Chapter 265 Mysterious Man

Nalan Yanran clenched her chin lightly, looking at the four floors of dueling rings, her eyes slowly moved up from the bottommost duel ring of the Great Fighter with great interest.

"My lord, which duel do you plan to watch?" the person who led the way asked courteously.

That's right, in the center of this huge duel arena, there are a total of four floors of duel platforms, which are fixed in the air by strong chains. The bottom floor is for everyone from fighters to great fighters. Human beings below the Great Fighter level fight against monsters, the second level from the top is the battle between humans and monsters above the Great Fighter level, and the first level is the confrontation between everyone whose strength is above the Great Fighter level.

Different showdown stations have different corresponding audiences.

"This design is really interesting. The owner of this arena made me want to see it."

After seeing the internal structure of the underground duel field, Nalan Yanran changed her mind, "I want the best private room on the first floor."

The standing and sitting seats were too messy. The villains from which empire they came from had ferocious faces. Their big muscles were covered with dark brown and ugly scars. They looked like they were not easy to provoke.

They waved their arms and roared towards the dueling platform, and even wished they could go to the duel in person. If it wasn't for the isolation shield, they would have already rushed up.

On the contrary, there is a private room for VIPs on each floor of the dueling arena. In each private room, one or several people are standing and sitting, and the appearance of talking with a smile is completely different from those fierce men. If you ignore the background of the arena, who would guess, How bloody is the picture they watched with elegant smiles?

Sitting in the most expensive private room, Nalan Yanran leaned on the tea table with her slender elbows, her soft and slender jade hands half resting on her forehead, gently waving a black fan with a gold thread edge, her eyes seemed to be invisible. Sweep over the dueling platform on the first floor.

At this moment, the life-and-death competition on this floor has not yet started, but the stage names and strengths of the two duelists in this competition have been marked on the field. It is a life-and-death duel between a six-star fighting spirit and a five-star fighting spirit. The winner can get A fourth-grade colored elixir called "Yaoling Pill".

Her gaze slowly moved to other private rooms, it seemed that many strong men were very interested in this duel, obviously the number of private rooms was not small, but every private room was already occupied.

In the private room, exclusive stewards were arranged, waiting to place bets for the guests. Following the entry of the two fighting spirits, the steward behind Nalan Yanran hurried up, "My lord, do you want to place your bets?"

Nalan Yanran glanced at the two fighting spirits, and casually pointed to the one who looked better than the other, "Just him, 5000 gold coins."

"Okay, my lord." The steward picked up the black jade card next to him to record the betting information, then quietly retreated to the back and stopped disturbing. Nalan Yanran scanned the surrounding private room and found that the steward at the VIP seat They are all very winking, they seem to judge the character of the guests by themselves, and thus choose different ways of hospitality.

And after waiting half an hour for the betting time, when the game was about to start, a man in black robe suddenly walked into Nalan Yanran's VIP room.

It's normal for strangers from different walks of life to appear in the private room. When she upgraded her membership status, the guide had already explained it to her. Nalan Yanran glanced at the man in black robe. For some reason, she always felt the breath of the other party... ... seems to have seen it before?
It's strange that Xiao Yan doesn't look like Xiao Yan at this height, but he seems to be the only person in black robe she knows, right?
She frowned slightly and thought about it, but she couldn't think of anything. Nalan Yanran no longer bothered her head and memory, ignored the man in black who suddenly appeared, and turned her attention back to the dueling arena.

And the mysterious black-robed man, with his deep eyes as cold as frost, turned his incomparably icy gaze on the black-robed boy who was watching the duel while knocking on melon seeds.

(End of this chapter)

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