Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 316 The Dust Settles

There is no doubt that the person who came was Leng Xiyue.

Seeing Leng Xiyue's figure, Ning Fengzhi felt ashamed.

She brought more than ten Titled Douluo, what kind of concept is this?During the battle of Wuhun City, Leng Xiyue didn't bring out more than a dozen Title Douluo.It can be said that the backbone of the Kyushu Empire is all here.

No matter how stupid Ning Fengzhi was, he knew that he had fallen into Leng Xiyue's conspiracy.

If she hadn't rebelled, the royal family would have received the missiles sent by the Nine Provinces Empire, and the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect would have had a bad ending. Leng Xiyue seemed to have calculated that she would rebel, and that was indeed the case.

But does he have any other choice?No, so Ning Fengzhi couldn't think of this result, but he couldn't think about it, because he had no way out for a long time.

"Sect Master Ning! There is no turning back when we draw the bow, we can't surrender, we will fight them!" Seeing that Ning Fengzhi wanted to retreat, Ge Long said hastily.

The titled Douluo beside Ning Fengzhi were all ready to fight to the death as if they were facing an enemy. Obviously, they also knew what it meant to surrender at this moment, so it would be better to die in battle, at least it would be more painful.

However, Ning Fengzhi ignored them, and just smiled bitterly at Leng Xiyue: "Is all this in your plan? Why? My Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School clearly has no intention of opposing the Kyushu Empire, even in terms of policy. Very cooperative, and I think you should know that."

Things have come to this point, even if Leng Xiyue does nothing, as long as they cannot return to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Xue Qinghe's army will capture them sooner or later. Therefore, Ning Fengzhi has no chance of winning.

Leng Xiyue strode forward directly, leaving the protection of her own Title Douluo, and walked straight to Ning Fengzhi: "Because you are no longer suitable for this era, and you obviously don't understand this, I invite Ning Rongrong to come It's for the sake of Oscar, in fact, this is also a chance, but you gave up this, the most important thing, let me see through the essence."

"That is, I can't realize the peaceful evolution of you no matter what, because you high-ranking soul masters are too ambitious and absolutely unable to integrate into this new era. Then, all I can do is the present .” Leng Xiyue said calmly.

"It seems that I made a wrong decision, but you are right, our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School will never be able to live under the system of the Kyushu Empire." Ning Fengzhi said this, and put on a generous look look.

"Come on, this is the end of the matter, if you want to kill or cut, it's up to you."

Knowing that he was likely to die, Ning Fengzhi still acted generously, and Leng Xiyue admired it a little.

Of course, Leng Xiyue also showed due respect to an enemy she admired.

"Since Sect Master Ning has chosen his own path, as a former ally, perhaps I can only reluctantly give you some help in this matter."

Speaking, Leng Xiyue took out a capsule.

This is a genetic virus that can make people die painlessly, and within a few minutes they will die due to the exhaustion of their soul power. The weakened version of this thing was originally prepared for Xue Ye, but it is not needed now.

Leng Xiyue's original plan was naturally to take Ning Fengzhi captive and send him to the Northland to dig potatoes. In short, he still took the route of forgiveness after humiliation as before, but now she felt that this was not suitable for Ning Fengzhi, perhaps only calm It is the most suitable for him to die here.

For someone like Ning Fengzhi, it would be too shameful to ask him to farm the land. Those people in Wuhundian are considered enemies, so naturally they don't care about it. But after all, Ning Fengzhi has given him a lot of help, and he doesn't want to do this humiliate him.

However, after this incident, it is impossible to let go, so what else can we do?That's the only way to go.

After all, Xue Ye was dead, and was taken away in a situation that Leng Xiyue did not expect, and it was impossible for him to rescue her anyway. Then, Ning Fengzhi must also pay the price for this, so as to set up a new life for Xue Qinghe. legitimacy of the new regime.

