Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 115 The Road to Homecoming

Chapter 115 The Road to Homecoming
Miho Nishizumi's thoughts were indeed very meticulous.

Leng Xiyue has realized this more than once, and now she has once again realized the gap between her dead house and a real leader.

Of course, she won't feel inferior because of this, after all, she was summoned by herself, "It's still Miho who is thoughtful~"

Next, Leng Xiyue and Nishizumi Miho are ready to arrange the next plan.

Although the team has expanded to 2000 people, this is far from enough. The number of standing troops that the Governor's Mansion can mobilize is about 20 to 50, but it may also be 200 million.

It depends on how low the moral bottom line of the Government House is.

In order to deal with these possible huge numbers of enemies, Leng Xiyue also carried a sufficient number of weapons and equipment, which can even arm tens of thousands of people, and the ammunition is very sufficient, so mobilizing the local residents has become a very necessary task, at least they Should help with some repairs and logistics.

Tianmeng has already sent people to deal with this matter. A hundred teams have been formed to distribute the food and meat that have been robbed of many big dogs from door to door, and to carry out a wave of publicity along the way.

Just when everything was going smoothly, a person wearing a white cloak came to the City Lord's Mansion with firm eyes.

If there is no factual basis, no matter how much words are spoken, the essence is extremely empty, but the fact is that almost all evil people have been executed. Even after the streets have been cleaned, the bloody smell has not dissipated, and it will even last for a long time.

This made everyone realize that this new force was not ordinary, and Huang Yan made up his mind to pay a visit.

The defense of the City Lord's Mansion has already been taken over by the guards at this time, and the security is very strict. Seeing someone approaching, he immediately became vigilant: "Stop, who is coming?"

"Everyone, I come from an organization composed of northern aborigines, and I hope to meet your leader." Huang Yan bowed at ninety degrees, and still kept his posture extremely low for these soldiers.

The guards did not pretend to say this, "Wait a minute, let's go ask for instructions."

After 2 minutes, the person who went to ask for instructions came back.

"Come in, the leader and marshal are waiting for you in the living room."

"Thank you."

Leading the way by a guard, Huang Yan soon saw the leader and marshal that the guards said - two girls who were about the same age as his daughter.

Seeing Huang Yan's arrival, Leng Xiyue was very enthusiastic, stood up and greeted him: "Hello, friend, I think you are the hunter of the Northern Lands lurking in Stormwind City, right?"

Hearing Leng Xiyue's words, Huang Yan couldn't help explaining: "My lords, the title of Northern Land Hunter is actually a great insult to us. We are essentially just some poor people who gathered together to survive. 10,000+ people who have nothing to do with each other People, brought together by the most humble and primal desires, describe us as an armed mob."

"Actually, if it weren't for the pressure of the living environment, no one would be willing to take up arms. Everyone wants to live a peaceful and stable life. Even becoming a poor peasant under the empire is much better than it is now."

"Is that so? I'm sorry, I didn't think about it properly." Leng Xiyue apologized.

Hearing Leng Xiyue's apology, Huang Yan said in trepidation: "How could I blame you? Your achievements in one day are even more brilliant than what we have achieved in hundreds of years. For us, it is already a completely invincible existence, but you wantonly slaughtered it like a chicken. The death of every villain means that several, dozens or even hundreds of my compatriots will survive under their butcher knife .”

"Therefore, I pray that you can provide our compatriots with some high-quality weapons, which may give them some advantages in survival."

Leng Xiyue didn't reply, she just walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and opened the huge curtains.

Accompanied by a glare of sunlight, the scene of the city also appeared in front of them from an excellent viewing angle.


"My lord, just call me Huang Yan."

"Okay, brother Huangyan, what do you think of this city?"

Aside from the bloodstains that have not been cleaned up and the damaged buildings caused by the artillery fire, this city is more in line with Leng Xiyue's fantasy of this kind of western fantasy city than Tiandou City or Wuhun City. It's snowing, but some gorgeous and even incredible buildings are still born. For example, the function of the city lord's mansion is beyond imagination, and it can even be described as advanced. The underground passage for running can even Let the two light tanks run side by side, which saved them a lot of trouble.

Of course, Leng Xiyue is also very clear that behind most of these buildings that can be described as gorgeous, there are large areas of ordinary people's residential areas. These dilapidated residential areas are completely covered. From here or The office on the higher floor can't even see a corner. This design seems to be to... avoid spoiling the interest?

Hearing Leng Xiyue's words, Huang Yan replied: "I have never appreciated this city, and I don't want to see this bustling area, because every brick and tile here is built with the lives of our compatriots for hundreds of years. It's all made up of a little bit."

