Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 143 Canonization Ceremony

Chapter 143 Canonization Ceremony
As an official visit on behalf of the country, it is naturally impossible to be too hasty and finalize everything in private. Ever since, Leng Xiyue did not negotiate with them too much after returning from the leap, and only agreed on the morning after three days. There was a diplomatic conference at nine o'clock, and I slipped away.

In fact, this is not a disrespectful thing. The so-called guests do as they please, of course they have to obey Leng Xiyue's arrangement.

Three days later, when Ning Fengzhi and Qian Renxue, headed by Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo as bodyguards, came with more than a dozen convoys full of gifts, they saw that the missions of the Spirit Hall were almost as well They arrived at the same time, just passing from opposite sides of the road.

The Wuhundian delegation is naturally headed by the two toolmen, Laoju and Laogui. In addition, there are four cardinals who are not lower than the star level, and the head of the Ministry of Rites, that is, the martial arts. One of the six platinum bishops of the Hall of Souls all came to visit as a mission, and this level of attention was directly full.

In addition to diplomacy, the Ministry of Rites also has the function of recognizing or denying the legitimacy of various kingdoms on the mainland. For this reason, it also has a corresponding system, which is a bit like the Papal State in this respect.

If the Ministry of Rites or the pope does not want to recognize the legitimacy of a certain kingdom, then they can refuse to send a mission and conduct a canonization ceremony. Countries that are not recognized by the Spirit Hall are firstly impossible to establish the Spirit Hall, and secondly, they are diplomatically isolated. Wuhundian will not protect it at the diplomatic level, and the kingdoms that accept Wuhundian canonization cannot communicate with it.

In fact, wars between kingdoms are not uncommon, and the empire will not come forward to mediate, because there is no ability to mediate, and Wuhundian is different. If there is a war, Wuhundian can issue a statement to reduce the casualties of this war. The number of people is strictly controlled, and the maximum amount of territory lost by both sides is stipulated to ensure that the leeks will not be destroyed, or simply send guards to mediate. There are too many places where money can be made.

Over hundreds of years, this seemingly innocuous function has become a powerful and effective constraint.

Similarly, the level of diplomatic missions sent by Wuhundian also represents Wuhundian's attitude towards this new regime. If the establishment of the new kingdom does not get the support of Wuhundian, it is estimated that it will be divided up in a few years up.

Because both Tiandou and Xingluo were established earlier than the Wuhun Palace, the Wuhun Palace did not carry out the ceremony of establishing an empire. It can be said that this is the first time.

"Hey, Sect Master Ning, what, are you going to walk in front of our Spirit Hall?" Yue Guan looked at Ning Fengzhi whose face was already a little ugly, and said with a slight sneer.

The two teams bumped into each other at the gate of the palace, and it became a question of who would go in first. Of course, if you don't know, you might think it was a coincidence. In fact, this ceremony was just a ceremony prepared by Bibi Dong for Leng Xiyue. It’s just a show, and by the way, I took this opportunity to step on Tiandou again. It can be said that Yueguan and the others deliberately controlled the marching time, just to collide with Tiandou’s team. Such effects.

Matters that concern face are never trivial matters, and it is not a concept at all to be criticized without factual basis and to directly fall into the truth. In the back, where is the face of the royal family?

What can Ning Fengzhi do?He didn't dare to really fight against the Spirit Hall, it couldn't even be considered as a choice at all, so he just deliberately showed a hesitant look, and after a few seconds, he smiled and said: "Of course."

Yue Guan gave him an expression that counts you as acquainted, and then waved his hand, and the team started to move on.


Everyone was shocked when they heard that someone dared to stop the Spirit Hall team, but it was the prince Xue Qinghe who walked out slowly and asked Yueguan, "Elder Ju, according to the practice of Spirit Hall, at the imperial level In terms of affairs, Wuhundian has the same authority as Tiandou and Xingluo, I don't think Ju Douluo doesn't know about it?"

Seeing this little ancestor suddenly attacking him, Yueguan was also a little confused, but he still smiled contemptuously, and replied: "But there is always a priority in everything, and there are priorities, and our mission is not just sending money. The one who asked for advice on the strategy of governing the country, but canonized an empress who has been certified as legitimate by the Spirit Hall, and His Royal Highness the crown prince is also a smart person, wouldn't he not know what a mission of our level means?"

As soon as these words came out, Ning Fengzhi didn't know how to answer them. Although what he said was ugly, it was also true. As an empire of a thousand years, their purpose of coming here was indeed to express their gratitude to such an empire that had been formally established for less than two months. Everyone knows that the country asks for advice on experience, but it is extremely embarrassing to be brought up on the stage.

