Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 252 A Complete Victory in One Minute

In this way, it is true that the Kyushu Empire's help to Tiandou's own army and industrialization construction is real. In fact, Xue Ye also thinks that it is impossible for Leng Xiyue to abandon the current policy to absorb nobles, but even if there is only a trace It is a matter of concern that silk may, and is enough to, bring about the fall of the royal family's rule.

But now that I think about it, this is not worth worrying about at all. After all, the original intention of the alliance is to fight against the Wuhun Temple. It is undoubtedly putting the cart before the horse to worry that the Kyushu Empire will overthrow Tiandou. What's more, the new army supported by the Kyushu Empire is also similar to their own army. The level of equipment is the same, and industrial output is also gradually developing. If there is a real fight, it may not be invincible.

Tilea was not annoyed by Leng Xiyue's scolding, she just covered her mouth and snickered: "Hehe, my little Majesty, the cooperation between Wuhundian and Tiandou has been going on for a long time. It has never been a matter of my Wuhundian family, but the great cause of the entire human race, if there is no gathering of talents from all over the world in our Wuhundian, if those beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest are in trouble, who in this world can solve it?"

"The righteousness of the human race? Is it reckless behavior that provokes wars and displaces hundreds of millions of people? Heh, if you think that I stand on the opposite side of your so-called righteousness of the human race, then I can only advise you to stop. Following in the footsteps of Salas." Leng Xiyue sneered.

Hearing this, Tilea nodded her head seriously: "Your Majesty is right, but your worries are obviously superfluous. That Saras extorted money in Tiandou City and caused disasters, it can be said that he deserves death, but I Well, I'm afraid I won't bother you to worry about my future~"

In just a few words, Tireia completely separated the Wuhun Palace from the original assassination. After all, Salas was declared a traitor, so what he did had nothing to do with the Wuhun Palace. there is none left.

While most people are aware of this, without this substantive connection, the matter can no longer be used as a claim.

Seeing the tense atmosphere between the two, it was Xue Ye who finally calmed down and said, "Okay, stop arguing, both of you, whether it is the Wuhun Palace or the Kyushu Empire, they are all my indispensable allies in Tiandou. We have already entered the field, let's concentrate on watching the game."

Xue Ye gave both parties a step, so neither Leng Xiyue nor Ti Leya continued to speak, but turned to look at the venue.

At this time, the contestants had already entered the arena, and the master of ceremonies standing not far in front of the three of them immediately said loudly: "Next, I would like to invite His Majesty the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire to announce the opening of this competition."

Hearing this, Xue Ye slowly got up amidst the thunderous applause, walked to the front of the stage, waved lightly to the audience and the participating soul masters below, the applause stopped quickly, and the square of Nuoda became completely silent.

Afterwards, his deep and resonant voice spread throughout the audience through the loudspeaker soul guide device, "I, Emperor Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire, on behalf of the Heaven Dou Empire and the organizer of this competition, announce that the Pan-Continental Senior Soul The Teacher Academy Elite Competition is now open."

"Here, I hope that all soul masters participating in this competition can give full play to their strength and achieve good results. You are all the pride of the Heaven Dou Empire. For the glory of the empire, let's show your brilliance."

The applause rang out for the third time. This time, the eyes of the soul masters standing on the competition field were full of scorching brilliance. For them, this kind of competition would be the best stage to show themselves.

Seeing Emperor Xue Ye sitting back in his seat, the master of ceremonies smiled and said, "Next, I would like to invite Her Majesty the Empress of the Nine Provinces Empire and Tilea, the platinum bishop of the Wuhun Temple and Tiandou Region, to draw lots for the first round of qualifiers. After the lottery is over, There will be a match between the Tiandou Royal Academy vice team and their opponents in the first round of draw."

Hearing this, Leng Xiyue and Tireya stood up slowly, walked to the master of ceremonies under the leadership of the court maid, and came to the prepared lottery box.

When the two stood in front of the stage, everyone's eyes couldn't help but stop on the two.

Standing together, these two people seem to have embraced all the good things in this world. One is full of coquettish men and women, and the other looks gentle and quiet but majestic. Standing side by side at this time, they look like sisters.

