Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 260 Against Victoria

In this way, the entire team is divided into three levels.

If all the contestants are divided according to these three grades, then Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun, and Zhu Zhuqing are low-grade horses, Tang San is a middle-grade horse, Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai, the two soul sects, are high-grade horses, and Oscar is a high-grade horse. A premium horse above a prime horse.

Of course, Oscar is not the only one who surpasses the best horses. For example, Feng Xiaotian and the two captains of Victoria College, although they are not as good as Oscar, but they are not far behind. Even Oscar can't guarantee that he can achieve one-through-seven while dealing with these top talents.

Because the opponents are only announced before the game, but the lineup must be submitted before the lottery, and there is no condition for changing them so as to target each other. Therefore, this is indeed a very debatable issue.

The Seven Devils had a very active discussion on this, but there is no guarantee that they will be sure, but they have finally finalized a lineup that should be able to effectively deal with the main teams.

After discussing the tactics, everyone went back to their houses to rest and prepare for the next day's battle.

In the early morning of the next day, the sixteen participating teams assembled in the school grounds.

The promotion match does not have multiple rings at the same time like the qualifiers, there is only one competition venue, so other teams will watch the battle here when a match is in progress.

The school field of the barracks has been remodeled, and an area with a diameter of [-] meters is drawn in the center as the competition field. Compared with the arena of the qualifiers, the space here is wider and it is easier to display your strength. In addition, it also arranges A circle of auditorium also looks decent.

Xue Ye didn't arrange for the garrison to visit the competition, but just let some newly promoted young officers and elite backbones of the new army come to observe the battle of the soul masters. With the addition of the people from the Kyushu Empire teaching group, the whole venue was not overcrowded, at least it was crowded. It's not deserted, there are 2000 people in the audience.

Emperor Xue Ye stood up from the VIP seat, and said loudly through the soul guide: "The promotion competition officially starts today, and in the next fourteen days, I hope that the teams of all colleges will give full play to their own strengths and show that soul masters should be able to do so." Has style."

After Xue Ye's customary polite words were finished, the next step was to draw lots.

"Bishop Tireia, will you come this time?" Leng Xiyue looked at Tireia, who looked very tired, and said with a smile.

Tilia obviously didn't have the previous charming temperament, she looked a lot more gloomy, and also became a little taciturn, so she didn't reply to Leng Xiyue's words, she got up directly, and walked to the lottery box.

After randomly drawing a few times, Tireya took out the sign of the second team of the Kyushu Royal Academy.

Then, she suddenly smiled, and took out another brand that was their opponent, which was Victoria College.

Seeing this result, the host on the side suddenly said loudly: "In the eighth game, the second team of Kyushu Royal Academy will play against Victoria Academy!"

"Your Majesty the Empress." Sitting behind Xue Ye and Leng Xiyue, Ning Fengzhi looked at Tilea's most obvious little movements, with a worried expression on his face.

Leng Xiyue shook her head, but did not stop Tireya.

Just as the mastermind behind the demolition of the Wuhun Temple is easy to figure out, Tireia's little move is also a pure conspiracy. This duel is obviously catering to the wishes of many people. Then this will also lead to further confirmation of the original conspiracy theory of Wuhundian.

It's a pity that Leng Xiyue is not afraid of this at all, because she is also eager to fight with Victoria College, so that Oscar can find out all the details of the opponent. If he can do this, then it doesn't matter if he loses, at least he knows Know what cards they are hiding.

It can be said that this is exactly what it wants.

Soon, Tilea finished drawing lots, and the players also entered the arena in order to start the competition.

The first match was Blazing Academy vs. Barack Academy.

The captain Huo Wushuang was the first to appear on the stage representing the Blazing Academy. This tactic seemed to be a rush to put on a few people first.

This tactic actually has certain risks, because if the opponent puts the strongest in the middle and puts up a few who can resist first, then the soul power of the first player will be greatly consumed. A character at the captain level would not be able to achieve the expected results, and would instead be pierced by the enemy's masters.

Of course, this kind of situation is limited to confrontation between strong teams, and this kind of weak chicken academy from the kingdom is obviously not included.

