Chapter 121

On the extreme northern plain about 200 kilometers away from the Icecrown Barrier, the [-] million army led by the Governor's Mansion has already stationed here, and temporarily built a large fortress comparable to a city.

On the top floor of the castle in the center, Luo Yuanji was looking at the three pieces of information that had just been presented.

Looking at it, he suddenly laughed out loud: "Oh, it really is a child, who doesn't know how to control people at all, even if he looks down on him, he shouldn't show it in front of others."

After mocking Leng Xiyue, Luo Yuanji pressed a button on the table, and after a while, five men in heavy armor came up and knelt down in front of him.

"Lord Governor."

Luo Yuanji motioned for them to save their lives, and then handed them the three pieces of information: "This is the enemy's latest combat arrangement. After mutual verification by three Contra-level cronies, I think it is extremely reliable. Gao, let's see how to deal with it."

Several people passed it on to each other and looked at it, and then you looked at me and I looked at you, all of them showed doubts on their faces, and finally a general in golden armor who looked like the leader stood up: "This Governor, is the enemy's plan too childish? I am worried that this may be some kind of conspiracy, or the enemy's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain."

"Why, Marshal Xu thinks the source of this information is inaccurate?" Luo Yuanji glanced at the leader, with a smile still on his face, but there was a feeling that there was a knife hidden in the smile.

"...Your Excellency Governor's intelligence network, I naturally dare not question it. If the enemy really arranges it like this, then our chances of winning can be more than [-]%. Extreme Ice City is not considered a strategic point, but the tens of thousands of defenders in the city can rely on the defensive line. A bulwark that is not so easy to take, but if the enemy's armored divisions are not removed"

"So what? We originally planned to use the enemy's armored forces as the enemy. If the enemy sends them out, we will directly face them. If they are transferred away or sneak attack the rear, it will only make our operations smoother."

Luo Yuanji waved his hand nonchalantly. He didn't underestimate the enemy, and it wasn't that he didn't know the worries of the people in front of him. He simply thought it was unnecessary, because the enemy's armored force was their focus of attack, so he built a large number of armored forces. Equipped to cope.

If you can come, then it is natural to fight directly. With the blessing of various equipment, you are not afraid at all. If you don't come, it is really the enemy who sold a fatal flaw and let them win for nothing.

200 million to [-], and today is different from the past, the threat of armored divisions to their regular troops has been greatly weakened, if this is still timid, just go home and take the children.

Seeing what Luo Yuanji said, Xu Rui is also the first and the second eldest.

His marshal is not a position that was originally established. In fact, the direct troops of the Governor's Mansion were very loose, with a number of only about 20, and there was no need for a large number of puppet troops. Growth, and only then did some commanders be summoned.

Xu Rui was originally a captain of the Royal Knights of the Heaven Dou Empire. He also commanded several battles involving more than [-] people, and the victories were quite fruitful. Unfortunately, he had to escape here because he was framed by his colleagues. His strength is justified. He is a Contra, and this kind of strength can be mixed in the northern provinces. He chose to join the forces of the Governor's Mansion and became an existence similar to the captain of security, but he was in charge of the city defense of Extreme Ice City.

Where does the former northern province need any city defense?This position is similar to that of a vacant position, but it is also considered a fat job. You can collect tolls from some small forces, and you can be considered to have no worries about food and clothing.

It wasn't until now that the battle was about to start that his talents were not remembered, and he was also the supreme commander of the Governor's Palace Legion.

However, because his strength is only a low-level Soul Douluo, most people in the Governor's Mansion looked down on him, but Luo Yuanji turned a deaf ear to him.

So what can we do?It's all here, not to mention the treatment offered by the other party is really generous, so let's call first!
"In that case, Governor, our staff has already drawn up three plans, and I hope you can choose one, and we can launch an attack at dawn." After speaking, Xu Rui handed over three plans.

Luo Yuanji took a look, and soon frowned.

