Chapter 286 Don't Beat People to Death
Today is the busiest day for Canaan Academy.

Because the 50 inner court freshmen who won the previous round of competition will select the top 5 best today, and these 5 inner court freshmen will also have the opportunity to enter the library and choose precious fighting skills or exotic medicinal materials.

On the square, Hu Jia stood with her arms folded, dressed in a red dress, very sassy and at ease. As the most stalwart and violent woman in the whole academy, no matter how beautiful she was and how noble her status was, she made all the male students shy away from her. One step closer.

After all, anyone who tried to get close to her was beaten badly by her.

"Why haven't Xun'er and that Tong Ran arrived yet?" Hu Jia murmured, raising his hand and looking into the distance, "Fortunately, Wu Hao's martial idiot has been pestering Tong Ran for the past few days, so he and Xun'er is a little farther away, hmph, it can only be considered bad luck for him to provoke that lunatic Wu Hao!"

"It's best for Wu Hao to cling to him for the rest of his life, so that Xun'er is mine! I'll secretly spread the word that Tong Ran likes men more, hehehe~" Hu Jia couldn't help being secretly proud, and had already anticipated the beautiful scene of her hugging Xun'er .

Just as she was thinking, the Xiao family gradually approached in the distance. Hu Jia raised her eyes and saw Gu Xun'er, Xiao Yan, Xiao Ning, Xiao Yu, and Tong Ran standing beside Gu Xun'er.

"Huh? Where's Wu Hao?" Hu Jia was surprised, why isn't that lunatic by Tong Ran's side?

Nalan Yanran was also looking for Wu Hao in the crowd, she felt it was necessary to explain, lest those men would avoid "him" when they went to the men's bathhouse in the future.

"I found it!" Seeing the familiar blood robe, Nalan Yanran's eyes lit up, and he strode towards Wu Hao. Jiahe went to Baishan.

Nalan Yanran:? ? ?
Hu Jia also had a full face:? ? ?
what happened?How did Tong Ran deal with that lunatic Wu Chi? !

Even let Wu Hao avoid it? !
You know, in this academy, only others avoid Wu Hao, there is no Wu Hao who avoids others!

"Tsk, there's a big misunderstanding." Nalan Yanran retreated to the side of Xiao's family, met Xiao Ning's slightly puzzled eyes, she spread her hands helplessly and innocently, "Didn't Wu Hao want to compete with me? I can't accompany you in vain." He discussed, thinking that it would be troublesome for you to get up early every day and go to the canteen so far away to buy breakfast for me, so he thought of using this as a transaction condition, asking Wu Hao to buy breakfast for the rest of us."

"It turned out that the cheap mouth said something obscene." The girl coughed lightly, "Hey, the old man got sick, and then I scared him."

Discussing such a dangerous matter with Wu Hao could have been exchanged for better trading conditions, but she was only using it to save him from getting up early, Xiao Ning pursed her lips and chuckled, feeling warm in her heart.

Just a few words from the girl made his heart flutter. Maybe she didn't think of him so much because she liked him, but this sentence was enough to make him secretly happy for a long time, chewing on it over and over again.

However, he still gently reminded, "I'm afraid Wu Hao is not talking about sparring, but fighting, right? He is extremely murderous, and his strikes are neither light nor heavy, so it is not suitable for sparring, and duels are usually easy to miss and kill by mistake." .”

"It's okay, no matter how murderous it is, can it compare to hordes of monsters? I'm used to it already." Nalan Yanran said indifferently, but Xiao Ning's words only made him feel extremely distressed.

What kind of experience did she go through outside to get used to that kind of horrific killing?
However, it was her own choice. Although most people in the Douqi Continent choose to enter the academy, which is a relatively safe way of cultivation, and only those mercenaries will go to places where monsters are rampant, there are always a small number of them. Become stronger, but choose hard ascetic practice.

Xiao Ning will not dictate her decision, all he can do is silently support her and pray for her safe return.

"However, what on earth did you say to scare him into such a state?" Xiao Ning asked curiously.

Nalan Yanran felt a little embarrassed, "Just to say, I want his body."

Xiao Ning: ...

After a while, he looked at the girl with a strange expression, "You say this is an old problem? Could it be that you often tell people outside? Why don't you tell me?"

"That's different." Nalan Yanran quickly shook her hand, "Those people will have nothing to do with me in the future, no one will take a few dirty words seriously, and I guess they will be forgotten in a few days."

But Xiao Ning is different. He was taught by her personally. He is a friend who started when he first arrived. He is a good partner who shares new products and spiritual wine with her. Some vulgar jokes affect the pure emotion between him and him.

What's more, she knew that the young man really liked her, so how could she let him fall deeper before she fell in love.

However, the authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear.Nalan Yanran is very smart, but as a person in charge, when she wants to cherish a relationship, she has been blinded by emotions and lost the wisdom to control people's hearts. She cherishes the relationship with Xiao Ning so much, but it will make the emotions in the young people's hearts , getting deeper and deeper.

Or maybe, he has already been deeply involved in it, willingly.


When the sun was rising in the blue sky, the heavy and deep chimes of bells finally rang out in the square. The noisy square fell silent, and countless eyes looked at the extremely wide square.

And Hu Gan standing in the center of the square, his majestic voice was like thunder, hovering in the middle of the square, "In previous years, the trials were all selected rounds, but this year, after the college's memories and discussions, we decided to change the final round slightly." game mode."

"Now, all the top 50 academies are invited to enter the venue."

Hearing what Hu said, all the students in the audience showed puzzled eyes. Nalan Yanran, who knew the plot, had already touched Najie to find a small bench. After all, with her strength, she believed that apart from Wu Hao, Bai Shan and Hu Apart from Jia, no one dared to do anything to her.

After entering the venue, Gu Xun'er glanced at the students around her, and said in a soft voice like a green lotus, "Brother Xiao Yan, Brother Xiao Ning, Sister Yu, you all have to be careful."

She turned to Nalan Yanran again, paused and said, " careful not to beat anyone to death."

Nalan Yanran:? ? ?
etc?Xun'er, do you misunderstand me?
Although Wu Hao's injury looked serious at the time, it was only on the surface! ! !

At this time, Hu Qian's voice sounded again, "This competition is calculated based on the time present, the longer the time present, the higher the ranking, and vice versa."

"No matter what method you use, you can form a team with others, or betray your allies. As long as you can keep yourself in the field in the melee, then you have won!"

"Then, the final round of the inner court selection competition begins now!"

As Hu Gan's voice fell, there was a bang in the originally quiet arena, and dozens of grudges of different colors suddenly erupted, which was dazzling. This kind of field is full of enemies, and was blasted out of the field by someone's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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