Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 276 The rain is coming

Chapter 276 The rain is coming
If you can reach God, with the progress speed of that group of people and the window period of nearly three years, Hu Liena can no longer imagine how far that continent has developed.

At this moment, another figure appeared in Xu Baiyun's mental space, it was Her Majesty the Empress whom Xu Baiyun had seen before in his memory.

Xu Binglan didn't look at Hu Liena, but trotted all the way to Xu Baiyun. Although she tried her best to control her expression, she still couldn't hide her joy: "Sister, long time no see, how are you doing now?"

Xu Baiyun looked at his sister coldly: "Don't worry, I'm doing well."

"...I heard that you joined an expedition team. They escaped into the deep sea in order to obtain a treasure that didn't exist, and finally let you live here. You deserve to die."

Even though he said that, Xu Binglan changed his voice next: "However, they seem to take good care of you, and you are much happier than being by my side. With this, I am willing to break the rules and send all of them away." The consecration level in the empire has increased by five levels."

"Xu Binglan, stop being so self-righteous. No one cares about your ridiculous empire. They don't care, and I don't care. I will never forget how you killed my mother!" Xu Baiyun, who has always been calm, At this time, he was outraged.

"You hate me, I don't blame you, after all, she is just a mother to you, you haven't seen any real side of her, and you haven't seen me at that time, but no matter what, you are the only one for me younger sister."

"As for whether your partners care about my rewards, I'm afraid you shouldn't decide for them. You should see how grateful they are to you when they get rewards for this in the future."

Xu Baiyun was silent. Yes, with his sister's unconditional love for him, this kind of reward must be extremely terrifying. It seems that he shouldn't deprive these partners who have gone through life and death, and shared weal and woe.

After finishing speaking, Xu Binglan finally looked at the trembling Hu Liena: "Oh yes, thank you too, people from another continent." In order to express my gratitude to you, I will not hide the fact that I may launch an aggression against you. "

"But if you think you can use my sister as a threat, you are very wrong. In the next time my sister is in your mainland, even if she is just whipped or hurt in any sense, I will Blame all of this on everyone on your continent."

"For this reason, I will reserve all means of retaliation, including sinking the entire continent."

"." Looking at the not-so-tall figure in front of her, Hu Liena was already at a loss for words.

The terrifying aura that had almost formed made her breathless, even Bibi Dong's aura was far from hers, not at the same level at all.

"Do you understand?" Xu Binglan looked at Hu Liena, this peerless genius in the Spirit Hall and the strongest of the younger generation, in front of her, she was like a dog and should not receive any respect.

After all, although the other party helped him to remove the channel to communicate with his sister, why she appeared here is not a difficult fact to think about.

"I understand." Hu Liena said with difficulty. At this moment, her mind was in turmoil. It seemed that she had really committed an immeasurably heinous crime.

Blowing up and sinking the mainland, what a mighty power it is, not to mention the Wuhun Temple, even the legendary gods, or the demons they have seen in their previous experience, I'm afraid they don't have such power.

But this matter, in the other party's mouth, is as easy and freehand as eating and drinking.

"Then, you can go."

Before Hu Liena could respond, she felt that the mental power that had invaded Xu Baiyun's mental space was cut off directly, and she returned to reality as soon as she turned her mind.

Hu Liena's mental power to invade the opponent's mental space with all her strength was cut off directly, and her mental power also bottomed out instantly. She passed out directly before she stood up and took two steps.

At this time, there were only two auxiliary departments of the Wuhun Academy left on the field. Seeing that Xu Baiyun was still panting and did not meet the standard of losing combat effectiveness, the two of them hurried forward and threw her out of the field. It ended with such a tragic ending.

Seeing this, the referee hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I declare that the Wuhundian team wins!"

"The eight-to-four competition in the finals is also over. The teams currently in the top four are the first and second teams of the Kyushu Royal Academy, the Wuhundian representative team, and the Kamikaze Academy!"

After the game is over, the lottery will follow immediately, because there will only be two games in the next four-in-two game, so the opponents will be announced first, and one day of preparation time will be given.

