Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 271 Finals Begin

Chapter 271 Finals Begin

Leng Xiyue understood Bibi Dong's ambition, but she didn't know why she put this ambition on such an insignificant matter as the competition.

After all, everyone already knew that your Wuhundian is powerful, and now you have to make a fuss after winning. Isn't this just rushing to make enemies?

Although this motive sounds like a play, but if it is Bibi Dong, it seems to be possible.

Could it be that because Yu Xiaogang told Bibidong about his experiences over the past few decades, so Bibidong was planning this action to avenge him?After all, Yu Xiaogang is the leader of the current Wuhundian team, so if Wuhundian wins the championship, the honor he can get will far surpass anyone else.

Leng Xiyue took a sip of tea calmly: "Then I will wait and see."

The host and guest had a good meal, because there will be a competition tomorrow, so there was no social activity such as a dance party, and the game ended soon, and the contestants returned to their residences.

After returning to the manor where she was staying, Leng Xiyue thought about it and asked Tianmeng to call Oscar and Liu Qinghan over.

Soon, Oscar and Liu Qinghan came to her room.

"Sister Xiyue, are you looking for us?"

"Well, it's the final tomorrow, how are you all preparing?" Looking at the two seed players in front of her who she had given great hope to, Leng Xiyue also attached great importance to it.

Although he has always looked down on Yu Xiaogang, it has to be said that Yu Xiaogang's role is actually not small, especially the teaching and tactical analysis given to Shrek before and after the competition are really useful. Regardless of the bullshit theory, then this can be regarded as an opponent worthy of facing each other.

In other words, if Grandmaster is really useless, even if Bibidong really put him in that position forcibly, Hu Liena and the others would not obey Yu Xiaogang's arrangement, but judging from the performance just now, they obviously treat Yu Xiaogang still. There are some respectable ones.

Liu Qinghan remained silent and did not speak, but Oscar took a step forward and said confidently: "Sister Xiyue, we have hidden three hole cards in this competition, one of which is that my duplicate sausage can be used by others. It has also been used in the Great Soul Arena so that the Hall of Spirits can find out the corresponding combat records, but relying on this point to bully other strong teams is enough."

"Secondly, Rong Rong has been working hard to cultivate the skills inherited by the family in the past few months. If I can reproduce her current ability, and everyone strengthens each other, Xiao Wu and Mubai's strength can reach that of the soul king. , other people can also reach the level of 45 Soul Sect—and consume very little.”

"As for the third, Boss Dai and Zhuqing have been practicing for a while and have never used the spirit fusion skill Xieyan Baihu. If Rongrong, Tang San, and Hongjun use all their soul power to help them increase, then it can also be promoted to an existence that can be called a tyrannical existence at the Soul Emperor level."

"In addition, I myself have two soul emperor-level combat powers. In this way, even against the Wuhundian team, I might not be unable to fight."

Leng Xiyue nodded in satisfaction: "That's right, two soul emperor-level fighters, this is indeed the current limit of the second team."

Afterwards, Leng Xiyue looked at Liu Qinghan: "So, what about the first team?"

Although the first team has Xuedi as the captain, considering the possible targets of Wuhundian, only Liu Qinghan can be the one who specifies the tactics in the first team.

Liu Qinghan was silent for a long time, before he said: "As for the first team, although the two sisters of Bingxue are only soul kings, they can already be compared with soul saints. When the two are combined, they can directly catch up with Contra; With the blessing of the new fusion energy, it can fight against the soul sage without losing the wind; Xuanwu is weaker, but it also has the posture of the soul emperor, and it is difficult to shake the soul sage with all its strength."

"Ayin Wurou, although the lack of blessings is already a shortcoming of the team, but he can fight the soul king. If there is no accident, winning the laurels in the battle is just a bag."

Hearing Liu Qinghan's words, Leng Xiyue said a little strangely: "Qinghan, your tone seems a little weird."

