Chapter 23 Sven Scum
After looking at the specific output power of the soul guide, Leng Xiyue had a little understanding in her heart.

Ordinary soul power can be understood as an inert energy source, just like harmless electricity, even if the soul guide device is damaged, it will not lead to martyrdom or any dangerous accidents, if it is extracted separately as a weapon-driven energy source, it will not Easy to fire like gunpowder.

If not, not everyone can do it by pouring soul power into a container and storing it as a bomb later.

Only soul masters with relatively pure attributes such as fire elements and thunder elements can directly provide relatively violent soul power. As long as there is a little stimulation from the outside world, they will explode with astonishing kinetic energy. It is not a big problem to replace gunpowder.

Soul masters with this attribute are relatively rare, but in the realm of Wuhun City, aren't there a lot of them?

With this idea in mind, in the next few days, Leng Xiyue used the forge to design more types of firearms in her mind while learning knowledge, and drew the corresponding design drawings.

At the same time, she designed three types of ammunition. The first type is naturally gunpowder bullets, the second type is the recently researched soul power bullet, and the third type is the spiritual energy bullet improved on the basis of soul power bullets. .

Naturally, only she can infuse psionic bullets. There is no need to question the strength of psionic energy. Nowadays, armor does not have corresponding components and cannot release spells or shock waves remotely. However, this is limited to direct use of psionic energy against the enemy. Being able to drive the warhead to be launched as a driving energy will naturally not be subject to this restriction. It can be regarded as a supplement to her long-range attack ability with the help of tools.

Because the purity of psionic energy is relatively high, the strength of the weapon that needs to be adapted to psionic bullets is also higher than the previous two types. This kind of weapon does not need to be sold for money, and it is made for oneself to keep.

There is no such limitation for soul bullets. In theory, a barrel made of ordinary steel can withstand it, but the specific situation needs to be verified in practice.

In terms of strength, psionic energy is greater than soul power than gunpowder. Now that the theory has matured, it is time to find a place to make some and practice it.

Slowly closing the book in her hand, Leng Xiyue stretched.

With the help of the forge, it is not difficult to come up with this pile of design drawings. The difficulty is that she needs to combine Douluo's local resources for research and development. Many minerals have similar functions to those on the earth but have completely different names.

This requires reading a lot of books to understand the principles of these minerals to confirm, especially for soul power weapons, the excitation method must be different from that of gunpowder weapons. Fortunately, suitable substitutes have been found to solve these problems.

Wandering in the ocean of knowledge, it is actually very difficult to relax and entertain, because you will always find a book that you are more interested in, and then pick it up and look it up, it will take you a whole day .

After watching too much, Leng Xiyue thought of Yu Xiaogang, the so-called Continental Theory No. 1. It is estimated that he came here to study with Bibi Dong's status, and it would be anyone who has studied martial arts. I am afraid that everyone can do this. The sages of the Wuhun Temple have never been weak in their research on Wuhun. Yu Xiaogang just stood on the shoulders of these countless Wuhun Temple sages and sorted them out. After realizing something by myself, I dare to lick my face and say that I am No. 1 of the mainland theory.

For example, his signature sentence - 'there is no waste spirit, only waste soul masters' sounds reasonable at first glance, but it is actually pure nonsense.

Yes, the Blue Silver Grass is useless, but it can't stand the innate full soul power?With that innate full soul power, who can't become a Contra?
The vast majority of waste martial souls are called waste martial souls because they cannot activate high innate soul power and have limited potential. For example, Yu Xiaogang himself has a recognized waste martial soul. And he also Indeed, he has no ability to change himself, so he can only keep advocating his own empty theories.

This caused low-status soul masters, such as the students of Notting College, to look down on him. After all, if your theory is as powerful as you say, why can't you break through level [-] with this theory?
But those teachers and principals flattered him as much as possible. Rather than saying that he had any real talents, Leng Xiyue was more inclined to say that this was the elder status he got from Bibi Dong earlier. The local Spirit Hall respected him, and everyone else Naturally, they will try their best to win him over, but the children who are not familiar with the world don't care about these things, their evaluation is definitely sharp.

Yu Xiaogang also has reason to say, if you people can’t understand my theory, it’s hopeless, I’m born with a defect, it’s God’s jealousy, what does it have to do with me.

But he also forgot that everyone's martial soul and soul power are also resigned to fate. Leng Xiyue watched the research on martial arts in order to have the opportunity to confront the master face to face in the future, and found that in the early days of the martial arts hall, there were Several elders visited around, and the investigation found that even among ordinary people who are all useless martial spirits and have no soul power, soul masters with third-level innate soul power or above may be born. The ratio is 80~100:1, which is not low. .

After getting this discovery, several elders promoted the bill that the local Wuhun Hall must go to the villages around the town to open Wuhun every year. In fact, the effect is indeed good. It's a fake, and it is estimated that people have forced the name to be changed long ago.

Then the question arises, since everyone gets their talents by luck, what do you have in Yu Xiaogang?If you don't have enough talent, you will be regarded as a waste soul master?Can anyone with good talent be trained to become a genius?Even if the talent is poor, it will definitely be useless even if it is handed over to the Wuhun Hall for training. Instead, relying on this theory to completely wipe itself out, continue to establish the personality of a theoretical master.

To sum up, Leng Xiyue thinks that Yu Xiaogang is undoubtedly the most disgusting person in all Douluo. Everything he has now is obtained by Bibi Dong, but he abandons her later, instead standing on the commanding heights of morality against her. She lashed out, taking advantage of the convenience brought by Bibi Dong when she could, without any hesitation.

The sad thing is that Wuhundian's own researchers need to go through multiple assessments before they can borrow the books here, and those who are as qualified as her and Bibidong don't have the spare time to do this. Otherwise, clowns like him There is no room for being a demon.

Rather than condemning the master, the most urgent thing is to turn your theoretical ideas into reality first, and quickly earn money to improve your strength. At that time, you can rub it as you want.

The lady librarian still had the same cold expression, she didn't even tell her her own name, she seemed unwilling to take any action or say anything outside of the scope of work, but this time Leng Xiyue approached enthusiastically Hugs, now that she has finally finished her research, she can go back to her mansion and enjoy herself in the past few days before going to Wuhun Academy.

It can be said that she didn't care about these things at all in the past few days. After going back tonight, she had to study the recipes of Douluo Dalu carefully, and asked Javier to arrange a few big meals.

(End of this chapter)

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