These plans are all designated according to the enemy's defense line. The northern provinces are mostly plains, so the enemy built a huge defense line like the Great Wall on this plain with the huge advantage of early weapons. It was named Icecrown Barrier, and the heavy artillery There are countless machine guns. There are 5 regular troops and about [-] militia volunteers. These volunteers are not proficient in using high-end weapons.

But on such a large-scale battlefield, not to mention militias, even civilians who can shoot and change bullets can kill several people with random shots. The characteristic of this fortress is that it supports quickly. Vehicles such as trucks can quickly realize the deployment of defense lines, focusing on defending the attacked position. Although there is an absolute advantage in numbers, it is obvious that directly attacking the enemy's Icecrown Fortress will definitely cause great casualties.

Unless you don't think about it after the war, this is definitely a bad idea. You must know that although the Tiandou Empire seems harmless, if you know that the Governor's Mansion has been wiped out, no matter how gentle the emperor is, it is impossible to let it go. The feat of opening up the frontier.

Thinking of this, Luo Yuanji threw this plan aside and looked at the second plan.

This second plan is actually exactly the same as the previous information, it is to bypass the line of defense, go around from the extreme north or simply from the Heaven Dou Empire, but this is too troublesome, the reason why the extreme north travels with the north The provinces are separated because although the northern provinces are also very cold, they can still be inhabited, and there are also pleasant climates in spring and summer.

On the other hand, the extreme north is a real purgatory. The seasons are freezing cold, and the temperature drops by tens of degrees after crossing the dividing line. If there is not enough cold protection equipment, crossing here will undoubtedly cause huge losses.

After all, the armored divisions dare to cross because they have vehicles, and the personnel don’t need to be exposed outside, and there are carbon coatings that can insulate against the cold. If your army composed of infantry and cavalry dares to cross the extreme north, how much is it? It's a little ignorant.

Of course, it wasn't fools who made the plan, and they didn't intend to let the regular troops enter, but formed a surprise army composed entirely of soul masters to sneak attack there. It is obviously not feasible to collide and give for nothing.

As for the Heaven Dou Empire, it seems impossible, but in fact it is the most possible. It only needs to submit a letter and give the royal family enough benefits. I'm ashamed, there's nothing I can't promise for money.

However, the cycle of this kind of plan is a bit long, and it will take at least a week to finalize it. For Luo Yuanji who is eager to seek a decisive battle, this is obviously not a good idea.

Then, there is only one last option.

Although the northern provinces are mostly plains, they are not all plains. There is a relatively large forest in the middle of the border between the two sides. There are some soul beasts living in it. The strongest strength is only 3 to [-] years. That's basically the same as nothing, just push it all the way.

But here, the enemy didn't connect the entire Icecrown Barrier, but built some bunkers at the end of the forest. Each bunker had no more than a few dozen defense personnel. Although it was relatively dense, it could effectively prevent outsiders from sneaking in, but it was better than being connected as one to support each other. The defense of the Icecrown Barrier is extremely weak. It seems that they use this forest as a natural barrier. After all, there are still many soul beasts living here, and the terrain is relatively bad. Most people would not attack from here.

This is also the plan most respected by the General Staff. If soul masters, cavalry, and targeted 30 heavy armor units are used as the guide, ordinary infantry will guard the periphery of the forest to avoid being outflanked. The Chinese army followed closely behind and attacked Stormwind City. The line of defense would be self-defeating. If the main force of the enemy returned to help, then it would be fine for the troops in front of them to attack directly. No matter how you look at it, it is an excellent plan.

Luo Yuanji felt more and more satisfied the more he watched it, so he quickly set the tone.

"Okay, Xu Rui, just follow this plan." Yes! "After receiving the instruction, several people immediately returned to their legion and began to arrange the details of the battle.

After dawn, the army set off one after another, and 30 elite troops composed of cavalry, soul masters, and heavy armor units left the station and rushed to the forest in the middle of the Icecrown barrier.

Behind the 30 main force, there are 70 Luo Yuanji's Central Infantry Corps and 50 backup. Experts above Douluo are among them, and the defenders will build a defensive line outside the forest to defend against possible Icecrown garrison defenders.

As for the remaining 50, it is to defend the mainland and dispatch it at any time.