Tilia was about to step forward directly to start, but Leng Xiyue smiled and said: "Bishop Platinum, according to the regulations, you are a minister of the Wuhun Palace. As the king of a country, I should be equal to the Pope. You are in front of me. Is it inappropriate?"

This kind of small matter is undoubtedly very important in this public place, if Tireia is allowed to take the lead, maybe the people below will speculate whether the Kyushu Empire has made concessions to the Spirit Hall.

In fact, Wuhundian did stipulate in the early days that the emperor and the pope belonged to the same level in the ritual system, but based on the comparison of the strengths of the parties, no one would raise this matter. In addition to the long-term operation of Wuhundian, the imperial emperor It is automatically one level lower than the Pope.

In order not to offend Wuhundian, Xue Ye naturally obeyed this unspoken rule, but Leng Xiyue is not used to you, just point it out directly, either you insist on ruining the reputation of Wuhundian first, or obediently go behind me .

Sure enough, Tireia's petty thoughts were seen through, and she had no choice but to step aside: "Okay, Your Majesty, please first."

If it takes the dominant position, then Tilea will have nothing to do with it. Leng Xiyue is not prepared to let the platinum bishop participate in it at all, and she smokes it all by herself.

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Canghui Academy will face off against Flame Radiance Academy."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Oakland Academy played against Purple Star Academy."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, the second team of Kyushu Royal Academy will face Blazing Academy."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Tianshui Academy will face off against Kamikaze Academy."


"In the first round of the qualifiers, the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy played against Victoria Academy."


Until they were all drawn, Leng Xiyue didn't give Tireya a chance to intervene, and Tireya stood aside with a professional smirk, no matter how she looked at this position, she looked like a maid waiting for her master work.

It has to be said that Leng Xiyue's level of lottery is still very good. Several games were the matchups that people were looking forward to. When these matches were revealed, the audience burst into cheers.

As Leng Xiyue drew all the lots, the emcee on the side continued to say loudly: "Since Her Majesty has already drawn lots for us, the next thing that will happen is the first match of the first round of the qualifiers. The second team of Dou Royal Academy is playing against Victoria Academy, all participating academies are invited to leave the field, and the match will officially begin in half an hour!"

"Then, Lord Bishop of the Wuhun Temple, shall we also go back and wait for the start of the competition?" Leng Xiyue said to Tilea beside her with a smile.

Tilia didn't seem to care about this kind of thing, she just nodded, and then followed Leng Xiyue back to her seat, suddenly she didn't say anything to herself, Leng Xiyue was a little uncomfortable.

Having said that, Leng Xiyue is also looking forward to the performance of this Victoria Academy. She is very curious about how this team full of soul engineers will fight.

It stands to reason that the specifications and configuration of this participating team can only be known when the battle begins, but the three members of the privileged class are obviously not included in this list. Soon someone sent the entry list of the Victoria team and gave them three sent a copy.

Victoria College Team:

Captain: Xu Baiyun, Wuhun: Spear of Judgment, level 39 soul engineer.Soul ring: yellow purple purple.

Vice Captain: Mo Ning, Martial Soul: Pupil of the Dark Moon, Level 37 Soul Engineer.Soul ring: two yellow and one purple.

Team member: Li Yiyun, Martial Spirit: Sky Cloud Vine, a level 35 soul engineer.Soul ring: two yellow and one purple.

Team member: Li Yixue, Wuhun: Xue Ningcao, a level 35 soul engineer.Soul ring: two yellow and one purple.

Team member: Hong Yu, Wuhun: Blazing Bird, level 32 soul engineer.Soul ring: two yellow and one purple.

Team member: Lingfeng, Wuhun: Huanyuyan, a level 33 soul engineer.Soul ring: two yellow and one purple.

Team member: Tie Yu, Wuhun: Steel Shield, level 32 soul engineer.Soul ring: two yellow and one purple.

Leng Xiyue took a glance, this lineup didn't seem strange at first glance, but seeing their age, it was very strange.

None of these seven people are over 14 years old, and the captain and vice-captain are only 12 years old. This age and strength are basically at the same level as the Seven Monsters, and even the two captains are much stronger.

As for the martial souls, they are just ordinary, nothing worth paying attention to. Compared with these eight poles, it is basically impossible to form any linked martial souls. I am afraid that their combat power will really depend on soul guides. .

