Chapter 176
Three months later.

Tagor Desert.

A delicate-looking girl in a white robe squatted furtively in the lee of a certain sand dune, looking around for no one to follow her, then narrowed her eyes, and stretched out a ring with her two tender hands Lifted up.

"Aha~ It's time to open the blind box again~"

Happily rubbing the interspatial ring on her face, the girl's eyes were full of love and satisfaction, "Thanks to the great Emperor Tuoshe for his love, I hope this time I will definitely catch the low-ranking and easy-to-support Yihuo! "

Hearing this, the system suddenly got up from the ground:? ? ?

who?Who do you thank for your love?

[Did you make a mistake! 】The system yelled loudly, 【Is it Gudi Tuoshe who you should thank!It's not that he gave these things to you! 】

It patted itself on the chest and motioned, 【Who should I thank, don't you know? ! 】

Nalan Yanran tilted her head and blinked her eyes. After a while, she slapped her chin in a sudden realization, "That's right! I did thank the wrong person!"

She had a look of remorse, "Thank you, Master System, for your reminder! What I should be most grateful for, really should be..."

The system immediately straightened its chest and raised its small chin, ready to accept the praise from the girl.

"It should be... myself!" The girl intertwined her hands in front of her chest and prayed and thanked her sincerely, "It was me who was so smart and witty that I was able to find that treasure cave in the Warcraft Mountains." Notes left by a strong man, and finally got the treasure of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Mansion!"

"It's really a girl born from a hero since ancient times! This girl has the talent to rule the world at a young age, and the wisdom to stabilize the country. I, Nalan Yanran, sincerely wish her all wishes come true in this life! Rich family! Surrounded by a harem! Live to 999999!"

system:? ? ? ? ? ?

You really spare no effort in boasting!ha?

It was so angry that it slammed the electric baton, [Open your blind box!Sooner or later, I will be mad at you! 】

"Of course~ It's thanks to Master System that you brought me to the Douqi Continent to let me show my strength like this!" Nalan Yanran's voice changed, and then she stretched her arms and sang in tune like poetry reciting, "You are My bole confidant and the lamp of the sun, without you, I am just gold buried deep in the desert without seeing the sun, and only under your brilliance can I shine like this!"

The system's small face blushed immediately, 【Cough, that's natural. 】

"Then I can have a..."

【cannot. 】

Nalan Yanran: ... 嘤~
"Then I'll start opening the blind box!" Nalan Yanran licked her lips, without wasting any more time, picked up the self-made fishing net bag next to her, and put her hand into the interspatial ring.

Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Mansion.

The emperor pin young pill was lying lazily floating in the air, looking bored and depressed at the gray sky above, when it suddenly sensed something, its pill body trembled violently.

This feeling... seems to have happened before!

Before it had time to recall, a hand suddenly appeared in front of its eyes. Compared with the huge palm last time, this hand seemed to be a miniature version of that giant hand, a small white and tender hand, holding It was like a fishing net pocket, groping left and right as if looking for something, just as Emperor Pin Chudan approached, he was pinched by the other party.

The little hand touched it like a dog's head, and just as Dipin Chudan was about to get nervous, he was bounced away by the opponent's middle finger with "Biu".

Emperor Pin Young Pill:? ? ?
After flicking away the young pill, the little hand hurried towards the Yihuo Square.

Emperor Pin Chudan was stunned, whose hand is this!It doesn't look like the hands of Emperor Tuoshe!Where did it come from!Where was the flame of life that was taken away before? !

Will it be taken to the outside world?
Dipin Chudan became excited. It had wanted to leave the dark and dark Tuoshe Ancient Mansion for a long time, but after finally sending out the Jinglian Demon Fire and Void Swallowing Flame, they turned back and left him without a trace. !
Refusing to let go of a chance to escape, Dipin Chudan hurriedly followed the little hand, and found that the little hand was picking and choosing among a pile of flames, and finally grasped a handful of black and white flames with determination, seemingly Feeling that she had taken too little, she unfolded the fishing net and scooped up the pile of high-level kung fu pills before flying up into the sky contentedly.