Qian Renxue didn't give in, and still said sternly: "Really? Chrysanthemum Douluo may have forgotten one thing, the Tiandou imperial family actually owns all the real estate and legal claims in the old northern province, and what I want to do On behalf of the royal family, it is announced that these rights are completely invalidated, and the Kyushu Empire will officially become independent from Tiandou and become a real empire, but I don’t know if this matter is more important than your Wuhundian’s declaration? If you think it is, then We can only ask Her Majesty the Queen or Her Majesty the Consul to come out and personally confirm this matter."

What a clever person "this" Yueguan quickly understood Qian Renxue's true intentions, so he pretended to be entangled.

Of course, it is impossible for Leng Xiyue to decide this kind of thing. This is just an exaggerated rhetoric to the outside world, and her real intention is only one, and that is to prove her ability.

The matter has developed to this point. Wuhundian's recognition of the independence of the Kyushu Empire is already a certainty. Your Tiandou legal principles and land ownership are just empty talk during the rule of the Governor's Mansion. In the face of a powerful power guaranteed by Wuhundian It exists like waste paper, and it would be self-defeating to talk about it in the future.

But it’s different now. In this accidental incident, these meaningless clauses are things that can compete with the canonization of Wuhundian. This is equivalent to exchanging a pile of toilet paper for the right to be equal to Wuhundian once. , even if only once, this is undoubtedly a huge diplomatic victory for the Heaven Dou Empire, which has always been afraid to speak loudly in front of the Spirit Hall. Or the common people will get a huge improvement.

At this time, even if Yueguan doesn't need to care about the fact that Xue Qinghe=Qian Renxue, just take off this layer of shame pants, and severely humiliate the Heaven Dou Empire, the final result can only be to discredit the Kyushu Empire ——You two powerful missions quarreled at the gate of the palace. Didn’t it give us some face?
Yue Guan saw this clearly, so after a short thought, he said: "What His Royal Highness said is not unreasonable. If that is the case, then please bring relevant documents and enter with our mission. However, There can only be one person, the Crown Prince, other people cannot represent the royal family, so naturally they cannot enter before our Spirit Hall."

"Yes." Qian Renxue nodded, then took the corresponding document from the attendant, and came to the side of the mission of the Spirit Hall.

Afterwards, she and the two elders walked into the gate of the imperial palace of the Kyushu Empire.

Today's Imperial Palace has also been renovated, including the gates, roads, and major buildings, because the Governor's Mansion originally occupied an extremely large area, and it was even more magnificent than the Tiandou Imperial City in comparison. Now these improvements have been made. After the design, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most luxurious palace in the world.

Before arriving at the palace hall, Yueguan, several bishops, and Xue Qinghe walked up the steps. On both sides of the steps were heavily armed royal guards. Because of privacy concerns, these main members of the royal guards belonging to Leng Xiyue All of them are women, but their momentum and manners are not inferior to anyone. The clothes they wear are designed by Miho Nishizumi. It is said that they are an improved version of the school uniforms of her sister's college in her previous life, and they look very beautiful.

Stepping into the palace hall, I saw more than 60 people standing on both sides. These are the officials elected by Huangyan during this period. The 60 people on the left are in charge of people's livelihood, covering various fields, and the 60 people on the right are in charge of military affairs. Commanders above the division level and senior staff officers.

On weekdays, these people don't deal with official business here, and the specific matters are discussed in the cabinet and parliament formed by Huangyan. Now they can be regarded as a facade, after all, it is not good to be empty.

Leng Xiyue sat on the emperor's throne at the top, with one hand resting on the armrest, looking listless, and was still yawning when several people from Wuhun Hall walked in.

The Bingxue Emperor stood around her like a maid, while Tianmeng and Kaldaris stood at the bottom of the steps, like royal guards with swords.

Ghost Moon Pass each took a few steps back, letting the platinum bishop walk in the front, followed by the other four cardinals, holding a pure gold tray in their hands, each with something on it, namely Tailor-made clothing, scepter, crown and a seal.

"Your Majesty, the Kyushu Empire has been approved by the Pope. You are also the No.3 legitimate emperor in the entire continent. The establishment of the Kyushu Empire is also unprecedented. This huge empire was finally established based on ordinary people. This kind of thinking and martial arts that promote equality and freedom The policies of the Hall of Souls coincide with each other, and I believe that the Kyushu Empire and the Hall of Spirits will have a lot of room for cooperation in the future."

