Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 297 Bibi Dong's Confession

Chapter 297 Bibi Dong's Confession
Fight, you can fight, it's your own business to destroy the earldom, but if I feel that you stole the equipment you stole from us in the process, I can also kill you.

What can Xingluo do about this?

There is no practical way, and in the end, the only way to pass a resolution is to start building a city wall that completely surrounds and isolates the earldom.

With Xingluo's system, the surrounding lords were required to repair the city wall, and the royal family only borne a small part.

But Dai Mubai has no hostility towards them, just like a docile kitten, except for some people in the territory fleeing, it seems to be harmless.

Therefore, the repair of the wall here can be said to be stumbling, no one wants to repair it, and the materials used are ordinary, basically no.

After such a pattern was established, Dai Mubai also began to sell the industrialized products in his territory, such as energy bottles and industrialized parts. Although there were no unique and innovative things of his own, they were all products of the Kyushu Empire that could be matched. What is useful is equivalent to serving as a local high-quality foundry of Xingluo to help Xingluo people obtain a more affordable shopping channel.

Various large-scale smuggling trades also started, Dai Mubai used these refined materials in exchange for a large amount of grain and more immigrants, these immigrants will cultivate their own land, ensuring that in the next year or even Self-sufficiency can be achieved over a longer period of time.

Then the problem is coming.

What has Leng Xiyue been doing this year?

"My good master, this time, you have to perform well. Whether you can regain the trust of me and Xue'er depends on your trip."

Leng Xiyue sat on her exclusive car in the wild, with Qian Renxue on her left hand, and Bibi Dong on her right hand, she was very energetic.

This is an unremarkable off-road vehicle, it is very comfortable to sit on, and you cannot hear any outside sound inside, thanks to the double help of the space-grade composite steel plate and carbon coating that Swan personally modulated , this is a super vehicle that even Titled Douluo can only scrape Sha.

Moreover, it can be switched to the open state within ten seconds, so that Leng Xiyue and Qian Renxue can best observe the scenery outside.

At this time, they were in the Star Dou Great Forest, and their target was naturally the Slaughter City.

Around her, a huge legion that could not be seen at a glance was advancing together, the sound of countless engines intertwined in the air, five Immortals and about fifty hunters guarded her around.

This time, Leng Xiyue did not come alone. In order to avoid possible counterattacks, she directly mobilized the first group army of the Kyushu Empire to gather in Star Dou City, and then the army moved out. But a complete siege is clearly necessary.

It is said that it is a group army, but in fact it is only two divisions, about 2 people. These two divisions are the most advanced armored divisions under her command. All the equipment is the most advanced. The tanks were developed under the leadership of Nishizumi Miho. 'Hessen Peak III'.

Before the Hessen Peak No. [-] was finalized, the Imperial Armored Division used to be equipped with No. [-] and No. [-], of which No. [-] was a main battle tank with carbon coating, which was probably in the middle and late period of the Cold War; No. [-] was a perfect replica Leopard II, a modern main battle tank that also has a carbon coating.

As for this No. [-], it is an epoch-making level, so that it cannot be ranked according to the generation of modern tanks.

In terms of defense, its armor is also composite armor improved by Swan, and there is also a protective force field that can resist long-range attacks. No problem at all.

It also has an artillery that can adjust the caliber of three gears independently to meet different combat needs. It can not only charge forward, but also provide fire support from the rear.

Of course, the most worth mentioning is of course its nuclear fusion engine that can provide unlimited energy, which means unlimited battery life and extremely fast speed. Swan has installed a ejection device for it, which can jump vertically and cross the absolute limit. most obstacles.

In addition, there is also an advanced control terminal that can be compared with nuclear fusion engines. Today's main battle tanks no longer need multiple crew members, and one person can complete all the work with the assistance of the AI ​​​​program.

A thousand such main battle tanks were refitted and manufactured during this year, and these two divisions were barely equipped. Of course, as an armored division, the armor rate of one-twentieth is obviously too low , so the remaining armor ratio will be reflected on other infantry.

