Chapter 97

"As soon as possible." Dai Mubai left two words lightly, then went to his private room, and the girl was brought over a few minutes later.

After entering the private room, the girl was extremely cautious, her body trembling constantly. Obviously, she knew what was going to happen next, but her fate was such that she was powerless to refuse.

Seeing that she was so nervous, Dai Mubai was not in a hurry to do things, he took out a box of sold tobacco from the display cabinet, rolled one himself, then took off his coat, leaned against the head of the bed and began to puff.

A while later, Dai Mubai saw that the girl was still standing there, he couldn't help frowning, and urged: "Come in, stand there? What are you talking about, don't you think I'm doing charity, spending money to watch you stare Bar?"

Hearing this, the girl was almost crying, but she still walked forward slowly, and sat beside Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai lost interest in this woman who didn't know to take the initiative at all, so he rolled another cigarette, took a sip, and then asked with great interest: "I heard that there are people behind every person who comes here. A sad life experience, why don’t you tell me about it? Maybe if you make me laugh, I’ll let you go, and even redeem you, so I can find a good family in the future.”

Hearing this, the girl's eyes lit up immediately, and then darkened again. After a moment of hesitation, she said, "I'm originally from Xingluo, and my family is a family of serfs working in a remote village. The life of food."

"A few years ago, because of my beauty, I was dedicated to the local lord by the village head. The lord was old, so he gave me to his son, but his son devoted himself to cultivation and ignored me. , locked me in the prison, this time lasted for two years, but the life in the prison in the past two years was dozens of times better than usual - no heavy work was needed, and there were white flour and steamed buns to eat, and even And some noble swill"

"I heard from the jailer that these things are just for feeding pigs, so I'll share them with you. Perhaps in their view, I'm a serf born worse than pigs, but to me, it's something I can't eat once in a few years. Even the swill contains meat, so I am happy to live that kind of life, but I am worried about my parents, if they can eat such a rich 'swill', they will have more strength to work."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai fell silent.

To be honest, he thinks that the most common food is white flour steamed buns, which should be eaten by most commoners, but it is obviously not the same thing in this girl's mouth. The most common white flour steamed buns and swill can be regarded as food. The delicacies were so delicious that he could no longer imagine what the serfs, who accounted for nearly half of the empire's population, were eating.
But the girl had already forgotten the people around her, and she just talked about her own story: "Then one day, the serfs rebelled, and thousands of people surrounded the castle. Holding hoes, axes, and pitchforks, they rushed to the castle without hesitation, but in front of the lord's castle and many soul masters, ordinary people's resistance was meaningless, and they were quickly killed, even those who surrendered were not. I was let go, and the corpses covered all the areas I could see from the window of the prison, and the moat, which could not see the water surface, seemed to be overflowing."

"The lord doesn't take this seriously, or he's used to it. I heard him order his staff downstairs to go to other places and buy a few hundred serfs back. In about ten years, this population deficit can be supplemented by seven or seven. Eighty-eight."

"At this moment, a sudden change occurred. A group of cavalry suddenly came and attacked the lord. They were also a group of soul masters. The lord was caught off guard and died on the spot. His subordinates were also beheaded. At this moment, I Only then did I realize that these tens of thousands of serfs were just the introduction of this group of people, a crime, easily instigated, causing a tragedy, and this new group of people can logically kill the lord, as a hero to punish the gangsters and eliminate evil Come and continue to rule this land."

"I thought I met a group of good people, but soon, that group gathered all the servants in the castle and slaughtered them all. After seeing this scene, I realized that I was wrong."

"The jailer guarded me for several years. Seeing that the situation was not good, he simply opened the door of my cell, pointed me to a secret passage in the castle, and let me escape. However, he himself was a loyal servant of the original lord. He picked up the knife, died"

"I escaped from the secret passage and fled back home. My parents are obedient citizens and did not participate in the previous rebellion, so they are still alive. The new lord does not know about me. I returned to my original life. Every day farming."

"But within a few days after returning home, another natural disaster ushered in. A drought left us with no food to eat, but the new lord continued to raise taxes and sent people to take away all the rations. This time my father hid me In the basement, it escaped the fate of being robbed again."

"Under the famine, everyone was in panic. At this moment, a group of caravans suddenly appeared, gave porridge to the whole village, and then began to praise the beauty of the Tiandou Empire, and were willing to bring us refugees back to heaven as hired workers. Dou Empire."

"No one will refuse, and no one will think too much. If you follow, you may survive. If you don't follow, you can only starve to death. So more than 100 people in our village embarked on the road to the Heaven Dou Empire."

".Facts have also proved that there are no good people in this world. I don't think I need to say more about what happened after this. I was sold to this bustling city after several resales. My parents and brothers and sisters would also be sold. to various places, but I think, no matter what, it will not be worse than before.”

Speaking of this, the girl's face was already full of tears, but there was a relieved smile on her face, she smiled at Dai Mubai: "I don't know who you are, my lord, but I think, since you are willing After listening to me, he must be a kind person. No matter what, it is my honor to meet you. For me, this kind of life may be nothing if I get used to it. At least, it will not be worse than being in Xingluo The serfs were even more distressed."

Saying that, the girl took off her clothes and climbed onto Dai Mubai's body, already fully prepared mentally.

Who knows, Dai Mubai has lost all interest, and repeatedly recalled in his mind the scene constructed by the girl, a hopeless life that never sees the light of day flooded into his heart instantly, and only then did he know that his cognition How far is it from reality.
Why haven't I seen a caravan of abducting people for several years, but there was a famine, people were starving to death, this caravan came, and the lord didn't care, a caravan passing by on the road would definitely be killed Perceived.

This is undoubtedly a very frightening question to think about carefully, Dai Mubai also fell into deep thought, the people beside him, even though they are serfs, have flesh and blood, apart from not having martial soul and soul power, and having family background, they are no worse than him Half points, should have lived a relatively happy life, but the cruel system and human nature changed everything.
For a moment, he was in a trance.

But he is still young now, only 13 years old. He can't find the answer to such a profound question. In any case, the lust in his heart has been completely occupied by this kind of question that he has never thought of before. Looking at the girl next to him, There is also a trace of tenderness in the eyes:
"Put on your clothes. I will redeem your body and find a way to give you an identity so that you can continue to live as a free person."

When the girl heard the words, she burst into tears of joy, and couldn't even speak, so she could only kneel down on the ground and kowtow a few times.

Dai Mubai sighed, put on his clothes, and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, he wanted to calm down, not letting himself think about that hellish scene, but suddenly found that in front of the gate of the clubhouse, a steel monster drove slowly Come, more than 100 people followed, all carrying a strange-looking black iron rod, and some people pushed a few strange devices, aiming at the gate of the clubhouse.

Dai Mubai felt that the steel monster looked familiar, but soon remembered, isn't this the one that Leng Xiyue has been stopping at the entrance of the academy?
Such a strange thing, I am afraid there is no other in the world, Dai Mubai couldn't help being a little strange, what is Leng Xiyue doing here?
But before he could think about it, the thick hollow iron pipe on the giant steel beast was slowly lifted up, aiming at the plaque on the top of the building, and then a flash of fire flashed, accompanied by an earth-shattering bang, the building The huge plaque on the top fell in response
(End of this chapter)

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