"So, what if I hand over this city to you, let you become independent countries, and provide full military support? Are you willing to take on the responsibility of liberating the northern province? Even if this road will be very difficult, Even doomed, but once successful, all those dark forces can be wiped out and the entire northern province can be completely liberated."

Hearing this, Huang Yan shook his head: "If that's the case, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. We can accept being ruled, even enslaved - after all, with your kindness, I'm afraid you just let us do some work for free. It will also provide food, and it is impossible to destroy us physically and mentally, which is already a very generous condition."

"However, I still have self-knowledge about us. The system we have survived and established is not suitable for maintaining governance at all, so that there is no sufficient ability to respond to various things. If you do not command as our leader, then we It can’t work either.”

Do you think that structural problems make you unable to be independent?
This can't help but make Leng Xiyue very curious: "So, what is your daily life like? Why did this happen? If you have a leader, he will be the king and assume the responsibility of coordinating the overall situation. This should be Isn't it difficult?"

"There will be no king. Our society has no classes. All are equals. There is no leader. The only thing that connects us is the belief that we have been oppressed. Although resources are scarce and food is scarce, it is Everyone shares equally, and no one is willing to let other compatriots who are in trouble eat less in order to eat more, and everyone has maintained a very high moral standard."

"The people living here are all spontaneously organizing actions, relying on their personal prestige to win over the team, and go out to rescue people on a regular basis, while others will scrape together their own few resources to support, and there has never been any superior to deploy or command , this can be regarded as romance in hardship, but you also know that if such an environment similar to Xanadu is used to really rule a city, it will be a disaster."

Leng Xiyue was already deep in thought at this time.

Why is the system that Huang Yan said so similar to anarchy?

This is a kind of pure utopia, because it is completely unrealistic for one person to have one idea, so that everyone has a very high moral standard, so it has almost never succeeded.

However, it succeeded in this place. As a system that more than [-] people rely on, without a leader, the suggestions of respected people are almost equivalent to instructions, but this kind of instruction is not mandatory, which means that you can do it, and you can do it. It is not necessary to do it, no one will be held accountable for this, and the final effect of the implementation must be ineffective according to common sense.

But for the people of the North, this seems to be the best system, because the slaves have experienced the hell of hell together, everyone is like a family, without any barriers, and they are willing to sacrifice their lives to defend their compatriots, Because their lives are worthless, so I don't care.

From Leng Xiyue's point of view, to have such a high moral standard, no matter what kind of political system is adopted, it will be extremely easy to control.

"What you said makes sense, then, if you want, you can come to Stormwind City, follow my instructions, and jointly fight against the potential threats of Silvermoon City and Extreme Ice City. Of course, I will definitely not stay here in the end. But it will leave you with a fully operational system to ensure that you can live in peace here."

Hearing this, Huang Yan knelt down on his knees without hesitation: "Of order, Sir, I'll go back to promote it."

After speaking, he walked away quickly.

Miho Nishizumi walked up to Leng Xiyue and looked at Huang Yan's back downstairs: "If it goes well, this will provide us with [-] to [-] people who are good at fighting. If we can organize two army divisions, then we The odds of success are great.”

"I'm not in a hurry." Leng Xiyue touched her chin, she didn't expect to have a decisive battle with them so early: "There are such rich mineral resources here, the materials seized by the City Lord's Mansion alone are about 150 million gold soul coins , and the minerals in the warehouses are piled up like mountains, and there are many types. These minerals may allow us to build some more medium tanks, or a few main battles."

With more and bigger tanks, this also means that the combat power is even more amazing. Although she has gone through the one-sided annihilation battle in Stormwind City, she still wants to remain cautious.

"Well, the resources in this area are gradually being integrated. However, the current main development direction is to transform this place into an industrial city. The forge should give priority to manufacturing various equipment. In this way, ordinary products such as bullets and shells do not need to be produced again. It's wasting the capacity of the forge."

"In terms of workers, the blacksmiths we brought in can generally understand the process in this area, and then recruit a large number of local workers. This is also a good thing to improve people's livelihood."

"Okay, you can make arrangements for Miho, and I can also transfer my purifier team to you first. In the past two days, Tianmeng, Kardalis and I will go to the extreme north to see if we can get his wife Get over with my wife's wife."

Miho Nishizumi thought for a while, and this complicated network of relationships made her shudder instantly: "Wait, isn't Tianmeng's body an ice silkworm?"

"Hey, this is why you underestimate silkworms. What's wrong with silkworms? Silkworms can also have a magnificent life. Isn't it a small thing to have a little love?"

Miho Nishizumi thought it was the same. If Leng Xiyue hadn't told her, she would have thought Tianmeng they were human beings.

