Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 219 Judgment Declaration

Chapter 219 Judgment Declaration
Leng Xiyue was lying in a room with floor-to-ceiling windows at this time. Although she was still unconscious at this time, her complexion looked much better, but the wound had not yet healed.

A very gentle-looking woman was sitting beside her, holding a strange flower in her hand, exuding strong and rich healing energy, pouring into her body.

Qian Renxue supported the floor-to-ceiling window with one hand, and looked at the person on the bed with an extremely gloomy expression.

".For the protoss technology we have, extracting a person's memory is so simple, whether you believe it or not, this is a fact that we have already confirmed, and for the connection between the next three sects and Wuhundian, this The matter is not a truth that is difficult to investigate, not to mention us, even an ordinary nobleman can tell a thing or two about this matter."

"Saras, how dare a little platinum bishop issue such an order? To sit in this position, his intelligence must not be questionable, so it is obvious who is instigating him to make such a decision. "

Nishizumi Miho leaned against the back wall, talking to Qian Renxue, while writing and drawing in a notebook, her work efficiency was not affected at all.

"That woman. How dare she?" Qian Renxue looked resentful, obviously Bibi Dong, her mother no longer had the longing for her back then.

At that time, Qian Renxue was 13 years old, and Leng Xiyue was only eight years old. Although it seemed that they were five years behind, they were both children in essence, the kind who really needed the company of their parents.

And now, Qian Renxue is 21 years old. Eight years have passed, and her mentality has changed from letting Bibidong approve to making Wuhundian strong, and the intentional or unintentional words of some people are also revealing to her that her father died the truth.

It was also true that she had long since lost her childhood dependence on Bibi Dong, and even had almost no correspondence with him, which can be described as very indifferent, after all, she was also her own mother, and she didn't like her so much that she didn't hate her.

But now, after this incident happened, Qian Renxue only hated Bibi Dong.

I have nothing, except for my grandfather, there is only such a good sister, are you going to take it away?

Looking at Qian Renxue's angry look, Nishizumi Miho stopped writing, and finally showed a smile on her face: "It may be strange for this decision to be placed on the person who knows the overall situation, but such an abnormal plan , the effect on the Hall of Spirits should be all negative, and I don’t need to repeat the meaning of this.”

"Anyway, I'm not afraid to tell you that after this incident, do you think Xiyue will still work for Bibi Dong when she wakes up? She is not the kind of woman who has no brains, and Bibi Dong has the kindness to know her—of course, This is actually what she won with her martial soul, as for the rest... I can't say."

".I understand." Qian Renxue thought about it carefully, and felt that this matter was not so simple.

If Leng Xiyue really broke with the Hall of Spirits completely, it would undoubtedly be a huge loss. With Leng Xiyue's current strength, it would not be too much to say that she could completely fight against the Hall of Spirits, so what about herself?
The most urgent thing is to find an opportunity to ask Grandpa about his attitude first.

"Okay, compared to this, it's almost time for the official announcement. Would you like to go and have a look with me?"

".it is good."

In order to prepare for this speech, Miho Nishizumi specially asked people to decorate a studio according to the Kyushu Empire, that is, the modern style yesterday. The room was not small. At this time, Qin Menglan was busy with more than 30 people, preparing the live broadcast equipment.

The scope of this live broadcast is not large, basically it will only be promoted within the scope of Tiandou City. Of course, after that, the video tape will be sold to spread the matter to farther places.

In addition to the staff, there are also some guests waiting here. It was the old guys and little monsters like Flender who rushed over after hearing the news.

In addition, Ye Lingling, Yu Tianheng, and Duguyan, the backbone of Huangdou team, are also here. Now that this kind of thing happened, it is not convenient for adults to come, so it is good for them, the juniors, to come and see.

Originally, everyone was still having a heated exchange, but when they saw Xue Qinghe walking in, everyone stood up and saluted: "His Royal Highness."

"There's no need to be too polite." Xue Qinghe waved his hand, then found a seat at random and sat down, without any intention of chatting with anyone else.

Nishizumi Miho came to Qin Menglan's side and asked, "Menglan, how are your preparations going?"

"Everything is ready and can start at any time." Qin Menglan said.

Afterwards, Miho Nishizumi looked at Luo Qianrou who was on the podium again, and Luo Qianrou nodded.

"let's start."

Following Miho Nishizumi's order, various soul guides used to transmit images were turned on one after another, and Luo Qianrou's image soon appeared on various large screens in Tiandou City—these large screens were originally used for Advertising to make money or doing other purposes, thus covering almost every area of ​​Heaven Dou City, and now, this system will also convey the will of the empire.

Luo Qianrou glanced at the soul guides around her, and then slowly said: "People of the Heaven Dou Empire, I am Luo Qianrou, the special envoy of the Nine Provinces Empire, regarding the recent assassination of the Queen, I think it has already shocked most of the people in Tian Dou City. People are terrified of it, and the fact is true. Nearly 200 million imperial troops have been mobilized to the border between the two countries immediately after the incident. Once the queen falls, the empire will no longer investigate the truth and will blame it unconditionally. against everyone in this world, and launched a bloody, cruel, bottomless revenge."

"Fortunately, none of this will happen. Yesterday, the interrogation of the assassin was fruitful. The murderer came from the Flame Demon Sect and the Wind Sword Sect. At the same time, the Shuiyun Sect also conducted help."

"For this reason, on behalf of the Kyushu Empire, I announce that a retaliation against these three sects will be launched in three days. Anyone who belongs to these three sects will be considered guilty, and the empire will punish them physically. They are completely destroying, for the sake of the friendship between the two countries, please actively report all the industries related to these three sects, any person or force who pleads and protects these three sects will be regarded as a declaration of war against the empire."

"In addition, in order to promote the normal signing of the alliance treaty, the empire will completely sever diplomatic relations with the Wuhundian, and all the Wuhundians located in the Kyushu Empire will be expelled from today. The time limit is three days. Those who fail to move out after the time limit will be regarded as illegal entry. The empire will Reserve all rights to dispose of these people."


(End of this chapter)

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