Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 38 A New Journey

Chapter 38 A New Journey
Three years later, the Star Luo City Great Soul Arena.

"I announce that the champion of this Continental Advanced Soul Master Competition is the Wuhun Academy team!!!"

Unlike the excitement imagined, the host's words only aroused the cheers of a small number of people, while the tens of thousands of people in the entire venue were almost dead silent.

Leng Xiyue was sitting in the auditorium, watching the Wuhundian academy representative team come to the stage to receive the award in boredom. She was really not interested in such a competition where the result was already determined.

Xiaobai, who was sitting by the side, stretched his waist, with a look of relief, "It's finally over, can we go exploring freely?"

It has been five years since she got her first soul ring, and now Leng Xiyue finally bought enough elixir during her free time in Xingluo City to rush to level [-].

Although the psychic power level is only twenty, the strength of the armor has been upgraded to the soul emperor level under the condition of frantically purchasing high-grade metals. With the addition of various miscellaneous practical props that will be used later, she is now poor with only 200 million gold left Soul coins.

The arms trade is different from consumables. The main consumer groups are hunters and mercenaries. Gradually saturated, and some inferior earthen guns that are hard to find and deal with appear to occupy the lower-level market. If better models are not launched, the effect of making money will be greatly weakened. Leng Xiyue can only take advantage of the opportunity before the update to continue to reduce the price. Now a gun It only sells fifty gold soul coins, and I will come up with better ones to cut leeks after a while.

However, when she was shopping around Xingluo, she found several brand new minerals at extremely low prices, so cheap that there were no traces of these kinds of things in Wuhun City, and they were not the familiar types in the previous life, but the effect But it is similar, and can help her open up a new arms system.

Before she came out, she sent Bibi Dong an application for a trip, and Bibi Dong didn't refuse, as long as she came back with a regular summons.

On the stage, the Platinum Bishop of Xingluo Region and the Emperor Xingluo were presenting awards to the Wuhun Academy team together.

Hu Liena at the side looked at the shining soul bone on the stage, and couldn't help feeling a little envious: "Hey, I really envy the seniors. When will we be able to stand on this podium?"

"Wait another five years. By then, we can definitely surprise everyone in the world." Xie Yue smiled faintly.

Yan scanned the surrounding Xingluo people, his eyes were full of contempt, he obviously didn't say anything, but he seemed to have said everything.

After five years of growth, the three of them are now 37th-level and eighth-level soul masters. When the competition in this world is over, they will go to the Grand Canyon of Death to practice and become soul masters before they can come back.

"Speaking of which, I heard from my teacher that Xiaoyue is going out to practice too? I don't know where to go?" Hu Liena looked at Leng Xiyue beside her and asked curiously.

Hu Liena's teacher is a high-ranking female elder, a titled Douluo of the 95th level control system, who is well versed in the way of charm, and the person who adopted their siblings back then. Hu Liena may not be Bibibidong when she is with her. better choice.

Although Leng Xiyue and Hu Liena have a very good relationship, like sisters, she also has a deeper understanding of Hu Liena, that is, the brain of love.

It is true that Tang San helped her a lot, so it wouldn't be for Tang San's sake to deceive her master and exterminate her ancestors, right?
It would be a disaster for such a personality to become the saint of the Wuhun Temple, so Leng Xiyue believed that Hu Liena's status is just right now.

"I am going to visit the extreme north. I checked an ancient book some time ago and found something unusual." Leng Xiyue didn't hide anything and said it directly.

Leng Xiyue received the task reward from the system when she broke through level [-] a few days ago. The sensory enhancement module has greatly improved her reaction ability, which can help her perfectly adapt to the improvement brought by the armor. With the strengthening of the spiritual level, the previous situation where the reaction ability cannot keep up with the explosion of the armor speed will never appear again.

In order to choose a soul ring with more appropriate attributes, she immediately thought of Tianmeng who was still a dead house in the extreme north.

There is no doubt that Tianmeng is a well-deserved king in terms of spirit, and it is also the most accessible soul beast over 10 years old. If you are lucky, you may even be able to make a sacrifice.

Judging from Tianmeng's encounters, the cave it is in should be located in a river that connects the Far North and the Great Star Forest. This river is naturally extremely easy to find, and there is only one in the entire continent. Along this river All the way up into the extreme north, it will take about a few days to find the location of Tianmeng.

It's just that it's hard to say the cultivation level of today's dream. The age of the soul beast does not represent the age, but the cultivation base. Generally speaking, the higher the blood level of the soul beast, the faster the conversion ratio of the cultivation base. The cultivation base of a thousand-year-old soul beast is only 1000 years, while the cultivation base of a inherited soul beast is 10 years old when it is several thousand to 10 years old. The year should be the city.

The Ice Silkworm Clan is undoubtedly the bottom of the bottom, with no inheritance at all. Tianmeng can last for millions of years. On the one hand, it has raised its cultivation level extremely slowly by living, and on the other hand, it has gnawed crystals.

Before that, Tianmeng may have been eating for thousands of years, without the process of taking drugs for thousands of years from Douyi to Douer and being taken away as an experience baby. Now its age is about 90 million years. But it's not bad.

The extra Ten Thousand Years Frost Marrow can be packed and taken away, maybe this level of treasure can be used by the system.

"The Far North? I heard that place is much more terrifying than the Death Canyon. After all, the Death Canyon is full of dangers. The Far North is not only dangerous but also extremely cold. Even the white snow you think may be resting." I don’t want to go to such a place.” Hu Liena shuddered, the continuous battle is not terrible, the survival test in the harsh environment is the most terrible.

"That's true, but opportunities and risks coexist." Leng Xiyue chuckled, quite confident about this.

The awards ceremony ended soon, and everyone left one after another. Leng Xiyue didn't stay any longer. After bidding farewell to Hu Liena and the others, she left the city alone, heading north along the main road of the Star Luo Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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