The only thing worthy of attention is the captain surnamed Xu. To be honest, Leng Xiyue is a little ptsd about this possible unknown enemy.

However, this kind of strength on paper made Leng Xiyue worry, that is, this group of people will not even use a soul guide to destroy the Tiandou deputy team, right?

Except for the two captains, the spirit quality of the others is probably at the middle or lower middle level in the entire Douluo, but even so, it is enough to kill the inferior Tiandou team without the help of soul guides. up.

This is true.

The Tiandou Second Team is born noble, they only accumulate levels but are unwilling to hone themselves, not to mention they are not superior in level.

On the other hand, the Victoria team can clearly see that their spirit is extraordinary. It is obvious that they have undergone hard training, and the entire formation is also well-defined.

Under such circumstances, the battle naturally ended with no suspense. The whole battle took less than 2 minutes, but what Leng Xiyue didn't expect was that this didn't even reveal any useful information .

Because the two captains didn't even make a move, let alone use the soul guide device they produced, and just through their fighting skills, they easily defeated the seven flashy young men and ladies one by one, without revealing anything. This can't help but make her very disappointed.

Such a crisp and neat battle immediately aroused huge repercussions in the auditorium. There was a continuous sound of doubts, praises, and shocks. A kingdom's academy defeated the second team of the Royal Academy so easily. The shock was too great.

Of course, this is not only because the battle is memorable, but also because of its political significance. In the past, if the teams of the Kingdom and the Dominion faced the Royal Academy, they would often cast a game first to show their loyalty. A large gap will also try to promote an anxious battle so that the situation will not become too embarrassing.

But this time, the Victoria team defeated the Royal Academy so easily and freely, it can be said to have slapped the royal family in the face, and the meaning of this is self-evident.

At this time, Xue Ye's face was already ashen, and he could already imagine that there would be rumors that the royal family would not be able to suppress the Victoria Kingdom in the future, and Tireia smiled even more, her silver bell-like laughter and clapping her hands expressed her respect for Victoria. The action appreciated by the team made Xue Ye extremely embarrassed.

Fortunately, at this moment, Ning Fengzhi, who was sitting in the second row, realized Xue Ye's embarrassment, and hurried forward: "Your Majesty, the match is over, and it's time for us to leave."

"Well, then I'll go back first." Xue Ye didn't stay long, with a gloomy face, and went back with the two accompanying guards.

Seeing Xue Ye's departure, Tireiya didn't intend to stay any longer, but before she left, she hoped to tease her: "Hehe, since the fun is over, I'm going back first, and I'll see you in the official competition. Your Majesty~"

Ning Fengzhi stood aside, watching the platinum bishop go away, while Leng Xiyue asked thoughtfully, "Sect Master Ning, do you know who this new platinum bishop is?"

"Your Majesty, Tireia was airborne from Wuhun City, and I have never heard of her origin, but one thing is certain, her strength has already surpassed Title Douluo, and being a Platinum Bishop with such strength is considered demoted." " Ning Fengzhi moved closer to Leng Xiyue, and then said.

"Title Douluo?" Leng Xiyue nodded, "It seems that Bibi Dong is sincerely going to fight me to the death."

Ning Fengzhi couldn't answer this question, after all, apart from being loyal to the empire, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School also maintained a close relationship with the Wuhun Palace, in short, they didn't want to offend either side.

Today's Tiandou City can be described as a puddle of muddy water, with all forces entrenched, and the royal family can only be regarded as a weak force in it. The Kyushu Empire has at least five Titled Douluo permanently stationed in Tiandou City, and the Wuhun Palace treats these A platinum bishop pushed to the front of the stage, and behind the scenes there were probably two or three people standing by in Heaven Dou City.

Adding the local sects such as the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Blue Lightning Overlord School and some scattered Title Douluo, the total number of Title Douluo in the entire Heaven Dou City may not be less than thirty, or even more.

For example, if the Victoria Kingdom dared to slap the royal family in the face today, who would believe it if there were no experts behind it?
If there is a fight, the entire imperial capital will be demolished in an instant.

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly unwise to stand in line. After all, the situation is not yet clear. If there is a real war, then his Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is nothing more than cannon fodder.

Ever since, Ning Fengzhi politely told the others, and then left the venue.

Leng Xiyue was the only one left, looking thoughtfully at the gradually dispersed audience.

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