"On behalf of the Spirit Hall, I would like to offer you my most sincere respect."

With that said, the platinum bishop bowed to Leng Xiyue.

According to the regulations, the emperor and the pope belong to the same level, but no one takes it seriously. The status of this depends on the specific strength of a country.

For example, the soft persimmon Tiandou, the emperor can only sit on an equal footing with the Platinum Bishop, not even equal, it is a state of complete suppression, but it is different in Xingluo, how dare the Platinum Bishop and that kind of brutal The emperor who stood out from the struggle clamored, at most, to maintain an equal level of friendship and elevate the position of the pope. Emperor Xingluo also knew that this was the bottom line of the Spirit Hall, and he would not rashly destroy it.

To sum up, the Kyushu Empire, which was able to annihilate the Governor's Mansion and win a complete victory, can at least be on an equal footing with Xingluo in terms of status, and the benevolent policy is also a great bonus, so Bishop Platinum condescends It is actually quite reasonable to be respectful and respectful.

Leng Xiyue slowly walked down from the stage, looked at the platinum bishop, and said with a smile: "My lord bishop praised you a lot. As the beacon of the whole continent, Wuhun Palace also has a lot to learn from. I very much hope that both sides able to communicate deeply.”

After the simple communication, the next step is the specific ceremony, which is not complicated at all. Basically, it is to sign some documents under the joint certification of their respective representatives, so as to make it an effective treaty. Witnesses of the Heaven Dou Empire, incidentally participated, and then signed the treaty for the transfer of the interests of the Heaven Dou Empire.

The signing ceremony was held in the conference room of the side hall, and the whole process was enjoyable. After signing dozens of contracts including land transfer agreements and based on the rights and interests of both parties—for example, the rights of participating teams in the competition that Leng Xiyue was most concerned about , the old chrysanthemum ghost didn't stay any longer, and left with a group of people after being courteous. Before leaving, he didn't want to mock Ning Fengzhi.

After letting Huang Yan and other representatives of their own side go out to negotiate with Tiandou first, only Leng Xiyue and Qian Renxue were left in the conference room except for Bingxue Tianmeng and a few cronies.

Two or three years have passed in this flash, and the changes between the two are not small. In fact, Leng Xiyue can't see any changes in Qian Renxue after she disguised herself.

"Sister Xue, I miss you so much." Leng Xiyue sat next to Qian Renxue and posted it directly.

I don't know why, but Leng Xiyue always has a special sense of dependence on Qian Renxue. Maybe it's because the warm life in Wuhun City was too in line with her fantasy of a better life, or because of her previous life's feelings about Qian Renxue's fate. The regrets and fantasies, this is like the lover in a dream, maybe they are not familiar to that point, but even if they are already familiar, they are like sisters.

For Qian Renxue, this is even more so. Apart from Qian Daoliu, Leng Xiyue can be regarded as her only family member. When these two attracted to each other meet, it's like love at first sight. Oh no, it's like old friends at first sight. Staying together for a long time is not too boring, but when we are separated, there is a feeling of not seeing each other every day.

Qian Renxue touched Leng Xiyue's beautiful hair, then looked at her whole body, and finally smiled with relief: "Sister, you have grown up."

Now Leng Xiyue's strength has reached the level that even she can't see clearly, and her status and layout on the mainland are far beyond her as a lurker. Compared with Leng Xiyue, she seems to have failed very much. It took six years It can be said that it is useless, the other party took about four years to reach the current state, Leng Xiyue has mastered the huge advantage of the Wuhun Temple, and after the establishment of the country, it is basically completely leading the Tiandou Empire. In the future, this advantage will only increase, until the Kyushu Empire launches another war and completely annexes the Heaven Dou Empire.

Compared with her huge strategic plan, what is the difference between what I do and children's play house?

However, what Qian Renxue thought of, Leng Xiyue didn't actually think of, or most of them were made by her subordinate Miho Nishizumi and other staff. What she did seems to be a lot, but in fact it was nothing more than eight words—— Knowing people and making good use of them, making the most of the situation, Leng Xiyue has always had a relatively clear understanding of herself in terms of personal abilities, and even the overall situation is mostly discussed with everyone.

Therefore, in the face of Qian Renxue's praise and the scrutiny of her whole body, Leng Xiyue couldn't help but think of another relatively obvious aspect.

"Hey hey, sister Xue, don't walk around at night, wait for me to play with you at night~"

(End of this chapter)

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