Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 267 The Beginning of a New Era

Chapter 267 The Beginning of a New Era
You can even build a mini-immortal the size of a dog, or a terrifying war machine over 30 meters high. Of course, the usual height of the immortal is two or three floors. In the positioning of the Protoss, it belongs to both artillery and It is an armored unit and also has the function of air defense.

Immortal's defense is extremely high, far from being comparable to the individual armor of hunting, and it also has barrier protection, which may be stronger than Kaldaris' defense.

The most frightening thing is its weapon phase fragmentation cannon. This weapon has no rate of fire, and can hit the enemy instantly after firing. If the immortality is weakened to the extent of hunting, it can also cause good damage.

If you engage in that kind of giantization, I am afraid that the ashes will not be directly thrown away.

Of course, the bigger the cost, the more terrifying it is. The standard model of Immortal requires 20 crystal ores, and the huge one needs [-]. The consumption of this kind of all-round enhancement is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

This gigantic immortality is undoubtedly a more powerful weapon of war than nuclear bombs. Not to mention a 99-level titled Douluo, even if a true god descends, or encounters any interstellar-level warships, he can be maimed with one shot.

The smaller Immortals are weaker in terms of power and defense, but as long as there are five hundred crystal mines, it is also a good choice to be included as a regular unit in the Hunting and Zealot Legion.

Now Leng Xiyue's balance is almost just enough to produce a normal model of Immortal, and the two thousand crystal mines are all her property, but no matter how you say it, with this Immortal sitting in charge of her protoss legion, the combat effectiveness will be greater The improvement of the strength also has a better ability to deal with the possible threats to Wuhun City in the future.

If that's the case, she doesn't need to go back to the empire. The purpose of her trip is to take a look at her nuclear fusion power plant, which can be the heart of the entire empire. The new factory area derived from this will make the entire empire The production capacity has taken a terrifying leap.

In the early days, the industrial center of the Kyushu Empire was built around Stormwind City. However, although Stormwind City is the place where the empire thrives, the surrounding resources are not particularly good in the entire Northland. Slowly, the industrial bases here were split up. The civilian industry moved to the southern border trade cities, and the military industry moved to the extreme north.

The civilian industry is relatively scattered, basically looking for a suitable town with corresponding raw material output on the long border of the two empires to be stationed separately, and there is no centralized production; while the military industry is not far from the extreme north in the north , a high-quality mineral lode not too far away from the Dark Devil Valley was stationed, and a new city was established - Sky Star City.

As the name suggests, heaven is the ultimate goal of this city. Unlike most people's distinction between civilian use and military use, the military industry in Tianxing City can only be stationed here with the most cutting-edge industrial products, such as the previous ultra-long-range rockets and nuclear weapons. Fusion power plants, as well as carbon-coated tanks, individual armor, EMP bombs, and the recently built school ship equipment.

Now it also undertakes the research and development work of military floating vehicles and satellites, while conventional guns and tanks have been classified as civilian industries, as basic weapons that can be traded abroad and have been gradually eliminated. The classification criteria are indeed very different.

However, Skystar City is also producing a new generation of individual weapons, including the pulse rifle brought by Soldier 76 and an all-round individual combat weapon called 'c20-A' brought by Swan, which can be changed in modules , so that it has three modes: armor-piercing sniper, regular automatic, and close-range shotgun.

At present, only a small number of royal guards hidden behind the scenes are equipped with this kind of weapon, and if there is another suitable combat uniform, it will just make up a set of individual equipment for the human race in the interstellar era. Unfortunately, Swan only He is proficient in weapons and armor, but he doesn't know much about this combat uniform.

The principles of these two weapons are similar to the old-style armaments currently listed, and at the same time, there is no worry about the logistics of bullets. The ammunition for the pulse rifle needs to be as much as possible in this nuclear fusion factory, and the ammunition for the C20-A is It is relatively harsh, and needs to react to the high-quality minerals transported from the extreme north to produce minerals that can be used as ammunition, but the output is also quite amazing.

As long as one piece of this reacted mineral is installed on the gun, it can be used for a long time. The principle is to separate small iron nails from the iron block, which have different functions under the activation of different modules. Fully automatic In the mode, it can almost shoot thousands of rounds, and this kind of reserve is very sufficient for any battlefield.

