Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 278 Shocking reversal

Chapter 278 Shocking reversal
This is a device made by Qin Menglan in the past few days imitating the principle of the Immortal Phase Fragmentation Cannon. Its power is extremely amazing. Even if the Soul Sage comes, he will have to drink his hatred. Unfortunately, this blow that can penetrate the heart has no effect. It is different from the previous move. The effect was the same, and Hu Liena's injury began to heal rapidly.

"Stop making unnecessary attempts. The energy I absorbed just now is enough for me to repair hundreds of injuries of this level. Hurry up and surrender." Thinking that the remaining two are Leng Xiyue's confidantes, Hu Liena couldn't help but move. compassion.

Qin Menglan didn't respond, but just reached out and took out a big sniper, turned around and single-handedly aimed at an agility attack department on the ground who couldn't join the air battlefield, and killed him.

Of course, except for dealing with Hu Liena, you need to use full-power bullets, and you can't rush to kill people when dealing with ordinary soul sects. What hit them is a kind of shock bomb, and the effect is the same anyway, as long as they are hit, it is impossible. Join the fight again.

Seeing this, Hu Liena was immediately a little annoyed, swiped the big sword in her hand, and a blood-red sword energy flew towards Qin Menglan with a huge momentum capable of cutting everything.

In Hu Liena's blood field, the debuffs to the enemy are all-round, and the bonus to the own side is also all-round, instead of only increasing or weakening a certain attribute in a single field like the traditional field, it can be said that It is strong in all aspects.

But this has nothing to do with Qin Menglan, because she doesn't use soul power to fight at all, all abilities are related to armor, and the driving energy used is also the latest fusion energy and psionic energy, as well as some fighting energy assistance, which has long been used. The worst soul power has been eliminated, so how can you be afraid of your suppression, which is only useful to traditional soul masters?
With a flash, Qin Menglan directly avoided this fatal blow, and even replaced it with a high-explosive bomb mockingly, blowing her head off again.

Of course, this attack was useless, but this completely annoyed Hu Liena, who had gradually become extreme due to demonization, and she began to attack Qin Menglan crazily.

A sword qi slashed out again, but this time it split into dozens of sword qi in mid-air. While flying in the air, these sword qi continued to expand and split under the influence of the domain. When this attack came When Qin Menglan was in front of her, she was surrounded and had nowhere to retreat, and there was only one opening for her to escape.

And Hu Liena was waiting in this only place of escape, she really wanted to dismantle Qin Menglan with her own hands, to see what was left of her without the armor.

Just when Qin Menglan was in danger, Liu Qinghan, who was stepping on the green dragon, came quickly. Looking at Hu Liena, who was concentrating on encircling and suppressing her, and didn't pay attention to her as a soul sect before, she lightly stepped on the green dragon under her feet, and the whole body The person soared into the air, and his seemingly innocuous aura suddenly changed, and his fighting spirit was concentrated in the palm of his hand. Then, a huge sword with a length of 30 meters appeared in the air, and slashed at Hu Liena.

It was too late when Hu Liena realized this terrifying blow, and just as soon as she regained consciousness, she was split in half by the big sword.

But even such a tragic injury did not have any major impact on Hu Liena. Her half-cut body turned into a scarlet liquid, and then re-integrated into her body, and the lost half of her body also grew rapidly. out.

Taking advantage of this gap, Qin Menglan successfully broke through and joined Liu Qinghan in the air.

"It's a weird thing. It can't kill her like this. Doesn't this thing have any weaknesses?"

Looking at the demon's body that had regrown in just a few seconds, Qin Menglan couldn't help frowning.

The opponent's attack power is extremely terrifying. If it wasn't for the fact that one of them used armor, and the other gave up his own spirit ring and used all fighting energy, completely immune to the coercion and domain effects of this demon, I'm afraid they would be like Snow Empress at the beginning of the battle. Bingdi and others fell into the quagmire like that, and were killed in one move.

Even now, as long as the two of them are encountered, they will be killed immediately, and they have nothing to do with this enemy.

While dancing on the tip of the knife, they must find a way to break the knife.

"Sister Menglan, I remember, do you have a more terrifying move?" Liu Qinghan asked.

"Yes, this move can blow all the demons into scum, but this power is too powerful, I'm worried that they will be blown to death directly." Qin Menglan said worriedly.

Seeing that Hu Liena's recovery was complete, Liu Qinghan said, "Then I'll come first, Sister Menglan, help me."

"it is good."

After a brief exchange, Liu Qinghan and Qin Menglan rushed towards Hu Liena again.

In addition to being able to summon armor and swords to enhance itself, this Qinglong Wuhun can also summon existences similar to summoned beasts, so as to achieve flight. Looking from a distance, it really looks like a fairy.

Seeing the two approaching, Hu Liena unhurriedly summoned a longbow and shot two arrows quickly, and the arrows followed the two as if they had eyes.

Qin Menglan fired a shot from a long distance, but it missed. The arrow flashed strangely and avoided her attack. Qin Menglan faintly felt that something was wrong, but before she could think about it, she summoned an energy sword and Prepare to parry.