In addition to the big score of the victory, the final ranking of the promotion match is also an important consideration standard. If there is a situation of equal points, it will be evaluated according to the record of the game. Therefore, this kind of tactic is not stable. Many people are willing use.

The competition progressed very quickly, and once there was a difference in strength between the soul masters, the outcome was often instantaneous. Whoever had stronger and higher-level soul skills could easily defeat the opponent.

Huo Wushuang lost three opponents in a row, and he was defeated only after his soul power was greatly consumed.

The second representative of the Blazing Academy was Huo Wu. With the advantage of the control system soul master, Huo Wu even lost four people in a row. The two brothers and sisters directly killed the Barak Kingdom team.

When Huo Wu walked back from the arena, due to the massive consumption of her soul power, her physical strength was a little exhausted, but her pale and pretty face was still full of arrogance, her eyes were fixed on Oscar, and she stretched out her eyes. She pointed out her index finger, tapped him, and then scratched his neck, the provocation was self-evident.

In the preliminaries, the Seven Devils had faced Blazing Academy. Compared to being defeated by Tang San relying on Huo Mian in the original work, this time Huo Wu was defeated by Oscar with his own Huo Wu Yaoyang. This is obviously a big deal for her. something even more humiliating.

But there is no way to defend against this kind of thing. Therefore, during this month, Huo Wu has continuously improved her aggressiveness and developed towards the direction of the bomb. She doesn't want to win standing up, as long as she is powerful enough to kill Oscar. That's fine, it's a big deal.

This can only be regarded as an episode, not to mention Leng Xiyue, even if Oscar himself doesn't pay attention to this kind of thing, seeing Huo Wu provoking himself in public, he didn't respond at all, and continued to chat with other people to discuss tactics. Huo Wu was so angry that he wanted to explode himself on the spot.

The competition continued, most of the colleges were evenly matched, there was no opponent worth noting, only Feng Xiaotian's powerful explosiveness was a relatively big threat to Oscar who still needed a period of time to 'warm up'.

Soon, the previous seven games were all over, and it was the little monsters' turn to play.

In order to improve efficiency, the promotion process is simplified, there is no preparation time between the introduction and the players, and each player does not need to introduce himself after they come on stage, just start the fight directly. compact.

The first one sent by Victoria College was Tie Yu, a 32nd level soul engineer, one of the two with the lowest soul power in the whole team, while Dai Mubai was the leader of the seven monsters.

Dai Mubai is now level 45. At first glance, to deal with this level 32 defense system is like flying a bastard, but Dai Mubai does not dare to neglect at all. The one in front of him looks ordinary, with a nervous and strong face Teenagers are by no means ordinary people.

In the previous qualifiers, he overloaded his soul tool and used his body to block Feng Xiaotian's strongest blow, which allowed the other four people from Victoria College to defeat him by focusing fire, thus becoming the captain's deputy. The captain still won without a shot.

Dai Mubai couldn't be more clear about Feng Xiaotian's aggressiveness. Compared with him, his single-target attack method under normal circumstances is not 01:30 points worse. Dai Mubai still has a relatively clear understanding of this .

Therefore, Dai Mubai didn't plan to use conventional means to meet the enemy. He waved his hand while walking forward, and the tailor-made external soul guide armor attached to his body. Afterwards, he looked at Tie Yu with eyes filled with banter.

"Come on, it's finally time for the soul tool showdown I'm most looking forward to. You and I both use soul tools to fight, so it's not bullying!"

After finalizing the battle order last night, Oscar made arrangements for it.

Although the lineup is fixed, it is undoubtedly free for one's own side to use soul guides. They will not use soul guides to deal with regular soul master teams, but against this Victoria Academy, in order to force the opponent's two captains With all their strength, the seven monsters will also go all out.

Although with the addition of the soul guide, the two sides will have a generation gap again. At first glance, it is a shameful thing for the big to bully the small, but in order to detect the full strength of the other party, it is shameful to be ashamed!

After both sides were ready, the referee announced the start of the game.

Tie Yu's defense system was the first to enter the field, and Dai Mubai probably knew the opponent's plan, which was consumption.

