I escape infinitely in the mirror world

Chapter 150 The Black and White Train to Happiness 91

Chapter 150 The Black and White Train to Happiness 91
At that time, she thought that because of their cooperative relationship, Bai Mu would be willing to choose to guarantee the lives of all of them first, and make sure that they could all pass the level of "fullness and happiness" before talking about other things.

Because of this, he went to exchange them for food, and the matter of entering the No. [-] car had to be put aside for a while to see if there was any chance later.

But now the matter of satiety and happiness is over, according to what Yun Luo said, Bai Mu asked them to go to the trading car together, and then transfer the current happiness value to ensure that they all enter the No. [-] car.

Calculated in this way, if you think about it in terms of the upper limit of the current happiness value of [-], it will not match up at all.

Then it can only be that there is a problem with the upper limit of Bai Curtain's current happiness value, or there is no upper limit, at least it cannot be the upper limit of [-].

Not only is the upper limit moved up or there is no upper limit, but his own current happiness value should also reach a very high position.

Then, in the game system setting, when the lower limit and upper limit of the current happiness value of all players are negative one hundred and one hundred, how did he break the upper limit?

Yun Luo met Shen Qianwei's gaze and said, "Don't forget, there are all kinds of props in games, and real-life survival games are no exception."

"Props?" Shen Qianwei was stunned for a moment, "You mean, players can buy various props from NPCs?"

"Yeah." Yun Luo nodded.

"If you want to take the initiative to buy, players can make any transactions with various NPCs in the trading car. This type of purchase is usually traded with NPCs with real-world money."

"I don't know if there are other special props, but I can confirm that there are various prop cards for the items that can be purchased."

"Item cards have various functions. After purchasing, players can choose how to use them according to the functions of the item card."

"Specifically, if you need it, you can ask the NPC at the counter in the trading compartment. As far as I know, the NPC at that location is actually helping players answer questions."

Shen Xiwei pondered for a while, and then asked: "Then can I buy item cards with functions such as breaking through the upper limit of the current happiness value in the trading car?"

"I really don't know." Yun Luo spread her hands.

"I only know that item cards with this type of function can be triggered passively. The trigger point is that when you get the current happiness value at the moment, the cumulative total exceeds the upper limit of [-]."

"However, whether you can actually obtain this kind of item card may also be related to the player's personal life happiness value, so there is no way to get a specific answer."

"As for whether this kind of item card can be purchased actively, I don't know about it." Yun Luo said.

Shen Qianwei sighed, "Okay, I understand."

After the five people arrived at the trading compartment, Bai Mu first went to the compartment with that person to make a deal, and after the transaction was completed, that person left.

Bai Mu and Miao Chengsheng and Shen Qianwei entered the cubicle one by one, and carried out a partial transfer of the current happiness value.

After it was over, Yun Luo looked at the three people standing in front of her, and said with a smile, "Should we go to carriage No. [-] now?"

"Let's go." Bai Mu replied with a smile.

"Come on! I'm so looking forward to what it's like there! What's the difference from here!" Miao Chengsheng became excited and rubbed his palms excitedly.

The four of them walked quickly towards the No. [-] carriage, and when they actually stood in front of the carriage door, they all felt a strange feeling in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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