Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 301 Extreme Evil

Chapter 301 Extreme Evil

"Xi'er, what's wrong with you?" Qian Renxue was taken aback, and while taking the quick healing medicine to recover from her injuries, she came to Leng Xiyue's side and asked nervously.

At this moment, Leng Xiyue's pure white skirt had been dyed blood red, and her pure white face was already scarlet, but her expression seemed very excited.

"Xue'er. I seem to have discovered something extraordinary. I feel that this city of killing was born just for me." Leng Xiyue wiped off the blood stains on her face and smiled evilly: "Look, blood is such a beautiful thing. I suddenly felt that the outside world is so boring. It would be great if I could live in this city of killing all the time."

"Xi'er, don't scare me, how did you become like this?" Qian Renxue panicked, a powerful and icy murderous aura suddenly emerged from Leng Xiyue, in front of this terrifying murderous aura, Qian Renxue felt that she was a little bird facing some ancient giant beast, it was not worth mentioning at all.

Xiaobai's real body emerged, standing beside Qian Renxue, and comforted him: "Don't worry, it seems that the aura of the killing city has subtly affected her, and after the real killing, those things have suddenly awakened."

Qian Renxue knew Xiaobai. In this year's life, she had already known everyone on Leng Xiyue's side, their general abilities, and their significance to Leng Xiyue.

There is no doubt that I am far inferior to Xiaobai, and maybe I will never reach the level she has for Leng Xiyue. Fortunately, Xiaobai is not interested in human's boring erotic tricks.

"So, Miss Bai, why is Xi'er doing this?"

"It's Tadarin." Xiaobai said thoughtfully: "It seems that our program originally prepared two sets of plans. In this world, there are two martial spirits. If there is no accident, this will be her chance to awaken the real second martial spirit besides my external martial spirit."

"Tadalin? What's that?" Qian Renxue asked curiously when she heard such an obscure vocabulary in the Douluo language system that didn't sound like the Douluo Continent's vocabulary at first glance.

"A long time ago, our protoss had many factions with different specific abilities, but in the same way, each faction has its own unique ethics, or pure justice, or both good and evil, or pure evil, and each force is different."

"There is no doubt that Tadarin is the most evil among them. Of course, its leader is also the strongest." Xiaobai explained.

"So. Is Xiyue developing in this direction?" Qian Renxue probably understood what Xiaobai meant, but obviously, she absolutely didn't want to see this.

Xiao Bai suddenly smiled: "It doesn't depend on me, it depends on you, but this is not a big trouble. After all, in her heart, there is nothing more important than you. With this premise, in the end, this powerful force can only be used by her, not an obstacle."

"So, what should I do?" Qian Renxue asked.

"Do what you think you should do most."

After saying this, Xiaobai's figure disappeared. Obviously, she needed to go back and study the changes that this situation could bring about.

Qian Renxue thought for a while, and in the end, she just sighed and said to Leng Xiyue: "Xi'er, I'm very tired, let's go back, shall we?"

Leng Xiyue was slightly taken aback, her eyes regained the original clarity: "Of course, let's go."

Yes, compared to the pursuit of strength, or the desire for blood now, but there will never be anything beyond being with Qian Renxue. Only the time when the two live a leisurely life together is the most precious to Leng Xiyue.

Outside the hell killing field, Kardaris was waiting outside, and he could see Leng Xiyue's current image. He who had not said a word in the past few years actually took the initiative to say: "Archbishop, you have become very dangerous now."

"I don't know, but I feel like my whole being has changed."

Although she no longer looks like a crazy critic like before, her thinking has changed subtly. For example, the people around here are now more like pure experience packs in her eyes. Leng Xiyue wants people to catch them all and let herself slash and kill them.

It seems that there is an extra instinct, like eating a delicious meal will make you happy, and being with Qian Renxue is also true.But now the joy of killing people is by no means lower than the first two.

"This is normal. In the earliest days, those people were not degenerates. They also changed their minds subtly, and eventually became the walking corpses who succumbed to the God of Darkness at that time." Kardalis said: "However, there are always exceptions to everything. The Consul will help you solve all troubles."

"Okay, when I go back, I'll ask Xiaobai how to deal with this situation." Leng Xiyue also had a bit of a headache, and was not interested in entanglement with the troublemakers around her, so she went home with Qian Renxue.

Sitting on the bed, before Leng Xiyue could ask any questions, Xiaobai came out and said to Leng Xiyue: "I probably figured it out after researching it, don't worry, you just need to follow this instinct and start to kill."

"When you reach a limit, you can activate this brand new power, which may bring you a brand new martial soul."

Leng Xiyue said sadly: "Xiaobai, I don't like this."

"But what if I said that this will promote your and Qian Renxue's cultivation of martial soul fusion skills?" Xiaobai obviously had a firm grip on Leng Xiyue, and Leng Xiyue couldn't refuse this opening.

"Although with the Life Orb, your martial soul has a prerequisite for establishing a martial soul fusion skill, but you also know that your two martial souls are actually not compatible."

"To put it bluntly, the martial soul fusion skill that is going to be made now is to fuse two incompatible martial souls together by relying on the favorability, which is actually not harmonious."

"But if you start to cultivate this kind of evil power, then you can reconcile it with Qian Renxue's pure angelic power, and finally form a powerful martial soul fusion skill that doesn't need to be programmed by me."

Leng Xiyue roughly understood, just as Xiaobai said, it is not easy to forcibly create a martial arts fusion skill according to the original plan, so that there is actually no stable path of cultivation, so he can only keep exploring.

But now there is clearly a clear path.