"Sect Master Ning, don't surrender, we can still do it." Seeing Ning Fengzhi took Leng Xiyue's capsule, Ge Long felt anxious, and continued to dissuade him, but before he could finish speaking, an ice spike flashed past, and Ge Long suddenly Being pierced by this huge ice thorn and stuck on the ruins of the ruins, the dead can no longer die.

On the other hand, Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo, and several other titled Douluo from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School had obviously lost their will to resist, and they were willing to obey all decisions made by Ning Fengzhi.

"If this is the ending, that's really good, but I hope you can spare our disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School." Ning Fengzhi said expectantly.

Leng Xiyue shook her head, and ruthlessly refused: "No, it's impossible. To be honest, none of the people here can get out alive. After all, everyone here is a traitor, so I have a reason to help Xue Qinghe Remove this obstacle."

"If they are like this, then the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will definitely not survive, but don't worry, we will take Ning Rongrong back to the Nine Provinces Empire and put her under house arrest. I don't expect her to forgive me, but at least I will keep her by my side and give her a hand. She has a pretty good life."

"As for the others, it has nothing to do with me. I think the war happening there at this moment must be extremely tragic, and maybe there are not many people left."

Ning Fengzhi looked sad, but obviously there was nothing unacceptable, so he prepared to eat the genetic virus.

But at this moment, another wave appeared in the sky, and a crack slowly opened. Before the figure appeared, the voice came out first.

"Wait a minute!"

A figure slowly emerged, came to Ning Fengzhi, snatched the genetic virus from his hand: "You can't kill him."

The person who came was a woman, dressed in very classic and elegant clothes, but not suitable for the cultural environment of the Douluo Continent. She looked very young, only 30 or [-] years old, but she had an exquisite figure, but Leng Xiyue knew that, This kind of person is generally good at keeping the face, and the real age must be over forty.

It may be eighty or one hundred, after all, the opponent's strength is a real Super Douluo, and Leng Xiyue quickly sensed this.

"It's you." Ning Fengzhi obviously knew this person, but there was no joy on his face, he just sighed.

"I haven't met you, so I guess you might be from a hidden family?" Leng Xiyue guessed.

The woman nodded: "That's true, to be honest, my sister is his wife, she traveled when she was young, got entangled with him, and gave birth to a child."

"It was too late when the family found out all this. Although the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is powerful, it is not worth mentioning to us, so we took her away, but to the outside world, it has been claiming that she died of illness. I think you should know that Bar?"

What a bloody love story!
Thinking about it, they knew that Ning Fengzhi was at most a nouveau riche level to them, and he was not in the right family at all, and it was impossible for Ning Fengzhi to take the initiative to join those hidden families, so he got such a result.

Leng Xiyue sighed: "So you are going to take him away? Then do you know that this is a challenge to my majesty?"

It would be fine if he didn't come, since he has come, it is absolutely impossible to let Ning Fengzhi, the number one war criminal, otherwise how can he maintain his authority in the Heaven Dou Empire?

"But you can get my friendship because of this, can't you?" Even in the face of so many titled Douluo, the woman obviously didn't take Leng Xiyue seriously.

"Is your friendship very valuable?" Leng Xiyue tilted her head and asked sincerely.

Seeing what Leng Xiyue said, the woman was not annoyed, she just smiled and said: "It seems that you only know my hidden family, but you don't know that there are seven of us in total. They are all the most powerful and unique forces. Each family has its own focus, and I am a stepping stone that can help you enter the family alliance. Here, any of your wishes can be realized .”

"How many Peerless Douluo are there on the mainland now? If you don't know the answer, I can tell you—a total of fifteen including humans and spirit beasts, including some hidden world forces in your impression, as well as your subordinates. Those two, but all of that put together is still not enough for us, and I think you understand what that means."

"so what?"

"So don't you understand the horror of our family? Everything on this continent is under our control, but we don't want to interfere. Longevity, real top-level soul guides, invincible weapons, almost god-level weapons. Invincible armor, 10-year soul ring and soul bone skills that can be replaced at will. These things that ordinary people dream of, I can easily obtain them for you with this favor. Isn't this enough for you?"

