Yanran...【Escape with your head in your arms】

(End of this chapter)

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