Chapter 336 Let a Man Spend 800 for Me

Just as the girl was thinking about it, she was suddenly dragged off the table by the dark green brocade that went away.

Nalan Yanran: ...

With my size, I have never lost face like this.

"Cough." Only then did Han Feng remember that the two of them were still tied with brocade strips, so he could only say with a headache, "Follow up."

"Sigh." Nalan Yanran got up from the ground and followed obediently, "Forget it, I have to bow my head under the eaves."

【Yan Ran, don't be sad,】The system caressed the red pinch marks on her neck distressedly, her cheeks were swollen with gas,【I'll go and electric him tonight! 】

Nalan Yanran:? ? ?
Suddenly remembering something, she wondered, "You were the one who bullied the little doctor named Mu in the Warcraft Mountains back then?"

[Ahh...] The system silently grabbed her by the hair. After all, it has been concealing the real thing, and it is still a little guilty, so it immediately diverted her attention, [It's not just me, there is also the little doctor fairy !She also contributed!If the surname Mu dies, she did it! 】

And the little fairy doctor? !

No, all of you, how could you do such a cruel thing!
Just leave this kind of thing to her!How can you get your hands dirty and tired? !
"Remember to squeak next time, what if you are in danger?" She couldn't help but reminded, very worried about the safety of the system, after all, it is too small, and it feels like it could sit on its butt and die.

The system, which had no idea what the girl was thinking, nodded movedly, [Okay, next time I will definitely say something! 】

After getting the system's promise, Nalan Yanran nodded in satisfaction, and only then ran a few trots to catch up with Han Feng.

Hearing the girl's trotting sound, Han Feng glanced down at her, his eyes fell on the pinch marks on her neck and the blood on her mouth, he pursed his lips, and finally threw a pill, "Make up for your .”

Nalan Yanran looked at the elixir in her hand, and couldn't help but start to push forward, "But I want the seventh grade..."

"To shut up."

"Hey." The girl groaned mercilessly.

Hearing that word, Han Feng had a very headache, but thinking about the young man's persistent illness that made him so sissy, he couldn't say anything to hurt his dignity, so he put on a black robe and took the young man away from Fengcheng.

Black Seal City.

auction house.

"Let me find out if it can be cured..." In the private room, the man in black robe whispered something to the steward beside him. .

"What's wrong?" Nalan Yanran turned her head.

"There just happened to be an auction, go over and have a look." Han Feng lifted his robe and dragged Nalan Yanran to the private room.

At this time, the auction was halfway through. To Nalan Yanran's surprise, a lot of good things came out of this auction, and even Han Feng was a little interested.

But to him, these are only good things, not good enough to make him lower his style and compete with a bunch of people.

The girl looked at it for a while, then suddenly said, "Tongzi, are you bored? Let me give you a show."

【Um? 】

"Three sentences, let the man spend 800 million gold coins for me!" The girl said confidently.

【? ? ? 】

"Teacher Han Feng." Nalan Yanran's voice suddenly became very gentle, and she looked at the man beside her with firm eyes.

"?" Han Feng turned his head, feeling ominous, "What's the matter?"

"I want that." The girl pointed to the sixth-order magic core on the stage.

Han Feng: ... "Why does this deity..."

"I guarantee that I won't run away within seven days, otherwise I will lose a man's 'dignity' for the rest of my life!"

"800 million gold coins." Han Feng asked the price directly.

"850 million gold coins!"

"I would like to give out a fifth-grade elixir!"

"I will offer 1000 gold coins!"

Seeing more and more people asking for the price, Han Feng clicked his tongue lightly, and said lazily and with a somewhat gloomy voice, "Sixth grade elixir, ice elixir."

The audience fell silent instantly, and many people looked over curiously and shocked, but only saw two men in black robes.

Sixth-grade pills... some sixth-grade pills even require a sixth-grade crystal core, and this person is willing to exchange sixth-grade pills for a sixth-grade magic core?

No one asked to increase the price at the scene. There was really no item that could exceed this value. We could only watch the sixth-order magic core enter someone else's pocket.

"Hey." Han Feng lightly raised his right leg and pressed it on the other long leg, lightly tapped the handle of the seat with his fingers, and said with a sneer, "Grab something with this deity."

Don't even look at who he is.

When the sixth-order magic core was in the girl's hands, Nalan Yanran raised her eyebrows, "Tongzi, thank you for watching."


Han Feng was undoubtedly taken advantage of.

"You'd better keep your promise, otherwise, this deity will not be so polite to you again." On the way back to Fengcheng, Han Feng said lightly, "Put you in a closed secret room, or in that cage, and let you I can no longer be as free as this, this deity will do what he says."

Nalan Yanran was stunned for a moment, "Why do you all like cages so much?"

After she finished speaking, she was taken aback for a moment, why did she say the word "du"?

"If you don't run away, I won't put you in a cage." Han Feng glanced at her, and was about to say something more, when suddenly he stopped, and a few sneers appeared on his lips, "I haven't encountered such a thing for a long time. How dare you snatch it on the head of this deity."

Nalan Yanran withdrew her doubts, and realized that someone was following them when she released her soul perception.

It seems that someone wants to snatch this sixth-order magic core.

"Let's go, kid." Han Feng lifted her up and walked towards the distant forest, knowing that these people would not dare to snatch the magic core on the main road and be watched by others, so he went very "kindly" hiding place.

Nalan Yanran: ...Go and go, why mention someone...

In the deep forest, Han Feng finally stopped, and glanced lazily behind, "Why, do you want me to invite you out?"

A dozen or so people suddenly appeared from behind the trees in the deep forest, looking at what kind of power it seemed to be, the leader was a peak fighting king, looking at the two of them with a sneer, "Since the two cooperate so well, why don't you just hand over the sixth-order magic core directly?" come out?"

Han Feng chuckled, turned his head slightly, put his hand on the girl's other shoulder, and said in a slightly evil voice, "Teacher, they want to steal your things."

Nalan Yanran turned to look at him, "And then?"

The thin lips were slightly bloodthirsty, the man's tone became more sinister, and his slender index finger lazily pointed at those people. His whole body was like the demon king sitting on the throne of blood corpses, full of cold and The evil killing intent.

"Tell me, which one do you want to die?"

"Puha!" Before Nalan Yanran said anything, the Dou Wang couldn't help laughing, "You want us to die? What a crazy tone, don't even look at the people in our Dragon King Gang, In the entire Black Horn Region, there are not many who can surpass our Dragon King Gang!"

"Since you don't know what is good or bad, let's keep the magic core and life together!"

After saying that, the Dou Wang attacked directly, seeing this, Nalan Yanran frowned, and turned her back directly.

At the same time, a fighting skill filled with sea-blue flames rushed towards the opponent in an instant, and only the sound of continuous collapse and unbelievable screams could be heard frequently. Accompanied by the sound of burning and crackling, it gradually turned into deathly silence, leaving only a little anxiety. The smell made the girl slightly raise her hand to block her nasal cavity.

"Let's go." Raising his hand and waving away the bad smell, Han Feng lifted her up again and flew her back to Fengcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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