At present, the main infantry is equipped with a kind of individual armor, and also uses larger caliber firearms. There are 1 such main infantry, and the rest is composed of ghost troops, armed floating vehicles and a large number of soldiers. It is composed of field engineers who operate miscellaneous machines.

In addition to these human legions, the five Immortals around Leng Xiyue are not of the same model. Except for the earliest Immortal No. [-] machine, the remaining four are modified models led by Swan. The basic armor has not been changed. It is operated by a powerful protoss, but the most precious weapon, the phase fragmentation cannon, has been changed to a human weapon.

Without a supermodel weapon like the Phase Fragmentation Cannon, the cost of the entire Immortal was directly cut in half, so the four Immortals only cost two Immortals, and they were built in a year, but their power is nothing changes, and even more applicability.

The weapons of two of them have been transformed into a ground-bombing type of scatter run, which can directly target a mid-range area for all-round coverage strikes, somewhat similar to rocket launchers.

The other two are equipped with a weapon called a shock-piercing shock gun. The rate of fire and attack power can be compared with the phase fragmentation cannon, but the range and other aspects are far inferior. However, the phase fragmentation cannon is actually There are some supermodels, obviously not as easy to use as the impact-piercing shock gun of this human race.

And it's cheap.

With such strength, not to mention a mere killing capital, it would not be a problem to kill through the entire Star Dou Great Forest, but at the moment I haven't solved the problem of Wuhun, so let's put this matter aside for now.

The army was advancing in the mountains, and Miho Nishizumi had lit up the map with the warp prism before they came, and their destination was a small town that didn't look like much.

The armored division was moving at a fast speed, knocking down countless trees along the way, and finally stopped at a place about 5000 meters away from the small town.

Next, these two divisions will build some outposts here and stay here for a long time. The supplies will be sent directly through a jump channel. Not only for the killing capital, but also as an outpost for dialogue with the soul beast group.As for Leng Xiyue and the others, they went to play in the capital of killing.

This is not a waste of resources. After all, there is no war in the empire. Compared with training in the north, the training effect in this woodland is better. You can also recruit recruits to study at any time, and then transfer veterans back.

A total of six people will enter the Slaughter City this time. In addition to Leng Xiyue and Qian Renxue, Tang San and Hu Liena will be used as the "keys" to open the road to hell, so as to meet God Shura, and Bibi Dong will also be together. Going in, her Rakshasa inheritance was obtained here, and Leng Xiyue wondered if there was a way to cancel it and replace it with the Shura inheritance.

The remaining one is naturally Caldaris, and the others are not suitable to come here, except for the six people on the surface, Jie Yun and Probis naturally follow Leng Xiyue and the others at all times.

Here, all the soul masters will be suppressed, but Bibi Dong, the god of death, and Caldaris are obviously not among them, and without the presence of Probus and Jie Yun, Leng Xiyue is not afraid of Bibi Dong taking the opportunity to do something A moth.

After packing their bags, the group set off.

A strange small town is located in the depths of this forest. It looks quite strange, like Diablo.

"Speaking of which, sister Xiyue, what are we doing here?" Tang San couldn't help asking.

Hu Liena at the side was obviously also curious about this question.

Although they knew it was experience, they didn't know the specific content.

The two had no intention of meeting each other, the current Tang San was really too weak, comparable to the strength of the Soul Sect, and had no sense of existence, Hu Liena didn't even have the interest to take a second look.

But for this killing capital that treats everyone equally, this is not a shortcoming.

"Train your hearts and courage, this is a place outside the law, anyone inside is a heinous crime, and what we want to do here is to kill and kill." Leng Xiyue said excitedly.

kill?The premise here is that there must be talents, and the number of times Leng Xiyue directly killed people is very small, and the orders of previous wars were also given by Miho Nishizumi.Therefore, Leng Xiyue felt that she was lacking in this aspect.

Not being angry and majestic, but with a murderous aura, this is undoubtedly the aura that a leader should possess, and here, Leng Xiyue believes that she can cultivate this aura.

