Dou Po: I was followed by Xiao Yan after retiring the engagement

Chapter 130 Don't Propose Marriage With Gifts?

Chapter 130 Don't Propose Marriage With Gifts?

The system also glanced at Nalan Yanran in a little horror. Her pure physical defense can break the bones of a first-order monster? !
[You are beaten every day just to strengthen your physical defense? ] The system couldn't help asking.

"No." The girl picked up a blade of grass and said innocently, "I'm afraid that in the future, when the beauty is wrapped around my waist, she will be wrung to death by her sexy tail before she has time to touch it twice." la~"

system:? ? ?
Nalan Yanran fed Xiaolan a raw bone pill to restore her wings to their original shape. She flapped her wings with lingering fear, and Xiaolan couldn't help refreshing her understanding of this human girl.

"Let's go~ let's go to other places~" The girl jumped on the back of the blue eagle and looked into the distance, "This time the distance is a bit farther, let's fly!"

In this way, one person and one eagle came to unknown places in the Warcraft Mountains, and dug up corpses, rings, and piles of treasures...

And the way Xiaolan looked at the girl became more and more strange.

How on earth did she know about these bone burial places?
It's just too creepy.

As the sun sets, the blue sky is gradually infiltrated by the orange glow, and on a certain beautiful mountain, raised grave mounds pop up one by one, like a few people suddenly popping up on the smooth and tender face of a beauty. Acne, ah bah...

Nalan Yanran hurriedly waved away this imagination, and after burying the last corpse, she wiped off her sweat and placed a flower on each grave.

After a long sigh, the girl finally collapsed on the edge of the cliff, and said quietly, "This treasure hunt is too tiring, I'm exhausted!"

[Then continue tomorrow? 】


After Nalan Yanran rested, she poured out all the treasures in those rings, pulled out the first-order magic core, and pushed them all to Xiaolan, "Here, those who see have a share, I will give you these, anyway. I can't use it anymore."

Xiaolan: ...

Ah, fuck the horror~Long live Nalan Yanran~
Xiaolan sat aside and swallowed the magic core happily, while the girl subdivided these treasures, and found that except for some pills and magic cores, most of them were of no great use to her.

In Xiao Yan's brother's desert iron mercenary group, aren't there still many "children" waiting to be fed?

She is going to propose a marriage, she must bring some greetings to everyone~
And these are just right!

And Black Rock City... Nalan Yanran wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and couldn't help but said, "Time will pass, I can't wait to go to Black Rock City~"

The system was puzzled upon hearing this, 【Why do you want to go to Black Rock City?Is it because I can get the alchemist badge? 】

However, the girl smiled and did not answer, she stretched her waist and blew the gentle mountain wind, she smiled and said, "You will know when the time comes~"

When she was reading the original book, she was very curious and looking forward to a certain little beauty's inner description~
Humming a little song, Nalan Yanran rode on the blue eagle, and under the orange sunset sky, headed towards the medicine valley hut where people cooked hot meals every day.

Oh, by the way, who is cooking today?

Nalan Yanran frowned, bad, it seems that Zixian is cooking today...

Inside Medicine Valley.

Zi Xian put the dishes on the table with a "snap", triumphantly, "How is it? This time I made a lot of progress, right?"

The little doctor frowned and sucked in a breath, looking at the colorful and strange dishes, she even felt that she didn't need to take poison in the future, she could just eat Zixian's food directly.

Xiao Yan, with Xuan Chongru behind his back, looked serious, turned around and said, "I'm eating outside tonight."

"Please!" Zi Xian immediately picked up the chopsticks and took a bite, chewed and swallowed, "Look, it's really not bad!"

However, no one would believe it, after all, every time before, they used diarrhea to buy a lesson.

At this time, Nalan Yanran also stepped into the room, and handed the poison bottle in her hand to the little doctor, looking at the dishes on the table, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Zixian, why don't you go out and eat monsters? Don't bully us, okay?"

Zi Xian pursed her mouth, and her beautiful red eyes became watery. He knew that this trick was the best for a girl, "Chachazi, you don't even believe me, do you?"

