Chapter 43
"Ah, Xiaobai, why do they call me Archbishop?" Hearing their names, Leng Xiyue was a little puzzled.

"The so-called archbishop is the common leader of the entire protoss group. Since you are the chosen master of this system and summoned them, they will naturally recognize you as their archbishop." Xiaobai explained.

"I see." Leng Xiyue nodded, thinking that this is the same level as the emperor.

Leng Xiyue didn't rush to wake them up, but communicated with the extra spiritual network in her mind, trying to connect with her new subordinates through it.

Just like when she got the armor and learned the tricks before, this spirit net is like her innate instinct, she doesn't need to learn it at all, and her vision can be switched to the iron men in front of her at will with a thought, and she can move it at will. Dispatch one or even several of them to carry out a certain action according to their own ideas, the process of giving an order is almost only a thought, and the response is very fast.

Leng Xiyue glanced at their skills by the way. In terms of combat, their skills are very single. Ordinary legionnaires only have 'charge' and 'jumping', which can barely be called skills. In fact, they are acceleration Two basic operations of running and jumping with power.

Even Kaldaris only has two more skills called 'Solar Overload' and 'Fortitude Shield', the former can summon weapons like a great sword like her, and the latter can provide an almost invincible Ultimate defense, in addition to not having long-range attack capabilities.

Then there is the spiritual shield, which is easy to restore, and can provide a shield value equivalent to twice its own defense, which can be said to be quite resistant.

Generally speaking, as long as the shield value is insufficient, you can withdraw from the battle, and then let the two protectors quickly recharge, so as to join the battle again, so as to avoid the damage of the armor and the inability of Leng Xiyue to help these fighters repair or The dilemma of resurrection.

In terms of combat experience, everyone has considerable flexibility. Although they can't fly, they can reach a height of tens of meters with a single charge. If they have a foothold, they can continue to jump up at a very fast speed.

It can be said that these legionnaires have no skills and simply rely on all-round improved attributes to crush their peers.

The two small flying saucers called protectors that can float on the ground are equivalent to a character like a battery, which can supplement other fighters' psionic energy or shields, and can also release a shield called 'guardian'. 'The skill can weaken all long-range attacks including mental power means. Of course, this skill consumes a lot.

After learning all about these units under her, Leng Xiyue put them away. After this matter, she will go to Soto City to inquire first. It would be too eye-catching to show off with these protoss warriors.

With the presence of the spirit net, no matter how far away they are, she can directly issue orders or control them. Therefore, she is going to let them go out independently and not have any contact with her on the surface, which will make it easier to carry out some things.

Seeing that Tianmeng hadn't woken up yet, Leng Xiyue checked her second soul ability.

On the surface, this is a skill, but in fact it has three activation gears. The skill consumption and activation effect of each gear are different. It is entirely up to her to decide which way to activate, and There will be no mutual exclusion, and the activation state can be switched at any time.

The first gear can make her enter an environment similar to 'bullet time', which is essentially the application of mental power. After activation, the flow of time observed by herself will be slowed down by two times, but neither the enemy nor her actual speed will be different. It will not change, it means that only the reaction has become faster. The spiritual energy consumption of this gear is on the general skill level, which is not very high.

The second gear is more powerful. After activating the second gear, you can keep your movement normal on the basis of the first gear. There is a feeling of changing the velocity of time and space, which is quite cool.

Of course, the consumption is even more terrifying. The activation time is counted in seconds. At her current level, she will be overdrawn after activating it for more than ten seconds, but she can stop it whenever she uses it, and the consumption is only about one second each time. Whether it is attacking or dodging, it can be called a magic skill.

And the third gear is the real time stop. This gear can only be activated for three seconds now, and once activated, it cannot be stopped. With the current level of activation, the third gear will weaken its own spiritual power and upper limit to 8% after the end, and It will last for fifteen days, this debuff can be described as quite terrifying.

However, the real time freeze of three seconds is enough to solve most of the difficulties.

Generally speaking, the second gear is the main body of this legendary level skill, and the first and third gears are the attached "low configuration version" and "high configuration version", which are quite useful, and Leng Xiyue is quite satisfied with this .

After checking the skills, Leng Xiyue got up and put away all the Wannian Frost Essence around her. The sum totaled more than 200 yuan. Tianmeng definitely won’t be needed these days, and Leng Xiyue didn’t plan to directly absorb the transformation Psychic energy experience value, after all, save it first and use it later, there are many opportunities, and there is no rush.

"Speaking of which, Xiaobai, generally speaking, isn't this kind of mineral resource condensed with some kind of treasure? This cave looks ordinary, it's impossible to generate these treasures out of thin air, right?" Leng Xiyue was a little puzzled asked.

After she put away all the ten-thousand-year cold marrow, the cold air in the cave suddenly weakened several levels, as if the reason why it is so cold here is because of these ten-thousand-year cold marrow.

But this is also the strangest part, if the cave itself is not so cold, how could it be possible to generate these ten thousand years of cold essence, which is regarded as the top resource in the entire Douluo Continent?

"That's because there used to be a ground vein under here." Xiao Bai knelt down and touched the floor, then said thoughtfully.

"Leyline? What's that?"

"Earth veins are a very magical existence. They can easily produce treasures like this ten thousand year cold marrow, and it seems that they will never be exhausted. They can easily collect energy from everything around them and become their own nourishment. The re-radiated energy becomes the best catalyst, possessing the power to turn stones into gold, and high-level leylines can produce high-quality minerals that can support interstellar navigation. Maybe it's just plain ice."

"After binding them, we will gradually control them, and eventually these leylines will produce minerals corresponding to their properties for us. The stable and huge output can continuously supply our industrial system, avoiding the expansion of the galaxy to the edge. resource crisis."

"Later, we made a similar device based on the principle of the earth's veins, collecting all the endless and useless energy in the universe and converting it into useful resources."

"It sounds amazing, so can we also look for the leylines here?" Leng Xiyue said expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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