Chapter 123 A battle to set the world

Just as Luo Yuanji was angrily leading many elders to charge, Nishizumi Miho made a suggestion: "Xiyue, let the regular troops retreat, I guess, they should jump the wall in a hurry, if not, the rest of the enemy The number of mobile troops should also be very small, our infantry can be broken up and scattered to the villages and towns for defense, and the armored division can be used as a guerrilla.”

"In this way, after the enemy infantry regiment enters, we can also let the armored troops carry the gas bombs prepared in advance to paralyze those puppet infantry. Sooner or later, they will all die under this guerrilla tactic."

In terms of military affairs, Leng Xiyue thought that he was listening to Miho Nishizumi, so he shouted to the people around him: "That's right, everyone, start retreating! The commanders of each army break up and retreat to each village or town, or It is to enter the rear bunker to organize defense, and a decisive battle will start here, which is no longer suitable for everyone to participate in!"

After receiving the order, everyone took action one after another. The light artillery and machine guns were directly loaded onto the truck and taken away. The heavy artillery was directly disassembled into parts, and they picked as many valuable parts as possible to pack. After all, it is impossible for these heavy artillery to bombard in the hinterland of their own home. Indiscriminate bombing, it is basically useless in the future, and it will take a lot of trouble to take it away. Just take as much as you can. Those larger and low-tech components are probably not captured by the enemy, and it will be the same when you come back to get them. Losing it all is nothing to be distressed about.

Soon, the various troops loaded up their vehicles and quickly withdrew. In their own vast land, there were still many bright and dark forts, which were more than enough to defend against these puppet troops.

Seeing that the large army had withdrawn, Leng Xiyue took out the communication device that Long Tianhe had given him earlier and pressed it.

Nothing happened, and there was even no feedback. Leng Xiyue waited for 2 minutes, but did not see them coming, so she sighed and took out a large iron ball with a smooth surface from the storage space.

Compared with conventional nuclear bombs, this advanced fusion bomb has almost no disadvantages except that it is more powerful, and it will not cause any radiation pollution to the environment. It is basically a conventional weapon with relatively high lethality. It can even be used as a shell or now In this way, it can be used as an explosive package that can be detonated remotely.

After burying this thing here, everyone retreats to the periphery of the explosion. In this way, when those people come, they will detonate directly. Even if it is not guaranteed to kill a few, at least a large area can be seriously injured, and the effect is the same.

But as I said before, the real trouble is after the war. Five masters from the Hidden Dragon Club released pigeons. The current situation may be 23 against 1, and the strength ratio is close to 3:[-] or even more. After all, the opponent may also exist. Super Douluo powerhouse, even more than one, this is not a good thing to say.

And such a bomb can instantly equalize such a huge disadvantage, which is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

Leng Xiyue has prepared three such bombs. Since they are going to be bombed, it is better to be more thorough, so that Tianmeng and the others will be less stressed.

So, under Leng Xiyue's instigation, these three big iron balls were buried in three different directions, so as to ensure that there was always a nuclear bomb waiting for them on the only way the enemy had to pass.

Seeing that the enemy's figure had appeared in the distance, Leng Xiyue took out the remote control, and as long as most of them entered the explosion range, they would directly detonate and kill them.

Just when Leng Xiyue was extremely nervous, five figures rushed over from far to near.

"Little friend Leng, we are here."

Those who came were the five elders of the Hidden Dragon Society. Perhaps they had been around here for a long time, but they chose to come at this time because they wanted to put some pressure on Leng Xiyue. After all, if there was no nuclear bomb finale, she would probably I have become an ant on a hot pot, thinking about where to run.

Seeing a few people coming, Leng Xiyue was also relieved, but she didn't show a good face, and said in a strange way: "It's good that the elders are here, otherwise I thought, you Yinlong would be afraid of the governor's mansion and Yong Ye." What about the coalition formed by the parliament?"

Long Tianhe smiled embarrassingly, but did not refute. Anyway, this matter is really not very authentic.

On the distant horizon, the densely packed army stopped at a distance of tens of thousands of meters, but in the sky, there were [-] figures flying towards them rapidly.

After a short period of anger, Luo Yuanji had recovered his calm. Although the main force was almost completely annihilated, the situation was not impossible—as long as the million puppet soldiers in his hands were turned into steel divisions like the enemy, The Heaven Dou Empire can still only get what it wants, and dare not speak too much, and can even dominate the arms trade, which is more lucrative than the slave trade. Thinking about it this way, the future is not pessimistic.