However, because there are too many projects and black technologies in the empire at present, this does not seem to be the main point.

Standing in front of the nuclear fusion power station in Tianxing City, Leng Xiyue couldn't help but be shocked by the huge building that stretches as far as the eye can see.

Before the core research of this nuclear fusion factory was carried out, thousands of craftsmen and probes were mobilized to cooperate in the construction of the factory area. The probes assisted in the completion.

As a huge empire with a population of tens of millions, there will never be a shortage of truly smart people at any time. These people with strong receptivity quickly understood the technological system of Nishizumi Miho's world, and began to continuously improve the nuclear fusion project. .

But Nishizumi Miho is not a practical talent in the industry. In other words, she has all this knowledge, knows the principle and the final effect, but cannot help in the whole project. It seems simple, but even a single mistake in this level of engineering is extremely fatal.

Therefore, the supporting equipment and the energy required here have already been built with the help of the probe and the forge, but the final investigation process is extremely long, because it is impossible to say which step will go wrong.
The arrival of Swan, a professional engineer, undoubtedly put an end to this huge project, and even temporarily added a lot of things that were more advanced than Miho Nishizumi's time. For more than a month, but the overall performance has almost doubled.

Knowing that the cold moon is coming, someone from the nuclear fusion factory has already been waiting here.

"Your Majesty, you are finally here. Chief Engineer Swan has been waiting for a long time." A young man who looked slovenly but put on clean and tidy clothes came to greet him.

Looking at the young man's scruffy appearance that could not be concealed even with clean clothes on, Leng Xiyue couldn't help asking: "I remember that the empire only enforces eight hours a day in terms of work, so maybe your superiors are oppressing you?" You, let you not even have time to take care of your own personal hygiene?"

Although Leng Xiyue did not experience the hardships of the workplace in her previous life, and could even be considered as one of the group of people who enjoyed the huge dividends brought by capital, she also read many advanced books such as Das Kapital during her stay at home. Therefore, she is also very willing to create a good working environment for the people here.

It's not that she is a saint, but she has seen people in the rain, so she doesn't want others to be in the rain, even if such a system may lead to a great reduction in the efficiency of all aspects, there is no such comprehensive It is more efficient to squeeze, but she would rather slow down the progress than squeeze others.

If she did this for the rapid development of her power, wouldn't she become the head of a feudal landlord?

"Your Majesty, this statement is wrong. When it comes to superiors, before Chief Engineer Swan came, I was the chief engineer of the entire Skystar City base. Otherwise, how could it be my turn to come to welcome you?"

"After all, the development of all projects in all walks of life is now inseparable from the new energy brought by nuclear fusion, so in fact, there is no one in the entire Skystar City who has a higher status than me." The young man said proudly.

Leng Xiyue knew what status the other party was talking about. This was not the kind of class solidification that crushed people to death at the top of the official ranks, but the unique bureaucratic system of the Kyushu Empire. influence, and it is impossible to carry out any expansion of rights.

For example, an engineer has been in this position for 30 years, but as long as he does not have the ability to go one step further, there is no room for promotion. However, he will have corresponding rewards for seniority, at least he will have enough food and clothing in the future.

Of course, no system is perfect. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. You can’t avoid human exchanges in one place. Now the people of the Kyushu Empire have great enthusiasm and loyalty in this generation, but the next generation, the next generation Woolen cloth?How long can such an imperial system continue for the descendants who have benefited from the benefits of the times but do not have the spirit of the current people?This is completely hard to say.

However, Leng Xiyue thought that with the development and progress of science and technology, if he could have a suitable carrier for the system of the spirit net in reality, then he would have a strong constraint.

In this way, those social contradictions that may or will definitely appear in the future will disappear under the prosperity of science and technology, and eventually become a real Datong society, and it will last for a long time.
"In that case, why do you look like this?" Leng Xiyue asked puzzled.

"Your Majesty, because our talents are better than other compatriots in this area, we have been promoted from ordinary people to join this huge and important project. research all the time."

"On this great route, no one wants to miss the slightest advanced concept and any opportunity to practice. If not, you probably won't be able to see me in the Star City today."