Dipin Chudan hurriedly followed, it wanted to see how the hand left!Maybe it can find a way to get out safely!
However, in the next second, it saw that the little hand seemed to be stuck by something. The little hand tugged at the fishing net pocket, but it couldn't leave the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Mansion. All the martial arts and fighting skills rushed to the ground, and left unwillingly with black and white flames.

There was no time for the Emperor Grade Young Pill to react, and the little hand disappeared in the blink of an eye, and there was no trace of it.

Looking down at the extremely scattered kungfu fighters on the ground, Emperor Pin Chudan: ...

At any rate, pack up before leaving!Do you want this old man to clean up such a mess? ! !

In the desert, Nalan Yanran cursed and withdrew her little hand that was stuck in the space, "It's fine to open it once every three months! You can only take one thing?! Tougher than the gate of life and death!"

She threw the interspatial ring back into the ring, and opened her palm, and saw two strands of black and white flames intertwined and entwined, swimming like yin and yang twin fish, full of the dual power of life and death.

[It's the 21st Yin-Yang Shuangyan! 】The system's eyes lit up, and he was sincerely happy for the girl. 【The ranking is low and the cultivation time is short. The most important thing is that this different fire is divided into two fires, yin and yang. Perfect for exterminating corpses! 】

"How long will it take to cultivate?"

[Up to two months is enough! 】

Nalan Yanran was very satisfied with such a short training time, she squeezed the black and white flame, and stuffed it into her mouth.

The familiar feeling of diarrhea spread from her abdomen. She sat cross-legged on the desert and began to devour the yin and yang dual flames. Compared with the flames of life, the pain caused by the dual flames of yin and yang was indeed a little less, but flames of life seemed to dislike it very much. As soon as it found that it entered the body, it ran over to give the other party a blow.

Who would have imagined that the yin and yang twin flames would have such a violent temper that they would directly fight with the flame of life, and the black flames surrounded the green flames and output a berserk output.

Perhaps it was because the Flame of Life didn't dare to go beyond the master and mobilize too much power privately, so that the whole group of flames was beaten by the black flame and the whole group of flames became much weaker, nestled in the corner aggrieved, as if "I'm sorry master" was written all over the body. I'm useless, I didn't educate the new slaves well... ".

Nalan Yanran: ...

She glanced at the white flames who were lazily watching the whole show, and couldn't help being a little interested in this yin and yang double flame.

She picked up her battle qi and began to digest the yin and yang double flames. The white flame seemed to be drifting with the tide, lazily absorbed into her veins, but the black flame was like a irascible little wolf cub, struggling frantically not to be swallowed. However, his own old white has been rotten and absorbed, so it can only be aggrieved and merged into the white flame in the end, being used by the girl for her own use.

Open the palm of your right hand again, and you will see two pinches of black and white flames of different colors intertwined, as gorgeous and bright as a villain dancing, very eye-catching.

"very beautiful."

She sighed, followed by slight movements of her fingertips, and saw red, purple, gray, green, and black and white flames rising to the middle of the palm in a series of "swish", blooming blossoms. The bright and gorgeous fireworks were also reflected in her dark and bright beautiful eyes, turning into a starlight.

"It's all~ It's pretty~" She propped her chin and watched the gorgeous fireworks show with the system, and her exquisite eyebrows and eyes were full of childlike joy that was easy to satisfy.

It was the first fireworks feast she wanted to show the other party.

The system glanced at the colorful fireworks, and its eyes fell on the face of the smiling girl, and the pair of heterochromatic pupils also bent.

【nice. 】

 Thanks to [Sijin] [Light] [Don’t Sleep in the Morning] for your monthly support~
(End of this chapter)

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