Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 99 The Prodigal Son Chapter Head?

Chapter 99 The Prodigal Son Turns Back?

When everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, Leng Xiyue drove away Ma Hongjun impatiently, and then came to Dai Mubai's side.

"Did you know that you still have a fiancee?"

As the saying goes, there are only three things, and now Dai Mubai came here for the first time, and he was also kidnapped by Ma Hongjun. I heard from Oscar that he also trained very hard this week, so after Leng Xiyue calmed down, he thought it would be better to rescue him first. .

Hearing this, Dai Mubai was stunned: "Sister Xiyue, how do you know?"

But Leng Xiyue chuckled: "You are the evil-eyed white tiger, 12 years old, level 31, you must come from the royal family, and you must be a direct descendant. Of course, this level is enough to make a baby kiss with the Nether civet family."

The Star Luo Empire has never been crowned king, because each generation of emperors has to die, and finally formed a single succession situation. The emperor has no brothers, and naturally there is no king.

Therefore, in the future, Dai Mubai's hereditary title will be nothing more than a duke. Besides, there seem to be some hidden Star Luo people as a clue, but they will not participate in the competition, and there will be no obvious title, they will only serve the emperor. Serve.

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from Sister Xiyue." Dai Mubai couldn't help smiling wryly. Leng Xiyue always gave him a feeling of omniscience, not only knowing the situation in the mainland, but also the things in his hands. It was very terrifying, the scene of killing the Soul Emperor with a cannonball was still in front of my eyes.

"Yes, I am from the royal family. I think you know our Xingluo tradition, Miss Xiyue, but in fact, this is not a game of talents, because the talents are similar, and the only one who really feels the winner is probably only age."

"Whoever was born early will be able to practice at least one more year, but after all, there are many examples of latecomers, but like me, my father didn't work hard, and my brother was six years older than me. There is a big difference, let me ask you, do I have the slightest chance of winning?" Dai Mubai said in despair.

"No matter how hard I practice, the gap of six years is like a moat, and it is precisely because of the gap that the officials and nobles below have stood up early, and I can only rely on myself, without party members, without staff , I can only use the resources provided by the royal family to cultivate crazily, when my brother is already learning the art of power with my father, I still can only practice."

"But even so, I'm still not as good as him, far away"

"So, since I'm doomed to die, why do I still want to drag my fiancée along? This is why I came here. If I think about it, I won't see her. I'll hang around here until I go back to die. If I think about it, she will Don't be implicated."

"Stupid!" Leng Xiyue suddenly raised her hand, slapped him, and angrily said: "This is the reason for you to escape? This is the reason for you to come here to indulge? Do you know that the civet family is a family that depends on you, Every generation will also follow the absurd system established by your royal family, the founding emperor of Xingluo? You are brothers fighting against each other, while they are sisters fighting against each other. If you don’t go find your fiancée to grow up with, in the end she will be killed together Send it to the duel field where you think you will die!"

"Let me ask you, the result you want is to let her go to the underworld with a fiancé whom she has never even met, instead of working together and making progress together, hand in hand through these years, even if In the end, you can't escape death and have no regrets?"

Leng Xiyue's slap was really not light, Dai Mubai's face immediately turned red, but compared to the pain on his face, he cared more about what Leng Xiyue said.

Doesn't he know?No, he knew it very well, but he didn't want to admit it, it was like a fig leaf, tearing away his remaining dignity.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw: "No. No, if the civet family loses, they will only be imprisoned, and they will not die."

Leng Xiyue sighed: "Have you ever been in prison?"

Dai Mubai was stunned.

"Do you know what confinement means? It's a completely different concept from house arrest. House arrest is still free to move around, and occasionally communicate with others, but you can't go out, but confinement is different. The purpose of the civet cat family is to prevent sisters from fighting each other. As for the chaotic government, it is naturally impossible to give any chance. The better situation is the so-called cold palace, where no one has been seen for several years, and the worse situation may be closed. Such an environment can easily drive people crazy in despair. It's me, I'd rather die."