She doesn't feel that her behavior is cruel. For this sinful place, its ultimate fate is to be blasted to pieces by herself. When her armor division surrounds this place, all creatures in this area will become dead. .

Hu Liena obviously also had expectations for this, and it was undoubtedly the best place to have such a place to cultivate her fighting skills.

Bibi Dong walked in the front, feeling a little emotional in her heart, she was alone when she came here, and fought her way out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, but to them, this was no different from a vacation, there was no pressure at all .

This small town doesn't look very big. As soon as a group of people stepped in, the people who were sitting around like the living dead suddenly looked over.

A bloody smell spread around, which was very uncomfortable. Fortunately, Leng Xiyue prepared a shield to isolate herself from Qian Renxue.

As for others, this is also part of the experience.

"Let's go, let's go to the tavern in the center of the town, which is the only way to the killing capital."

Ignoring the strange eyes of the surrounding townspeople, Bibi Dong led a few people to the tavern in the middle of the town.

The air in the tavern is very turbid, all the decorations here are black, a cold and dark feeling arises spontaneously, a group of burly men with scars all over their bodies and a few shadowy soul masters are sitting here drinking separately .

At this time, about [-]% of the tavern was seated, but unlike the lively atmosphere of a normal tavern, there was no one talking here, so it seemed very quiet.

The arrival of a group of people attracted a lot of attention, but most of them just glanced past them, here, because 'what are you looking at? ''What are you doing? 'There are too many cases of this kind of quarrel and murder.

But there are also some people who recognized Leng Xiyue and Qian Renxue in this glimpse, their expressions changed drastically, they dropped their unfinished wine glasses, pretended to finish drinking, walked to the door like a walk, and then walked away. run.

Under the leadership of Leng Xiyue, a campaign against all evils swept across half the continent, Wuhundian and Tiandou Empire all joined in, and the entire banditry campaign achieved great success. It can be said that basically [-]% of the people gathered here The thieves who survived the above, and the rest basically had channels to run away to harm Xingluo.

Among the villains who can gather here, there is no one who doesn't know the little girl who made their teeth itch.

But when they really met, what else would they dare to do other than run away like cockroaches?

Leng Xiyue just had a half-smile expression, run?They can still live in this town for a while. If they run around the encirclement, her guards will have target material.

Bibi Dong looked back at Leng Xiyue: "Xiyue, do you want to experience the local customs here?"

During this year, Bibi Dong, who was locked up in confinement, has been reflecting on what she has done.

She called out to Rakshasa, but she never got a response. Bibi Dong, who was forced to calm down, finally realized what wrong she had done.

Yu Xiaogang was dragged in front of her by someone sent by Leng Xiyue, his legs were broken, and he went through any torture she could imagine, but in the end he was not killed, but he was given a crutch to let him I went to the north to work as a hard worker.

During this period, she also realized that the man she once liked was such a vicious egoist. For her own survival, she did not hesitate to ask herself to beg Qian Renxue—the daughter she couldn't let go of because of Qian Xun's illness. , How ridiculous is the hatred that I have caused for so many years because I betrayed Yu Xiao just now.

So, she came to her senses.

If there is no Yu Xiaogang, and I don't care about Yu Xiaogang, then where did the hatred back then come from?Chihiro Ji is dead, and he should do something for his daughter and the apprentice who was hurt by him.

Qian Renxue would not really hate her, therefore, if she wanted to restore her relationship with her daughter, the only way was to ask Leng Xiyue to forgive her, for which she was willing to give everything.

Although she also knows how difficult it is to make up for the rift caused by the hatred of life and death.
Leng Xiyue naturally knew about Bibi Dong's changes. Originally, she didn't hold any grudges because of Qian Renxue's relationship, and she didn't want to really have nothing to do with Bibi Dong. If nothing happens to the opportunity arranged by Bibi Dong, then everything will be back on track in this capital of killing.

(End of this chapter)

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