Chapter 338

"Yes. Of course you won't believe it, and I don't expect you to believe it, because it is absolutely impossible for all this to happen, but these things, perhaps in some other timeline, are facts that have already happened."

Leng Xiyue shrugged, while Qian Renxue on the side covered her mouth and chuckled. She had learned from her mother's mistakes. She believed in Leng Xiyue's story. She never thought that the Silver Dragon King in front of her would be the same. A person who finally abandoned all ideals because of love.

"Why?" Gu Yuena was a little curious.

"Because you are able to sit here with me calmly, and Tang Shenwang has been manipulated by us, this all shows that the future of this planet is very different."

"Is the Tang Shenwang you mentioned the Tang San you mentioned earlier?" Gu Yuena seemed to understand something.

Yes, if you believe that Leng Xiyue's book of prophecy is true and not a story told to her, then she must have started to plan these things long ago.

"Indeed." Leng Xiyue did not deny it.

"So, what is your, or our, next step?" Gu Yuena continued to ask.

Leng Xiyue projected the map and pointed at the huge island in the western ocean that appeared on the map like a pearl.

"Poseidon Island."

As she spoke, Leng Xiyue's fingers began to move again, crossing the dead ocean and arriving at a huge, dark land without any markings.

"And here, the Sun and Moon Empire."

Although this move into the ocean was carried out with great vigor and the construction of the fleet was in full swing, it was undeniable that there was no naval commander in the entire empire.

Leng Xiyue needs some talents who are very familiar with the ocean, who can comprehend the high technology of the imperial fleet and integrate it into his own innate understanding of the navy, so as to provide perfect leadership and command. The role of the naval commander is also being recruited from within the empire, but most of them are unsatisfactory. If there are no suitable candidates, he can only choose from the dwarfs.

"It would be nice if she was here."

Nishizumi Miho sighed, remembering an old friend she had met before.

"Sister Misui, what's wrong?" Qin Menglan asked curiously.

"It's nothing. I used to know a good sister who was very accomplished in the navy. Her talents are similar to mine in the army. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it's hard to see her again now."

"It seems I shouldn't ask these questions."

"It's nothing. This can be regarded as touching the scene. After all, we are on the sea now."

Nishizumi Miho stood in the middle of a commercial port. The shocked pedestrians around her were looking at their group of uninvited guests from the mainland with vigilance. Some of them had even pulled out their weapons. This is Åland Island, the economic and political core of the entire ocean, ruled by the largest chamber of commerce in the entire ocean.

There are hundreds of islands in the huge ocean, some are desert islands, while others are suitable for living, have a good climate, and have their own natural harbors. These high-quality islands have been occupied by various chambers of commerce and pirates a long time ago, and they are also the soul of the sea. The main battlefield of the division.

These chambers of commerce took up all the dividends from trade between the ocean and the mainland, built their own fleets to fight against pirates, and also formed an alliance to better conduct trade to deal with the threat of pirates.

In contrast, the pirates were in disarray, and only the threat of the Alliance's destruction could allow them to assemble and launch a large-scale battle.

Neither side could do anything about the other, and eventually gave up the arms race, but the pirates could not give up this hard-earned income. Therefore, the alliance's chambers of commerce collected a sum of money for each pirate group every month, which was used as protection money. Let them go and harm the mainland empire.

In any case, the hot and cold war between the two sides has lasted for hundreds of years, and has only eased in recent years. Nishizumi Miho firmly believes that she can find some reliable naval generals here.

Miho Nishizumi's purpose is also very simple, that is, to find some truly usable naval talents in this ocean archipelago.

"Sister Misui, it seems that they don't welcome us very much." Qin Menglan reached behind her and quietly held down her weapon, ready to fight at any time.

Their trip could be described as light and simple, they only brought two personal guards with them. The imperial ships did not approach rashly, and they only took a reconnaissance boat when they came.

To be honest, the attire of people in my group is really a bit unusual, so it is normal for them not to be recognized.

"Don't pay attention to them. These people are just guards stationed at the port. Vigilance is their duty, but without instructions from above, they dare not take action." Nishizumi Miho glanced at the people around her and had an idea in her mind: " Let’s go, judging from the customs and political system of this ocean region, I think there should be something like an adventurer or mercenary association.”

Hearing this, Qin Menglan's eyes lit up: "Where should we recruit the people we need? This is indeed a good idea. As long as there is enough money, there will probably be a long queue of people who come to us to apply."

"No." Nishizumi Miho shook her head: "Money can buy helpers, but it can't buy like-minded and loyal generals. What I want to do is to issue a reward. The mission is to plunder our empire. A lone escort destroyer."

Qin Menglan quickly understood what Nishizumi Miho was thinking, but still hesitated and said, "Is it possible? The Imperial Fleet has been on the ocean a lot. Although we haven't had any contact with them yet, I'm afraid no one would dare to challenge our steel ships."

"This is the plot we are going to arrange, but before that, if someone dares to challenge, it means that this person has courage first. Whether he can win under the plot we have arranged will test his strategy."

"If they are brave and resourceful, they will be qualified for our job. Under the empire's system, I believe they will soon be assimilated and become our senior generals."

Nishizumi Miho is not worried about this. Of course, the main thing is that in the current Douluo Continent, what other forces are worthy of rebellion?

There is no exploitation and oppression, and there is no national hatred. Without these two points, there is no need to worry about uprisings and the like. Look at the people of Tiandou and Xingluo now. Apart from the old nobles, there is no one who wants to reverse the trend. , the endless opportunities brought by being an empire colony and the favorable living environment that can be greatly improved at any time are enough to make people forget everything.

And this will soon be brought to this ocean alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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