Leng Xiyue understood. I have always heard stories about mad scientists before. These scientific madmen will always spare no room for research, but she still asked in shock: "But you are all ordinary people. With any ability blessing, won't you be tired if you do such a high-intensity work?"

"Ham, Your Majesty, although we are young, we have lived as slaves since we were ten years old. Even when we were young, we had to do at least ten hours of hard work every day. Don't look at me now I am quite healthy, but the advanced medical system of the empire saved me, otherwise I would probably be a disabled person."

"Compared to this, the mental activity that can be enjoyed now, compared with those heavy physical labor that is pure torture, is simply like heaven!"

Well, Leng Xiyue still underestimated the resilience of the people in the Northland, but thinking about it, it is true that being able to survive from that kind of enslaved environment to the present without any injuries, has enough food and clothing, and nothing How could the top scientists with happy families be unwilling to take the initiative to work for a longer period of time?

However, these people's willingness to contribute voluntarily does not mean that Leng Xiyue will accept their dedication with peace of mind. If this is the case, then she will also ask Huangyan and the others to establish a reward mechanism for this spirit of active dedication.

After understanding the current situation of Tianxing City, the two walked all the way to the power plant, but to Leng Xiyue's surprise, although the entire factory area here is large, there are not many active people here. There are only many robots busy in various positions.

Seeing that Leng Xiyuexin had doubts, the young man said: "Your Majesty, these are brand-new technological bionics brought by chief engineer Swan. Their cores have set corresponding procedures, which can completely replace these repetitive jobs. In this way, those of us who already have mature experience in scientific research can be freed to guide work in other projects."

Well, Leng Xiyue has to admit that it seems a bit dereliction of duty for her to think of ways to post with Qian Renxue every day during this time. For example, this new great engineer Swan has been in the Northland since he came. I worked hard, and although I loaded the spiritual net, I never contacted her.

Leng Xiyue, who was at ease every day, naturally forgot to see how his side was progressing.

Leng Xiyue was a little embarrassed at this time, she coughed dryly, and covered up the fact that she had almost no knowledge of this place, but fortunately, the young man seemed to be thinking about something and didn't care about it, or even if he knew it, he wouldn't feel it. something is wrong.

After all, in their minds, Leng Xiyue, as the emperor of the empire, is a busy man with a lot of things to do every day, and it is enough to have a party. Even if they don't have a detailed understanding of this, what is wrong with it.

After visiting along the way, after entering the office building in the center of the entire factory area, Leng Xiyue found a huge model in the lobby on this floor.

The thing in front of me, if you just look at the caliber of the turret, it looks like a tank, but if you look at the bracket underneath, it looks like a cannon. For a while, Leng Xiyue didn't know the principle of this thing.

Could it be an armored unit with a transforming module that can turn into a cannon when stationed, and take on the role of a tank when moving?Leng Xiyue doesn't think this thing is against the sky, but thinks it is a four-dimensional thing, not as easy to use as a traditional self-propelled gun. After all, it is really regarded as a tank, and this kind of armored unit that can exert great power can only be stationed. Can't you rush ahead?
Just as she was carefully examining the various components and trying to understand the overall process, a short, fat middle-aged man with a mechanical arm walked towards her.

"Oh, Your Majesty the Young Emperor, you are finally here."

These words sounded a bit yin and yang, but seeing that naive smile that seemed to come from the heart, Leng Xiyue felt that she seemed to treat the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"I'm really ashamed. It's been several months. I could come here anytime to have a look, but it took so long for me to come here." Leng Xiyue said with some embarrassment.

After all, since Swann came, except for a brief account at the beginning, it can be said that there is almost no contact.

"Ham, I understand, Your Majesty. After all, except for the boys and girls in Beidi who have never seen the world of flowers, who is willing to plunge into this boring, tedious and boring work? Since you gave me a second life for the old man, Then these things have become my duty, and I dare not say anything else, as long as your civilization has not developed to the level of my previous life, you can rest assured to leave it to me."

As he said that, Swan made a statement that he did not know where it came from, but it could be seen that it was very solemn. It should be an etiquette applied to the upper class. complain.

Leng Xiyue was not surprised by the amount of information revealed in Swan's words, because Miho Nishizumi was also reincarnated from her soul after death.