Everything looks so well-organized, although there is a lot of movement in the coordinated attack of the millions of troops, and the enemy must have discovered this battle plan, but what is the use?Luo Yuanji firmly believed that the enemy had no countermeasures at all.

Play wild?Without armored divisions, no matter how powerful the guns are, the heavy armored units facing them will be torn to pieces sooner or later. However, his flying soul masters always report the location of the enemy armored divisions and confirm that they are indeed in the extreme north. Detour to the land, so look at it, the overall situation is settled.

Thinking about it this way, Luo Yuanji simply went directly to the expedition, and kept urging the main army to speed up. He already thought that he would get the full set of technological output from Stormwind City, and use it to become a force stronger than the Empire, thus leaving the northern province This corner of the land has begun to dominate the mainland.

Until a heavily armored soldier stepped on an iron lump while advancing and made a click.

This heavy-armored army is often the first to charge. In order to prevent these people from fleeing in fear of death, the main force is basically a puppet army except for soul masters. They will only charge according to orders, without fear of life or death.

It is obviously not normal to step on such a strange device in the forest. It stands to reason that one should stop and check it out, but the puppet soldier ignored it and continued to move forward.

A deafening explosion sounded, and the heavily armored soldier was immediately blown to pieces. The fragments from the explosion also spread to other people around him, but because the surrounding soldiers were also wearing heavy armor, they did not cause any damage. Whatever this scene says, move on.

But soon, explosions sounded one after another, and the heavy armored troops did not do much damage, but it would be different if they exploded among the soul master troops or cavalry, the fragments were undoubtedly specially used for anti-personnel, and the thickness of the armor was not as thick as that of the heavy armored infantry The cavalry legion and soul masters with no armor at all are extremely lethal. It is okay for high-level soul masters, but for lower-level soul masters, it is really bad luck. Often a fragment penetrates their vitals position can kill them.

"Stop!" Seeing this weird scene, Luo Yuanji hurriedly called a stop, and then called Xu Rui over.

"Marshal Xu, what's going on, this situation isn't in the plan, is it?" Luo Yuanji looked at Xu Rui, his expression gradually becoming unkind.

This forward journey was only halfway through, and this situation came across. If this continues all the way, tens of thousands of people will die before they open up.

"Your Excellency, you don't have to worry. These may be some traps they set up. Although we don't have the corresponding tools to find out in time, as long as we mobilize [-] puppet soldiers to let them open the way, it will be enough to open up a safe road."

Xu Rui's ability is still there. If he was in the Tiandou Empire army, he could only watch this situation. There is no good way, but in the northern provinces where morality and bottom line are extremely low, let the puppet soldiers directly Just open the way.

Anyway, if [-] people died, then [-] more slaves would be captured and supplemented. On this point, he and Luo Yuanji were surprisingly consistent.

"Good idea, but it's not necessary." Of course Luo Yuanji thought the same way, and he couldn't help showing some appreciation for Xu Rui. He didn't care about the life and death of the puppet soldiers, but right now, he obviously had a better idea: "Elder Li, your ability should be able to solve this situation?"

Hearing Luo Yuanji's words, an unremarkable old man stood up and replied respectfully: "Yes, just leave it to the old man."

As soon as the words fell, nine spirit rings appeared behind the third elder, and then he took a step forward, leaping into the air, and a black spirit ring behind him suddenly lit up.

Then, a burst of energy gushed out from his palm, turned into thousands of thin threads, penetrated into the ground, pulled out all the buried mines, and was condensed into a huge iron ball under his control. Don't look directly into the distance.

With a loud explosion, the trouble caused by these little things disappeared invisible.

"Okay, let's move on." Luo Yuanji waved his hand, signaling the large army to move on.

Without these gadgets, the enemy seemed to be dead. The forest directly became a thoroughfare. Soon, the 50 troops passed through the forest and directly faced the surrounding bunker defense lines.

Looking at the sparse bunker in front of him, he could even see the panicked expressions of the people inside. Seeing this, Luo Yuanji couldn't help but smile contemptuously, and then waved his hand abruptly:

"Army attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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