Not surprisingly, Wuhundian really moved at this time. In the four-to-two competition, the first and second teams of Kyushu Royal Academy were matched together, and Wuhun Academy and Shenfeng Academy were matched together.

After all, with a probability of 50.00%, it is not surprising to get such a matching result.

Of course, this civil war will not be fought. Therefore, the first team can be said to be directly sent to the finals, and now there is a buffer of three days.

The same is true for Wuhun Academy. Feng Xiaotian is an insurmountable peak for any other academy, but in this battle he can only be regarded as a middle-level fighter. Even if Hu Liena and Xie Yue can't recover, they can kill him alone It is more than enough.

Even though the enemy was so strong, Feng Xiaotian still fought bravely. Of course, the ending didn't change at all. In the end, the match ended with a huge loss.

Soon, the final match of the finals was decided, and it was the first team of the Kyushu Royal Academy playing against the Wuhun Academy.

Since the start of the match, Bingdi Xuedi and the others have not encountered any opponents, and they are extremely energetic at this time. On the side of Wuhun Academy, Hu Liena has been in a coma for three days, and Xie Yue has also been seriously injured. Looking at it this way, this battle The outcome of the battle has already been decided.

For this reason, the organizing committee temporarily decided to postpone the finals by one week to give all players a week to recover. It is self-evident that this seemingly fair temporary decision is to favor whom.

And Hu Liena finally woke up during the few days that the Wuhun Temple put aside their shame and fought for it.

Hu Liena woke up suddenly from the nightmare, looking around, as if looking for something.

"Nana, are you awake?" Xie Yue stayed by Hu Liena's side, seeing Hu Liena wake up, she couldn't help being overjoyed.

Feeling that there were still some traumas in her mental strength, Hu Liena's face could not help but darken: "We are finished."

"What?" Xie Yue didn't understand what Hu Liena meant.

Hu Liena thought blankly for a while, and then her eyes suddenly became firm: "I'm going to see Master, it's a very important matter, let's talk about it when I come back."

After saying that, Hu Liena jumped up from the bed, put on a piece of clothing, and was going to find Bibi Dong.

But as soon as she went out, she bumped into someone.

This person is none other than Yu Xiaogang.

"Calculating the time, I also think it's time for you to wake up. Then, we should make the next tactical deployment." Yu Xiaogang looked at Hu Liena and said expressionlessly.

"No, I have something to go to the master." Hu Liena ignored Yu Xiaogang, Dang even prepared to continue walking outside.

Seeing this, Yu Xiaogang smiled coldly, then stretched out his hand, and slapped Hu Liena.

Hu Liena was taken aback by the beatings. Since entering the Wuhun Academy, although she has been beaten quite a few times, no one has ever dared to treat her in such a humiliating way!

"Yu Xiaogang, you trash, you dare to hit me!" Hu Liena panicked, grabbed Yu Xiaogang by the neck, and pushed him against the wall.

Xie Yue rushed over when she heard the sound, and when she saw the red palm print on Hu Liena's face, she was immediately furious, and rushed up to return Yu Xiaogang's two big mouths.

These two slaps can be said to be an angry blow from the soul king, Yu Xiaogang's face immediately swelled up, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

A self-willed person like Yu Xiaogang never thought that these two people who have always been honest and responsible would dare to resist, and they were directly beaten.

Fortunately, there were guards and an elder from the Wuhun Palace standing around here, seeing the three of them fighting, they separated them directly, and then sent them to the Pope's Palace, letting Bibi Dong decide how to deal with this matter.

When they arrived at the Pope's Palace, Hu Liena and Xie Yue were kneeling on the ground, while Yu Xiaogang was sitting on the seat Bibi Dong had prepared for him, looking at the two kneeling on the ground with a sneer.

"Xiao Gang." Bibi Dong looked at Yu Xiaogang without any expression on his face: "What's going on?"

"Your Majesty, these two disobeyed discipline and acted recklessly during the match, which almost caused the entire match to be defeated. I just punished them a little, and they became angry and humiliated me." Yu Xiaogang said.