"Ahem, Mr. Jie often used this tone when he taught me, I'm used to it~" Liu Qinghan scratched his head and apologized.

"Okay, it's not important, what's important is, Qinghan, you should not have forgotten that the first team and the second team have the same standard of confrontation, right?"

Hearing this, Liu Qinghan immediately said to himself: "Over the past few months, Mr. Jie has compiled three fighting skills for me based on my martial soul characteristics and my own perception. I can't say how proficient they are, but they can definitely be called possessing The ability to turn things around."

The fighting skills written by Dou Zong are at least mysterious, that is, Lion and Tiger Broken Gold Cry, Baji Beng, Ziyun Wing, etc. These still sound relatively low, and even more powerful is Fengzhi: Meteor Such heaven-defying big moves as Killing and Sunset Yao are actually all mysterious fighting skills.

Of course, the latter two are the inheritance of the Yunlan Sect, but Yunshan is just a person who broke through the Soul Sect with the help of the Soul Palace. Metaphor.

Coupled with Liu Qinghan's own very good talent, this can be said to be sure.

Thinking of this, Leng Xiyue nodded in satisfaction: "That's good. If you think about it, you can also see who the leader of the Wuhun Academy is. If you don't want to be nailed to the pillar of shame and let people ridicule you, then take out twelve Come with all your strength."

"As ordered!"

After sending Oscar and Liu Qinghan away, Leng Xiyue stretched, took out a book from the system space, and lay on the bed to read it.

Not long after, the door of the room opened slowly, and Qian Renxue in pajamas walked in.

"Xi'er, what are you looking at?" Qian Renxue lay beside Leng Xiyue, and watched with interest.

"It's nothing, it's just a boring book." Leng Xiyue threw the book in her hand aside, took Qian Renxue's hand, and then leaned forward: "Speaking of which, Xue'er, you have What are you doing? It seems that I haven't seen you for several days."

Qian Renxue rolled her eyes: "Do you think you are the only one who needs layout? I also have a lot of things that I can use, such as members of my angel family, who are the direct descendants of our Qian family, and I must always be by my side."

".What about your grandfather? Why didn't he do these things?" Leng Xiyue asked strangely.

"Grandpa is now at the center of the power struggle, and Bibi Dong's influence has penetrated into the Elder's Hall. The only people he can trust now are Golden Crocodile and Qingluan Guangling, the three absolute cronies. The rest can only be stabilized temporarily."

"I can say that I went to visit my Angel Clan's resident for the reason of going home, but Grandpa, as a great priest who will not go back once in a few years, if he returns rashly, it will inevitably arouse endless suspicion. Only I am best suited to do it.”

After a little thought, Leng Xiyue understood Qian Daoliu's current situation.

If Wuhundian is a treasure chest, then Qian Daoliu is an iron man sitting on the treasure chest.

And a bunch of bombs were buried around this treasure chest, and Bibi Dong was holding the remote control of this bomb.

It can be said that Bibi Dong played his power very transparently, and directly came to Qian Daoliu with one hand to hold the Wuhun Palace. If Qian Daoliu wanted to deal with Bibi Dong, or even showed any tendency to want to deal with Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong would It can directly cause the Wuhun Palace to start a civil war, and then the fish will die and the net will be broken.

Even if Qian Daoliu himself is not afraid of the explosion of the explosives and can beat up the person who detonated the explosives, the treasure chest must be gone.

Under the rule of the Qian Family, the old nobles of Wuhun City still have to maintain class balance and maintain incorruptibility, while here in Bibi Dong, they have leapt to become masters, and the resources of the entire society are tilted to their side. Which side to take is not even a multiple-choice question.

The Hall of Elders is separated and isolated, so only the Angels can be their reliance.

These descendants of the Angel Clan naturally have the blood of the Angel God flowing in their bodies. Each of them is an extremely strong fighter. The believers will only be dispatched when the Patriarch needs them.