And the premise of all this is that this Titled Douluo level battle has won a decisive victory.

Seeing that the enemy's main force had all withdrawn, leaving a battle field with a radius of nearly [-] meters, he knew that the enemy was also planning to fight a decisive battle, so he shouted loudly to the surrounding elders: "Everyone, open the martial soul!" Real body, this time we must fight to determine the universe!"


Everyone understands the truth that one person can ascend to heaven. Only when the Governor's Mansion is with them can they live in peace. Without the "Peace and Prosperity" built by the Governor's Mansion, they can only live without a fixed place and wander around. root duckweed.

Their fighting will is even more united than regular soul master troops.

In addition to the ten titled Douluo of the Eternal Night Council, there are as many as 11 people in the Governor's Mansion. A few years ago, Luo Yuanji's strength was only Contra, but after accepting the inheritance of the family's sages, he not only obtained an inherited red soul Ring, the strength has also reached level 95.

In addition to himself, there are also ten titled Douluo-level powerhouses, but only two are living loyalists of the Governor's Mansion, and the remaining eight, like most puppet soldiers, were his ancestors when the Governor's Mansion was strong. Captured some relatively strong Titled Douluo with strength above level 93 on the mainland, refined them into puppets that retained all their combat capabilities, but unconditionally obeyed the orders of the past generations of speakers, it was the strongest guarantee for the younger generation .

This ability is somewhat similar to Tianmeng's. The difference is that this ability does not come from a certain person, but is realized through some treasure land or treasure. Most of the puppet soldiers are also refined and sealed here by slaves. This is also the basis for the Governor's Mansion to gain a foothold on the mainland.

The puppets made in this way need to be supplemented when they are activated. For example, ordinary puppet soldiers still need to eat, and these titled Douluo-level puppets need a lot of soul power supplement. This is undoubtedly a huge consumption. The level of Meng's method that can perfectly guarantee that the soul power system in the body will not be destroyed is more than a little bit worse.

But no matter what, these are real strong men. Even in Luo Yuanji, who only has two die-hard Title Douluo-level loyalists, who can be said to be the weakest of the weak, no one dares to provoke him. It can be assumed that this place does not exist. After all, in order to punish the gangsters and eradicate the evil, the price of directly confronting more than a dozen titled Douluo powerhouses is really too high.

As for the remaining two, they are wild titled Douluo who fled to the northern provinces. They don't even have titles. He barely became a Titled Douluo after practicing hard in the deep mountains and old forests. In order to live a good life, he chose to come to the northern provinces and work for the Governor's Mansion, in exchange for the right to be rooted here and pass on.

And the composition of the Eternal Night Council is very pure, almost all of them are evil soul masters, in order to legally kill a large number of people or to promote their own cultivation through torture, and they don't have the courage to kill the capital. The soul hall was tightly pressed, and it took root in the "free" country of the northern province.

But the ten titled Douluo were not all of the Eternal Night Council, not even half of them. Of the ten people sent, seven of them had soul powers between 91 and 93, and two of them had reached level 95.

In addition, there was an old man wrapped in a black robe, not to mention Luo Yuanji, even the other members of the Eternal Night Council didn't know his identity, but he was a Titled Douluo.

After receiving Luo Yuanji's order, everyone activated their spirits one after another and opened their avatars. All of a sudden, the sky was covered with all kinds of dazzling spirits. The evil spirits of the Eternal Night Council activated their avatars After that, there was a feeling of covering the sky and the sun, and the blue sky was darkened.

On the other hand, in the Governor's Mansion, except for Luo Yuanji and the two diehards who turned into dark spirits with pure desolation and death aura, completely different from the Eternal Night Council, the rest of the puppet titled Douluo were shining with all kinds of light , golden light, flames, and thunder are numerous, and you can even see the Clear Sky Hammer and Nine Heart Begonia Wuhun among them.

These are all amazing geniuses of the past dynasties, and they are all legendary figures of that era. It is also true that under the hunting of the Governor's Mansion, their bodies are sealed here forever to work for these enemies.

But the old man with a mysterious background just looked at them with a smile and didn't activate them, as if he was watching a show.