"And you, you didn't even think about which way your fiancée wanted to go, so you ran away without authorization. If one day, your fiancée really came to your door, but you ended up lingering in this romantic place for a long time. , it is even more impossible for the martial soul fusion technique to achieve great success."

"You know, the gap between your soul power and your brother's is already hard to find, but in my opinion, this is not a dead end, and the key to breaking the game lies in the martial soul fusion technique!"

Hearing Leng Xiyue's words, Dai Mubai had already fallen into deep self-blame, but hearing her say that he still had hope, his eyes lit up immediately, he bowed and saluted, and then quickly asked: "Xiyue Sister, please enlighten me."

"Martial soul fusion skills consider the relationship between the two, whether family or friendship. Love is naturally one of them. The deeper the relationship, the higher the degree of fusion, and the greater the power it exerts. Since you Soul power is not as good as your brother's, and your fiancée's strength will be far behind her sister's."

"So, if you can develop a life-and-death relationship during this period of time, but your elder brother and the others are together because of a marriage contract and the interests of the royal family, there is no threat, and there is only one result, and that is yours. The martial soul fusion technique is much stronger than theirs, this is a decisive move, as long as the two of you are not far behind each other in strength, you will win without a doubt."

The fact is also the same, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing finally defeated Davis and Zhu Zhuyun by relying on their martial soul fusion skills.

These words gave Dai Mubai a feeling of enlightenment, yes, there is also the martial soul fusion skill, if his fiancée really came to him, but he was so careless, then how could she really love her? What about yourself?

Seeing this, Leng Xiyue hit the rails while it was hot: "I heard that a woman from the civet family leaves the cabinet at the age of 12, and can only contact you when she is 12 years old. If she is much older than her sister, then my suggestion is , you take advantage of this period of time to practice seriously, practice hard, and if someone in the family contacts you in the future, you should write a letter to her."

"If she wants to, she will definitely come to you. If she doesn't, you have a clear conscience and no regrets in this life. When the time comes, you will hide your name and don't go back to duel. Your fiancée is dead and you don't want to fight. You have to blame yourself. Then follow me. It’s not a bad thing either.”

It has to be said that the future that Leng Xiyue painted for Dai Mubai is so beautiful, after such a bowl of chicken soup, Dai Mubai's original decadence was swept away, replaced by full of energy: "Sister Xiyue, you are right! , if you don’t expect success in everything, but ask for a clear conscience, it would be a pity if you don’t even fight!”

"I'm going back to practice now!"

Leng Xiyue patted Dai Mubai's shoulder in satisfaction: "Go ahead, let me pretend that today's matter never happened, but let's not make an example."

"Sister Xiyue, I didn't do anything this time, I just listened to a story about the Star Luo Empire told by that young lady, which benefited me a lot." Dai Mubai lowered his head, his face very ashamed, as if at that time His words have been deeply imprinted in her heart.

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Seeing Dai Mubai's expression, Leng Xiyue's eyes lit up slightly.

She is very clear about the virtues of the Xingluo Empire. If Tiandou is rotten and secretive, then Xingluo is rotten and doesn't act.

The young lady who has fallen here must be the bottom of the bottom.

If Dai Mubai has no mercy for such things, then he can't be used as a chess piece to lay out the stars, but if he has compassion, then he can go through an education, persuade him to be that emperor, and Start a vigorous reform.

Of course, this reform will most likely cause strong dissatisfaction among the aristocrats and the old princelings, but this is what Leng Xiyue wants. With Dai Mubai's character, it is estimated that he will not kill his brother, or even restrict freedom. With the class yellow robe on his body, Xing Luo would definitely split in two.

Together with the civil war, she can bring people to 'help'.

The awakening of consciousness in this aspect still needs accumulated education, and Leng Xiyue is not in a hurry, she still has more important things to do at this time.

After bidding farewell to Dai Mubai, Leng Xiyue asked her puppet soldiers to resettle these young ladies, while she went to find Tianmeng and began to encircle and suppress the remaining dens of thieves.
(End of this chapter)

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