Qian Daoliu himself can't let the Elder Hall absorb these people to oppose Bibi Dong's Spirit Hall, but it is completely feasible for Qian Renxue to become a main branch of the Spirit Hall with the help of these people.

The current court of Wuhundian is only evil and neutral, and there are no other opponents, so the neutrals will naturally all be on the side of evil, but if the family of angels and the family loyal to the golden crocodile constitute a rival to Bibi Dong If there is no political power, then some people in these neutral camps will definitely regroup, and it is impossible for Bibi Dong to have any reason to cleanse the descendants of these angel gods. In the end, they can only divide their rights.

The difference between all this is that both Leng Xiyue and Qian Renxue understand that Bibi Dong dares to fight Qian Daoliu to death, but she is absolutely unwilling to part ways with her daughter.

"The idea is very good, but the problem is, what should Xue Qinghe do?"

Leng Xiyue naturally welcomes Qian Renxue to participate in the political affairs of Wuhun City. After all, it is absolutely impossible for Bibi Dong to kill Qian Renxue, but if this is the case, how can she continue to complete the infiltration work as Xue Qinghe? ?

Qian Renxue shrugged: "It's up to you, don't think I don't know how powerful you are now, it's not easy to create a similar puppet with self-awareness, I will stay in Wuhun City after the competition is over , Xue Qinghe's matter is up to you to find an opportunity to replace it."

Leng Xiyue thinks about it too, whether it is finding a puppet with a suitable figure, injecting martial spirit and soul ring into it, or allowing it to continue to operate perfectly with self-awareness, there is no technical difficulty.

After Qian Renxue is released, he can take her to travel around the world, such as going to the capital of killing for vacation, which is exciting to think about.

"Okay, okay, I've wanted to do this for a long time, don't worry, I will arrange it." Leng Xiyue chuckled, and then posted it.

In the early morning of the next day, all the participating colleges were led by the special personnel from the Wuhun Hall to the central square designated as the competition venue. Each college had its own rest area.

On the opposite side of the Pope's Palace is the jury seat, where representatives from the three empires and the Wuhun Palace all watch the battle.

The representatives of Tiandou are Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi, the representatives of Xingluo are naturally the Duke Dai Tian and a woman who wears the Xingluo royal emblem, and Leng Xiyue of the Kyushu Empire sent Tianmeng and Nishizumi Miho to go up. .

At this time, a huge arena has been built on the central square, surrounded by many defensive soul tools, according to the information given by the Wuhun Temple, this venue is strong enough to withstand any attack from Contra without damage.

Right in front of the square is the Pope's Palace, which is only about a few hundred steps away from the Pope's Palace. The Wuhun Palace has announced in the notice posted that the four finalists and the final final will compete on the buffer platform in front of the Pope's Palace .

At that time, the Pope will personally appear to watch the battle and crown the final champion. For any soul master, this is an unparalleled honor.

As soon as they arrived here, before they settled down, Oscar and Xuedi, the captains, were called to draw lots.

The first round of lottery is undoubtedly very important. If a relatively weak opponent can be drawn, it will be quite beneficial to any team. After all, the rest time of the schedule is only one day. It's hard to go all out.

A large screen is placed above the competition venue, and the names of the sixteen teams are displayed on it. After each team draws their opponents, the names of each team will be rearranged, and finally become a tree diagram, which becomes the promotion of the finals. the road.

The order of the lottery draw was arranged according to the status of the academy. Hu Liena stepped forward first and got the Thunder Academy. Yu Tianxin, who was standing not far from the ring, suddenly became sad.

Immediately afterwards, Snow Empress stepped forward to draw lots. It was a miscellaneous academy.

Because Oscar was in the second team, he had to be ranked behind the first team of the other two empires, so Yu Tianheng stepped forward to draw lots and got Victoria College.

Followed by Xingluo, Davis held up the lottery in his hand, and it was the second team of Kyushu Academy on it.

(End of this chapter)

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