Hearing this, Hu Liena raised her head and said unwillingly: "Teacher, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and it is absolutely impossible to completely follow the plan. Therefore, I think I am not wrong, but Yu Xiaogang slapped me indiscriminately. Let me ask, he How can a person who is so morally corrupt and treats us like lackeys to be the leader of the Spirit Hall representative team?"

This can be said to hit the nail on the head, Yu Xiaogang treats them like tools, any behavior that does not conform to his opinion will be belittled, ridiculed or even scolded angrily, if not for his real ability, and Bibidong's backing, I'm afraid He was beaten to death long ago.

After all, Hu Liena has debuted for so many years, like Yu Xiaogang, who is so stubborn, does not tolerate any other opinions, and uses his team as a tool, there is no other person in the entire Wuhun Academy.

"You have the guts to say, if I followed my plan, how could this game end in such a tragic way?" Yu Xiaogang started to mess around at this time, but he knew very well that if this game was played according to his tactics There is a lot of difference between victory and victory based on Hu Liena's impromptu strategy, for example, in terms of personal prestige.

Of course, with such a heaven-defying existence as Xu Baiyun, Yu Xiaogang's own tactics may not be better than Hu Liena's in front of the battle, and he may even lose, but now, winning is winning, and it has nothing to do with him. How could this prevent Yu Xiaogang's pathetic self-esteem from being hit?

"You!" Hu Liena was so angry that she didn't know what to say for a moment, and at this moment, Bibi Dong also spoke.

"Disobedience in battle is indeed a serious offense, and disobedience to the teacher's instructions is even more unforgivable. If so, Hu Liena will be punished for two months of confinement. The competition will begin after the competition."

Hearing Bibi Dong's penalty, Hu Liena felt like a bolt from the blue sky.

This confinement does not sound like a big deal, but inside the Spirit Hall, this confinement is to lock a person in a cell with only a few square meters and no light, and he is also bound by iron chains, unable to move freely and cultivate. In addition to a small amount of water that can sustain his life at all times but has been suffering for a long time, what he eats is bread that is harder than stones.

This is a cruel punishment that can castrate humanity and cultivate obedience. For a person like Hu Liena, this is worse than death. After all, even if it is sent to a dangerous place for training, it is still beneficial .

"." Hu Liena stopped talking, and for a moment, she was also a little disheartened by Bibi Dong, because such a trivial matter had hit her dignity so much, and the intention to wantonly favor Yu Xiaogang in it was really obvious. At the same time, this is also helping Yu Xiaogang to stand up.

But Yu Xiaogang is such a waste, why is he so favored?
Hu Liena stood up, glanced at Bibi Dong, didn't continue talking to her, and saluted respectfully, pulled Xie Yue up and left.

Even though Bibi Dong is like this, she grew up under the guidance of Spirit Hall after all, in order to repay the kindness of Spirit Hall, even if she burns everything in herself, she will win this competition.

But after that, compared to being loyal to the Spirit Hall, and Bibi Dong, who was not like a Ming Jun, she wanted to remove her soul bone directly. I am willing to find a stable place to live with my brother in peace after this. The current Victoria Kingdom and Kyushu Empire are good choices.

As for going to Leng Xiyue, she no longer counts on it.

Because of this game, she will definitely win.

The one-week buffer period passed quickly, and soon, the last round of the finals of this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition officially began.

Leng Xiyue walked out of the manor, only to find that the titled Douluo marked by Tianmeng had disappeared, and there were very few pedestrians on the road, as if everything was signaling that the rain was coming.

Today's weather is not very good, there are dark clouds, but there is no rain, the cold wind blows, and Leng Xiyue subconsciously tightens her clothes.

At this time, beside her was a burly female bodyguard, who was Tang Hao in disguise.

A few days ago, several titled Douluo who were following Tang Hao suddenly disappeared and ignored Tang Hao who was fleeing. Taking this opportunity, Tang Hao also sneaked into Wuhun City and came to Leng Xiyue's side.

As the chariots and horses of various forces gathered and headed towards the competition venue, this peak duel was finally about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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