"Can't I lose control of myself?" Leng Xiyue was still most worried about this matter. If she got lost in the killing, wouldn't she
Xiaobai rolled his eyes: "This is the path arranged by the system for you. If you reach that point, before you reach this critical point, the system should also come out and give you rewards to allow you to control this power stably. After all, can the things created by the system be broken by you?"

"It seems so."

If you think about it carefully, this is nothing more than the distinction between gods and demons, good and evil. If she is an evil person with a bloodthirsty nature, maybe this is the main line of her growth.

After asking these questions, Leng Xiyue doesn't have to worry anymore, just start killing and it's over!

But now, taking advantage of this rising murderous aura, it's also the best time to comprehend a martial soul fusion skill with Qian Renxue, so the two began to practice under Xiao Bai's guidance every night.

The killing journey began on this day. After the first battle, the people in the killing city also realized that the queen did not show the terrifying fighting power in the killing field of hell. They all agreed that this was a restriction imposed by the killing king on his own territory.

So, this would be the best chance to kill her.

There are many people involved in every battle, and every time Leng Xiyue and Qian Renxue will be injured. Similarly, every battle is extremely bloody and cruel, and the evil power in Leng Xiyue is constantly growing.

As Leng Xiyue wins more and more games, the enthusiasm of the people in the Slaughter City is gradually decreasing, but whenever this happens, the girl in black yarn will come out under the guidance of the Slaughter King to announce the expansion of the number of participants and rewards, thereby attracting more people to participate.

Half a year has passed, and the number of participants in each game has exceeded 100.

Leng Xiyue didn't know how many people she had killed, so that the time became chaotic. Every day, Qian Renxue and Qian Renxue went to the hell killing field, slashed people with a knife, and went back to practice. They walked through these three steps every day.

Finally, one day, the sound of the system rang.

"It is detected that the host has accumulated enough murderous aura, and a special mission and a new set of armor will be activated for the host."

Leng Xiyue was killing people, and her whole body was in that kind of madness with killing intent, but when the sound of the system sounded, she suddenly felt that the world in front of her eyes had changed, and the world that was full of scarlet everywhere in her eyes had returned to normal again.

Looking at the hell-like scene around her, Leng Xiyue only had peace in her heart, without disgust or joy, as if these things were just ordinary dirt.

Taking advantage of Leng Xiyue's time to relax his vigilance, several villains rushed up and attacked with their own weapons.

However, Leng Xiyue slowly stretched out her hand, and a touch of red energy surged in her hand. Then, the bodies of those people rose slowly, and she squeezed it lightly, and it directly turned into a blood mist.

"I understand. Is this what you want me to understand?" Looking at the remaining dozens of people around, and Qian Renxue who was already a little tired, Leng Xiyue chuckled and repeated the old trick.

But this time, the range of the attack has covered everyone, and everyone is lifted up directly, and then, with a slight fist, everyone is wiped out.

Leng Xiyue took Qian Renxue's hand, and the spiritual energy gently surged, and all the blood on the two of them disappeared.However, Leng Xiyue's alternating white and gold armor had turned black and red at this time.

With a black base and red patterns, the style of the skirt armor is no different from the original one, but wearing this one gives an indescribably terrifying feeling.

I have to say that this new armor is quite handsome.

After leaving the hell killing field with Qian Renxue, Qian Renxue hurriedly asked: "Xi'er, have you completed your training?"

Leng Xiyue thought for a while, then nodded with a smile: "Well, if my original cultivation system is positive, then the brand new armor cultivated during this period is negative. Now they are separated, and I can only use one type of armor to fight."

"But if I can reconcile these two powers in the future, then, if I think about it, I can break through the level limit of Title Douluo and directly become a god level."

Leng Xiyue didn't know why the creator of her system did this, nor did she know whether it was a reliable path.But no matter what, she should continue to cultivate this evil side here.

According to Douluo Dalu, he got a new martial soul, but this martial soul does not have a soul ring, but only four basic skills, which are soul absorption, destroying charge, annihilation wave, and a legendary skill called "worship me".

There is nothing to say about the first three skills. They are all extremely basic skills, or the application of psionic energy to evil. Their main focus is destructive power, the kind that leaves nothing after one move, and has no professional use.

As for the last skill, the introduction says that it absorbs the lives and souls of believers to strengthen oneself, so as to obtain a time-limited super boost, and at the same time allow the other party to truly sacrifice to oneself, thus turning the other party into an experience pack.

Of course, the effect of this way of permanently gaining experience does not have the terrifying power of a temporary increase.

Leng Xiyue is convinced that if she needs it, there will be a lot of people who will sacrifice their lives for her, but she feels that even if she has this skill, she won't be able to use it unless it's the moment of life and death.

Compared with these few skills, the most important thing about Tadalin's equipment is that it gave her a way to "reverse practice". For example, all the existing skills can be released with this more violent and destructive red spiritual energy, and its power will exceed the title Douluo level.

In the same way, these destructive skills can also be released with normal psychic energy. Leng Xiyue was wondering if she could 'reverse' this brand new big move, turning it into a move similar to Yuan Qi Bomb that only needs to sacrifice faith to increase her strength.In this way, I really have one more powerful skill that can be used every day.

Her normal armor level is the peak of the Soul Emperor, and her fighting strength is at the high-level Soul Douluo, but the strength of this armor can directly reach the Title Douluo. With her current body size, it is not a problem to reach level 99 after the increase.

But the side effect is that the murderous aura of this set of armor is too heavy. Although there is no domain, it seems to have opened some killing god domain. The strong murderous aura can almost make everyone terrified. This state is really not suitable for daily use.

But Qian Renxue obviously didn't think so, she knew that the people around her would never show any violent side to her.

 Thanks to book friend 20220525002845238 for rewarding 300 points!

(End of this chapter)

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