Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 304 Speedrunning Hell Road

Before Leng Xiyue could react, Bibidong reached out and touched her forehead, and the power of Rakshasa surged out, neutralizing the murderous aura on her body. Hu Liena's trembling body gradually returned to normal, and the blood in her eyes faded.

Hu Liena gasped heavily, with a look of fear in her eyes: "Teacher, I feel like I can't control my consciousness just now, and I've entered a demonized state."

Hu Liena's demonized state is not an ability that requires sacrificing one's own potential and consciousness in exchange for strength, but a very stable transformation skill that increases combat power by overdrawing oneself, and pays attention to an equivalent exchange.

But as the killing continued, this skill obviously became a little unstable.

Looking at Hu Liena, Bibidong was also filled with self-blame at this moment: "...this is not the power you should control, it is imposed on you by me, and I will try my best to find a way to remedy it."

"It's okay, teacher, I did gain great strength because of it, didn't I?" Hu Liena forced a smile, she was very clear about her mission, so why not die for the Spirit Hall?

Leng Xiyue didn't think it was a big deal, she was observing the surrounding terrain at this moment.

The landing point of this hell is very empty, and everything around it presents a faint blood red. Except for the circular platform with a diameter of five meters under the feet, there is an abyss, like a solitary boat in a sea of ​​​​blood, which is very easy to give birth to fear.

In addition, a narrow path that is less than half a foot wide and can only accommodate two feet standing at the same time leads to the unknown darkness. This is also the only way to the outside world on their platform.

"Wait." Leng Xiyue didn't pay attention to the passage, but looked at the sea of ​​blood hundreds of kilometers away underground, her eyes sparkled: "Master, what's under here? It can't be blood, right?"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong explained: "The following is the human blood accumulated by the Slaughter City for many years. Only the blood accumulated here can become a Bloody Mary. It is also the core power source of the Slaughter City. Without this monstrous murderous aura, the Slaughter City will not be able to suppress soul masters."

"I see."

Leng Xiyue had already possessed her Tadarin armor and was about to start sucking the blood, but after hearing what Bibi Dong said, she took it back.

Undoubtedly, all the blood here is absorbed, at least several million, this is undoubtedly a big step to help complete the task, but think carefully, if I do this, the Slaughter City will be destroyed because of this, what is the difference between myself and Tang San?
At least until I find a way to provide a new source of power for the killing capital, I can't rush to destroy it, otherwise, my plan to transform the killing capital into a mainland prison will also go bankrupt.

"It seems that we can only go on, so let's take a step first."

Leng Xiyue looked at the narrow passage, and simply hugged Qian Renxue by the waist, then stepped lightly, and rushed forward quickly.

With the affirmation of her own strength, within a few minutes, Leng Xiyue had already rushed far away, not paying attention to the changes in the surrounding environment at all.

As she walked forward, the creatures that originally lived here also woke up, and soon, a large red shadow quickly approached and surrounded them.

Thousands of blood-red bats flew around densely, and Leng Xiyue couldn't help frowning.

Putting Qian Renxue aside, Leng Xiyue mobilized her Tadarin armor and prepared to clean up these death-seeking things.

Leng Xiyue can use the Tadarin armor to release her existing soul skills. These soul rings are not classified according to the original grade and color, but are all blood red. This blood red obviously does not represent a 10-year soul ring.

"Fixed body wave!"

As a trick that achieved great results in the first application, Leng Xiyue likes this skill very much.

But this time, under the boost of the Tadarin armor, this skill lost its original control effect, replaced by pure and extreme power.

As a wave of red light swayed around her, the bats exploded the moment they touched them, and fell into the pool of blood below.

After finishing this pile of bats, Leng Xiyue waved her hand and continued to move forward with Qian Renxue in her arms.

In fact, Qian Renxue could fly, so she didn't need Leng Xiyue to take her away, she just flew there, but since Leng Xiyue asked, of course she wouldn't refuse.

The two were walking, when suddenly there was a rustling sound in front of them, and Leng Xiyue sighed helplessly: "Xue'er, let's fit together, otherwise it would be too troublesome."

"I think so too."

Leng Xiyue and Qian Renxue glanced at each other, then rushed forward together, their figures merged in the air, and then, a black and red figure emerged, and it was involuntarily cut out with a sword.

The terrifying sword energy swayed through the space, and rushed straight forward. Then, there was a sound of cutting flesh and blood, followed by a deafening neighing.

A big dark red snake appeared in the field of vision, but this big snake had been split in half directly from the middle at this time, and it couldn't die any more.

Leng Xiyue didn't care about this thing at first, and continued to walk forward, but suddenly remembered something, and searched the snake's corpse with her mind, and then stretched out her hand, a golden-red inner alchemy broke through the flesh and flew into her hand.

"Almost forgot about you, the inner alchemy of these ten blazing sun snakes is a good thing that Tang San likes. Although I don't know what it's useful for, it's always good to use it to make wine."

Leng Xiyue played with the inner alchemy in her hand. The inner alchemy was not stained with blood, but it looked a little crystal clear. It was a good thing at first glance.

The inner alchemy has been searched, and based on the principle of not wasting, Leng Xiyue simply extracted the murderous aura from the ten blazing sun snakes and absorbed it, which can be regarded as a small increase of a thousand task progress.

Sure enough, if you want to do the task quickly, you still have to start from these aspects.

Killing the ten blazing sun snakes also meant that they were not far away from the end point, and there were no difficulties.

Bibi Dong and Hu Liena followed behind. At this time, Hu Liena was in good condition, because she had traveled all the way, and Bibi Dong was beside her, so she was not affected too much by this place.

Walking to the end of Hell Road, Leng Xiyue looked at a passage at the top of the cave: "So, is this the end?"

"Yes, there will be a white portal there after we go up, it will gather the Death God Domain for us, and send us out." Bibi Dong's face was a little ugly, obviously recalling some bad memories. (end of this chapter)

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