Dou Po: I was followed by Xiao Yan after retiring the engagement

Chapter 123 Nian Hanchuang Studying Hard, Why Didn’t You Froze to Death

Chapter 123 Ten Years of Cold Window Studying Hard, Why Didn’t You Froze to Death, Xiu’er

"You think too much." Nalan Yanran patted the boy's shoulder and comforted him.

Just when Xiao Yan thought she was explaining that the two were not in an ex-relationship, he heard the girl seriously correct her, "I'm never tired of beauties."

Xiao Yan:? ? ?
Glancing at the drama lion sitting on the ground, Nalan Yanran didn't bother to talk to him, and directly took the boy's hand and sat down again, took out the purple crystal source, "I'll give you this too."

Zi Xian raised his eyes and looked up, his eyes widened immediately.



Zi Xian and Yao Chen screamed at the same time, like a duet played passionately, with ups and downs and inexplicable fusion.

"You actually gave my amethyst source to this kid?!"

"Companion Amethyst Source?! Can she get this thing?"

After talking about one person and one lion, Yaochen instantly looked at the purple-haired beauty in surprise, but his eyes were almost scorched.

What the hell... wait?Why is this dress so familiar?

Zi Xian suddenly got up from the ground, and rushed towards the girl with a face full of remorse, "So he is your little lover? You cut open my stomach just to give him Zijingyuan?"

The amount of information in these words was a bit large, and both Yao Chen and Xiao Yan were a little confused. After a while, Yao Chen's expression was shocked, and he revealed the real identity of this person, "This is the human form of the Amethyst Winged Lion King?!"

The cub in his arms...

Zixi stretched out her small arms slowly, looked at her godfather with round red eyes, then looked at the girl, and finally fell on the handsome and handsome boy, and said in a crisp voice, "Wow, Zixian, he is more beautiful than me." You are young, you have no chance."

Zixian:? ? ?
juvenile:? ? ?
"He is..." Xiao Yan slapped the girl next to her without any trace, staring down at her eyes, only wanting to hear her answer.

"Amethyst Winged Lion King, my friend."

Zi Xian immediately turned her head away arrogantly, the corner of her mouth twitched, "Who is your friend!"

But a hint of secret happiness rose in his heart, and he showed off, "Human teenager, she and I are inseparable and inseparable!"

After finishing speaking, she whispered in Nalan Yanran's ear, "I use this human language well, right? The essence accumulated after reading the script for ten years~"

Nalan Yanran: ...

Ten years of studying hard in the cold window, why didn't you, Xiu'er, freeze to death?

Too lazy to talk to him, the girl rolled the round fist-sized amethyst source with her slender fingertips. The difference between the amethyst source and the associated amethyst source is that its shell is not so hard, and the dagger with the magic core is enough Cut its shell.

Carefully cut open the shell, poured the amethyst source liquid inside into several porcelain bottles, and she pushed all of them to the young man, not forgetting to remind, "Lick the inside of the shell too, don't waste it."

Zi Xian moved her head closer, "I want to lick it too..."


"Woo..." Why is she getting more and more fierce!She was obviously not like this at the beginning!Who on earth is used to make her act so boldly!
Zi Xian couldn't help but stare at Zi Xi.

Zixi:? ? ?
Seeing the young girl's attitude towards Zi Xian, the young man couldn't help but slightly bent Shu Lang's eyebrows, and hooked her little hand that had just been loosened because of cutting the amethyst source, and he pushed out half of the porcelain bottle, his voice half hoarse, "We Even split."

"I don't want it." The girl looked disinterested.

"Why don't you?" Zixian curled his lips, he still hoped that Zijingyuan could be used by girls, instead of making it cheaper for this human boy!
"Too cheap, not good enough for me."

There was a sudden silence in the air.

System: ...that really made her pretend again!

Zi Xian: ...Why are my teeth so itchy?
Yaochen: ...Ah! ! !she is so handsome!

"Tuerchan! She absolutely loves you!"

Yaochen roared, like a CP fan, only two support sticks were needed to call crazily, "She doesn't even want a drop of such a rare thing! It's too weird for a little boy to do what you do!" What a success!"

[You really don't want it? 】The system muttered, 【Actually, you can just lick it, let's devour the beast fire to evolve a skill, so that we can become a fifth-grade pharmacist who has rectified the Eight Classics. 】

Although she had refined the fifth-rank transformation pill, she was still not ready to become a real fifth-rank pharmacist. Fighting Qi alone was not enough, at least she had to be a four-star fighter.

And this, licking a few mouthfuls of Amethyst Source is just enough to satisfy.

However, the girl smiled without saying a word.

"Hurry up, I'm still waiting." She urged with a smile, only her eyes fixed on the young man's lips, sparkling and seductive.

Xiao Yan did not doubt that he had it, and obediently licked all the amethyst source left in the shell into his mouth, Zi Xian suddenly remembered something and yelled, and Yao Chen realized it later, "Wait! You can't lick it! "

However, it is a pity that Zijingyuan has already swallowed it with the roll of the boy's Adam's apple. Seeing Xiao Yan's whole body being instantly swallowed by surging energy, Nalan Yanran finally narrowed her eyes slowly, revealing a meaningful smile.

"No, just lick it?"

Standing up, she climbed onto the boy's shoulders with both hands, and bent down aiming at the thin lips that she had coveted for a long time, and licked all the remaining amethyst source in his mouth into her lips.

Medicinal dust:  …

Zi Xian: ...

Zixi: ...

The clown is ourselves.

The energy of the amethyst source is extraordinary, absorbing it with the body of a fighter is no different from swallowing an elephant by a small snake. Xiao Yan only felt that waves of heat seeped out from all the meridians, and then continuously merged into the bones and flesh, bringing bursts of heat. A hot burning sensation.

And the girl's cold and delicate body is like ice cubes to quench her thirst, Xiao Yan's dark eyes sank, and Xiao Yan deepened his kiss, sweeping away all the softness and sweetness in her lips.

His fingertips curled up unconsciously, and a wave of joy and trembling flooded his whole body like a tide. He tightened his grip on the girl's waist, and he bit the girl's lip half lightly and half hard, "To be You killed."

The strong heat made his voice hoarse and deep, mature and sexy like a smoky voice. Seeing the girl's body being also swallowed by the purple energy, he gently rubbed the girl's lower back, and his gaze became darker and darker, "No , is to die with you.”

The girl licked her lips, leaving behind a faint scent of moisture, which was instantly evaporated dry by the sharply rising temperature between the two of them.

"Don't worry, how can I let you die?"

Putting down her legs, she kicked Zi Xian, who was covering her eyes and peeking at her with her five fingers, raised her thin eyebrows and said, "Roar twice."

Zi Xian shivered in fright: "Huh?"

"hurry up."

He had no choice but to look up to the sky, and screamed in a daze, "Chachazi——"

girl: ...

She raised her hand to cover her brows and eyes, not wanting to admit that she knew him, "I mean, let the lion roar..."

Zi Xian suddenly coughed twice in embarrassment, "You didn't say it earlier!"

Two deafening lion roars resounded in the cave, and with the continuous echoes from the cave wall, the purple energy scurrying in the two people's bodies suddenly stopped, as if they were frightened and did not move.

It's better to leave the source energy of being irritable and misbehaving to the master to scare him personally.

 Thank you [H] Baby for your monthly ticket support~
(End of this chapter)

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