"I understand, so you think I am no different from them, and I am also an ordinary person who you can control, right?" Leng Xiyue sneered.

"What...?" The woman was obviously taken aback by Leng Xiyue's strange focus, and was about to say something, but Leng Xiyue didn't give her this chance.

"As you said, your aristocratic alliance does have some miraculous features that ordinary people cannot reach, such as having more than twenty Peerless Douluo together? Or have you mastered some way of longevity? But you seem to have forgotten something. thing."

Speaking of this, Leng Xiyue looked at the woman sharply: "You can't, and you don't dare to interfere with the affairs of the mainland, because that will affect the layout of the god kings in this world. Therefore, you can only come buy me off, but if I really refuse"

"You, dare to shoot at me?"

Leng Xiyue was very upset, not because of anything else, but because this woman's posture was too high, as if she was some kind of native.

Release Ning Fengzhi, in fact, it is not completely an impossible choice after careful consideration, after all, except for a few titled Douluo of the old emperor, she is not going to let anyone go, as long as she announces that Ning Fengzhi is dead, then Forging a dead body, I believe no one will expose himself unwisely.

This is an opportunity to enter the hidden world forces. If I want to find a way to open the gate of the protoss base in the Northland, I must not let it go. But if I directly agree to this proposal, then I will interact with those by chance and get some kind of gift The 'beggars' were no different.

And she needs to turn this situation around and turn her release of Ning Fengzhi into a kind of equal communication, so that they can get to know themselves again, so that they can also gain a certain degree of dominance in future exchanges.

Judging by the woman's expression, it was obvious that she was about to be grasped by herself.

After thinking for a long time, the woman scanned the surrounding Titled Douluo again, and finally sighed: "Okay, young majesty, let's get to know each other again. My name is Ye Luoxin. You are right, I can't threaten you."

"But Ning Fengzhi means a lot to my sister, and now I have such an opportunity, I can't let it go. So, you can make a condition."

Leng Xiyue pondered for a moment, and finally said: "I need information on the location of your hidden family and a list of masters."

"No, no, Your Majesty, this is our taboo. If I tell you this, how can we be called a hermit family?" Ye Luoxin said firmly.

Leng Xiyue did not continue to entangle, but instead asked: "Then, what capabilities does your family have?"

"Our Ye family has made a lot of achievements in martial arts cultivation. We can recast soul rings, increase life spans, and even engrave soul bones. As long as you have the remains of soul beasts corresponding to the age limit, I don't mind asking someone to create a 10-year-old soul beast for you. The soul bone comes out." Ye Luoxin said proudly.

There is no doubt that such abilities are absolutely shocking, Leng Xiyue seems to understand why the other party is so proud.

Such an opportunity is even enough to make up for a life-saving grace.

"So amazing? Will you invite us over?" Leng Xiyue asked tentatively.

"Of course not. We will send someone to complete it when you need it." Ye Luoxin was obviously tight-lipped and did not intend to give the other party any chance to understand.

Leng Xiyue was thoughtful, this ability is actually useful, for example, her own skills and Qian Renxue's skills can actually be upgraded.

But compared to this, she still wants to use this opportunity for other things.

After thinking about it carefully, Leng Xiyue said again: "Then I think, if you can't disclose the information of the seven great families, then you can always disclose the information of other hidden forces in this world, right?"

If she and Liu Qinghan from the Seven Great Aristocratic Families can be used as a stepping stone, then she has no way to start with her own background.

Of course she knew that her parents were killed by the power of the cult, but Leng Xiyue always felt that this matter was not that simple.
"Of course, you only need to say what you want to know, and I will arrange people to negotiate. I believe that I will get an absolutely credible piece of information soon."

"That's good. Then the deal is concluded. Three days later, come and find me in the palace of the Nine Provinces Empire." Leng Xiyue waved her hand, signaling that she could take Ning Fengzhi away.

Afterwards, she looked at the second and fifth sons of the ministers who were trembling around, and gave instructions to her relatives and friends in the spiritual net. (end of this chapter)

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