Chapter 381 Lin's Tragedy?

Liu Wenshan glared at Lu Yong,
"Okay, are you still fighting with Qingcheng and his wife? With just one phone call from Qingcheng, Ye Lanshan can make you kneel on the washboard all night, look at your ugly face!"

...Puff Chi...

Chen Yan smiled and said:

"Director, you don't slap people in the face when you hit someone. Your level of slapping in the face is really getting higher and higher."

Liu Wenshan's face darkened,
"Okay, you two, don't be poor, talk about business, come and listen to me!"

"Qingcheng, what happened last night? These people are locked in the police station. Lu Yong and Chen Yan are also at a loss. They don't know where to start the trial."

Hearing Liu Wenshan's words, Lin Qingcheng pondered for a while, and said lightly:
"Director, you are an old man in the police station. Do you still have any memory when the Lin's Escort Bureau was destroyed?"

"The tragedy of the Lin family?"

The three of them glanced at each other in astonishment~
"Director, I will not be able to explain this matter clearly for a while, but I will give you a suggestion, temporarily imprison these people, the reason is that they are trying to attack the Gujia Hotel, stop it quietly, and see what happened later, and then Ask Lu Yong and Chen Yan to closely monitor Zhou Yong's mansion. According to my analysis, Li Luoyin jumped off the building. The Lin family's tragedy back then is inextricably linked to the Zhou family. daughter……"

"What? Is this~ for real?"

The three of them glanced at each other and were even more astonished~
Lin Qingcheng paused for a while, then said indifferently:

"Director, I heard about the Lin family tragedy when I was in the United States. It was a rare and strange case at that time. The method used was extremely brutal, clean and neat, without leaving any traces. I once heard that the Metropolitan Police Department also A lot of police force has been invested to solve this case with all their strength, but in the end it just goes nowhere, is that right?"

Liu Wenshan calmed down,
"Yeah, Qingcheng, at that time I was not the chief of the department, but a section chief in the Metropolitan Police Department, similar to Lu Yong's status now. A chivalrous, bold and unrestrained man with a temperament, but few people have actually seen him. Although our police station has conducted various investigations, we have not found any clues, but now you are telling me that these people who are locked up, It actually has something to do with the case back then, which really shocked us, after all, it happened many years ago..."

"Director, some things will show their feet sooner or later. No, there are clues slowly surfacing right now. Therefore, the capital is not peaceful recently, please be more careful, since the people involved in the case dared to show up again , it means that they can't hold back anymore, and they are ready to move. After all, people die for money, birds die for food, and the dark forces in the capital have never been static."

"When has it ever stopped?"

Lin Qingcheng's words were like thunder, causing the three of them to fall into silence for an instant~
a long time,

Liu Wenshan asked with concern:

"Qingcheng, you and Master Gu, if you need anything, please speak up, we will do our best to protect your safety."

"Director, thank you, we don't need it!"

Gu Jingxuan's indifferent voice came from the microphone.

hang up the phone,

Liu Wenshan frowned,

The wind and rain are about to come and the building is full of wind, is it really like what Lin Qingcheng said, the capital is not peaceful now, why did they not notice that Gu Jingxuan handed these people over to the police station, did he have other intentions?

Thinking of this, he said seriously:
"Lu Yong, Chen Yan, you immediately arrange people to closely monitor every move of Zhou Yong's family, and report anytime you have something to do!"

"Yes, Director!"

Lu Yong and Chen Yan answered at attention, and then walked out immediately.

Liu Wenshan sat on the chair, put his hands on his forehead, and the scene of the Lin family tragedy came to mind...

(End of this chapter)

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