But what the hell is this wife's wife!
Nishizumi Miho is not a person who asks the truth, anyway, she will know in two days, so she said softly: "Okay, be careful on the road, I'm here."

"Hmm, don't worry~"

"Jie Jie Jie, my brother Tianmeng is finally back!"

Tianmeng carried Leng Xiyue, chrysalis excitedly in the snow.

It was different from the scene when I came to the extreme north. After entering from the direction of Stormwind City, I saw a huge ice field with few mountains, but there were many forests and lakes.

I have to say that this kind of beautiful snow scene really makes Leng Xiyue intoxicated. If I can bring a few friends here for skiing or snowball fights, I will be very happy.

"Speaking of which, Tianmeng, isn't it a bit early for the two of us to come here?" Leng Xiyue said with a little worry.

It is not time for her to make a breakthrough yet, but if I can invite the Ice Emperor out, there is actually a great benefit, that is, to expand her high-end combat power. If the Ice Empress can join the battle in the form of her body, it will definitely be of great help. horrifying.

The previous battle could absorb 30 experience points, so it can be seen that it is actually very fast to break through to the Soul Sect.

If you wait for a direct sacrifice, the Ice Emperor will probably start as the Soul King, so it's better to pull it out and use it now.

The idea is indeed very good, but Leng Xiyue always feels that this seems a bit too much. The most important thing is that Tianmeng is like this, can he really catch up with the Bingdi?

"Don't worry, if you follow the normal speed of cultivation, the age of the Ice Emperor is about 29 years now, and he is about to pass the catastrophe. The only problem is the Snow Emperor. I am worried that the Snow Emperor will not let him go." Tianmeng sighed tone.

"Snow Empress? How could she do that?"

"Snow Empress is very lonely. I used to treat Ice Empress and me as relatives. Although I can get a very stable increase in strength by her side, it also means that I will never be able to surpass Ice Empress, thus proving that I have the power to protect her." , propose marriage to her."

"So I left. At that time, I was already a 10-year-old soul beast. I was able to protect myself. I wandered the entire northern land. In order to obtain a leap in cultivation, it turned out that I did succeed."

"That's true, but after saying this, I feel that the hope is even more bleak. Now that the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor are living well, is it really okay for us to take the Ice Emperor?" Leng Xiyue originally remembered that the Ice Emperor liked it. Xuedi, but Xuedi just regarded Bingdi as his younger sister, and broke her back for her happiness, and then became a loving family under Huo Guabong.

But if even Bingdi's family is gone, it would be desperate to think about it. Leng Xiyue would rather not have Bingdi than snatch Xuedi's only family member.

"So, we might as well pack them together." Tianmeng said seriously: "If you can become a human, who is still staying in this shitty place? Unlike Ice Empress, Snow Empress is extremely yearning for the human world, so there is always something in the Northland." Some legends about Snow Maiden are actually left behind when she secretly sneaked into the human world for sightseeing."

"That way, no one will feel bad about it."

"That makes sense, so where should we find them?"

Tianmeng, who was crawling, suddenly stopped and raised her head to look at the sky, only to see that it was snowing heavily at some point.

Looking at the two hazy figures in the distance, Tianmeng sighed and said, "They have already arrived."

Leng Xiyue followed Tianmeng's gaze, only to see a scorpion that was not as big as Tianmeng slowly approaching them. Beside the scorpion, there was an extremely beautiful woman floating quietly in the air. air.

She was wearing a long white dress, she looked very plain, without any decorations, but she looked extremely noble, as proud as a winter plum, with long white hair hanging down to her calf, and sky blue eyes ethereal and transparent , as if able to see through everything in the world.

She is so beautiful that she is completely unable to arouse the heart of blasphemy, but she has a faint melancholy temperament, even if she does not know her past, it still makes Leng Xiyue feel a heartache.

Before Xue Di could speak, an angry shout came over:

"Tianmeng! You bastard, how dare you come back!"

After that, dozens of ice cones flew straight towards Tianmeng.

"Damn it!" Tianmeng was frightened to death, if the Ice Emperor's attack hit him, he wouldn't be half dead!
Fortunately, he reacted very quickly, threw Leng Xiyue to Kardalis, and then ran away.

Unexpectedly, the ice pick seems to have eyes, chasing after him.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of it, Tianmeng had a plan and ran in the direction of Xuedi and Bingdi instead.

However, the speed of the ice pick was extremely fast, with a distance of more than ten meters, all the dozens of ice picks sank into his body, and the force was so great that it directly nailed him to the ground.

The blood soon stained the ground red, Tianmeng struggled and squirmed twice, but soon fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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