But in the next second, Hu Liena, who was a hundred meters away, shifted shape directly with the arrow, appeared in front of Qin Menglan, and punched out without any explanation.

The power of this punch was so terrifying that even the air seemed to be torn apart, Qin Menglan couldn't dodge it, the entire armor was shattered under the impact of this punch and flew out in an instant.

Qin Menglan knew that she was powerless to fight any more, looking at Hu Liena who had turned around and was about to charge towards Liu Qinghan, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

She reached out and took off the fusion core of her armor, then put it on the trigger device in her palm, aimed at Hu Liena, and shot it out.

After doing this, Qin Menglan, who lost her source of power, could not control her flight in the air and fell to the ground.

Hu Liena sensed what Qin Menglan had done before leaving the stage, and immediately turned to look over.

Seeing that it was just a small device that shone with light, she didn't take it seriously.

At this time Liu Qinghan was dodging the arrows in embarrassment, as long as he repeated his tricks, it would not be difficult to defeat Liu Qinghan.

However, this shifting skill has a cooling time of about 20 seconds.

There is no point in rushing directly at this time, the arrow is controlled by Xie Yue's will, it is impossible to be blocked or dodged, so, taking advantage of the skill cooling gap, Hu Liena took over the small device.

When Hu Liena grabbed it, the device seemed to have lost its power source, and it just lay quietly in her palm, but the energy inside became a little restless.

Seeing that the cooling time was up, Hu Liena threw the device casually, ready to flash over, but the next second, the small device exploded with unimaginable terrifying power.

A terrifying explosion instantly swept across the entire battlefield. How terrifying is this explosion?Even the domain that was originally on the battlefield was instantly blasted, and the arena sank three meters under the explosion.

Hu Liena, who was in the center of the explosion, immediately summoned a large blood-colored shield, but this shield instantly turned into powder, and along with that, Hu Liena's limbs were also shattered, and her torso became dilapidated.

Hu Liena wanted to recover from her injuries quickly, but the explosion seemed to carry a destructive element, which continuously ate away at her energy, and the recovery progress became extremely slow. In the end, Hu Liena chose to concentrate all her strength and give priority to recovering one arm. After all, I can use the power of the devil to fly in the air, and the lack of legs does not restrict the ability to move too much.

The entire battlefield was covered by thick smoke and a strange magnetic field. Hu Liena's consciousness and vision could not see too far away, but after thinking about it carefully, even if Liu Qinghan was a soul sect, it was impossible for him to be in such a terrifying place. There was no injury from the blow, and he should be recovering from the injury at this time, so he concentrated on recovering.

But before her thoughts fell, dozens of black chains suddenly pierced through the fog and penetrated into the joints of her limbs at a terrifying speed. Hu Liena was shocked, and hurriedly mobilized her only arm to try to summon a big sword to cut off these chains , but with a flash of knife light, it was her newly recovered arm that was broken first.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and Liu Qinghan's figure slowly emerged. Under the white jade-like skin, black blood was surging at this moment, and there were many black lines on her face. She looked neither human nor ghost. , like an evil soul master.

Several black chains condensed in her palm, linking Hu Liena who was in a desperate situation.

Seeing the other party gradually approaching, Hu Liena really panicked this time, because the chain completely cut off her recovery path, and all the devilish energy was locked in her limbless body. For the sake of it, it can be said that the defeat is already set.

"No! We still have a chance!" Hu Liena gritted her teeth, and with a thought, the fusion skill was disbanded directly, the body that was originally controlled dissipated, and Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan appeared on the battlefield and began to attack Liu Qinghan rushed away.

The three of them are full of energy at this time, without fatigue, as if they didn't consume anything just now, but they can no longer activate the demonized state, they are just ordinary soul masters.

Liu Qinghan shook his head: "You already know that soul masters are completely incomparable to these unconventional means, so what are you left after losing these?"

If we say that in the battle just now, their combined form is equivalent to a warrior with both offensive and defensive capabilities, and she and Qin Menglan are just militiamen with sharp swords but no armor, then now, Hu Liena and the three have degenerated into holding fists. The child who charged forward was just dying.

With a thought, the three chains rushed towards the three of them, but this time it was not so violent, they just tied them up and threw them out of the ring.

After dealing with Hu Liena and the other three, Liu Qinghan turned his attention to Zhang Ping who was trembling aside just now, not daring to participate in the fight between the gods.

There are no people who surrender in Wuhundian, only those who died in battle. Any surrender is an extremely humiliating act, but looking at the mess around her, Zhang Ping doesn't have the courage to charge.

She looked around in a daze, then gathered her soul power in her palm, and patted it on her head.

Zhang Ping fainted, and there was no one standing in Wuhun Hall anymore.

The referee was still shocked by the shocking decisive battle just now, but when everything was settled, he had no choice but to step onto the ring, raised the hand of Liu Qinghan, who looked extremely weak at this time, and announced loudly:
"I announce that the final winner of this Continental Advanced Soul Master Competition is the Kyushu Royal Academy!"

(End of this chapter)

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