This immediately aroused the doubts and dissatisfaction of the others, but the big battle is imminent, and there will be no more than one and no more, so Luo Yuanji ignored him, pointed directly at the people in Leng Xiyue below, and shouted sharply:


In an instant, many titled Douluo powerhouses turned into meteors and rushed directly towards Leng Xiyue and the others. The huge aura shook the sky and the earth, enough to make anyone terrified.

But Leng Xiyue just smiled slightly, and said softly: "Everyone, let's do it!"

"It should have been this way!"

Hearing these words, the Ice Empress was the first to be unable to bear it, and immediately removed the human disguise and recovered her body. Then her body continued to grow, and finally turned into a giant ice emerald emperor scorpion with a height of 30 meters.

The rest of the people also activated their spirit avatars one after another. Tianmeng leaped onto the head of the Ice Emperor, and the spiritual field spread instantly, providing spiritual detection for all friendly troops. It became the original form of formless, slightly illusory form, flying above Tianmeng and Bingdi.

Even the two ghosts and chrysanthemums looked extremely cool after activating their martial soul avatars. Yueguan stepped on a huge chrysanthemum slowly into the sky, and ghosts turned into ghosts and floated beside him.

The five elders of the Hidden Dragon Society directly turned into five giant dragons, and the corresponding pure elements surged around them. Those who rushed to the Eternal Night Council without hesitation formed a formation before everyone in the Governor's Mansion could react. A barrier was formed to completely isolate them from the nine titled Douluo of the Eternal Night Council, cutting off the connection with the outside world.

Compared with everyone else, Kaldaris is the most shameless. After all, he can't fly. The only change is that the light blade in his hand has changed into a green form.

Because Leng Xiyue's strength was too low, in order to avoid being affected, she retreated to the back, while Tianmeng was the commander of the entire battle.

As the spiritual domain completely covered the enemies, Tianmeng soon discovered that something was wrong with these enemies.

"Huh, these people are actually puppets? Yes, Ice Empress Snow Empress, directly activate your fusion domain and control them!"


After receiving Tianmeng's instructions, the two daughters of Ice and Snow immediately launched their own domains. The Ice Emperor's Perpetual Frozen Domain and the Snow Emperor's Snow Dance Yaoyang were activated at the same time. The entire battlefield instantly became extremely cold, and even the air was frozen. It seems that in this range, whether it is flowers, trees, or stones, the earth has become extremely hard. Although they do not change from the outside, their inner molecular structure is completely destroyed by this cold.

At the same time, the sky was also covered by dark clouds, and it was snowing heavily.

The Snow Emperor lightly raised his hand, and the originally soft snowflakes melted instantly, but under the Ice Emperor's domain, they turned into ice cones with extreme ice strength. Under the control of the Snow Emperor, they became as sharp as a blade, turning into The endless rain of arrows attacked the enemy from all directions.

In her domain, these snowflakes are almost endless, any enemy will be wiped out of all soul power under this domain, and finally die.

Forcibly attacking is also stupid, because in this field with a radius of thousands of miles, she can appear anywhere, while consuming it, she can use her powerful attack ability to kill the enemy.

With the blessing of the Ice Empress, this power consumption becomes even more terrifying, and the extreme cold can also greatly hinder the enemy's ability to move. It can be said that if it is a home battle, even ten Titled Douluo will only be killed indiscriminately. portion.

It is precisely because of the existence of the two emperors of ice and snow that the extreme north can be called a forbidden place than the Star Dou Great Forest, because even Super Douluo can't find any benefits here, but going to the inner circle of the Star Dou Great Forest They can also beat the autumn wind, even when the neighbors, the Governor's Mansion and the Eternal Night Council, did not dare to provoke them at all when they were at their strongest.

In other words, they have been provoked, but the result is to leave a legend of the inviolability of the extreme north to the world.

It's a pity that this is not a place in the extreme north, and the weather conditions are far inferior. In the case of an away game, the power will be limited, but even so, it is scary enough.

Countless ice picks scratched those titled Douluo's bodies, some of them were just scratched with some sparks, while auxiliary systems like Jiuxin Haitang were directly penetrated, bringing out a series of blood flowers, but this kind of The injury will heal quickly.

Just like its function, killing is not the main purpose, it is the consumption of soul power, and when the soul power is exhausted, it is time to be beheaded by a sword.

(End of this chapter)

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