This strongest shield in this position is fully capable of consuming some weak soul masters placed in front, and at the same time it can also consume such a strong expert as Dai Mubai, but who is unable to deal with him quickly, as long as the When the opponent is exhausted, they can make Tie Yu surrender, and replace the other person to quickly eliminate this master.

This is neither afraid of the weak chicken wheel nor the surprise attack of the master. It can be said that this arrangement is perfect. After all, Tie Yu is only one of the two weakest people. To achieve such a result, I am afraid that even if he is against the Elemental Academy, he can use five. Individuals win.

However, this perfect tactical layout is obviously not feasible now. Tie Yu used the third soul skill after the start of the game, and inserted his shield into the ground to form an iron wall. This shield looks indestructible, and has a large defense range, with no room to go around at all.

If it was a normal scenario, no matter if Dai Mubai used the White Tiger Meteor Shower or the Tiangang Sword to deal with it, not to mention scraping, he would still be unable to deal any effective damage, but now it is different, with the energy blessing of the external armor, Dai Mubai's invincible The Xiangtiangang sword has been increased three times as much as before, such a terrifying bonus is no worse than Feng Xiaotian's special skill or even a bit stronger.

Therefore, Tie Yushu remained motionless in his bastard shell, while Dai Mubai unscrupulously condensed his great sword. Finally, a five-meter-long broadsword was condensed in the air, followed by a destructive blow His sword energy rushed towards Tie Yu.

Under this sword energy, the seemingly indestructible shield was broken almost instantly, and Tie Yu also flew out of the ring, undoubtedly killing him with one move.

Dai Mubai's ruthless means instantly shocked all the audience present, and at this moment they finally realized one thing, that is, Kyushu Academy has never used a soul tool to participate in any match against a soul master, but once used If so, let me put it bluntly, everyone here is rubbish.

The second person to play is Lingfeng, a taciturn young man with an agility attack system soul instructor. The speed of his own martial soul is actually not too strong, but after the increase in the soul guidance equipment, this speed can already be compared to the Nether Civet. This kind of speed martial soul leader, at the same time, when paired with soul guide weapons, will also greatly increase the attack power during sneak attacks.

But Dai Mubai is obviously not afraid of these things, and directly uses the White Tiger Meteor Shower plus, this large-scale attack that could be avoided for a while now becomes impenetrable, there is no doubt that Lingfeng was also sent flying by this move, Fall on the sidelines.

Dai Mubai couldn't help feeling a little helpless, he wasn't Oscar's kind of pervert who could have unlimited soul power, this person took one of his big moves, according to this rhythm, if it was the turn of one of the 35-level sisters below, he might have to leave the stage .

The third person to play is Hong Yu, a girl who looks weak and weak. Victoria College seems to be really planning to let the low-ranking ones come out first, and the strong ones are ranked behind, but in fact these few people are not weak. One of them can touch the mission of the soul sect level.

For example, this Hong Yu, after the soul guide was boosted, her martial soul could basically be at the same level as Ma Hongjun's now - without the threat of evil fire, and at the same time, her aggressiveness was slightly lower, so it can be said to be quite powerful.

It's not like the first two were useless, because it was a long-range flame attack, so it still caused Dai Mubai a little trouble, Dai Mubai had to use the body shield to deal with it, and then used the classic low-equipment strategy—— That is to say, Lie Guangbo rushed to him in front and followed closely behind to attack him closely.

Now level 45, Dai Mubai's white tiger's fierce light wave power is quite impressive, Hong Yu was tired of dealing with it, but Dai Mubai followed closely behind, a set of small combos made her powerless to fight back.

Dai Mubai didn't take pity on Xiangxiang and Yuyu either, after catching it, he directly exploded the hammer twice, and then threw him off the ring.

Having won three games in a row, feeling that there is still about half of the soul power in his body, and he should be able to continue to win against a more difficult character, Dai Mubai couldn't help being a little complacent, and stood on the field and said loudly: "Who else is there?" !?"

"Let me meet you!" A girl in a white combat uniform jumped onto the ring, seeing Dai Mubai's arrogant appearance was also a little annoyed, she couldn't help but release the third spirit ability directly.

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