Nalan Yanran: ...

"It's really because I want to give my friend a little trust. It's definitely not that I can't stand the little beauty crying." She explained in her heart.

System: [Oh. 】

Nalan Yanran picked up a chopstick and chewed it. A few seconds later, she put down the chopsticks with a green complexion, "If you believe me again, I'm a dog."

Zi Xian: ...

Little Fairy Doctor: "Pfft~"

Xiao Yan hooked her finger quietly, and said with a low smile, "Leave him alone, let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food."

Candlelight was lit in the cabin, amidst laughter and laughter, the night sky was bright with stars and the moon was bright.


A few months later, the beautiful experience in the Warcraft Mountains slowly passed, and finally ushered in the moment of parting.

On the day of parting, Nalan Yanran put a string of bracelets on the wrist of the little fairy doctor. It was made by her with a string of second-order magic cores, and the colors were very beautiful.

"Seeing it is equivalent to seeing me~" she warned, "I will look for you in the future."

"Okay." The little fairy doctor stuffed a lot of medicine bottles into her hands, "There are a lot of snake people in the Tagore Desert, and the snake venom is even more strange. It is easy to be tricked, so be careful."

"Don't worry! When I save ninety-nine and 81 kinds of snake venom for you, you will be invincible!" Nalan Yanran patted her chest to assure her.

The little fairy doctor couldn't help laughing, raised his hand and gently touched the girl's forehead, "Idiot, don't take any risks, I just want you to live, understand?"

"Yeah!" Nalan Yanran rubbed the little beauty's neck, and finally waved her hand reluctantly, "Then let's go~ Sister Yixian, goodbye~"

"Goodbye." The little fairy doctor said softly, looking at the departing girl, the corners of her rosy lips curled slightly, and her eyes were full of reluctance and firmness.

In order to see her again, she had to work hard.

As soon as the bamboo flute blew, the huge blue eagle landed beside her, and jumped onto Xiao Lan, who had become a second-level beast. The woman in the white skirt said firmly, "Let's go, Xiao Lan, let's go to the Izumo Empire."

Let's go and say goodbye. I don't know when we will see you again.

Ah Cha, don't forget me.


Here, riding the Amethyst Winged Lion King, Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan headed towards Black Rock City.

To reach the Tagore Desert, they need to go from the Warcraft Mountains to the eastern part of the Empire border, and this distance is very far away. They need to go to a city called Black Rock City and take the unique flying transport team there to travel in a short period of time. Reach the Eastern Frontier of the Empire.

And in this Black Rock City, Xiao Yan will also get the badge of the second-grade alchemist, and find the necessary materials to devour the rest of the strange fire.

In order to prevent the panic caused by the sixth-order monster flying over the Black Rock City, Zi Xian sent the two of them to a small town under the top of the mountain, and reluctantly said to Nalan Yanran, "When will you come back? When you come back, you won't Amnesia, right? You shouldn’t die outside, right? Don’t forget that you still owe me 10 years of Transformation Pill..."

"Just rest assured." Seeing that Zi Xian was still looking at him with distrust, she whispered twice next to his lion ears, Zi Xian's eyes widened immediately, "You? You, okay, okay .”

Never expecting that the girl would tell her her real identity, Zi Xian said happily, "Okay, then you go and come back early."

One day I will go to visit that Yunlanzong sect... Well, forget it, I feel that her master is so fierce, I'd better wait for Nalan Yanran to come back, and he will come again!

He flapped his wings and left, and as the last "rival in love" left, Xiao Yan finally held the girl's hand happily, intertwining his fingers little by little, and said in a hoarse voice, "Let's go, Chacha."


【Wuhu~Change the copy~】

 Thanks【Black cat is a cat. 】Baby's monthly ticket~
  Thanks [I want to eat oranges] [Yaya,] [Miss Kiwi] [Not returned.] [Chenyan] [Mengめ] [Qingbao en.] [Xiangzhu Xizhou] [硪吉爱→嘤早爱喜】【Shi.】【Lizi who loves to eat Chu】Babies’ rewards~
(End of this chapter)

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