With the blessing of this kind of life-saving grace, they naturally have extremely high loyalty to Leng Xiyue, and this kind of loyalty will not be reduced because of certain suspicions in life.

Unless it is the extremely bad behavior of knocking people's bricks from behind or putting a cold gun and then calling it a joke, other than that, it will only increase and not decrease.

But loyalty does not mean unreserved. If Leng Xiyue tries to get information about their past life or the system, then basically what they get will be a ruthless rejection. It seems that the system has some extra means to contain them. .

Perhaps her current strength and power are not enough to know these things, so Leng Xiyue has no intention of inquiring about this aspect, and she will naturally know everything when the time comes.

In any case, these two functional talents who came out of the system are her most trustworthy people, and their ability to be selected by the system also shows their extraordinary abilities. Can Leng Xiyue take on Swan? Daqi is very relieved about this matter.

After chatting with Swan for a while, Leng Xiyue pointed to the model in the center of the hall and asked, "Speaking of which, what is this thing? Since you put it here, it must be a very advanced equipment." ?”

"Oh, that, it's a brand new weapon that I've been trying to recreate in the past few months. It's called a siege tank, but it's completely outdated now." Swan waved his mechanical arm, and soon A group of bionics came and lifted the huge model away.

Seeing that Leng Xiyue was puzzled, Swan immediately explained: "This siege tank uses the technology of humans in our world, but now I have access to the Protoss technology that I was unable to access before." If I can combine the two systems, I believe I can create a more powerful weapon of war."

"For example?" Seeing that Swan was so confident, Leng Xiyue's interest could not help but be aroused.

"For example, you can transfer dozens of Immortals to me. If so, I will soon be able to bring you some new war weapons that combine human technology!" Swan rubbed his hands, as if thinking of the black technology in the future A scene born in one's own hands.

"Okay, okay, I understand, but for now, my economic reserves are only enough for me to build an Immortal. This project can be temporarily put aside for the current crystal mine income." Hearing the other party say When she opened her mouth, there were dozens of Immortals, and Leng Xiyue suddenly felt cold. If she had these dozens of standard models of Immortals, it would be an easy task to push the mainland.

But having said that, since Swan is confident that in her opinion, the Immortal who is already infinitely strong will be transformed even stronger, so if she has the corresponding resources, it may be a good choice to support his research project
Swan obviously also knew Leng Xiyue's current economic strength, so he didn't continue to delve into this topic: "Okay, Your Majesty, but don't think I want too much, after all, this kind of innovative research needs to be carried out. Destructive disassembly to achieve the corresponding results I want."

"However, I guarantee that if the whole project can be completed, these dismantled immortals can reappear in a more powerful modified posture."

After this conversation, the two became acquainted, and then Swan took Leng Xiyue to visit the entire nuclear fusion plant.

There are currently three key projects around this factory, one is a fusion bomb that can explode stably and will not cause environmental pollution; the other is a nuclear fusion engine that can be mounted on a vehicle; It is a new fusion core that can act on all walks of life and completely replace electricity.

These three items are undoubtedly very important. The first item is naturally the nuclear bomb. This simple and efficient weapon of mass destruction will be the top priority at any time.

Needless to say, the second is of course, in addition to the fact that the academy ship can use this kind of fusion engine as a replacement power source, it can also be used if it wants to develop into the starry sky in the future; as for the third, it needs to be gradually replaced. The existing power system, so that it is no longer necessary to use a part of this nuclear fusion reactor to produce electricity, which has become inefficient, as it is now, but directly use fusion energy as a drive, and its power will naturally be extremely high. big boost.

Next, Leng Xiyue followed Swan to his office, saw the changes that would take place after the completion of the three current paths, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

However, it will take about three to eight years for these three paths to be carried out at the same time, and it will take about three to eight years to gradually complete them. Whether you can have the precious development time of these few years will be a test for Leng Xiyue in the next trip to Wuhun City .

After bidding farewell to Swan and returning to the team of the visiting group, Leng Xiyue built her first Immortal in the mechanical table.

Afterwards, she held a meeting in the spirit net to discuss the next action plan with the backbone of her subordinates.
A few days passed by in a hurry, and Wuhun City, Leng Xiyue's novice village, was finally within easy reach.

(End of this chapter)

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